Extraction Of Iron Ore

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 404
  • Pages: 6


• Although only 0.2 per cent of the state's workers are engaged in mining and quarrying, New York ranks third among the states in the variety of its mineral products, and twentieth Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

 Among other minerals which will be sought in northeast Pakistan, iron ore may be of primary importance. New deposits of iron would be additions to those already known at Kalabagh which are considered to contain sufficient reserves to supply the Multan iron and steel plant under construction in 1957. Limestone for the plant is still being sought nearby. Indian iron ore output was estimated at over 2,000,000 tons for 1957, responding to demands of increased steel production.

Japanese interests are surveying some areas in Borneo, Indonesia, in hopes of finding sufficient reserves of iron ore to warrant the development of an open pit mining operation.The trend of raw-material producing areas of the world to participate to a greater degree in the benefits of the minerals industry was increased, as plans were evolved to install primary processing and manufacturing plants for finished and semifinished metallic products at or near the site of mineral extraction. 

At the end of World War II, only two types of uranium ore were considered as potential sources of the metal; in the past few years, about 24 types of ore deposits have been recognized as worthy of treatment for uranium extraction.

At the moment, therefore, more thought was being given taconite. New scientific methods were being adopted for extracting high grade iron ore from magnetic taconite rock and concentrating it in a pellet form usable in blast furnaces.

The dependence of the world on the central African nation of Zaïre as its principal source of cobalt was pointed up this year when extraction of copper, and of the associated byproduct cobalt, was temporarily halted by the warfare in Shaba manganese ore output between 1976 and 1977, which was chiefly the result of a massive decrease of output in Brazil, world production turned slightly upward in 1978, to an estimated 22.5 m problems encountered in the sinking of a shaft may be great, especially if water-bearing strata need to be pierced. The water-bearing strata must be cemented or frozen before excavation begins, and lining the shaft with concrete becomes necessary.

GUIDED BY Kulwinder Singh Jagpal Singh

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