Extra Home

  • June 2020
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EXP PERIENCE ARC A CHIT TECT TUR RE FROM TH HE DES SK OF LARRY Y LANE E Welcom me to Expperiencee Architeecture 7 Steps S to Creating C g an Extrraordinarry Homee


Dear Frieend,

c ons on yourr commitmennt to taking your Welcomee to Experieence Architeecture, and congratulatio home and your life to t the next level. l As yoou begin thiss program, you y are taking the first steps towards transforming g the level of vitality you y experiennce within one of yourr most impoortant y now beccause they haave represennted a investmeents. I am excited to sharre these principles with you breakthroough in physsical and em motional vibrrancy for a countless c nuumber of fam milies througghout the natioon. Experience Architectture is an oppportunity not n just to wish w for a beetter place too call home butt to really liv ve in an extrraordinary pllace.

Getting to t that extrao ordinary plaace has oftenn required hoomeowners to t endure ann endless nuumber of challenges. We alll have heardd or have livved through horror stories during a constructionn of a new hom me. Difficulties obtaining permits. p ntractor dissappears in the middle of tearing out o everythiing. The con Neighborss complain about dust and noise cooming from m your aparttment. Costt over-runs. Constrruction Delaays. Difficult Building Man nagers.

All of these isses (an nd many moore) stack uppon each othher until you feel that theere is no paiinless way out. This jourrnal is desig gned to helpp you navigaate through the design and construuction process by using a simple seven n step methodd. I believe that t there is immense i value in each of o the seven www.LaneArchitecture.blogspot.com   

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nal. This maanual is not meant to bee used as a substitute s foor the many other sections in this journ importannt things that t you will learn from ourr monthly newsletter, at our blog (www.LaaneArchitectture.blogspoot.com), CD’’s, and DVD D’s. If there are a topics thaat you wouldd like more claarification ab bout, feel freee to call us during our weekly radiio show whiich is aired every e Monday at 5:30 PM EST. Our lisstener call-inn number is 1-646-595-22228. You caan also call (212( 594-20077) or fax (212-594-2039)) to our officce with yourr questions.

Since I began b study ying the methods that have h becom me Experiencce Architectture almost three decades ago, a the queestion I havee attempted to t answer iss how do wee transform the t quality of o our homes – and thus ou ur lives – at the most peersonal level? Our vitaliity – physiccal and emottional passion – starts at th he most basiic level: spaacial percepttion is the fuundamental key to achieeving every othher dream th hat we have for f our ideall home. The “home” thaat this bookleet refers to is one that is wiithin an existting multi-faamily dwelliing in New York Y City.

Enjoy thiis program, but b more im mportantly, usse it! In ordeer to obtain your y ideal hoome, you neeed to bring thiis journal wiith you duriing your hom me search and a review it i throughouut the designn and constructtion processes. Congratuulations oncce again on making the commitmennt to take acction, and to crreating an ex xtraordinary place for yoou and your family to livve. Utilizingg the principlles of Experiennce Architectture, you tooo can have thhe dream hom me that you always desired.

Live Welll, Warmestt regards,

Larry R. Lane C. Lane Arcchitecture + Design, P.C


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“M Mid Pleasures and places p thou ugh we maay roam, Bee it ever soo humble, there’s noo place likee home.”  John Howard H Payyne  (17 791‐1852)


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The T Sevvenn Sttepss To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee

THE ULTIMA U ATE OR RGANIZING PRINCI P IPLE Givee yourseelf a goood founndation during Step One O so thhe Other O S Steps wiill be eaasier forr you. Adheering to the 7 Stteps willl create a home that you deservve! Gett ting Star rted

During g Design n

During Constr ruction n




Good Founda ation

Schemaatic Desiign

Biidding/N Negotiatting



Design D D Develop pment

Coonstructtion Ad dministrration



Constru uction D Docume ents

Th he Movee-In


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The T Sevvenn Sttepss To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee

Sttep 1: 1 Geetting Started S d Clariffy your lifestylle The desiggn elements that form ouur home couuld be viewedd as a wheell with three parts. p ™ The T axial reprresents yourr core emotioons. These raarely changee. They affecct how you perceive everrything arounnd you. ™ The T spokes of the wheel is i where ourr radiant attriibutes can bee observed. These are soome of the activitiies that are formed fo from our core belliefs. ™ The T outer edg ge of the wheel is where the “rubber hits the roadd.” These arre the practiccal isssues that heelp make all other o parts of o the wheel function. (T This also describes all spec. homes). Use the previous p notes page to joot down anytthing else thhat is importaant to have inn your new home. Thhis will be yo our first annnotated “skettch” of your new home. After A you write w down soome key pointts that are im mportant to you, y you will begin to beetter visualizze what yourr extraordinaary home willl become.

All specc homes arre from th he “Outer Edge” – Only. O

Cor re Issues tthat describe the  inneer you that rarely changes. 

Radiant Issues thatt affect your  day to day life. 

Oute er Issues th hat contain yo our  extrao ordinary homee. 


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EXP PERIENCE ARC A CHIT TECT TUR RE Cor re Issues: 1. W What do you want to feell while in yoour home? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. What W are you ur fears? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Are A you usuaally pressed for f time? ................................................................ Yes No 4. Are A you eageer for efficienncy? ....................................................................... Yes No 5. Do D you cravee conveniencce? .......................................................................... Yes No 6. Do D you only want w to deall with compeetent people?? ................................... Yes No 7. Do D you want your life maade easier? ............................................................ Yes No 8. Do D you need to have a hoome that youu can be prouud to show colleagues?.. c Yes No 9. Do D you feel lo ove betweenn yourself annd others? .......................................... Yes No 10. Do D you wantt that love exxpressed in your y home? ........................................ Yes No

diant Issue es: Rad If so, how often? 1. D Do you enterttain? ….. Yees No o ______________________________ 2. What W are all of o the activitties that you expect to peerform in yoour new hom me? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Do D you like classical, c conntemporary, or eclectic innteriors? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Do D you have any collectioons that shouuld be desiggned into youur next homee? Yes No 5. Do D you want pets in yourr home? ................................................................ Yes No 6. Do D you need an outdoor space? s .................................................................... Yes No 7. For a BBQ? ................................................................................................ Yes No 8. For a kid’s po ool? ........................................................................................ Yes No 9. For fresh air?? ............................................................................................... Yes No 10. Do D you cook?? ............................................................................................. Yes No 11. Do D you need extra space in the kitcheen? ....................................................... Yes No 12. Do D you like to o relax in a Jacuzzi J afterr a tough dayy at work?...................... Yes No 13. Do D you exerccise in your home? h ……............................................................ Yes No 14. Where W do you u like to readd? ………… …......................................................... Yes No 15. Will W you be expecting e moore family members m to liive with youu (new born child c or a eldderly parent?) …… ……………… ……………… …........................................................... Yes No


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EXP PERIENCE ARC A CHIT TECT TUR RE Out ter Issues s: 1. H How many beedrooms andd bathrooms do you needd? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Does D it need to t be close to work, a scchool, opera house, a subbway/bus stoop, etc.? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. What W neighbo orhood do yoou want to liive in? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Do D you have a schedule of o when you must move into this new w home? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Do D you have a budget? Iff so, what is it? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 6. Who W will be making m the critical c decissions – you alone a or youur family? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 7. Where W will th he resources come from to create andd maintain your y home? ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 8. Do D you have any experiennce in past renovation r prrojects? If soo, what was successful and a w was disaappointing? what ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________ 9. Will W this be your y primaryy residence? ........................................................... Yes No 10. Do D you need extra space for storage? ........................................................... Yes No 11. Do D you want to invest a little extra upp front on syystems that will w save eneergy or bringg otther operatio ons savings and a paybackk over time?.............................................Yes No


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Whatt to look k for whhile visiiting proospectivve homes Your realtor r will w be abble to shoow manyy places on o the market. m Soome might fit f the neeeds that you y just wrote w dow wn. Here are a some tips that will make each e visitt a lot morre beneficcial for yoou. n senses:: Using your own Don’t only rely on o your eyes to identify problems. p Y might waant to bring a friend alonng so You both of you can listen for anyy noises that may be distturbing - succh as squeakiing floors orr soundds of street traffic. t Use your y sense of smell. If thhe place smeells damp andd musty, theere might be a waterprooofing probllem. Musty smells s and sttains indicatte damp. Cauuses can be hard h to trackk down, and treatm ments are oft ften expensivve and very disruptive. d Yourr nose will allert you to gaas leaks.

The walls can talk… t If youu find diagon nal cracks inn the plaster or brick wallls: that meaan that the flooor is probabbly saggiing. If you fiind horizontaal cracks: that means thaat there has been b horizonntal forces onn the wall (like ( strong winds, saggiing ceiling/rroof, or a shaarp and suddden impact was w placed uppon that wall). w All of these might require a hiigher construuction cost too remedy. If youu want to en nlarge the batthroom, do you y have enoough room to allow a whheelchair to spin withiin a 5 foot diiameter circlle? You will need to com mply with haandicapped requirements r s for anythhing that is altered. a Flakiing paint ind dicates a lackk of maintenaance or imprroper preparration under a fairly new w coat of paint. Paint ap pplied over stteel that apppears rough or o bubbled, or o shows russt stains, indicates corrosio on. This wouuld require a fair amountt of work to restore painnt to a good condiition. Loadd bearing wallls do not sound hollow when tappedd. They usuaally do not have h columnss in them either. www.LaneArchitecture.blogspot.com   

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EXP PERIENCE ARC A CHIT TECT TUR RE Try all a doors, win ndows, lightt switches, ellectric hot pllates and tapps. Have the agent or ow wner of thee house dem monstrate gass appliances in case they are difficultt to turn off. Turn on the lights and check for bulges inn the ceilingg. Bulges couuld be the results of old way from thhe framing annd would need to be repllaced. Generral mould annd plasteer sagging aw stainiing indicatess inadequate ventilation and condenssation. Norm mally, you caan tell if the floors are sloping, but a small level (or even by rolling a maarble) can be b useful to check. c Makee sure all win ndows open and are freee of rot or othher damage. Rotted winddows generaally need to be replaced. Moveement in buiildings is oftten evident inn door openiings. Doors tend to be sqquare, but thhe openiings they aree in may havve moved. Also,, make sure that t your furrniture will fit f throuugh the doorss and hallwaays. Are there t enough h wall outletss (electric poower pointts) to serve your y lamps and a appliancees? Check the inside of bathroom m cabinets foor stain or moold. Is theere sufficientt ventilation in the bathrroom? Operate each toillet and makee sure that thhe flush goes down quickly and comppletely. Makee sure that alll the servicees you need, such as pow wer, water, phone p and gaas, are availaable and inn working order. Check the meter box to see thhe house hass a residual current c devicce (RCD) forr extra safetyy ults or acciddents. Safety switches aree compulsorry in houses built after 19992. with electrical fau old wiring. If I you find exposed wirinng in easy reeach that is not n protectedd by Neveer touch or ho conduuit, it could be b a sign of illegal wirinng and shoulld be looked into. Turn on each tap and listen foor banging inn the pipes. This is calleed water ham mmer and is causeed by loose pipes. p They may m require securing or a water-ham mmer arresteer may need to be installled by a plu umber. www.LaneArchitecture.blogspot.com 


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The T Sevvenn Sttepss To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee

Write down d eveerything that t you liiked and disliked about a the apartmennts that yoou visited. Which ones o met your needds from your y notess? Address



Call us u to see th he apartmeent with yoou. Our teleephone num mber is 212-594-20007. www.LaneArchitecture.blogspot.com   

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The T Sevvenn Sttepss To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee

Sttep 2: 2 Duuring Design D n - Schhematicc Design Now yoou have com mpleted sttep one andd have decided whichh apartmennt to buy. Let’s L transforrm your neew apartm ment into ann extraordinary place! This is where thee fun really begins. It caan be an exxciting stepp for you iff you folloow the stepps below:

1. 2.



Review the t notes thhat you wrrote on the previous pages p withh your archhitect your lifesttyle and neeeds. so they can better understand u a alteration agreeement from m your building b m manager. The Obtain an alteration n agreemennt will stippulate the rules of the t house. What aree the permitted d hours of o construcction? Caan the eleevators be used by the contracto ors? Does the t buildinng allow their tenantss to install air conditiioner units thro ough their walls and windows?? Will theyy allow condensers to t be installed on their teerraces or roofs? r our buildiing manaagement Ask yo company y for planss of the building. b Need help h finding an architectt? Existing floor planns can heelp your Call 2112-594-20077 for a free CD C architect locate pluumbing riseers, load that wiill tell you how h to choosse bearing walls, w and will give clues to and coompensate ann architect. what typ pe of renovvations maay have been don ne previoussly. Another place thaat you can find existing floor planns is at thhe New York Citty Departm ment of Buuildings. An expeediter cann assist you y by researchiing for the drawings for you. Call us (212-594--2007) forr phone numbers of expeditters that yoou could hire. 


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Here is what w your y a archit ect shhould be S 2… 2 doinng durring Step 1. T They will meet withh you to learn l abouut y your needss. A writtten versioon of youur n needs is callled a “proggram.” 2. They T will visit youur new appartment to t m measure th he space in order too draw thhe existing floor plan. 3. The T architect will establish the desiggn sccope, gen neral conncepts, annd spaciaal reelationship ps.

Larry LLane 

Here is an Op ption fo or

Exxperience Bassed Architect

Some e Home Owners O s: Hirre a constru uction man nager at th his time.  Thiss managerr could be tthe architeect, but it  iss usually a contractor. A constrruction  manager willl work witth the arch hitect to  devvelop consttruction deetails, and w will work  with h the homee owner to keep the p project on  timee, and on b budget. Thiis person m might also  become the b builder if the owner cchooses  not bid the pro oject out to o other con ntractors  during Steep 4. 


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The T Sevvenn Sttepss To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee

Sttep 3: 3 Duuring Design D n Deveelopmeent After thhe schemattic design has been approved by b you, thhe architect will begiin to expand upon the approved studies of Step 2 andd develop more detaailed drawiings. Here aree some of the outcom mes that wiill be created during this t step:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

pects of thee proposedd design aree illustrateed. Other asp Floor plaans show alll the room ms in correcct size andd shape. Outline specificatio s ons are preppared listinng the major materiaals and room m finishes. hitect veriffies that thee design coomplies wiith buildingg codes. The Arch Engineerrs are consuulted to design the structure, mechanical m and electriical systems. mes, Step 2 and Step 3 are combbined into one o phase of o Sometim architectu ural services called “Design “ Deevelopmennt.” A model might be built b in ordder to betteer visualizee the designned spacess. This mod del might be b built witth card boaard or it miight be a virtual v moddel with the help h of com mputer aniimated softtware.

View a virtual walk‐‐through aat   neArchitectture.blogspot.com  www.Lan


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The T Sevvenn Sttepss To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee

Sttep 4: 4 Coonstrucction Docum D ments Once thhe Owner has h approved the Dessign Develoopment phhase, the Arrchitect prepares detailed constructio c on or workking drawinngs. We ussed to know w of these construcction draw wings as “bllueprints.””

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Compareed to the otther steps, this t is the step that thhe architecct will spennd most of th heir time. The consstruction drrawings wiill show thhe dimensioons of the spaces. s Thhey will also indicate thhe finishes and the geeneral relattionships of o the buildding parts. a writtenn in this steep. This may m be incoorporated inn Specificaations are also the drawiings or it might m be a separate boook. The specificatio s ons describbe the materrials that arre to be used during the t construuction proccess. The Conttractor willl use the coonstructionn documennts to estabblish the actual constructtion cost annd build thhe project. These draawings andd specificaations becoome part off the constrruction contract.


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Reso ources: Audio CD C . DVD-

Larry y Lane explaaining when one needs ann architect too design theiir dream hom me Main n Street Revitalization.


Go Where W the Mooney Is, Marrketing Yourr Downtownn to the Affluuent.


Secreets of Successsful Historicc Storefrontss.


for CO OOP Owners


for Co ommercial Real R Estate Innvestors

Weekly Podcast P at www.LaneA w Architecture.bblogspot.com m

Call‐in to ourr weekly radio o show on Mo ondays, 5:30 PM EST at  (646) 595‐22 228  www.BlogTa alkRadio.com//LaneArchiteccture

What are a people saying ab bout Lane Architecture + Design? ust really hap ppy with it. We e were please e with the who ole process which w generallly produced “We are ju results tha at were far be etter than wha at I even imag gined. We we ere very pleassed with your services…Alll of our expecctations were exceeded.” D Victor Belffi Dr. H Homeowner We are most m pleased with w how the apt. a came outt. Since we were w largely absent a during the project, I especiallyy appreciate the ease of wo orking with yo ou and Beton. I would defiinitely recomm mend you or give g a positive reference. K Kerry Clayton n H Homeowner h that we e are working with Lane Arrchitecture + Design. D We re eally needed your architecctural “I am so happy expertise on this projec ct.” Iw wana Herdzik k Beton Builders s


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The T e Seeven Step S ps To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee

Sttep 5: 5 Biddding//Negottiation This steep will usee the consttruction doocuments to t select a contractorr and to obbtain permits to build th he project.

Sele ecting a co ontrac ctor

(iif you deecided noot to go the

construcction manaager route during Steep 2):




The Arcchitect cann help too prepare bidding documentts as well as invitation ns to bid and instrructions too bidders,, the condditions off the contract, and the form off agreemennt betweeen the Ow wner and the Contracto or. If the Owner is invitinng severral Cos st Cutting Tips: Contracto ors to bidd, the Arrchitect caan review th he bids andd advise thhe Owner as a Whe en a project is sent out to to which Contractor to hire. several genera al contracto ors for wner seleects and hires thhe The Ow a competitive c bid, the Owner O can obtain more re eliable Contracto or. Therefo fore, the Owner O has a con costs if f the struction separate contract with w the Arrchitect annd construction documentss are another with w the Coontractor.

Ow wner



thorrough a and de etailed. Otherwise, all of the bid ds will be pricin ng diffferent assumptions and willl be difficult to co ompare to o one ano other. Also, some contractors intentionally leave onstruction costs out certain co t can add them in nto the so they projject at a hig gher margin n once thatt receive the contra act to build.


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The T Sevvenn Sttepss To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee

Subm mitting g Dr rawing gs to o Yo our Building Mana agement for r their r review w and appro oval: 1. 2.

Before you can subbmit any of o the draw wings, you will first need n to haave a representtative of thhe buildingg sign-off upon u the Department D t of Buildiing’s forms. w use to make it much m Our officce has a coomprehenssive checkk list that we easier forr architectss to submiit their draw wings to thhe building managem ment and get them t approoved durinng their firrst review.. Call our office at 2122 594-2007 7 for your copy. c

Obta aining Permit ts: 1.


Expediterrs are peoople who know k how w and where to file for permitts in NYC. Th hey create the paper work thatt the Depaartment of Buildings and the Land dmark Com mmission require. r Thhey spend endless hoours waitinng in lines at th he municippalities in order o to prresent the paper p workk to the corrrect bureaucraat. Expeditters do thiss brain num mbing worrk for a feee and they earn it. Hire one o and yoou will bee able to obtain o yourr permits without loosing your san nity. Your architect should be b able to help youu find a good g expediterr for your project. p In the NY YC Departtment of Buildings (D DOB), therre are two different tyypes of appliccations forr interior alteration a permits. One O is callled Alteraation Type 1 an nd the otheer is Type 2. a. Alterration Typee 1 is requuired when there is a change to the Certifi ficate of Occcupancy of o a buildiing. The Alt. A 1 appliication is used u to chaange the maximum m n number off persons for f a spacee, to changge the area, to chang ge the occupancy or use groupp of a spacce, and/or the t changee the descrription of a space. This T type of o permit must m be siigned off by b a build ding officiaal – a bureaucrat. Thhings progrress at a buureaucrat pace, p you probably p w not reeceive the sign off too suit youur schedulee but will theirss.


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EXP PERIENCE ARC A CHIT TECT TUR RE b. Alterration Typpe 2 may be used when therre is no change too the Certificaate of Occupancy. During D the majority m of the time, ann Alteratioon Type 2 is filed under Direcctive 14. Thiis is whenn the appplicant or another NYS N Larry Lane intervviews an Registerred PE/RA A may signnoff the appplication with expertt NYC Expeediter a Directtive 14 Finnal Inspectiion. who discusses d th he 3. The T permitt fees thatt the DOB B chargess are differeent types of o permit currently based upon u the actual consstruction costs. So, if you y have gold g platedd bathroom m fixtures,, the appliccations thatt are in permits will costt more thhan if youu had cheeaper the City. Downlooad your finishes. The DO OB will probably ask for your y podcast at:  contracttor’s bills to verifyy the accuuracy of your y www.LaneArch hitecture. declaredd constructtion costs. blogsp pot.com.  4. A permit cannot be b “pulleed” until the applicattion for a permit haas been appproved byy the municippalities. It might m takee a few weeeks to recceive an approv val of the permit p appplication froom the Lanndmark Coommissionn and from the DOB.

How do d you know k if you y need d to file e at the New N Yor rk City Landm mark Pre eservation Com mmission n before e filing at a the Ne ew York City C Dep partment of Buildings?

Click on our Lin nks  att  www w.LaneeArchitecturee.blogsspot.co om Go o to the N NYC DOB  B BIS to find d out if  your building has  aany pre‐existing  violations

Go tto the NYYC  Laandmark  Preeservation n  mission w web  Comm site to o see if yo our  buildin ng is on th heir  Landm mark Distrrict  Maps 

If yyour street sign is  b brown ins stead of  greeen, then n you are  probably in a  Laandmark District


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The T Sevvenn Sttepss To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee


“Home a  a place no ot  only o  of strong   affectio ons, but o of  entire un nreserved d; it  is life’ss undresss  rehea arsal, its  backrroom, its   dressin ng room.””  Harriet Beeecher Sto owe  ●




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The T Sevvenn Sttepss To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee

Sttep 6: 6 Coonstrucction Admini A istratioon While the t Contraactor will physically p build the project, thhe Architeect has sevveral servicess to offer to o the Owneer.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


The Arch hitect can assist a the Owner O by making m sitee visits to observe o thee constructtion to deteermine, in general, iff the projecct is being built b according g to the plaans and speecificationns. The Arch hitect may also review w and apprrove the Coontractor'ss applicatioons for paym ment, processs change orders, o andd generallyy keep the Owner O informed d of the prooject's proggress. The Arch hitect may need to obbserve certaain things that he is committed c to include in n a report. This reporrt is part off the Direcctive 14 thaat was discussed d in Step 5. The Conttractor is solely respoonsible forr constructiion methodds, techniqques, scheduless, and proccedures. The Own ner can prootect themsselves and their buildding from thhe being suued for unpaiid invoicess that the geeneral contractor receives from m their sub-contracto ors by insissting that thhe general contractorr submit a lien l waiver. This lien waiver should be siggned by alll contractors prior to being paidd any paym ments from m the Owneer. Some con ntractors asked a to be paid a perrcentage off their overrall constructtion costs when w certaain phases of o construcction are coomplete. Another way w to com mpensate thhe contractor is by using the Am merican Institute of o Architecct’s forms G702 and G703 Appplications for f Paymennt. This form m keeps traack of eachh individuaal subcontrractor’s prices, percentag ge of each completedd task, and the amounnts that is held h back from f being paiid until thee final paym ment. Clickk on the AIIA Docum ments link at a www.Lan neArchiteccture.blogsspot.com too downloadd your coppy.


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Jouurnal While it is fresh on your y mind, write w down what w you enjooyed during the construcction process and what yo ou could be improved. Share S this feeed back withh your archittect.


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The T Sevvenn Sttepss To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee

Sttep 7: 7 Moove In! If you followed the t first siix steps, then you should s now w have ann extraordiinary home - a home off your dream ms.

Penthousse near SOHO, NYC Fifth Ave. A Aparttment, NYC C


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The T Sevvenn Sttepss To Creatiing an Extraor E rdinaryy Homee “In oveer a decad de of inveesting in real r estate,, I have NEVER N encounteredd an architecct of the caliber off Larry Laane who is i proactivve about informing i and workingg with me as an invvestor! All the otherr architects I have ever e dealt with were veery passivee and show wed no inteerest in fullly engaginng with mee as a cliennt to help mee make my y project a success s byy saving mee time andd money. How H refresshing it is to meet m a pro ofessional who actuaally cares about a my needs n as an a investorr and who takkes the time to get mee up to speeed on critiical success factors foor my project. The cooolest thing g about working w wiith a true professionnal like Mr. M Lane, who actuallyy cares abo out the suuccess of my m project, is the comfort c off knowing that someonne with traained eyes is lookingg out for me m and myy project’ss best interrests from thee very beg ginning. Thhis is so much m better than only relying onn the contraactor or my expertise, e because thhere are soo many deetails that we don’t know wheen it comes to t a buildiing’s consttruction annd design. I stronglyy recommeend that iff you are worrking on a residentiall or commeercial project do whaatever is neecessary too get Mr. Lanne on your team from m the very beginning! b !” Marlene Green G Real Esta ate Investor/Entrepreneur, Jersey City, NJ N

Lane Architec A cture + Design, D P.C. th 2331 West 299 Street, Suite S 805 New Yoork, NY 100001 Tel: 212-594-20007 Fax: 212-594-20 2 039 www w.LaneArchhitecture.blogspot.com Weekly y radio shoow is airedd every Moonday at 5:330 PM EST T at www.BloogTalkRaddio.com/LaaneArchiteecture Listeneer Call-in Number N is 646-595-22228


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