Extended Essay Checklist

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 460
  • Pages: 2
EXTENDED ESSAY CHECKLIST Use the following checklist to help you meet the IB General Assessment Criteria. Hand this checklist in with the final draft of your Extended Essay. Criteria A -- The Research Question __My research question is clearly and precisely stated in the early part of the essay. __My research question is sharply focused and not a broad generalization. __My research question lends itself to a systematic investigation that can be effectively dealt within the context and word limit of an extended essay. B -- Approach to the Question __My essay develops my specific research question. __The approach I have chosen is appropriate to the type of research question I have developed. C -- Analysis/Interpretation __I have included relevant materials, sources, data and evidence in my essay. __I have not included irrelevant information in my essay. __I have effectively analyzed the evidence/material/sources/data in my essay. D -- Argument/Evaluation __My essay is a convincing argument that addresses my research question. __My essay is well organized into paragraphs, sub-headings/sub-topics. __My evaluation of sources and/or data is appropriate and fully substantiated. __I have, through the use of proper grammatical forms, clearly expressed my ideas. __I have proof read my essay and have used proper essay formatting. E – Conclusion __I have written a conclusion that restates my question and is consistent with the argument and explanation presented in my essay. __Where appropriate, I have included in my conclusion any new or unresolved questions that arose during my investigation. F – Abstract __My abstract is within the 300-word limit. __I have clearly stated my research question in my abstract. __I have clearly stated the scope of my investigation in my abstract. __My abstract contains the conclusion I reached in my essay.

G -- Formal Presentation __I have a title page clearly stating my research question, the subject of my extended essay, my name and candidate number. __A table of contents is immediately after my abstract. __Each page of my essay is correctly numbered and includes my candidate number either in the header or footer. __I have accurately and consistently cited all my sources in an accepted format. __I have included either a bibliography or a works cited page in an accepted format. H -- Holistic Judgement __My essay reflects my best effort. __I have shown insight in my essay. __I have demonstrated depth of understanding of my chosen subject and topic. __I have demonstrated inventiveness and flair through my writing style. In addition--Be sure to review the specific criteria for your selected subject. For example Group 1—Literature • J. Knowledge and Understanding of the literature studied, and where appropriate, reference to secondary sources. • K. Personal response justified by literary judgement and/or analysis • L. Use of language appropriate to a literary essay

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