Extemp Speech - Obama's First 100 Days

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 553
  • Pages: 2
Extemp. Question: What will Barack Obama need to do to have a successful “first 100 days”? ______________________________________________________________________ Barack Obama’s first 100 days as president should set the tone for the remainder of his anterior term in office. Obama already has his work cut out for him as he must oversee the improvements made on the infrastructure of the United States’ economy, education system, homeland security, and the environment. Obama will also be responsible for amending the United States’ relations with the Middle East to end the war on terrorism. Our country faces ample plights that require immediate attention. The first 100 days of Barack Obama’s term in office are vital in proving his position as President of the United States. _______________________________________________________________________ _ First of all, Obama should stress getting the economic stimulus plan approved by the Senate. According to a February New York Times news article, the Republican Party is proposing to amend Obama’s current economic stimulus plan to include more mortgage relief and additional tax cuts. The plan will allow businesses to infuse cash into profitless companies by warranting tax credits on past profits. The general public will also benefit from the stimulus as the plan will reap unemployment benefits, and assist states with Medicaid bills. The plan will greatly affect the education system by providing $150 billion dollars to aid school districts, child care centers and university campuses. Within the past few years, schools across the country have had to make drastic financial cutbacks to prevent their institutions from closing down. The stimulus will be of much assistance to the country’s 15,000 school districts and college campuses. The economic stimulus plan offers a chance to provide financial aid to schools across the nation to ensure a better future for the United States’ education system. The stimulus also creates advantages for the Department of Transportation as $27 billion dollars will suffice road and bridge construction. The stimulus faces changes in the Senate as the $75 million dollar smoking cessation program and $400 million dollar HIV prevention plan have already met their fate against the Senate. The current price tag for the stimulus plan is approximately $900 million dollars, which is expected to increase after the Senate reviews the plan. The Senate shall continue debating Obama’s economic stimulus plan throughout the remainder of this week. _______________________________________________________________________ _

Next, Obama should continue to implement fuel efficiency standards. According to a January Time Magazine article, President Obama announced he was in the process of helping the Environmental Protection Agency invoke California and 13 other states to set stricter fuel efficiency standards. Obama is also working with the Department of Transportation to raise auto industry specifications to augment the average fuel economy to at least 35 miles per gallon by the year 2020. If Obama succeeds in executing these fuel efficiency measures within the first 100 days of holding office, our environmental conservation efforts will greatly improve. _______________________________________________________________________ _ Obama should also maintain his persisted efforts to close the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba. _______________________________________________________________________ _ Obama’s $300 billion dollar tax cut should be approved to impel companies to create jobs and gain Republican support for the fresh economic innovations. _______________________________________________________________________ _ Obama should continue to adjust CEO pay at bailed-out banks. _______________________________________________________________________ _ Obama needs to get the recovery package passed and put into action.

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