Exploring Values, Attitude, And Motivation

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  • Pages: 41
Exploring Values, Attitude, and Motivation


Idea #1 

Values, attitudes and motivation are personal characteristics and thought patterns that influence ability to become self-reliant or self-sufficient.

Dept. Workforce Services


Why Is It Important to Understand Values, Attitude and Motivation? 

They influence ability to reach goals They effect self esteem (and vise versa)

Dept. Workforce Services


Values       

Ideals Customs Institutions Respect Excellence Usefulness Esteem

     

Cleanliness Freedom Education Cruelty Crime Blasphemy

Dept. Workforce Services


Attitude  

Manner, disposition, feeling Tendency or orientation of mind  

 

Positive attitude Negative attitude

Group attitudes Position or posture of the body  

Threatening attitude Relaxed attitude Dept. Workforce Services


Motivation 

 

Causes a person to act in a certain way Incentive Goal or object of a person’s actions

Dept. Workforce Services


Mission Statement  

What is a mission statement? Who usually has a mission statement? Do you know any mission statements? Can individuals or families have mission statements? Dept. Workforce Services


Idea #2 

Identifying, clarifying and acting on values is one key to effective life management and includes a stepby-step process.

Dept. Workforce Services


Identify, Clarify, Act on Values    

 

Identify & prioritize guiding principles Identify & prioritize values Write a mission statement Identify & resolve conflicts between values and behaviors Publicly affirm values Use values to guide decisions & goals

Dept. Workforce Services


Values 

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time. For that is the thing life is made of.” Benjamin Franklin

Dept. Workforce Services


Resolving Value Conflicts   

Postpone some things for later Sequence activities Trade off with spouse or significant other Develop a new support system

Dept. Workforce Services


Publicly Affirm Values  

   

Tell other people what you believe or value When you choose, choose the thing you say you value Stand up for what you believe in Plan and schedule time to do things you value Choose a job that supports your values Set goals to demonstrate your values

Dept. Workforce Services


Idea #3 

Attitude may be the single most influential factor in determining life satisfaction (happiness).

Dept. Workforce Services


Positive Attitude 

Do you have to have a positive attitude before you can behave in positive ways?

Do you have to have positive experiences before you can develop a positive attitude? Dept. Workforce Services


Positive Attitude 

Attitude and behavior are part of a self-fulfilling cycle. 

You can change your attitude and your behavior will change You can change your behavior and your attitude will change

Dept. Workforce Services


Idea #4 

Definitions of success are personal, and impact my attitude. Understanding what motivates me is the first step in defining success for myself.

Dept. Workforce Services


Self Esteem Achievement  Recognition  Power  Possessions  Control Why do you work? How is it connected to self esteem? 

Dept. Workforce Services


Self-actualization   

The very best we can be Moving outside self to look at world Contributing to society, environment, religion, creativity, etc. Dedicated to a cause, movement or belief Dept. Workforce Services


How do you define success? 

My definition of success is

Dept. Workforce Services


Idea #5 

Identifying distorted thinking styles and automatic thoughts can help improve my attitude, ensure behavior consistent with prized values, and provide insights into the factors that motivate me to success.

Dept. Workforce Services


All or Nothing 

 

Everything is black or white, nothing in between “Perfect” or “total failure” Small mistakes become total failure

Dept. Workforce Services


Over-generalization 

A single negative event becomes a never-ending pattern of defeat “Always” and “never” are often used

Dept. Workforce Services


Mental Filter 

Single negative detail obscures the whole event Even overall positives become overwhelmed by negatives

Dept. Workforce Services


Discounting the Positive 

Positive experiences are rejected because “they don’t count” Takes the job out of life, because the positive never matters Leaves a person feeling inadequate and un-rewarded

Dept. Workforce Services


Jumping to Conclusions 

Interpreting things negatively when there are no facts to support it Mind reading – concluding what someone “really meant” without checking it out Fortune telling – predicting that things will turn out badly without proof or evidence Dept. Workforce Services


Magnification 

Exaggerates importance of problems and shortcomings Minimizes importance of desirable qualities or events Also called the “binocular trick”

Dept. Workforce Services


Emotional Reasoning 

Assuming that negative emotions reflect the way things really are

Dept. Workforce Services


Victim Statements 

“Should,” “must,” “have to,” “ought to” used to justify hopes/expectations Assumes you must use policing to motivate or make myself behave Should’s directed at self lead to guilt and frustration Should’s directed at others lead to anger and frustration Dept. Workforce Services


Labeling  

Extreme form of “all-or-nothing” thinking Assumes that a person is what a person does, even if they do it once “Label” becomes part of my character, so nothing can be done about it Leads to feelings of hostility and hopelessness

Dept. Workforce Services


Personalization and Blame 

Person feels responsible for an event that isn’t in that person’s control Blames self for things that go wrong, even when it’s not my fault Assigns responsibility, motives, or control to other people when it doesn’t totally belong to them Dept. Workforce Services


Idea #6 

Personal choice or control and accountability are critical to achieving self-identified success goals.

Dept. Workforce Services


Happiness Results From 

Belief that your destiny is in your own hands Orientation away from oneself toward the rest of the world Having an open mind 

Willingness to be open to new solutions. Dept. Workforce Services


Happiness Is Not Having What You Want But Wanting What You Have

Dept. Workforce Services


Life Is Like a Patchwork Quilt If you borrow your definition in life from somewhere else, you’ll never be able to get it all to fit together. Dept. Workforce Services


Choice & Control   

 

I chose to do what I am doing No one forced me into it I am satisfied because of my choices I am well-adjusted with my choice I can change my choice when I want to Dept. Workforce Services


My Choice A Slave Is Compelled to Go the First Mile A Free Man Chooses to Go the Second Mile Dept. Workforce Services


Explanatory Styles 

 

Your habitual way of explaining bad events Is a habit of thought Your style stems directly from whether you think you are valuable and deserving or worthless and hopeless Dept. Workforce Services


Explanatory Style   

Permanence Pervasiveness Personalization

Dept. Workforce Services


Permanence 

People who give us easily believe that the causes of bad events are permanent People who resist helplessness believe the causes of bad events are temporary

Dept. Workforce Services


Pervasiveness 

Universal explanations for failure 

Specific explanations for failure  

Give up on everything Give up in that one part of their lives March stalwartly on in the others

Permanent & universal causes for misfortune   

Helplessness Despair Collapse under pressure Dept. Workforce Services


Personalization 

Blame self for failure  

Internal style Low self-esteem

Blame external events   

Do not lose self-esteem Like themselves Take responsibility for own actions Dept. Workforce Services


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