Exorcism Qro

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Posesiones Satanicas en Mexico

Ola de exorcismos en Querétaro: cunden "posesiones satánicas", según la diócesis. Las víctimas pierden la fe en la Iglesia católica y en ellas mismas, afirman prelados. Atribuye este problema a la proliferación de sectas oscuras en la entidad MARIANA CHAVEZ CORRESPONSAL Querétaro, Qro., 22 de mayo. Desde hace 14 meses, la Delegación Diocesana de Exorcismo practica "expulsiones de demonios" a personas que presentan "conductas extrañas", como escuchar voces, emitir palabras aparentemente sin sentido, o asegurar que son capaces de mover objetos sin tocarlos, y que una vez valoradas por sicólogos del Centro Comunitario de Salud Mental (Cecosam) de la Secretaría de Salud estatal, no son consideradas víctimas de padecimientos siquiátricos.. El vicario general de la diócesis de Querétaro, Salvador Espinosa Medina, quien encabeza la Delegación Diocesana de Exorcismo, y el sacerdote Isaac Osornio Martínez, integrante

del mismo organismo eclesial, afirmaron que la proliferación de "sectas satánicas" en Querétaro ha colocado a la entidad en el primer lugar en "eliminación de posesiones". Comentaron que la mayoría de las víctimas de posesiones demoniacas sufren pérdida de fe "no sólo en las instituciones eclesiásticas, sino en ellos mismos". La delegación -a la cual apoya el sicólogo del Cecosam, Salvador Jiménez- se integra por los curas Juan Manuel Pé- rez Romero, Luis Salas, Sacramento Pérez Montoya, Isaac Osornio y el vicario Salvador Espinosa, quienes son los únicos autorizados para realizar exorcismos. Esta palabra se deriva del griego exousia, que significa juramento, y se refiere a poner a un espíritu o demonio bajo juramento, o a invocar una autoridad más alta para obligar a la entidad a actuar de forma contraria a sus deseos, explicó Espinosa Medina. El clérigo destacó que sólo puede realizar un exorcismo alguien con autoridad religiosa especial, como un sacerdote. Recordó que la expulsión de espíritus ya se practicaba en la antigua Babilonia, y que en el Nuevo Testamento de la Biblia, se consigna que

Jesucristo retiró "espíritus malignos" de personas "mediante la oración y su autoridad". Espinosa Medina señaló que el obispo de Querétaro, Mario de Gasperín Gasperín, instituyó la Delegación Diocesana de Exorcismo en febrero de 2004, ante los múltiples casos de personas con "con ideas muy extrañas, y modos de pensar y actuar diferentes a lo que nosotros estábamos acostumbrados a ver". Explicó que entre quienes han solicitado su apoyo son mayoría los que usaron la tabla ouija, artefacto vendido como juguete con el que presuntamente se hace contacto con espíritus malignos. Por su parte, el sacerdote Isaac Osornio, quien en promedio atiende ocho casos semanales de conductas extrañas, de los cuales cinco suelen merecer un exorcismo, señaló que los que piden liberación son personas que con frecuencia realizan prácticas de ocultismo y esoterismo, como lectura de cartas u otras formas de adivinación del futuro. Destacó que antes de practicar un exorcismo, se remite a los solicitantes al Cecosam, para que sean evaluadas sicológicamente, y de no hallarse una explicación sicológica al problema que los aqueja, unos 30 religiosos y

seculares atienden al "poseído". Isaac Osornio recordó que realizó su primer exorcismo hace más de ocho años. "Se citó a la persona, quien apenas se puso delante del padre Juan Manuel (un párroco que lo ayudaba), lo llamó maldito y la persona cayó al piso. "Ya entonces el padre Wenceslao Perrusquía y un servidor éramos vicarios de una parroquia, ese día (la víctima) no fue liberada sino a la siguiente semana, y esa es mi primera experiencia y pues sí, sí da miedo", dijo. FUENTES: ·


A Solemn Warning to evangelicals there are false ones among us "Take heed that the light which is in thee be not darkness." Luke 11:35 A synthesis of the Christian life is that we have the resurrected Christ with all of his capacity of God sitting at the right hand of God the Father, interceding and personally guiding all who have given their hearts to him by faith in his word. This is a defense of the doctrine of repentance and the responsibility of man as is taught by the Scriptures. The definition of grace according to the Bible, is the presence of Christ in our hearts, who by the Holy Spirit is in communion with us, counseling and comforting us all the days of our pilgrimage on earth. This is the Christian life of all who have been "born again". There exists two great doctrinal currents among us that have come in from paganism. They have perhaps taken millions of evangelicals to eternal damnation. These doctrines do not consist only in mistaken beliefs. When one opens and gives one’s heart to them, they are actively accompanied by an evil power.

The first consists in believing that God made a legal decision (predestination-fatalism) before the foundation of the world by which we are saved. This doctrine has penetrated into the majority of evangelical churches and organizations. According to this way of thinking our sins are of little importance, for they were calculated, counted, and weighed from all eternity. They teach that Christ came to pay to exactly the last ounce for them when he suffered on the cross. Believing in this doctrine known as "grace plus nothing" and being baptized in water; one is saved. (imputed by a legal act of God made before the foundation of the world) This doctrine makes God responsible for all things and in practice does not take human irresponsibility into account. They do not take into account the words of Jesus, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do." Jn. 8:31-44 3:16 This subtle deception makes them think they are on the road to heaven when in reality they are resisting the voice of the Holy Spirit in their hearts for they continue on in rebellion or sin. The reason that God made man, was that he might freely choose to deny himself, to submit himself to the will of our infinite God and by so doing becomes a citizen of the eternal and glorious New Jerusalem. This false doctrine defines God according to Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas and they define as anyone who does not use their definition as a heretic. The Bible teaches the predestination of a people that will make this choice and will because of it suffer persecution, who notwithstanding will always be strengthened and encouraged by God and will triumph and be victors over the world and with God for eternity. Also it is taught that God investigated before hand and wrote the names of some in the Book of Life, however the Bible speaks clearly that some of these will not fulfill the expectations and their names will be blotted out. The Bible also speaks of others whose name was not written down in the Book of Life but were saved. Ex. 32:33, Rev. 3:5, 22:19. The fact that God blots out the names of some from the Book of Life proves that this whole doctrine of "Grace plus nothing" is wrong. The doctrine was based on a myth known as the "Covenant of Redemption." In which supposedly God made a covenant with Jesus to pay for the exact number of the foreknown saved. The idea that these men are great theologians and have never taken into account and explained these contradictory verses in the Bible disqualifies them as theologians. The doctrine of "Grace plus nothing" requires a blind surrender to the pagan god of fatalism and leaves many to think that they are saved while in their heart they continue on in rebellion against their Creator, because of this state of their hearts, they will be eternally damned in the hour of their death. The heart of this doctrine presents God as a monster if we believe James 4:17 "…to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." It teaches that God

chose the greater part of humanity to be damned forever. That men are lost because God did not apply his irresistible power or grace to save them. They teach that God was not sufficiently concerned for them. This doctrine in particular accuses Jesus of being a hypocrite. When for example he wept over Jerusalem, for according to this doctrine Jesus knew they were not predestined to be saved and he was just stage acting. Do you not see Slew Foot? Another example of one who was blotted out of the book is Judas. Acts 1:20, Psa. 69:25-28, 109:6-13. There is an evil power over every person who has turned his life over to this concept of the pagan god of destiny, it is the same satanic power that operates in those who believe in astrology. Many wolves have entered into the flock. They have not decided to serve the Lord to laying down their lives for Him, but on the contrary are dedicated to gathering great congregations. Since they are not dedicated and do not want to separate their hearts totally from sin, they suppose that with an intellectual exercise about the intentions of God to save man before the creation, they can capture the imagination of many and managed to counsel them to better their morals and call them to a certain militancy. For this reason they have distorted the Bible doctrine of predestination. They begin to speak about the decrees of God instead of the responsibility of man to his Creator. What a deception! They have passed over true Christianity, in which every believer is constantly working to please Jesus and living in communion with Him since he was born again. The Bible warning is clear, "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil…" I Jn. 3:9-10.

The Second Doctrinal Sidetrack The second great sidetrack is the use of the gospel as a series of laws and applying them as magic formulas that when they are comprehended can bring the benefits of the millennium now. Divine healing is used as bait to sidetrack the Christian from his unconditional consecration. He is changed into one who is constantly insisting that God fulfill his promises according to his own desires. They forget about Jesus being always present to guide one’s heart, and they have subtly replaced this intimacy with the operation of a mysterious supernatural power. This is really witchcraft that has been hidden under the guise of spirituality.

Divine Healing and Satanic Healing

If you are afflicted with some sickness it is very important that you be able to distinguish between the Spirit of God and those that subtly appear to be so but are from Satan. The Bible prophesies in Rev. 13 that in the last days "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: …whose deadly wound was healed. …And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men…" "…And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." Rev. 16:13-14 The Antichrist will be healed of an incurable mortal wound. There are healings that come from Satan. When Jesus was finishing his Sermon on the Mount, which is about how to have the true happiness or blessing, he did not finish it without carefully noting that many will have this false spirit. "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Mat. 7:22-23 "For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect." Mk. 13:22 It is important to test the Spirits to see if they are of God or not. We wish to warn our evangelical brethren that using the name of Jesus this pagan magic doctrine operated by Satanic power has infiltrated within our midst and will condemn our souls eternally. They are using healing and liberation to seduce the faithful and keep them in confusion. It was prophesied by our Savior in his first sermon in the Bible that there would be many at times even the majority who would be false prophets constantly using the phrase "in the name of Jesus" and constantly casting out devils but that he will declare to them that he never knew them. They are false messengers from Satan who are supposedly preaching the Bible as formulas with which one can get what one wants. By their fruits you shall know them.

Background These supposed evangelicals have some doctrines and practices that are not known in the Bible. For instance with a special power they "slay people in the spirit" with a sign or word from the preacher. Without preaching consecration of one’s whole heart or repentance and loving God more than life itself, they supposedly by the laying on of hands impart the "baptism of the Holy Spirit". There are three spiritual powers, two are supernatural powers; the Power of God and the power of Satan known also as the operation of the metaphysical laws, there also exists the third which is the power of the

man which is not supernatural. You can understand better how the power of Satan works by reading the tracts "Is the body of Christ being literally sacrificed in the Mass?" and "The Terrible Secret of the Smoke in Metaphysics".

The Motive in Healing Our Lord Jesus spent much of his time in freeing persons of their sicknesses. He expressed that healing was the children's bread and always had compassion and healed the sick. …moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick… Mat 14:14; …Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him … 20:34; …And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, "I will; be thou clean." Mk. 1:41; …And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, "Weep not." And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, "Young man, I say unto thee, Arise." And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak… Lk. 7:13. There are 26 cases of where Jesus worked healings and three resurrections, some are mentioned in more than one gospel. •Healing the noble Jn. 4:46-54; •Healing the demon possessed Lk. 5: 4-9; •Healing the mother-in-law of Peter Mat. 8:14-15 Mk. 1:23, Lk 4:33; •The Leper Mt. 8:2-4; Mk. 1-40-42; Lk. 5:12-13; •The Paralytic Mat. 9:18, Mk. 2:2-12 Lk. 5:18-26; •The man at the pool Jn. 5:2-9; •The man with the withered arm. Mt. 12;9-13, Mc. 3:1-5, Lk. 6:6-10; •Multitudes healed near Galilee Mat. 12:15, Mk 3: 7-12, •The Centurion’s Servant Mt. 8:5-13, Lk. 7:2-10; +The widow’s son raised Lk. 7:12-16; •The blind and dumb Mt. 12:22, Lk 11:14; •The Maniacs Mt. 8:28, Mc. 5:1-20, Lk. 8:26-39 •Woman with the issue of blood Mt. 9:20-22, Mk. 5:25-34, Lk.8:43-48; +Raising of Jairus’s daughter Mt. 9:18-19 23-26, Mk. 5:22-24 35-43, Lk 8:41-42 49-56; •Blind and dumb Mt. 9:27-34; •Many miracles Mt. 14:34-36, Mk. 6:35-56; •The Syrophenician’s daughter healed Mk. 7:24-29; •Deaf and speech impediment Mk. 7:3237; •Many miracles Mt. 15:29-31; •Blind man at Bethsaida Mk. 8:22-26 •Difficult dumb spirit Mt. 17;14-21, Mk 9:14-29, Lk 9:37-42; •Ten lepers Lk. 17:11-19; •Blind healed Jn. 9:1-41; •Blind man Jn. 9:1-41 +Resurrection of Lararus Jn. 11:1-46; •Woman bowed over healed Lk. 13:10-17; •Man with dropsy Lk 14:1-6; •Two blind men Mt 20: 29-34, Mk. 10:46-52, Lk 18:35-43; •Healing in the temple Mt. 21:14; •Healing the High Priests servant’s severed ear Lk. 22:50-51. Jesus instead of using the miracles to promote his ministry ask that they not be spread abroad. Mat. 8:4 Is it not clear that the principal reason for Jesus’ miracles of healing was his compassion for the sick in their suffering? His desire to heal them was limited by their unbelief in his home town where he could not heal some. Mat. 13:58 Jesus taught that it is necessary that a man open his heart to God to receive from him. The true sign of the work of God is that it is born out of a real compassion for the suffering as it is expressed in Mat. 22:37: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self."

When one is doing his work "work done for the glory of God" and is building something for example "the holy mother church" or "my church" or "my ministry" on earth, he is deceived in his own egoism participating in the evil power, and not the power of God which is done for the glory of God and compassion of the neighbor. The ministry of every believer is expressed in the Bible in Ef. 4:12 and consists in having compassion for the souls that are within his reach. The evil power is characterized by using formulas and recitations of verses to put the power in action, is defined clearly as Metaphysics. This doctrine is hidden within our evangelicals and is masked very subtly as the power of God however it is an evil power using the doctrine of Metaphysics.

What is metaphysics? As physics is about the laws of our physical universe, metaphysics is about the laws beyond the physical (meta) governing the mental and spiritual world. It is a pagan term and we should not allow the Bible to be defined by it’s concepts. Conny Méndez in her book, Metaphysics within reach of all declares: Jesus said: in my house are many mansions. Metaphysics is one of these mansions, that is to say, the study of these mental spiritual laws …spiritism: is also a mansion in the house of the Father. pg. 8. What you think will be manifested. Thoughts are things. pg. 10 To be born with free will signifies to be created with the individual right to choose. Choose what? To think positively or negatively. To think on the ugly and the bad —…produces the ugly and the bad. pg 12. Your higher I is perfect …it cannot die …cannot age …cannot sin. pg. 24 The reason for our calamities, we produce them with our thoughts. pg. 14 Now remember and do not ever forget it, every word you speak is a decree. pg 30 Let me give you the metaphysical formula so that you can have anything that you desire. pg. 37

How is this metaphysics used by evangelicals? Kenneth Hagin a well known evangelical for example, writes in his book. You can have what you say. pg 5. One always obtains and possesses what one declares and says. Everything thas isodoust, hnbeiiefi and discouragement is of the devil. God never speaks doubt, or failure, or unbelief, or discouragement to anyone. pg. 14. What is a negative report? It is a report full of doubt. What is a positive report? A report full of faith. pg. 4 frequently they come to me with the question. Can you tell me why I am not healed? I smile and say to them "yes" and their eyes get big and they say, "If you know then why don’t you tell me? I answer, "You just told me that you cannot be healed" You can have what you confess. You are revealed by your words. You can find where people are by what they say. What they confess shows where they are. When I pray for people I try to receive a confession of faith before I pray. I ask, "Will you be healed when I lay hands on you and pray?" "Well Brother Hagin, I …I …I hope so." I then have to tell them. "Well then, you won’t be." I have found out where you are. Those with a quick confession of faith almost always receive instantly. pg. 6-7.

Healing by an Evil Spirit We see here the administration of a power that does not require consecration to God of your life unto death, but only to your opening your heart to an unconditional consecration to the person who is praying for your healing. If you open your heart without reservation to this person you will receive your healing immediately, but if you do not you will not be healed. But this spirit is not the spirit of God. It is the deceiving spirit of Satan. The followers of the fakers of India, the witch doctors of Maria Leonza, candle burning saint worshipers (Santeros), the charismatic’s who heal in the name of Mary, all have one thing in common, they believe in their group because they have had a miraculous or notable supernatural healing, of which they give testimony, and they believe because of this supernatural experience.

How the Devil heals The demon first made them sick, later when they surrendered their hearts unconditionally to such and such a person or doctrine they were healed, and the devil moved from the sickness to the spirit. For this favor the demon took up a place in them. In this way the evil spirits were able to establish themselves more and more by the occurrence of one sickness and then another. They that are healed are deceived because they did not "try the spirits", thinking they were surrendering to God they were surrendering to the kingdom of Satan. The healing always requires a surrender to the Healer or his methods as is noted in teachings of Hagin.

How can we distinguish the power of Satan from the power of God? How is the power of Satan administered? It is a power that is used for the glory of man and not God, using ones own thoughts and will to obtain a benefit for ones own plan, kingdom or sect, and with this act subtly deceived by Satan, one is refusing to live for the glory of God with all of his heart soul and spirit and for the good of his neighbor.

Jesus worked according to the will of God What is the difference between the servants of God and those of Satan using Metaphysics? Those who work by metaphysics know that by use of "Formulas" based on the bible texts brings results, because Satan helps them supernaturally to obtain what they want. Satan

did the same and fell from heaven, rebelling against the Creator. He used the power that God had given as he himself wanted to, instead of for what God wanted. The servant of God is basically, exactly the opposite; he uses his life to do the will of God, as did Jesus. It is the only true happiness or blessedness. The servants of God do as did Jesus: Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, and saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, "It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, "Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve." Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him. From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, "Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." …And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: …and taught them, saying, "blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." We learn from Jesus the Son of God even though he was dying of hunger said, I dare not change these stones into bread using the power of God for my own purposes, the when and how of the use of his power belongs to him alone. I must live according to the words of the exact will of my Father. Jesus answered in the second temptation: I must not obligate God to use his power for my glory. He calls "tempting God" the deliberate arrangement of things so that God is forced to use his power. The third time he refused to use the power of God outside the will of his Father. "…behold, angels came and ministered unto him." Jesus taught that to be a servant in the kingdom of God it was indispensable to use the power of God only according to the will of God. Analyze how that Jesus confided in God, and how the Father in his time sent the angels with "the grace to help in time of need" sending him the bread and everything necessary. Man in his liberty chooses to serve his "I" putting himself into slavery from his childhood. He is condemned to live for his own ends and delights. Repentance is the acknowledgment of this love of self or self esteem as the path to eternal damnation. Changing this attitude toward God, consecrating our will to do only God’s will is the repentance necessary to receive the Holy Spirit and new life in Christ.

We must realize that the use of the laws of God and supernatural powers in the time and way that you would like, is the practice of metaphysics which makes one a participant of the kingdom of Satan in collaboration with his fallen rebellious angels. It will make you a participant in the lake of fire forever with them, where the smoke of their torment will ascend forever and forever. The true child of God waits on the Lord to receive his blessing which never comes late to receive "the grace to help in time of need", just as the angelic help came to Jesus after the temptation. Do not permit that there is any other mediator between you heart and God nor give your will over to anyone else, but only to God. Many have been possessed by evil spirits as they have submitted themselves to these healers. How handsome and personable and wealthy are these men who in reality are our modern day witchdoctors operating as ministers of light. To escape the lake of fire forever, we must understand that the "I" in man is perverted and always dedicated to please ones self, therefore we must give up our life of egoism and live for the purposes of God. Jesus said in Mat. 10: "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Not that the world, the body, etc. are evil or bad. For all of the fullness of the Creation of God is good. Only when Jesus is governing in our lives will he give the true guidance and meaning that God wants for his kingdom. Jesus wants us to discover and bring all the things of the world into submission to Himself for the honor and glory of God and the well-being of his creatures. For this reason we should decide with our will to repent and be converted. Receiving the words of the gospel of our Saviour will make us free from the bewitching power of Satan and be saved. True submission to Jesus means we have decided to suffer all things even martyrdom if it is necessary for the kingdom of God to fulfill his will. It means that we need his guidance in the events of life depending on his hand being in the unfolding of providence. "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come." Heb. 13:13 They did not crucify him on the main square or in the court of the temple but as a sign of how they despised him with all of their hearts they placed the cross on the city dump where they burned the garbage from the temple sacrifices. It is necessary to be part of the kingdom of God to decide in our heart to go with him in reproach to the dump where they crucified him. How did Jesus come to this? He consecrated his will to follow only the will of the heavenly Father. We must do the same and the results will be the same reproach. We will be hated of the world but there is true joy and communion in the Lord Jesus. These false metaphysical pastors do not have this motive in their preaching. They take the promises of God to do the human will, leaving the will of God as unimportant. They are enticing you to commit the grave sin of using the power of God for your own will. It is the same sin that Satan committed for which he was thrown out of heaven. If you accepted to do this you have become a child of Satan. These false pastors speak much about mortifying the flesh in prayer and fasting. Their prayers are not very rational. It seems they believe that with many words they will be

heard. (this does not mean that we should not be in constant communion with the Father). Their practice is more pagan in the style of the priests of Baal than the simple prayer of Elija. Their whole triumph is to manage that God would work what they want for their prosperity and healing. This was the same attitude of the men who opposed Jesus in his ministry. He ask them in John 8, "why they did not understand me and hear my words"? He explained that it was because they were of their father the Devil and the lusts of you father you will do. In their hearts they were ravening wolves, and prepared to rob kill and steal. Jn.10:10

Proselyting The spirit of robbery is manifested in the way they steal the souls from other churches to have the largest church, disregarding the bad testimony that they themselves present by doing this. It is more important the large amount of money that they receive in the offerings than their testimony before God and man. They are constantly asking great sacrifices from their congregation, of whom many are of humble circumstances, while they themselves live in luxury and ostentation. Instead of having the fruits of the poorness of spirit they manifest the spirit of pride and the love of money. Their congregation are composed of Christians from other congregations, for they are not able capable of going to fight the war with Satan to bring the souls to repentance. The metaphysical pastors are wolves who want to have the image of great teachers, inventing super spiritual doctrines to make themselves seem superior so that the members of others churches will abandon their congregation and unite with theirs. They make endless tapes and videos teaching how to get what you want from the supernatural. "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." II Tim. 3:7 Their vision is that of being a very large church drawing the people from all the other congregations. To have meetings that are filled with great emotion so that all will come to their church. The great model of this could be that of Pastor Yonggi Cho of Korea, who has more than 700,000 members. Pastor Cho wrote a book about the fourth dimension. In the first chapter of his book he explains how to visualize your objective. Using the example, of when he was very poor how he put to work the spiritual laws, imagining the color and brand of the bicycle that he needed, incubating the idea until he at last came to possess the bike. This testimony is identical to that given by a practitioner of metaphysics. The testimony of a Christian is seen in Math. 6:33, "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." However this false (metaphysical) pastor is teaching that you get things by persistently quoting certain texts of the Bible and lusting after the object using visualization which will move a "mysterious force" that will bring it about. Just as if the gospel was a witchcraft formula instead of seeking Jesus in precious communion and his guidance step by step by the Holy Spirit. They say that it is the power of God but in reality it is using the same deceiving and evil power of witchcraft by which they obtain what is wanted. Cho says on page 49 of his book that one can enter into the

fourth (or spiritual) dimension of the Holy Spirit and tell God what he needs in his church. The true Christian asks the Holy Spirit to reveal the needs of his church: this metaphysical pastor is insisting to the Holy Spirit to give him what he wants for "his church". Notice that neither the pastor nor the church are of the Father but of their "father the devil". May God have mercy on the few true brethren that could be truly consecrated to God in this congregation! They assure us that they must be the true church because they are the largest church in number, but Jesus spoke of the "little flock" as a persecuted remanent. The brethren who listen to the voice of these metaphysical pastors do not believe that it is necessary to suffer many things to enter into the kingdom of heaven but only to apply the Bible texts as formulas to their situation to be prosperous and respectable in society. The Bible says that the sheep who move to these congregations are seduced because they have itching ears and the preaching of these pastors is the operation of error to bewitch or cast a spell over those who do not have a love for the truth. Just as is spoken of in I Thes. 2:10 the false brethren will be drawn away "with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." We are not saying that the gospel does not bring with it miracles, healings, and even prosperity; but the time and the circumstances will be decided by God. The faith of this system is clearly expounded on page 81 where it is stated, "Where is Jesus in this process? What is his address? He is not in heaven, nor underneath the earth, Jesus is in his word." Here we can see that this metaphysical practitioner is not a Christian. It is a blasphemy to not realize that Jesus is not in heaven on the right hand of God and omnipresent because he is God. He continues to say on page 83 "You produce the presence of God with your mouth. If you speak of salvation, Jesus the Savior becomes present, if you speak of divine healing, you will have Jesus the healer present in your congregation. The Holy Spirit is bound by your words." With this explanation this metaphysician is saying that he can move Christ from here to there as he wants in the similar way that a catholic wizard with his magic formulas of witchcraft over the bones of a dead martyr in the mass can change the wafer into Jesus whenever he wants to. There is the same mysterious power in all of the religions and the same propensity to astutely use and abuse the things of God. The Bible teaches us to prove all things and to hold fast that which is good. Dr. Robert Schuller who writes the preface of this book and declares the contrary: "Don’t try to understand it. Just begin and enjoy it! It’s the truth. It works. I proved it." Observe the witchcraft robe and actions of Dr. Schuler who is known for his great congregation in the Crystal Cathedral in California. He is also known for his barefaced perversion of the gospel to teach that for man to be saved one must develop his self-esteem when Jesus said: "He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."


Psychology is a great apostasy that has brought the Christian church into error. It replaces it’s principal mission of curing souls. Contrary to the Bible, psychology is based on the idea of every person having an innocent child in their hearts and by bringing them to consult this infantile figure man can be brought to perfection. If your pastor boasts to be knowledgeable and practices the application of psychology you will know that he is one of the metaphysical pastors. This way of thinking ministers with the attitude that every person is a victim, of Satan, of their marriage partner, or of their imperfect family, etc. All of these theories came from Judd, who was a spiritualist medium who believed that he consulted a series of important deceased people to develop his theories. The psychologists call the problems of life "mental" sicknesses and give them scientific sounding names. They are specialized in finding and defining a multitude of sickness’ but are unable to cure them. The mind is so complex that there is no way to develop a method to scientifically prove that they are useful. In a study that was made in the "All Institute of Mental Health" in Bangalore it was discovered that comparing the treatment made by the local "faith healers" and Western trained Psyciatists the "witch doctors" had the same rate of cure however the psyciatists treatment lasted longer. Pg 171 "Psycoheresy — Bobgan. Psychology confounds and condemns the souls, because it teaches that man is basically good and is corrupted by the atmosphere in which he lives; that man is bad because of his circumstances and not because of his will. The message of the Bible is the opposite: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Jer. 17:9

What is the true biblical doctrine of Healing? With compassion the apostles searched out how to bring men and women into the kingdom of God. Guided by the Holy Spirit they also brought healing to them. When Paul and Barnabas were led by the Holy Spirit to go out ministering, they first announced the gospel in the synagogues of the Jews. There is no mention of converts in the beginning. They crossed the island of Salamis they preached to the people. They were invited by Sergius Paulus to speak to him about the gospel. They encountered that the Jewish sorcerer Barjesus was the obstacle. "Then Saul, filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him. And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, …the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness… Then the deputy, when he saw what was done, believed…" With this act the deputy was the first convert mentioned. The first miracle was a blinding not a healing. From there they sailed to Antioch in Pisidia and preached in the synagogue. They were invited to return the next week. When the Jews spoke against these things they withdrew the meetings to another place. For the first time there was a congregation that was not Jewish. They were soon expelled from the region. They came to Iconium and a great number of gentiles and Jews were converted but their minds were corrupted against them by the Jews. In this moment God granted unto them compassion to work signs and wonders but they still had to leave because of the persecution. They came to Listra where Paul, seeing a lame man from

birth who was receiving the word and seeing he had faith, took him by the hand and he was instantly healed. Satan worked a great confusion in which Paul was stoned and left for dead. There is no other mention of any miracle on this journey. Using this first missionary journey as an example, we can see the exaggerated distortion the metaphysical preachers have given to healing. The Bible tells of their travels to Seleucia, Salamis, Paphos, Perga, Antioch, Iconium, Lystra, Derbe and their return through Iconium, Antioch, Perga, Attalia, Seleucia in their first voyage. They traveled through Syria, Derbe, Lystrum, Iconium, Antioch, passed through many towns and came to Troas, Napolis Philippi, Amphipolis, Appolonia Thesalanica, Berea, Corinth, Athens, Ephesus, Caesarea on the second voyage. They traveled to Antioch Tarsus, Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, Antioch, passing through towns in Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Corinth, Berea through many towns in Asia to Troas, Philippi, Neapolis, Assos, Mitylene, Trogyllium, Melitus, Rhodes, Patara, Tyre, Ptolemais, Caesarea, Jerusalem in the third Missionary journey. We must admit that there were probably more miracles than are mentioned in the Bible text, notwithstanding we notice that the emphasis of the metaphysical preachers is exaggerated. They leave the impression that they are truly the apostles of today because only they have an abundance of miracles. In the more than fifty cities that Paul traveled through only seven times are miracles or signs mentioned. 1. Barjesus blinded. 2. Signs and wonders in Iconium. 3. Lame man healed in Listra. 4. Damsel with spirit of divination liberated. 5. Special miracles wrought by Paul. 6. Eutico raised. 7. Fever and bloody flux healed. Their principal preaching was about repentance and pardon from sin by Jesus Christ. On only two occasions in their lives were there many supernatural signs and wonders. There are occasions when their compassion for the sick produced healings. They never spoke of having a feeling in their hands or a special anointing that gave them the category of healers. (No doubt there are these phenomena but they belong to the kingdom of the metaphysical and to the field of Satan.) We do not read in the Bible of anyone seeking this ministry in particular, only of the 7 sons of Sceva and Simon the sorcerer. Acts 8 and 19:13 We should realize that the people who are always looking for some supernatural happening to reinforce their faith, more than likely do not have the assurance of their salvation that is given by the Holy Spirit to the children of God. Rom. 8:16. Over a period of time every active servant of God will experience healings in his ministry and he should constantly consult the will of the Holy Spirit and pray for the sick. When we are sick we should not try to find our healing with the metaphysical preachers, but understand that the true healing comes from the hand of God according to the text of the Bible in James 5:14-20. Renew your covenant with God, ask pardon of Him and all

whom we have offended. The prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up and if he has commited sin they shall be forgiven him. Do not permit that these people who are using witchcraft and metaphysics put their hand on you, it is a great error. Many have been contaminated and strayed from the fold, being destroyed in the things of this world as well as their souls. We can see in their meetings that many who were before faithful humble Christians and changed to these congregations manifest that they now have demons and evil spirits and that they need to be cast out. Have you been deceived into leaving your congregation to go to these churches, that are bringing together people from all the other churches? They preach an easy and miraculous way. They are being promoted by Satan so the world does not oppose them. Flee! with all haste or you will be condemned with them. God does not look on the outward man but on the heart.

What Repentance Is A man because of his sin must be saved from eternal condemnation to be blessed. His mind will then be cleared, to confront the problems of life and triumph over them. By means of the gospel that is administrated by the Holy Spirit to our hearts, we are convinced of the love of God for us, by the same token we recognize our rebellion against our Creator and his direction. The Holy Spirit allows us to see that all of our activities and attitudes are wrongly directed and it is impossible for us to turn them around. When we repent we must come to God without pretense, convinced that in ourselves there is no solution nor salvation. We make a covenant with God the Father by means of his son Jesus Christ that if he will pardon our sins and will gives us the strength or power to leave our sinful ways, we will serve him with all of our heart even to give up our lives as a martyr for him if it is necessary. Everyone who comes to God in this way determining to continue with this attitude all the rest of their lives will receive from God sufficient strength to do the will of God in all things and are given a testimony in their hearts that their sins have been forgiven by the death of Jesus on the Cross. Jesus saves us on the spot baptizing us with the Holy Spirit who gives encouragement to our hearts as he abides at the right hand of the Father always interceding for us day and night until God takes us to our heavenly home in glory. Wayne Searfoss and Brethren. 6/94 956 772 4222 Caracas 58 2 242 9152

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