Excerpts From The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet

  • November 2019
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Excerpts from The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet By Felicia Drury Kliment, 2002 [Note: This book denotes that health issues are caused by acidic wastes and that these issues can be changed with diet. In reality it is well documented that our food is devoid of the minerals necessary to help effect these changes permanently and, therefore, we need to first replace these essential minerals before change can fully take place. However, the following excerpts from the book should be enlightening.] Once I came to understand the destruction that elevated acidic levels in the body could cause, I made the removal of acidic wastes my first priority in restoring health. The client of mine who perhaps benefited most from my new approach to healing was José, a sixteen-year-old student at one of the New York City’s most competitive academic high schools who had had pains in his abdomen for some time. The doctors couldn’t decide whether the pain came from an infected appendix or stones in the gallbladder, so to “play safe,” they had both organs surgically removed. Shortly after, José developed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), José usually referred to as lupus, an autoimmune disease in which the internal organs are destroyed by the body’s own immune system. The disease used to be fatal, usually within three years of onset. Now a combination of prenisone and chemotherapy keeps patients alive for a considerable period of time— unless the immune system is strong enough to overcome the toxicity of the chemotherapy and attacks the kidneys. This is what had happened to José. His immune cells had eaten holes in his kidneys. As a result, his kidneys leaked protein, which pooled in the lower part of the body and in the urine, causing his ankles and feet to swell and turning his urine brown. José had lost fifty pounds. The doctor could not promise that he would ever be able to return to school, and a foundation that sponsors free trips anywhere in the United States for children with chronic life-threatening disease paid for a one-week to Disney World for José and his family. Because it was obvious to José’s mother that he was losing his battle to stay alive, she asked me for help. Although José had given up all soft drinks on orders from his doctor when he became ill, his lupus indicated that he was suffering the aftereffects of having drunk six to eight bottles of cola a day,

starting at the age of seven. Soft drinks, particularly colas, are so acidic that José would have had to drink thirty-two glasses of water to neutralize a single glass of Coke! I started José out on five glasses of alkaline water a day to clear out the acidic wastes that must have accumulated in his body from his soft drink addiction. After only one week on alkaline water, José began to show signs of improvement. At this point, I recommended two to eight pints daily of freshly squeezed carrot and beet juice to assist the alkaline water in cleaning out his liver. Since the Coumadin (a drug also used as a rat poison) that the doctor had prescribed for a large blood clot in his leg had not dissolved the clot, I had José start taking 200 units of vitamin E a day, gradually increasing the dose to 1,600 units. Three weeks after his treatment began, José’s kidneys stopped leaking, the swelling in his feet and ankles was down, and his blood clot disappeared. José’s lupus is now in remission. José was the first of many individuals I advised who regained their health when the toxic acids that had injured their bodies were removed. The successful outcome of this treatment in the vast majority of cases has led me to believe that the removal of acidic wastes is the prime factor in restoring health to the body. Acidic Wastes: The Real Culprit Behind Degenerative Disease French physiologist Alexia Carrell kept pieces of chicken heart tissue alive in a solution containing the same mineral levels found in chicken blood plasma for twenty-eight years. The cells in the tissue stopped dividing and died out when he stopped changing the solution, although he continued to place minerals in the solution in the same amount. The chicken’s heart cells, although provided with the necessary raw materials, could not carry on their metabolic activities because the fluid in which they were placed had become filled with acidic wastes. Scientists have conducted similar experimental research studies with live human cells in the last twenty years. But, unlike Carrell, they have not provided a solution that would keep the cells alive indefinitely. The fluids in which these cells were contained were changed so rarely that one scientist who did a chemical analysis described them as “fetid swamps.” Not surprisingly, the human cells

divided to form new cells a limited number of times before they died out. This has led researchers to conclude that living cells contain a “death” gene or a hormone secreted from the pituitary gland that triggers the death of the cell after it undergoes a specific number of cell divisions. The conclusion that a death-wielding chemical in the body causes the death of cells by putting an end to their ability to divide and generate new cells implies that there is nothing we can do to prolong life. Carrell’s more meticulous experiment gives the lie to this fatalistic attitude, and inspires the hope that human life can be extended well beyond its current limits. … Our bodies do have a built-in detoxifying mechanism in the liver, as well as filtering systems in the kidneys, lymph nodes, and lungs. The liver evolved to handle naturally occurring toxic byproducts of foods … not artificial chemicals such as flavor enhancers, chemical preservatives, and pesticides. These the liver can’t dispose of, so the acidic toxic wastes remain in the body, causing organs to mal-function wherever they settle. The body, however, does try to place these acids out of harm’s way. Keichi Morishita, in his book The Hidden Truth of Cancer, writes that when the blood is in danger of becoming too acidic, the acid binds with calcium, an alkaline mineral, and is deposited as far away from the circulating blood as possible. Acid wastes, however, are not always rendered less harmful by being safely entombed in calcium deposits. When the body’s acidic load becomes too large, some acid particles remain in the blood. They trigger the onset of cardiovascular disease by making scratches and bumps on the inside walls of arteries and veins. ....That the injury of arterial walls by acid particles is the major cause of high blood pressure is strongly indicated by the clinical studies of Dr. Kancho Kuninaha, who successfully lowered the blood pressure of many of his patients with alkaline water. While the health of the cardiovascular system is threatened most by injuries inflicted by acid particles in arteries, the other organs of the body— the liver, pancreas, lungs, and so on—are most likely to degenerate when acidic wastes accumulate in the nearby capillaries that feed them. The acidic wastes thicken the blood, and the coagulated blood

cannot carry the quantity of nutrients and oxygen the organs need to function efficiently. When we refer to the malfunction of organs, we really mean the abnormal functions of the millions of cells that make up the organ. These cells depend, among other things, upon oxygen to manufacture energy and upon amino acids for their repair and regeneration. When the cell is deprived of these substances, it either dies and turns into acidic waste or adapts to the new oxygen-and-nutrient-deprived environment by becoming malignant. The cancer cell can live in such an environment for two reasons. First, it obtains its energy from fermentation, a process that is carried on without oxygen. Second, multiplying continually, it grabs the few available nutrients. Normal cells, deprived of nutrients gobbled up by the rapidly multiplying cancer cells, stop dividing and die. Clearly, the prevention of cancer should begin with removing from the body acidic wastes that turn normal cells into cancerous ones. If an individual is being treated for cancer, the removal of acidic wastes generated by the toxic chemotherapy could prevent a recurrence. … Roger J. Williams, a biochemist who did his research studies around the middle of the twentieth century … was revolutionary in his assertions that cellular malnutrition, rather than bacteria and viruses, was the major cause of disease…. He found further that cells die off not only because they don’t get everything they need, but also because they are poisoned by chemical additives. Williams not only brought to light the error in the thinking of doctors and nutritionists that good nutrition as a disease preventative meant eating adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and sugars without regard to vitamin and mineral content; he also pointed up individual organs (organelles) within the body’s cells. He concluded that these structural differences were inherited, and along with diet had a profound effect on physical and mental health. Williams, then, recognized two biological truths that continue to be given short shrift by the medical establishment: the needs of the body’s metabolic machinery for quantities of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that cannot be obtained from processed foods, and the connection between variability in organ structure and function and the individual’s state of health.

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