
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 516
  • Pages: 2
English 4


Part A 1. Check ( x ) the best advice for each health problem. a backache

a headache

use a heating pad get some exercise take some vitamin C

a cold

take some vitamin C take some aspirin take some good advice

an insect bite

see a dentist go to bed and rest take some good advice

a sore throat

put anti-itch cream on it take some aspirin drink lots of liquids

see the dentist put a heating pad on it get medicine from drugstore

Part B Write a question about each problem in Part A. Then write answers using the words from the list. It’s important... It’s a good idea... It’s helpful... It’s useful... 2. Q: ________________________________________________________________________ A: ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Q: ________________________________________________________________________ A: ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Q: ________________________________________________________________________ A: ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Q: ________________________________________________________________________ A: ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Q: ________________________________________________________________________ Part C Complete the conversation. Use words and expressions in the box. am neither will would like it a lot favorite kind of food so do too can can’t stand them 7. Sherry: I feel tired tonight. I really don’t want to cook. Whitney: ______________ do I. Say, do you like Thai food? Sherry: It’s delicious. I _____________________________ . Whitney: I do, _______________ . It’s my ________________________________ . Let’s call chiang Mai restaurant for home delivery. 8. Sherry: Great idea! Their food is always good. I eat there a lot. Whitney: ________________ do I. Well, what __________________ you like tonight? Sherry: I’m in the mood for some soup. Whitney: So ______________ I. And I think I ________________ have spicy chicken and special Thai rice. 9. Sherry: OK, let’s order. Oh, wait a minute, I don’t have any money. Whitney: Neither ________________ I. What should we do? Sherry: Well, let’s look in the refrigerator. Hmm. Do you like boiled eggs? Whitney: I ____________________________________ . Sherry: Actually, neither __________________ I.

English 4 name A How many times have you done these things in the past week? Write your answers in Present Perfect. talk on the phone write a letter 1. 2. B Complete these conversations using the Present Perfect. 3. Have you already eaten Italian food this month? No, ____________________ the time yet. (have) 4. Have you been to any interesting places this week? Yes , I _____________ already ______________ to the art museum twice this week. (go) C Complete these conversations. Use the Present Perfect and the Past tense of the verbs given. 5. ___________ you ever ____________ an expensive present to a friend? Yes, I ____________ . I ______________ an iPod to my best friend. (give) 6. ___________ you ever ____________ a poem in your life. No, I ______________ . But I once _______________ a song for my mother. (write) D With the information given write a question and answer in Present Perfect. swim / in a river 7. Q _____________________________________________________________________________ A _____________________________________________________________________________ E Change the Tense of the sentence to Present Perfect. Alicia read a book last week 8. _______________________________________________________________________________ F Write a paragraph. The topic is My Room. Use adjectives to describe your room. 9. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


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