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Example 8: Student work—newspaper


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September 1690

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History Edition.




We thought that he was a good man until he break the laws. Even though he was the King, but King is still under the law. The money he asked for from the parliament was used for him self. The contract known as “The Petition of Right” was lies.


thought that he was the greatest ruler of English since the older was gone. He held the rein of power after he beat Charles I during the Civil War period and executing him. He organized the kingdom better than other King. Continue on page 4

Continue on page 2



In 1637, King Charles I has offended many of the citizen in English Kingdom. He has tried to force the Presbyterian Scots to accept the Anglican prayer book. He wanted his kingdom to follow the same religion. But look like the citizen didn’t like it and the Scots create an army to invade England. Charles needed money for his army and this time is good time for parliament to opposed him.

King James II was voted by the citizen to be new King of England after Charles II death. They were happy in the beginning but after know that the King was catholic and might try to force people to be the same religion. After the period ended, it is called “The Glorious Revolution”. Continue on page 5

Continue on page 3

,, The Glorious, 1111 London, England|

Individuals and societies teacher support material


Example 8: Student work—newspaper




The Petition of Right CHARLES I’S DEBT

Charles I asked for money only in an important situation such as wars that are happening. England were against France and Spain during that period of time.

Every once in a while, King Charles I will ask money from the parliament. Parliament does not give money to people this usually so they have to come up with some contract or rules to sign. The parliament gave the rules to Charles and it was called “The Petition of Right”. The Petition of Right

After King Charles I agreed with The Petition of Right contract, he ignored it. Parliament tries to rebel but they got dissolved by Charles I on 1629 and refuse to bring it back to work. This caused the English popularity to decreased year by year. Parliament really wanted to Þght King Charles if they can, but it King Charles I was really hard to do so.

- He would not imprison subjects without due cause.

I thought that King Charles I and his father, King James I wasn’t really a good King. They somehow caused the problem and was really an ignorance.

- He would not levy taxes without Parliament’s consent. - He would not house soldiers in private homes. - He would not impose martial law in peacetime. This petition of rules was made against the theories of absolute monarchy. It supported the ideas that the laws will be at higher point than the King. The King will be under the law and will have to follow the law strictly.

“The Petition of Right”

The Glorious, 1111 London, England|

Individuals and societies teacher support material


Example 8: Student work—newspaper


The English Civil War



Oliver Cromwell


Once again, the problem were made by King Charles I. King Charles I was kind of a ruler of two kingdoms. He wanted both of his kingdom to believe in one religion so he tried to force the Presbyterian Scots to accept the Anglican version of prayer books. King Charles I forces people to become Anglicanism and it offended the Puritans. Presbyterian Scots disagree and started the rebels. He created a big army to invade England, King Charles called the parliament for the money he needed to create an army as well. From the problem that King Charles I have with the parliament, he couldn’t ask them for money to create his own army. This was also the good chance where the parliament could opposed him so Charles tried to arrest the leader in January 1642, but they escaped.

Many people was not royal to King Charles I, some of them ßed away from London and go to the northern part of England. War were going on to end Charles I power, many citizens ßed out and most people tries to create army to Þght against King Charles I. Neither sides had much advantage, the puritans tries there best and Charles I still take the money to create an army. Then comes the victory of Puritans. The Puritans found a new great general on 1645, Oliver Cromwell. He brought up an army in 1645 to Þght against King Charles I. He Þght until he has beaten Charles I army, this brought an end to Charles I era. After the civil has ended, Charles I was brought to jail and lock in prison on 1647.

I thought that this was quite a great event that happens in English Revolution. King Charles made a mistake which is that Charles I wanted everyone to have the same religion, and he is forced to war because most of the citizens did not agree with him. This created a forces that he needed to as the parliamentfor their money which create the biggest chance for the parliament to Þght back. King Charles I tries to make everyone to have the same religion opposed the law.

The Glorious, 1111 London, England|

Individuals and societies teacher support material


Example 8: Student work—newspaper




Oliver Cromwell! Our new ruler is here! OLIVER CROMWELL ERA

On 1645, Oliver Cromwell brought an end to Charles I army and Charles I him self. He beat Charles I, put him in the prison and get to be the new ruler of England. Oliver Cromwell held the reign of power. He then tried to reform the English society, many things were going really well. On 1649, he brought Charles I up to speak and talk. They discovered to be really bad so Oliver Cromwell needed to execute him. Then a bit later on, Cromwell became military dictator. there were a problem between the irish people. The Irish people wanted to be free from England, because at that time, Ireland were a part of England and the English’s ruler have control over them. Irish will be Þghting against us so our new leader, Oliver Cromwell also uses his army. He brought the English's

army to shore of Irish land, they start to Þnd having and advantage on English, hundreds of people were dead after the war but in the end, Oliver Cromwell seized the land and the Irish people will still be part of England. After that period, Oliver Cromwell changes many things in English’s society. He shut down some activity that he thought might be sinful. He allowed Jews to return to England, which they had been expelled from England since 1290 I think this period of time was a really good time for england. There were many good changes that were made here. Citizens felt more happy, The new rules that were create were better and the ruler was better. Unlucky that during the changing states of England has to end after Cromwell’s death in 1658.

Rhoncus tempor placerat.

The Glorious, 1111 London, England|

Individuals and societies teacher support material


Example 8: Student work—newspaper




The biggest change in England. King James II with “The Glorious Revolution” Charles II rules England when the citizens voted for the older son of Charles I to rule England. Everybody welcome him greatly. This period was called the “Restoration period.” Parliament passed out a guaranteed of freedom to everyone called the “Habeas Corpus”. It would tell if prisoner in the past would be free out or not. James II was voted to become a king, but he was catholic and citizens were afraid that the same thing in the past would happen again so they quickly

asked Marry(James II older sister) to talk to William or Orange(Prince of Netherland) to help them get rid of James II. This war was over when James II fled out of England and there were no blood or life lost in this ‘Bloodless war”. Prince William became William III of England which really makes a lot of changes. We were really happy about this because all the things really create a lot of changes in English to become better and better. There were “The Bill of Right” created in 1689, it listed what

William of Orange (William III)

ruler cannot do and it is an effective law, which William and Mary accepted it and follow what they needed to do. The limited the monarch’s power. There were “Cabinet System Develop” which meant that the British monarch couldn’t rule without Parliament accepting them first. There were many developments in Englannd and it was a really great changes. This kind of makes what England are now today.

King James II

The Glorious, 1111 London, England|

Individuals and societies teacher support material


Example 8: Student work—newspaper

The Glorious Manifesto

1. The monarch does not have enough power to overpowered the law. Monarch will be under the law. 2. The monarch are not allowed to arrest people without any evidence. Evidence are required or else that person will be arrested. 3. Monarch are not allow to levy taxes without Parliament's permission or agreement. 4. Soldier are supposed to be protecting the country. They can not chose to protect a particular house. 5. King are not allowed to use soldiers to protect a particular house of someone. 6. King would not impose martial law in peacetime. 7. Ones cannot interfere with the freedom of speech in Parliament. 8. No penalty for ones that petitioned the king about their grievance. 9. Monarch are not allowed to shutdown the parliament and their laws. 10.Citizens can belief and follow in any religion they wanted to and the monarchs would not forced them to change it.

Individuals and societies teacher support material


Example 8: Student work—newspaper



Bibliography "Oliver Cromwell."Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 July 2012. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. Beck, Roger B.World History: Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2005. Print. "Habeas Corpus."Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 28 Sept. 2012. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. "English Revolution."Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Nov. 2012. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. "English Civil War."Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 10 Nov. 2012. Web. 11 Oct. 2012. Morril, John, Brian Manning, and David Underdown. "What Was the English Revolution." History Today Ltd, London 1984: 14-32. Web. 12 Oct. 2012.

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