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Learning Team Charter 1

Learning Team Charter

MGT521 April 13, 2009

Learning Team Charter 2

Looking at the diversity of abilities of those within learning teams it becomes a wonder how they can be successful and in other instances proves why they fail. Putting together these differences of viewpoints and how to apply them effectively is where the learning team charter comes into play. The purpose of the charter is to establish the goals and the measurement of success in completing those goals. The charter lays the groundwork for the team and how the members see the team operating throughout the class. The learning team charter is made up of four sections: individuals skill inventory, team goals, ground rules and conflict management. Each section is highlighted with a question that enables each team member to answer and in essence provide insight into how each member views the team. The last two sections are the most vital as they show how the members want the team to interact with one another. Based on the personality types, listening skills, and trust levels of each member conclusion can be reached and the charter can be completed. The following are the results of the assessments as posted by each team member: Name Ame Lynn Tim Brian Sean

Listening Assessment 56 59 53 43 34

Trust Assessment 3 1 1 2 5

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Ame appears to be the most balanced individual based in the results. Lynn and Tim are trusting and are fairly good listeners. Brian is less trusting and is a borderline poor listener. I am very distrusting and m a very poor listener.

Learning Team Charter 3 Each member of the team discussed these results and thusly helped refine what the team individually wrote in the charter. Looking at how each will contribute and is wanting to improve one can see that all are willing to assume similar roles which provides the ability to rotate key responsibilities week to week. The charter in the inventory section is quite similar from individual to individual, each is worded slightly different, but carried the same meaning. The truths or fallacies of this section will be evident later in the class. Based on the assessment Lynn will more than likely present the best attributes to the team in the manner of organization. This is based on her listening skills, which may parlay into reading and comprehension skills. This is evident as Lynn was the first to post the assignment of what the team needed to accomplish for this paper. This helped initiate the discussions regarding the charter and how best to approach its completion. Use of the writing skills of Brian will be essential for putting together final products. As Brian put it “I’ve been a public affairs guy for 20 years, so writing is what I do.” This shows confidence and a little arrogance. Both of which in the right doses are perfect with one another; time will tell. This will help the charter and team maintain a level well in accordance of graduate level studies. Tim appears to be far too understanding in that he is willing to discuss reasons or logic for failures within the team privately before discussing openly. He has in his trust assessment a low number and represents a very trusting individual. In team situations this is not always appropriate. He is very ‘team’ oriented and that can only help serve the team by keeping the charter in check with a kindler and gentler approach to dealing with conflict.

Learning Team Charter 4 Ame as noted prior has the most even keeled assessments as she falls into the middle. Her ability to discuss issues and the assessment in posts has provided well for the charter. She has applied a trust of others with the reserve of the use of a professor to be the final resolution to an in-team issue. This is a well balance solution and has a clear middle ground from the extreme of immediate action to doing nothing. I have put into the charter what I felt necessary in order to maintain control of the goals, which was pointed out as too harsh or unrealistic for checking in daily when an assignment is due. This is based on my well-founded lack of trust. I do not see others completing tasks in a timely manner when others are relying on the information. The use of the assessments for the modification and creation of the charter is key a portion does not seem applicable, the listening assessment. Listening and reading based on posts seems far from similar. The conversations are rather one sided and are subject to interpretation by the reader and not taking into account and innuendo or expression. A lack of required follow-up is obvious in an online setting. A post can be posted as a question and go unanswered in this setting; whereas in a classroom it would be quite awkward. I did find it to be quite helpful and provide an insight into the others on the team prior to having to interact with one another on an assignment and not actully knowing or understanding the individuals on the team. Overall the Team A Charter is well written and is quite comprehensive, but lacks any real consensus. This lack of consensus is not from lack of effort, but on the differences and diversity of each of our; which in essence is what will make this team successful and has improved our charter. The improvement of the charter is an understanding by all who have added to it and a far more realistic charter.

Learning Team Charter 5

Learning Team Charter 6 References Do I Trust Others? Self-Assessment Library. Retrieved from Pearson Prentice Hall website April 10, 2009. https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/aapd/sas/robbins_sal3v3/sal3v3web.html How good are My Listening? Self-Assessment Library. Retrieved from Pearson Prentice Hall website April 10, 2009. https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/aapd/sas/robbins_sal3v3/sal3v3web.html Learning Team A Charter. MGT521 Classroom. Learning Team A – Discussion Meeting? Thread. Retreived April 11, 2009. http://classroom.phoenix.edu/afm212/secure/viewthread.jspa?threadID=10862070

Learning Team Charter 7

After collaborating with your team, individually (not with your team) consider the personality types, listening skills, and trust levels of your team members and yourself. Then, in 700 - 1000 words, write a paper in which you explain how, considering those individual differences, you will use your team charter to improve performance. Post completed assignment to your individual forum.


Out of

Paper explains how personality types and individual skills will affect the team charter.



Paper explains purpose of a charter and the elements that should be included.



Demonstrate Quality and Effectiveness in Written Communication

Paper includes a concise introduction that provides sufficient background on the topic and a conclusion that reviews the major points. Analysis is supported by appropriate objective examples and documented reference sources.




The paper, including citations and the reference page, follows APA format guidelines.




Grammar, punctuation and spelling is correct. Sentences are complete, clear and concise. Word usage is appropriate for academic writing. Words used are precise and unambiguous. Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically.





