Exam Review Sheet Grade 8

  • May 2020
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Grade 8 English examination study guide 2009 What is the purpose of the examinations? These end of year tests are designed to help you develop your skills in writing examinations in a formal setting with time limits. Hand written (without spell-check) examinations remain the major instrument of assessment in most systems and it is important you acquire the necessary skills. Remember that your other major assessment tasks are also important, and you should make sure you spend time and effort on those as well. What will I do in the examination? In the examination you will write a discursive essay on a contemporary issue related to the issues we have been discussing in class. You will be given a choice of three topics all related to globalisation. As this is an English task the focus for the assessment will be on your use of language, the development of your ideas and the structure of your essay. What can I do to revise? Reading and writing skills are the major focus of these tests and it is difficult to select specific aspects of these skills for revision. However, there are, of course, useful ways to prepare for this exam. • • • • • •

Look through your folio pieces and work out ways to improve upon your weaknesses, especially with regard to essay writing. Read articles and watch documentaries on contemporary issues and think about how they are structured and designed to have maximum impact on the audience. Work on your spelling and punctuation (practice, test yourself, have people test you). Practice writing formal essays and articles. Put them on your blog and ask people to comment on them. Use the attached assessment criteria to work out what skills you need to work on. Focus on topic sentences, register and structure. Use the vocabulary table to make sure you know and understand these words

Useful vocabulary to know



global issue

human trafficking



topic sentence




pressure group










How will I be assessed? In keeping with the methods we have been using all year, you will be assessed using the English Department criteria.

Assessment Sheet (tick the descriptors that you think apply to you and give yourself a level) Level



Questions to help you:

Questions to help you:

How perceptive, focused and well selected are the ideas in my essay?

How cohesive is the presentation of my argument?

How accurate, varied and effective is my use of language?

How well have I used sentences, paragraphs and topic sentences to structure my essay?

How well did I choose the register to suit the audience for a formal essay.

My essay is purposefully organised.

My language is varied, accurate, smooth and effective.

I include numerous well-chosen relevant ideas that support and help my audience understand the topic and my opinions about it. My essay contains a careful balance of factual information and my own personal views.

7-8 E F F E C T I V E

I include relevant ideas that support and help my audience understand the topic and my opinions about it.


I use relevant details that support and help my audience.


3-4 E M E R GING


Style & language

Questions to help you:

How well did I balance personal response with factual information?



My essay contains a careful balance of factual information and my own personal views.

My essay contains a balance of factual information and my own personal views.

I use a variety of sentence types accurately. I use paragraphs carefully and effectively. I use topic sentences skillfully to signpost my argument effectively.

N.B. Register refers to the level of formality of your language.

I use punctuation skillfully. My choice of language is always appropriate for the purpose and audience. I use clear, effective and precise language.

My essay is well organised.

My language is varied and accurate.

I use a variety of sentence types.

I use punctuation well.

I use paragraphs carefully.

My choice of language is appropriate for the purpose and audience.

I use topic sentences effectively to signpost my argument.

My essay is organised.

My language is fairly accurate.

I attempt to use a variety of sentence types.

I use punctuation effectively.

I use paragraphs fairly well.

My choice is generally appropriate for the task.

I use some topic sentences. My ideas show a basic understanding of the task. I develop some ideas.

My ideas show a limited understanding of the task. I attempt the task.

I attempt to organise my work. I use basic paragraphs.

I am unsuccessful in organising my work.

My use of language is not always effective. There may be regular and errors in spelling and punctuation.

There are significant weaknesses with the style and language I have used.

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