Exam Review

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Lecture 13 Exam Review

In this week’s lecture…

The Visitor Man: Clerk: Man: Clerk: Man:

Hi. Can you help me? Sure. What can I do for you? I need to change some money. Is there a bank in the neighbourhood? Yes, there is. There’s one across the street. And I’d like to get something to eat. Are there any restaurants around here? Clerk: No, sorry, there aren’t. But there are some good ones downtown. Man: Great. Thanks! Clerk: You’re welcome.

There is and There are is = singular = 1 QUESTION Is there a….?

are = plural = 2, 3, 4…

Are there any…?

ANSWER Yes, there is/ there’s a... Yes, there are. No, there is not/ isn’t.No, there are not/ aren’t. STATEMENT There is a/ There’s a… There are some… There is not a / There isn’t a… There are not any/ There aren’t any…

Are there and Is there…? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

skyscrapers convenience store supermarket bookstores train station restaurants banks movie theatre

Is there a… Are there any… in your neighbourhood? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.

Where Am I? a few


a lot

There is a/are a few/some/a lot of + noun/s + in this place. example

There are a lot of students in this place. There are a few teachers in this place. There are a lot of tables in this place. There are some forks in this place. There is a cash machine in this place.


It’s beside/next to (place) near Turn left/ right at (street name/place) behind in front of across the street from Go straight on (street name) across down the street from It’s at/on the corner of (street name) and up the street from (street name). just past just before in between (place) and (place) around the corner from

New Vocabulary convenience store Internet café aquarium drugstore post office shopping mall neighbourhood department store nightclub station train station

around here downtown You’re welcome.

Now on to today’s lecture… The Final Exam Review

Some Helpful Tips for Speaking 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Body language  look confident, have good posture Eye contact  look around the room and at the people Speak clearly be careful how you say letters like “r”, “l” and “f”. Avoid monotone!!! Talking speed  not too fast, not too slow Watch punctuation  take short pauses at the end of sentences or important parts 7. Volume  speak so that the last row of students can hear you 8. Know your voice  use feeling in your voice 9. Look smart and honest 10. Practice, practice, practice!!!

HOW we speak WHAT we say is important but also HOW we say it. Things to remember when talking: * Intonation * Tone * Volume * Stressing words * Pauses * Fluency * Speed


Your voice is like a rollercoaster it goes up and down when you talk. Monotone = no intonation UP ENDING  excitement  question  surprise

DOWN ENDING  fact  statement

Intonation Change When we speak, our intonation is ALWAYS going up and done, but when we ask questions, when does it go up and down???

Do you like kimchi? What is your favourite food? How should the intonation at the end of these questions go? Should the intonation the same or different?

The Rise and Fall of Intonation YES/NO questions = intonation goes up at the end. Other questions = intonation goes down at the end. Try these questions … how should the intonation go? • What is your favourite kind of ice cream? • Do you always eat rice? • Are apples your favourite fruit? • What kind of food do you really dislike? • Where do you eat lunch? • Do you like sushi?

What to Stress

Stressing different words in a sentence or question greatly changes the meaning of what is being said. I can read and write in English. I can read and write in English. I can read and write in English. She was so pretty. She was so pretty. She was so pretty. She was so pretty.

Nice to Meet You Adam: Hi. My name’s Adam. What’s your name? Kate: Hi, Adam. My name’s Kate. Adam: So, where are you from, Kate? Kate: I’m from Toronto. How about you? Adam: I’m from San Diego, California.

Punctuation Differences You are cute. You are cute! You are cute?

You’re not so cute, but not ugly. You are very cute. You think you are cute but I don’t think you are.

That’s Bobby. That’s Bobby! That’s Bobby? That’s Bobby?!

He’s my brother. He’s a very famous actor. Yes, he’s the new student. He looks so different now.

Statements with “be” I’m a student. You’re from Mexico. He’s from Korea. She’s from Canada. We’re students. They’re from the US.

I am = I’m you are = you’re he is = he’s she is = she’s we are = we’re they are = they’re

I’m not a teacher. He isn’t from China. They aren’t teachers.

I’m a student. He’s from the US. They’re students.

Possessive Adjectives

my your his her our their

is not = isn’t are not = aren’t

Questions with “be” Are you a student? Is he a teacher? Is she an artist? Are you actors? Are they doctors? Who’s that? What’s your name? Where are you from? How are you? How old are you?

Yes, I am. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, we are. Yes, they are.

No, I’m not. No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t. No, we aren’t. No, they aren’t.

Who is  Who’s What is  What’s

YOUR Personal Information Personal information is what makes you different than another person. Information about you that is just yours. It includes things like… … your name … where you were born … address (home and email) … status (single, married, divorced) … age … job title … telephone number … where you go to school/work

Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle: Eric: Michelle:

Small Talk

Where do you live? Well, I’m from Canada but I live in California. Interesting. And what do you do? I’m an architect. What about you? I’m a doctor. I work in a hospital in Seattle. Really? My sister lives in Seattle. What does she do? She’s a singer. What’s her name? Suzy Watson. Suzy? I know her! Hey! Small world!

Common wh- questions What do you do? Where do you live?

I’m an architect. I live in San Francisco. I don’t live in Japan.

What does she do? She’s a college student. Where does she go to school? She goes to NYU. She doesn’t go to Harvard. What do they do? Who do they work for? Where do they work?

They’re pilots. They work for American Airlines. They work in an airport. They don’t work in an office.

Wh- Questions & Statements Wh- Questions

Where do do does does does do do

I you he she it we they

Affirmative (+) and Negative (-) Statements work? I You He She It We They

+ work work works works works work work

do not work here. do not work does not work does not work does not work do not work do not work

Spotlight: Grammar Regular Verbs I live / don’t live in Korea. You We They Irregular Verbs: have, go, do I have/ don’t have brown hair. You go/ don’t go to church. We do/ don’t do the housework. They

He She It

He She It

lives/doesn’t live in Korea.

has/ doesn’t have blue eyes. goes/ doesn’t go to work. does/ doesn’t do all of it.

The Simple Present Do Do Does Does Does Do Do


like cheese? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. you Yes, you do. No, you don’t. he Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. she Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. it Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t. we Yes, we do. No, we don’t. they Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

- Things like swimming and jogging are used to mean activities but are used like nouns. eg. I go swimming on Tuesdays. - Team sports or activities that use equipment, like balls or bats. - Other activities.

Frequency Adverbs X________X_________________X_________X 0% 25 50 75 100 never sometimes usually always

Do you ever ….?

Time Expressions (day/week/month/year) Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.



once a week








twice a week








three times a week








four times a week








five times a week








six times a week








every day








every other day








How to use Time Expressions We usually use time expressions at the end of a sentence. I go jogging three times a week. Joe eats rice every day. We go shopping every other day. She watches a movie once a week.

Do you ever… How often do you… Do you ever…? - Frequency adverb never sometimes usually always How often…? - Time expression (day/week/month/year)

once a week twice a week three times a week four times a week five times a week six times a week every day every other day

… go swimming? … go clean your bedroom? … go to the gym? … go mountain climbing? … go to a club? … go to the movies?

Daily Routine Activities A: I (daily activity #1) (time expression). How often do you (daily activity #1). B: I (daily activity #1) (time expression). I (daily activity #2) (time expression). How often do you (daily activity #2)? A: (time expression).

How often…? Time expression (day/week/month/year) once a week twice a week three times a week four times a week five times a week six times a week every day every other day

Grammar: Different Tenses X-----------X-----------X Past Tense

Present Tense

Future Tense

Simple Present *

the action is general

I sing pop songs.

I play the piano. *

the action is not only happening now but happens all the time


the statement is always true

Continuous/Progressive Present

I am singing pop songs. The action is happening now I am playing the piano. or will happen in the future I am singing tonight in a concert.

Different Present Tenses SIMPLE PRESENT Do you study? What do you watch on TV?

CONTINUOUS PRESENT Are you studying? What are you watching on TV? Try the following… What kind of food do you eat? Can you speak English? Do you watch soccer? Where do you live? Do you do homework?

Wh- Questions Where can (subject) + (verb) + (noun) I pizza eat souvenirs you buy statues see she a baseball game watch he the zoo find we Subject they = who it Verb = action Noun = person, place, or thing

The past tense of be Affirmative Statements I was You were He was She was It was We were They were

Negative Statements was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t was not = wasn’t at home last night. was not = wasn’t was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t were not = weren’t

Changing the Tense Present Tense 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

He’s late. The weather is terrible. He’s lost. His cell phone is broken. The lines are long. The bus is crowded. The traffic is terrible. He’s sick.

Past Tense He was late. The weather was terrible. He was lost. His cell phone was broken. The lines were long. The bus was crowded. The traffic was terrible. He was sick.

Yes/No Questions Simple Answers Was Were Was Was Were Were Was

I you he she at school? we they it

Yes, I was. Yes, you were. Yes, he was. Yes, she was. Yes, we were. Yes, they were. Yes, it was.

No, I wasn’t. No, you weren’t. No, he wasn’t. No, she wasn’t. No, we weren’t. No, they weren’t. Yes, it wasn’t.

Past tense Wh- questions Where

was were was was were were was

I you he she we they it

yesterday? at this time last week? at this time yesterday? last July? last month? last night? last Saturday? last week? Example: Monday, October 20, 2008 last year? 1. Where were you at this time last week? on Saturday? 2. Where were you last Monday? on Saturday, October 25th? 3. Where were you last week? 4. Where were you on Monday, October 20 ?on your last birthday? 5. Where were you seven days ago? three days ago? three months ago? th

Adjectives ADJECTIVE





the cheapest



the coolest



the newest



the baggiest


more stylish

the most stylish


more comfortable

the most comfortable

What about these adjectives…?! nice colourful old good bad

Comparing Clothes

The yellow pants are shorter than the brown pants. (adjective) (“be”=is/are) + (comparative adj.) (adjective) The _____ dress ___ _______ than the _____ dress. The _____ sweater ___ ______ than the _____ sweater. The _____ jeans ___ ________ than the _____ jeans.


Describing People COMPARATIVE




the youngest



the oldest



the funniest


more outgoing

the most outgoing



the best



the worst

Bobby is funnier than Jason. Kelly is the prettiest. Mickey is more outgoing than Minnie.

Appearance LOOKS unattractive  average-looking  good-looking HEIGHT short  medium/average height  tall BODY SHAPE HAIR

skinny  thin/slim  average-build  pudgy  athletic 

bald  short  medium-length  chin-length  long

AGE young  early-20’s  mid-20’s  late-20’s  middle-aged  elderly

muscular  heavy

Personality Traits She/he seems… = I think she/ he is… outgoing quiet lazy hardworking serious funny shy stubborn

cool nice friendly bossy loud messy neat sweet

Be like and look like Be like… What

am are is are are is

Look like… I you is he we they it

like? she

I am / You are/ He is/ She is/ We are/They are/ It is …

What do do you doesshe doeshe do we do they does


look like?


I look like/ You look like/ She looks like/ He looks like/ We look like/ They look like/ It looks like.. I have/ You have/ She has/ He has/ We have/ They have/ It has…

Famous Landmarks

Vacation Activities

do something fun

visit relatives

read something interesting

do something dangerous

hang out at the beach

go somewhere new

An Adventure James: Miguel: James: Miguel: James: Miguel:

Guess what? I’m going to go to visit Mexico City next month. Really? That’s great! Are you excited? Very! Can you tell me some things to see and do there? Sure. Why don’t you visit the pyramids? It’s amazing there. And what about shopping? Where can I go? Oh! You can go to the Zona Rosa. You can buy lots of cool things there. James: How can I get there? Miguel: It’s easy. You can take the subway. James: Cool. Thanks!

The Tourist

The Tourist A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A:

Welcome to Korea! How are you? Super, but I am starving! Where can I get something to eat? Well, you can go to ___________. Great. I also want to go __________. Where do you recommend I go? I suggest you go to __________. OK, sounds like a great idea! Sure, no problem. By the way, what else can I see and do here? Hmm… Well, you can _____________ and ____________. Wow, cool! Sounds like fun! Thanks for all your terrific help. No problem.

…now on to talking about your

What are some conversations you have had in a taxi?

What are some questions tourists ask taxi drivers?

The Taxi Driver Role Play The Scene: An English-speaking tourist leaves the airport and hails a taxi. He sits in the back. On the way into town the driver strikes up a conversation with the tourist. The Characters: Student A: Taxi driver Student B: Tourist

The Play: A 2-3 minute conversation between the taxi driver and the tourist.

(… using the vocabulary, grammar and topics we studied in class together)

How I will mark your final exam Length of Play Volume Body Language Fluency Intonation Tone Stressing Words Pronunciation English Level Interest Level

/5 /5 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10 /10

Last week’s homework Smart Choice: page 59 (#1-3), 60 (#4), 61 (#7-8), 62 (#1 & 3).

Last Week’s Homework Answers Page 59 Activity #1 3. There is an Internet café near here. 4. There are four restaurants near here. 5. There is a movie theatre near here. 6. There are three shoe shops near here.

Activity #2 2. There aren’t any 3. There isn’t a 4. There aren’t any 5. There isn’t a 6. There aren’t any Activity #3 1. is = are 2. not is = isn’t a 3. a = any 4. there music store = there a music store 5. across = around 6. from = --

Last Week’s Homework Answers Page 60 Activity #4 2. next to

3. across from

4. on

5. near

Page 61 Activity #7 2. Sure. What can I do for you? 3. I’d like to buy a CD. Is there a music store around here? 4. No, there isn’t. But there’s a department store down the street. You can get CDs there. 5. OK, thanks. And I need to change some money. Is there a bank in the neighbourhood? 6. No, there isn’t, but there’s one ten minutes away. It’s across from the station. 7. Great. Thank you very much! 8. You’re welcome.

Last Week’s Homework Answers Page 61 Activity #8 2. What can I do for you? 4. Is there a 6. But there’s a coffee shop 8. Ok, thanks. 10. Is there a movie theatre 12. There’s one fifteen minutes away. 14. Great. 16. You’re welcome.

3. I’d like to get something to eat. 5. there isn’t 7. You can get something to eat there. 9. see a movie 11. there isn’t 13. It’s near the bank. 15. Thank you very much!

Last Week’s Homework Answers Page 62 Activity #1 1. New York

Activity #3 1. It’s a department store. 2. It’s a toy store. 3. It’s a jewellery store. 4. There are ten floors in Saks. 5. Tom Hanks visits FAO Schwarz in the movie Big.

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