Exam Ethics 2007_final Answer

  • May 2020
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tinoQuestion1 Define the following terms Contract: An agreement between two or more competent persons, having for its purpose a legal object, wherein both persons agree to act or to refrain from acting in a certain manner.




It is the fundamental written law that is enacted by legislative authority and published in the official gazette. ‫القانون‬ ‫الساسي الذي يسن عن طريق السلطة التشريعية و يتم نشره في جريدة رسمية‬


In Egypt, there are three sorts of legislation:

a) Constitutional law ‫الدستور‬ _

It is the highest law in Egypt and most other countries.


It defines and limits the power of government for the purpose of giving protection to the individual who lives under this government, and for whose benefit the government is formed.

b) Ordinary law ‫السلطة التشريعية‬ _

It is the written law, which proceeds from the legislative authority in the state. ‫هو سجل مكتوب ينبع من السلطة التشريعية في الدولة‬


In Egypt, the legislative authority is the people’s assembly. ‫السلطة التشريعية في مصر هو مجلس الشعب‬

c) Secondary law ‫السلطةالتنفيذية‬ _

It proceeds from executive authority upon delegation from the legislative authority. ‫ينبع من السلطة التنفيذية بعد تفويض او توكيل من السلطة التشريعية‬


It is usually called a regulation.

Offer: It is the communication by one party, known as an Offeror , to another party called an Offeree, of their willingness to act in certain lines.

Copyright: Copyright protects the right of an author to prevent the unauthorized copying or modification of a work of authorship such as dramatic, musical, audiovisual, literary, or visual art works.

Legal rule Rule that has a material sanction which regulates and governs the social behavior of people

Complete the sentence Public law is divided in to Constitutional law, Administrative law, Criminal law, Public finance, And Public International Law, while private law is divided in to Civil law, Commercial law, Maritime law, Law of civil and commercial procedures, Labor law, And Private International Law

Question 2 All storage of computer operations are susceptible to criminal activity either as the target of the crime, the instrument of the crime, or both” Discuss the previous sentence while discussing the type of computer crime” Unethically people can use storage of computer operations in criminal activities looks like computer forgery, or fraud by computer manipulation. Or use it as a target of the crime looks like Damage to or modification of computer data or programs, unauthorized access to computer systems and service, or unauthorized reproduction of legally protected computer programs

common types of computer crime:

1. Fraud by computer manipulation

‫الحتيال عن‬

‫طريق التلعب بالكمبيوتر‬

 Intangible assets (‫ )ممتلكات غير ملموسة‬represented in data format such as money on deposit or hours of work, are the most common targets of computer-related fraud.

 Computer fraud by input manipulation is the most common computer crime, as it is easily perpetrated (‫ )ترنككب‬and difficult to detect.

 Some of the offensive techniques include: packet sniffers, password checkers, worms, Trojan horses, spoofing mechanisms, ping, and diagnostic tools like trace route, to name a few.

 Why data diddling is famous? Because: _

It is not easy to be detected.


It is easy to be confirmed (permitted).

2. Computer forgery



 Where data are altered in respect of documents stored in computerized form, the crime is forgery. 3. Damage to or modification of computer data or programs ‫التدمير او التعديل في ملفات‬ ‫الكمبيوتر او البرامج‬

 This category of criminal activity involves either direct or covert unauthorized access to a computer system… the introduction of new programs known as viruses, worms or logic bombs. 4. Unauthorized access to computer systems and service

 Intentional and unjustified access by a person not authorized by the owners or operators of a system may often constitute criminal behavior.  Unauthorized access creates the opportunity to cause additional unintended damage to data, system crashes or impediments to legitimate system users by negligence.

 The perpetrator (‫ )مرتكب الجريمة‬may be able to take advantage of lax security measures to gain access. 5. Unauthorized reproduction of legally protected computer programs

 The unauthorized reproduction of computer programs can mean a substantial economic loss (‫ )خسارة اقتصادية مادية‬to the legitimate owners. (‫)المالكين الحقيقيين‬

Question 3 State the characteristics of a computer crime 1-may be professional, intelligent, has ales culture 2-but not condition to be hacker 3-but not condition to be criminal resources

State who has the right to apply for a patent protection Any person or legal entity, Egyptian or foreigner, that is a member of the world trade organization, or that applies reciprocity (‫ )التبادل‬to Egypt has the right to apply for a patent at the Egyptian patent office.

Compare between the characteristics of voidable contract and void contract A Void contract is the one, which does not produce any legal effect from the moment it was concluded as if it never existed. Question 4 The local Cairo government has sold a piece of land to doctor Mohamed to build a hospital. Dispute rose between the two parties, so Dr.mohamed brought the case before an ordinary civil court, but the spur-mentioned local authority pleaded that the dispute is subject to administrative jurisdiction. What is your decision? Unethically

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