Evolution Of World Politics

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  • Words: 413
  • Pages: 21
Evolution of World Politics

International Relations Or World Politics

Regarding the International System:

The notion that the world is more than just the sum of its parts (countries)


World politics is more than just the sum of the individual interactions among those parts

What does this mean?

Distribution of Power

Patterns of action among actors in World Politics

System: a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole


Mid to late 15th century began:

integration and disintegration

Treaty of Westphalia,1648

18th century -- early 20th century:

Popular sovereignty


Culmination of multipolarity

The times they are a changin’ Each dot represents 1 million people

Across the pond in a speedy 10 days

Uranium or mine?

Deterrence Theory argues that fear of retaliation would serve as a deterrent to conflict

= World Peace

The United Nations

Fall of Soviet Union

A new polar system? Weakening Western orientation of the system? Challenge to authority of the state?

A new polar system?


Dominant regional/world power(s)

Hegemony: Exercise of said power



Modified Multi-polar

Weakening Western orientation of the system?

Challenge to authority of the state?

Forces splintering states into fragments (jihad) Others merging states into an integrated McWorld If Jihad prevails: “grim prospect of a retribalization of large swaths of humankind by war and bloodshed: a threatened balkanization of nation-states in which culture is pitted against culture, people against people, tribe against tribe.” On the other hand: melding of “nations into one homogenous global theme park, one McWorld tied together by communications, information, entertainment and commerce.” We are “caught between Babel and Disneyland….the planet is falling precipitously apart and coming reluctantly together at the very same moment.”


11 million people killed in wars of 20th century New and greater forms of international security

Multilateral Arms Regulation and Disarmament Agreements 1925 Geneva Protocol Antarctic Treaty APM Convention (Mine-Ban Convention) Bangkok Treaty BWC CCWC Celestial Bodies CFE Cluster Munitions CTBT CWC ENMOD Inter-American Convention Inter-American Convention on Transparency NPT Open Skies Outer Space

Partial Test Ban Pelindaba Treaty Sea-Bed Treaty Treaty of Rarotonga Treaty of Tlatelolco Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia

International Security Forces

UN Peacekeepers

“NATO has helped to end bloody conflicts in Bosnia, Kosove and head off a civil war in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Today, NATO-led forces are helping to bring about stability to Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and Darfur.” --NATO Website

Human Rights Evolving concept?

Global Environmental Sustainability An issue of national security?

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