Evolution Letter Home

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 451
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Dear Parent/Guardian,     We have started our unit of study focusing on Biological Evolution. I like to bring this to the  attention of parents because I know that this subject can conflict with personal/religious beliefs. As a  licensed educator in Ohio, I am required to cover all of the academic content standards as outlined by  our state. Our study of Biological Evolution will cover topics including:   Evidence of Common Ancestry & Diversity  ● Genetic information, like the fossil record, provides evidence of evolution. This evidence can be found among DNA sequences,  amino acid sequences and anatomical/embryological evidence.  Natural Selection  ● Natural selections occurs only if there is both (1) variation in the genetic information and (2) trait variation--that leads to differences  in performance among individuals.  ● The traits that positively affect survival are more likely to be reproduced, and thus are more common in the population.  Adaptation  ● Evolution is a consequence of the interaction of 4 factors: (1) the potential for a species to increase in number, (2) the genetic  variation of individuals in a species due to mutation and sexual reproduction, (3) competition for an environment’s limited supply of  the resources that individuals need in order to survive and reproduce, and (4) the ensuing proliferation of those organisms that are  better able to survive and reproduce in that environment.  ● Natural selection leads to adaptation. The differential survival and reproduction of organisms in a population that have an  advantageous heritable trait leads to an increase in the proportion of individuals in future generations.   ● Adaptation also means that the distribution of traits in a population can change when conditions change.  ● Changes in the physical environment, have thus contributed to the expansion/emergence/divergence/extinction of some species..  ● Species become extinct because they can longer survive and reproduce in their altered environment.   Biodiversity & Humans  ● Humans depend on the living world for the resources and other benefits provided by biodiversity, but also has adverse impacts on  biodiversity through overpopulation, overexploitation, habitat destruction, pollution, introduction of invasive species and climate  change. 

I teach biological evolution through the use of our textbook, scholarly articles, class  notes/discussion, labs, activities and videos. I do not attempt to persuade students in anyway nor do I  try to change their personal beliefs. I present them with the material that has strong scientific evidence  to support it. In a little less than one month, your student will be taking the Biology End Of Course  Exam, in which approximately 25% of the content is related to Biological Evolution, as it is one of the 4  “cornerstones” of high school Biology and I intend to make sure that your student is adequately prepared  for this graduation requirement.       Respectfully,  Samantha Roberts 

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