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The evidence must show that the trainee … Plans and prepares installation to ensure OH&S policies and procedures , sequences the work appropriately in accordance with requirements Consults appropriate personnel and ensures the work coordinates effectively with others involve on the work site








Obtains devices / systems which establishes procedures and to comply with requirements Determines job requirements location and installs device/systems Obtains materials necessary to complete work and establishes procedures which checks against job requirement Obtains tools, equipments and testing devices which needs to carry out installation work that establishes and checks procedure for correct operation and safety


Ways in which evidence will be collected: [tick the column]

Observation Questioning



Units of competency covered


Demonstration Questioning

Title of Evaluation


Written Examination




Checks preparatory work to ensure no unnecessary damage occurs and complies with requirements Follows OH&S policies and procedures for installing devices/systems

Installs devices / systems in accordance with requirements, without damage or distortion to the surrounding environment or services Carries out variation to devices / systems installation in accordance to customer/client requirements Responds to the events or conditions that are not planned




Obtains approval in accordance with established procedures from appropriate personnel before any contingencies are implemented Establishes and undertakes procedures according to ongoing checks of quality of work X

Follows OH&S policies and procedures


Checks and isolates circuits and systems where necessary using specified testing procedures Removes parts or connections of the installation or service in order to conduct the test are stored to protect against loss or damage and in accordance with established procedures Responds to events or conditions that are not a part of plan according to established procedure Obtains approval in accordance with established procedures from appropriate personnel before any contingencies are implemented Tests devices / systems and/or installation to determine whether it conforms to requirements


Removes parts, and/or connections for the purpose of testing and returns to pre-test conditions in accordance with established procedures Undertakes final inspections to ensure the installed devices / systems conforms to requirements Forwards documentation to appropriate personnel in relation to test and to authority in accordance with requirements Installs the computer systems and networks in accordance with requirements, without damage or distortion to the surrounding environment or services* Tests and installs computer systems and network to determine whether it conforms to clients requirements* Conducts final inspections to ensure the installed devices / systems conforms to clients requirements Types of computers Identifies the different computer operating systems X





Enumerated the different peripheral devices

Application packages & use of application programs X Identifies Multimedia systems

Identifies motherboard properly X






Identifies Multimedia storage devices Identifies video cards properly Identifies sound card Configures Computer PC Hardware Installs Local Area Network Graphical user interface Use   

of utilities/software Operating systems Diagnostic software Device drivers

NOTE: *Critical aspects of competency

Table of Specification

Objectives/ Content Area/ Topics Installation is planned and prepared to ensure OH&S policies and procedures are followed, the work is appropriately sequenced in accordance with requirements Computer systems


Appropriate personnel are consulted to ensure the work is coordinated effectively with others involved on the work site Computer Hardware


Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the installation work are obtained in accordance with established procedures and checked for correct operation and safety


Knowledge Comprehensive Application

# of Items/ % of test

















































PERFORMANCE TEST Trainee: ______________________________________

Score: _____________

Qualification: __________________________________

Date: ______________



Select the best answer from among the choices given. Write your answer on your answer sheets.(15 minutes time limit. 10 items each)

1. In OHS policies and procedures, OHS stands for: A. Occupational Health and Safety B. Operational Health and Safety C. Occupational Help and Safety D. None of Above 2. Before starting the ________, read carefully the documentation and procedures on any hardware and software settings that may be required. A. Inspection B. Installation C. Intonation D. None of the Above 3. Failure to do the proper jumper setting may cause damage to your ________. A. B. C. D.

Monitor Printer CPU All of the Above

4. Without an effective ________, the CPU can overheat and cause damage to both CPU and the motherboard. A. B. C. D.

Cooling Fan Heat Sink Motherboard All of the Above

5. Each bank must have the same _____ and type of memory installed in pairs. A. B. C. D.

Size Speed Accuracy All of the Above

6. Before adding and removing any other system components, make sure that you unplug your _________. A. B. C. D.

Motherboard UPS Power Supply All of the Above

7. Failure to do so may cause damage to your motherboard and in the _________. A. B. C. D.

Solar System System Component Shoot System None of the Above

8. Test the computer, insuring that it meets the necessary system requirements before _________. A. B. C. D.

Booting Up Heating Up Warming Up All of the Above

9. If the computer does not pass any of the ________________ (POST), the computer will receive an irregular_________________. An irregular POST is a beep code which is different from the standard beep which can either be no beeps at all or a combination of different beeps. A. B. C. D.

Power on Self-Test Power on Supply-Test Power on System-Test None of the Above

10. Some effects of computers relating to the violation of privacy, the impact on the _______, health risks, and the impact on the environment. A. B. C. D. II.

Strike Force Lightning Force Labor Force None of the Above.

MATCHING TYPE Directions: Match the appropriate description of the following. Refer to the selection of words on the top and match them to the questionnaires below. Write the letter of your answer in your answer sheets. (10 minutes time limit. 10 items each) A. Fundamentals of Operating System

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.

Operating System Application Programs Time-Sharing Operating System Multi-User Operating System Single-Tasking System Distributed Operating System Embedded Operating System Ken Thompson Mac OS X Linus Torvald

1. Require an operating system which are usually separate programs, but can be combined in simple systems. 2. Is a set of programs that manage computer hardware resources and provide common services for application software. 3. It allows multiple users to access a computer system concurrently. Time-sharing system can be classified as multi-user systems as they enable a multiple user access to a computer through the sharing of time. 4. He began the Linux kernel project in1991, in a university in Finland. 5. Is a line of open core graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Apple Inc., the latest of which is pre-loaded on all currently shipping Macintosh computers. 6. He wrote B, mainly based on BCPL, which he used to write Unix, based on his experience in the MULTICS project.

7. An operating system designed to be used in embedded computer systems. 8. An operating system type that manages a group of independent computers and makes them appear to be a single computer. 9. When only a single program is allowed to run at a time, the system is grouped under this system. 10. An operating system type that schedule tasks for efficient use of the system and may also include accounting for cost allocation of processor time, mass storage, printing, and other resources.


TRUE OR FALSE Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is TRUE. If the statement is FALSE. Write your answers in your answer sheets. (5 minutes time limit. 5 items each).

A. Qualification for a Computer Hardware Servicing Personnel

___________ 1. Anyone can do an installation as long as he knows how to do it. ___________ 2. The Department of Education, Culture and Sports conducts the assessment for NC II Computer Hardware Servicing. ___________ 3. Computer Technicians need not to have a strong oral communication skill. ___________ 4. Companies prefer candidates with previous pc repair experience, and they may look for candidates with experience in repairing branded computer. ____________ 5. PC Technicians must be able to jump, bend and reach to access the computer equipment requiring repair.


Modified TRUE OR FALSE Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is TRUE. If the statement is FALSE change the underlined word and write the correct answer. Write your answers in your answer sheets. (10 minutes time limit. 15 items each. Wrong spelling wrong) A. Computer Devices and Peripherals 1. A computer is an electronic machine, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory, that can be programmed to accept data (input), process it into useful information (output), and store it away in a secondary storage device (store) for safekeeping or later reuse. 2. The encoding of input into output is directed by the software but performed by the hardware. Figure below shows some common computer hardware components. 3. Computer system hardware components include devices that perform the functions of input, processing, data storage; output and transfer. 4. Input devices allow you to enter data or commands in a form that the computer can use; they send the data or commands to the processing unit. 5. Input devices show people the processed data--information --in understandable and useful form. 6. Processing devices are the computer electronic circuitry housed in the system processing. 7. The circuitry in the system unit is part of a circuit board called the motherboard. 8. The memory, formally known as the central processing unit (CPU), has electronic circuitry that manipulates input data into the information people want. Computer instructions are actually are executed in the central processing unit. 9. Memory is a series of electronic elements that temporarily holds data and program instructions while they are being processed by the CPU. –t 10. Both the processor and memory consist of chips. A chip is an electric device that contains many microscopic pathways designed to carry electrical current.

11. Storage usually means primary storage that can store data and programs outside the computer itself. 12. Communications devices provide connections between the computer and communications networks, and enable computer users to communicate and to exchange data, information, and programs with other computers. 13. The system unit is a box-like case that houses the processor, memory and other electronic components of the computer that are used to process data.

14. When the cover of a system unit is removed, the motherboard, also called system board, can be seen inside the housing. 15. An interior circuit (IC) contains many microscopic pathways capable of carrying electrical current. V.

COMPLETION Complete the sentence by giving the right answer in the blanks. Write your answer in you answer sheets. (10 minutes time limit. 10 items each. Wrong spelling wrong)

A. Tools and Equipments 1. enclose or protect the eye area in order to prevent particulates, infectious fluids, or chemicals is called___________. 2. An electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit is called_____________. 3. A hand tool used to hold objects firmly, for bending, or physical compression is called_________. 4. A tool for driving screws and often rotating other machine elements with the mating drive system is called___________. 5. A tool for soldering metals using tin-based solder to achieve a highly conductive contact is called_______________. 6. Tools used for removing the molten solder so that the joint may be separated are called_______________. 7. A is a hand-held portable electric-powered light source is called__________. 8. Tools used for picking up objects too small to be easily handled with the human hands are called _________________. 9. A garment used for covering and protecting the whole hand is called___________. 10. A peripheral which produces a text or graphics of documents stored in electronic form, usually on physical print media such as paper or transparencies is called________________.





5. 6. 7. 8.

MATCHING TYPE A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



TRUE OR FALSE A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Modified TRUE or FALSE A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



9. 10.




QUESTIONING TOOL Trainee’s name: Trainer’s name: QUALIFICATION:


Title of Evaluation





Units of competency covered:





Date of evaluation: Time of evaluation: Instructions for Practical Demonstration: Please see attached Instruction for Practical examination (Trainee) In the workshop, given the supplies, materials, tools and equipment, you are required to install, assemble and test computers and common peripherals in 4 hours only. Supplies and Materials  Paper  Ball pen  Reference books  Manuals

Tools and equipment  Computer  Anti Static Risk Wrap  PPE  Multi-Tester  Screw Driver  Tweezers  to show if evidence is demonstrated N/ During the demonstration of skills, the trainee: Yes No A Plans and prepares installation to ensure OH&S policies’    procedures and requirements Consults appropriate personnel and ensures the work  coordinates effectively with others involve on the work site   Obtains devices / systems which establishes procedures and to comply with requirements Determines job requirements location and installs device/systems

Follows OH&S policies and procedures for installing devices/systems Identifies the different computer operating systems

Enumerates the different peripheral devices Identifies motherboard properly Identifies video cards properly

Identifies sound card

Feedback to trainee:

The candidate’s overall performance was: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory Trainee’s signature:


Trainer’s signature:


Questioning: 1. What is employed in order to ensure that safety measures, policies and procedures followed, and that work is appropriately sequenced in accordance with the industry standards? 2. Who are the competent personnel to be consulted to ensures effective and proper work coordination? 3. What is the device use to test connectivity?

multi-tester 4. What do you need to read in order before you start installation? 5. What is an application needed to run another application 6. What is the tangible part of the computer? 7. What is the main printed circuit board on your computer? 8. What is the device that helps to display the images on the monitor?

Acceptable Answers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Planned Installation A TESDA Certified Trainer and Technician Multi-tester Manual operating system Peripheral devices Motherboard Video Card

INSTRUCTION FOR DEMONSTRATION: (FOR THE TRAINEE) Trainee’s name: Trainer’s name: QUALIFICATION: COMPUTER SYSTEM SERVICING – NC II Title Evaluation Units of competency covered: Date of evaluation:



Time of evaluation:

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: 1. The facilitator/trainer will provide you the necessary supplies/materials, tools/instruments and forms. Inform the facilitator/trainer if you intend to use your own materials/supplies, tools and instrument. 2. You are required to perform the tasks in plan and prepare for installation Identify the different computer components and peripherals 15 Minutes only. 3. You will be evaluated through demonstration of skills observation with questioning, written test and practical demonstration.




Date of evaluation: Time of evaluation: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: 4. The facilitator/trainer will provide you the necessary supplies/materials, tools/instruments and forms. Inform the facilitator/trainer if you intend to use your own materials/supplies, tools and instrument. 5. You will be evaluated through demonstration of skills observation with questioning, written test and practical demonstration.

INSTRUCTION FOR DEMONSTRATION: (FOR THE TRAINER) Trainee’s name: Trainer’s name: QUALIFICATION: COMPUTER SYSTEM SERVICING – NC II Title Evaluation Units of competency covered:








The Facilitator/trainer will: 

   

Orient the trainee on the conduct of competency evaluation. o Context and purpose of evaluation o Allowable/Reasonable adjustments o Legal and ethical responsibilities o Competency to be assessed o Methods of evaluation o Evidence requirements as reflected in the evidence plan Provide the necessary supplies/materials, tools and equipment needed in the evaluation Conduct competency evaluation Provide feedback to trainee after evaluation Record and report result of evaluation

COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT RESULT SUMMARY Candidate’s Name: Assessor’s Name: Qualification: Title of competency assessment Units of covered:



Date of Assessment Assessment Center The performance of the candidate in the following assessment methods: [Pls. Tick (/) appropriate box]


Not Satisfactory

A. Observation with questioning B. Practical Demonstration C. Written Examination

  

  

Did the candidate overall performance meet the required evidences / standards?

Recommendation  For re-assessment. _____________________________________  For issuance of certificate. Pls. Specify (Qualification, NC Level ) _____________________ General Comments [Strengths / Improvements needed]

Candidate’s signature:


Assessor’s signature:


Inventory of Training Resources Inventory of Training Resources

Resources for presenting instruction 

Print Resources

Requirements as per in inventory TR

Motherboard’s manual and installer

10 pieces



Information Sheets


Computer book, PC Magazines and journals




Non Print Resources


1 1

VHS/VCD player



White board








Resources for non-print 

Supplies Materials

and Requirements as per TR

Software applications

10 sets

Network OS software

2 sets

RJ 45

50 pieces

Remarks in inventory 15


1 box

1 box

Contact cleaner

1 can

1 can

1 piece


2 sets

UTP cable





Screwdriver (standard)

10 pieces


Screwdriver (Philips)

10 pieces




Long nose pliers

10 pieces



For Purchase

Mechanical pliers

10 pieces



For Purchase

Allen wrench

10 sets

10 sets

Electronic tester

10 units

10 sets

Crimping tools

5 pieces



Soldering gun

10 pieces



Solder sucker

10 pieces




1 spool



Wire stripper

5 pieces


For Purchase

Introduction to Computer Systems

Learning Objectives: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to define what a computer is, describe its primary operation, know the evolution of computers and identify different types of computers.

Introduction: Computers today are used in virtually every aspect of most individuals’ lives- at home, at school, at work, and while on the go. Because of the prominence of computers in our society, it is important to understand what a computer is, how a computer works, know the different types of computers and how it evolved to what is known today. Data and Information DATA - is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include text, numbers, images, audio, and video. INFORMATION is the processed and organized data presented in a meaningful form. - conveys meaning and is useful to people. What is a Computer? Computer is an electronic device that reads/accepts data, processes data, and produces information at high speeds according to programmed instructions which can be stored for future use. A computer has four functions: 1. 2. 3. 4.

It It It It

accepts and gathers data. (INPUT) processes data to become information. (PROCESSING) stores data and information. (STORE) presents information. (OUTPUT)

Data Processing Cycle is the process of changing data into a more useful form.

The History of Computers Modern personal computers (PCs) are small, affordable and reliable, but early digital computers were extremely large, expensive and prone to frequent parts failure. As computer technology advances, computers continue to become smaller, faster and more reliable. 1. Abacus  ultimate ancestor of today’s computers  the arithmetic tool of early merchants  used to aid in handling numerical/logical computations 2. Difference Engine  was based on the Method of Differences  was powered by steam  embodied the basic concepts and elements of a modern general-purpose computer. 3. Analytical Engine  utilized I/O media called Jacquard’s punched cards  punch cards are used for storing operating instructions (programs), and would have been able to store around 1,000 numbers of up to 50 decimal places  also allowed output devices for displaying results Generation of Computers  “Generation” in computer talk is a step in technology. It provides a framework for the growth of computer industry  Originally it was used to distinguish between various hardware technologies, but now it has been extended to include both hardware and software  Till today, there are five computer generations 1. The First Generation

   

were based on the use of wired circuits containing vacuum tubes utilized punch cards as the main storage medium used binary codes of “machine language” designed for a specific task

2. The Second Generation  development of the “transistor”  smaller size and increased reliability  faster and more energy-efficient than their predecessors  used “assembly language”

3. The Third Generation  “integration”  the first integrated circuit (IC) was invented independently by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce

4. The Fourth Generation  development of user-friendly software packages  very-large-scale-integration (VLSI)  ultra-large-scale-integration (ULSI)

5. The Fifth Generation  artificial intelligence  expert systems  natural language processing

Types of Computers Computers come in a variety of sizes and ranges of power and capabilities; from giant supercomputers used by universities, government agencies and very large businesses down to handheld microcomputers that, as the name implies, can be held in the palm of your hand. In the following sections, we will define the many types of computers available today. a. Supercomputers are the most powerful computers made. Supercomputers can cost tens of millions of dollars and are able to process huge amounts of data very quickly. The fastest systems can perform more than 1 trillion calculations per second. Because of their size and cost, supercomputers are very rare, used only by very large organizations that have need of their immense calculating power. Supercomputers are used for a variety of tasks, including:  Weather forecasting  Nuclear energy research  Oil exploration  The Human Genome Project

Supercomputers concentrate on running a small number of programs as quickly as possible, rather than running a large number of programs concurrently. A typical supercomputer is shown below.

b. Mainframe computer is a very powerful and large computer. It can process many users at a time. The main difference between a mainframe computer and a supercomputer is that a mainframe computer concentrates on running a large number of programs concurrently, rather than running a small number of programs as quickly as possible.

c. Minicomputers are mid-sized computers that have less capacity and processing power than mainframe computers. Minicomputers were first introduced in the 1960s and are capable of running multiple programs concurrently and supporting from four to approximately 200 users simultaneously.

d. Workstations are mid-sized, single-user computers that have less processing power than a minicomputer but contain many of the features of a personal computer. Workstations contain more powerful processing capabilities and storage capacity than personal computers and are used for specialized applications that require tremendous calculating power. Workstations are used for a variety of tasks, including:      

Scientific modeling Engineering design Graphic artistry Animation Software development Desktop publishing

e. Personal computers also known as microcomputers or PCs, are small, relatively inexpensive computers designed for an individual user.

Three personal computer platforms: PC, Mac, and Linux.

1. The PC platform is based on the design for one of the first personal computer superstars—the IBM PC. The great grandchildren of the IBM PC are on computer store shelves today—a huge selection of personal computer brands and models manufactured by companies such as Lenovo, Hewlett- Packard, Dell, and Sony. The Windows operating system was designed specifically for these personal computers and, therefore, the PC platform is sometimes called the Windows platform. 2. The Mac platform is based on a proprietary design for a personal computer called the Macintosh (or Mac), manufactured almost exclusively by Apple Inc. The Mac lineup includes the iMac, MacBook, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, Mac mini, Mac Pro, and iPad computers, all running the Mac OS operating system. 3. The Linux platform can use a standard PC or Mac running the Linux operating system. A variety of software is available for this platform, though it tends to be more specialized than but not as polished as software for Windows and Mac operating systems. At one time, the PC, Mac, and Linux platforms were not compatible because of hardware and operating system differences. Application software designed for Macs did not typically work on other platforms and vice versa. Types of Personal Computers 1. Desktop model computer a. Desktop model computer is a personal computer designed to fit on an individual's desk. In a traditional desktop model, the main case of the computer containing the storage devices and microprocessor, called the system unit, is horizontally oriented to lay flat on a desk.

b. In recent years, the tower model has overtaken the desktop model in popularity. In the tower model, the system unit is vertically oriented and is often placed on the floor, giving the user more desk space.

c. All-in-one computers are similar to desktops but they combine the PC and monitor into one component. Many come with a wireless mouse, keyboard, and remote control. They take up less space and make less clutter with fewer cables. They are smaller than a desktop but need to be kept in one place.

2. Notebook computers Notebook computers, also called laptop computers, are small, very lightweight personal computers that are small enough to fit inside a briefcase. Because of their size, notebook computers have a flat display screen that is smaller than the monitor display screen typically found with desktop models.

A netbook, which is a type of notebook computer, is smaller, lighter, and often not as powerful as a traditional notebook computer. Most netbooks cost less than traditional notebook computers.

Tablet PCs resembling a letter-sized slate, the Tablet PC is a special type of notebook computer that allows you to write or draw on the screen using a digital pen.

3. Handheld personal computers, also called palmtop computers, were introduced in the mid-1990s and are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Examples of handheld personal computers are:  Personal digital assistants (PDAs)  Cellular/Smart Phones a. Personal digital assistants (PDAs) are handheld devices that are much smaller and less powerful than notebook or desktop computers. PDAs are usually used for tasks such as taking notes, organizing activities, sending faxes, accessing the Internet, and displaying contact information such as telephone numbers and addresses. b. Cellular/Smart Phones - a smart phone allows you to send and receive e-mail messages and access the Web — usually for an additional fee. Many models also function as a portable media player and include built-in digital cameras so that you can share photos or videos. Many smart phones also offer a variety of application software such as word processing, spreadsheet, and games. Types of messages users send with smart phones include text messages, instant messages, picture messages, and video messages. 4. Wearable Computer - The latest trend in computing are wearable computers integrated into watches, cell phones, visors and even clothing.

SELF CHECK 1.1-1 I. Identifying computer generations Match the inventions according to the right generation

II. Identifying types of computers Match column A and Column B. A


1. Supercomputer

A. A mid-sized computer designed to support a single user.

2. Mainframe computer

B. A personal computer designed to fit on top of a desk.

3. Minicomputer

C. The most powerful computer, used for applications requiring numerous mathematical calculations.

4. Workstation 5. Desktop model computer

D. A personal computers that is similar to desktops but they combine the PC and monitor into one component.

6. Notebook computer

E. A small, very lightweight personal computer that can fit inside a briefcase.

7. All in one computer

F. A personal computer small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.

8. Handheld personal

G. A powerful computer capable of running a large number of programs concurrently.

9. Netbook computer

h. A mid-sized computer designed to support multiple users.

10. Wearable Computers

i. Computers that is integrated into watches, cell phones, visors and even clothing. j. A special type of notebook computer that allows you to write or draw on the screen using a digital pen.

ANSWER KEY 1.1-1 I. Identifying computer generations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

VLSI – Fourth Generation Integrated Circuit – Third Generation Transistor – Second Generation Vacuum tube – First Generation Artificial Intelligent Computer – Fifth Generation

II. Identifying types of computers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



Learning Objectives: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to identify the main components and peripherals of a personal computer and its function. Introduction: As technician you must have deep knowledge and understanding with the different parts and functions of every computer components to properly assemble, troubleshoot and repair a computer system. Elements of the Computer System For the computer to work properly, three elements must be present. 1. Hardware - these are the physical equipment which you can touch and fell such as the case, storage drives, keyboards, monitors, cables, speakers, and printers. Types of Hardware Internal Hardware refers to hardware that resides inside the computer case. This includes the central processing unit (CPU) — the brains of the computer — memory chips that are used for temporary data storage while you work, disk drives that are used for long-term storage, and circuit boards that supply many of the ports on the back of the computer case.

External Hardware also known as peripherals, refers to hardware that connects to the outside of the computer case. The monitor, keyboard, and mouse are the most common external hardware devices. 2. Software - these are the programs or applications that tell the computer what to do. 3. Peopleware - these are the people who operate and use the computer. Examples: programmer, cashier, students, pilot, teacher Firmware Firmware represents a middle ground between hardware and software. Like hardware, firmware is physical: a chip or chips attached to devices such as motherboards, video cards, network cards, modems, and printers. However, firmware is also software: Firmware chips (such as the motherboard BIOS) contain instructions for hardware testing, hardware configuration, and input/output routines. In essence, firmware is “software on a chip,” and the software’s job is to control the device to which the chip is connected.

Typical PC Components

Typical PC Components 1. System Unit - also known as a base unit, computer chassis, cabinet, box, tower, enclosure, housing, '"system unit'" or simply case is the main body of a desktop computer, typically consisting of a plastic enclosure containing the motherboard, power supply, cooling fans, internal disk drives, and the memory modules and expansion cards that are plugged into the motherboard, such as video and network cards. 2. Monitor – resembles a television set where the computer displays information. 3. Keyboard – an input device used for entering data such as typing letters, numbers, or symbols. It is also used to execute instruction or command. 4. Mouse – an input device that is used to communicate with the computer. 5. Speaker – an output device for audio signals. 6. Printer - is an output device that creates hard copies of computer files. A device that prints text or illustrations on paper. Graphic Representation of Computer Components:

The Five Main Components of a Computer System Input Devices - These are physical equipment used to feed the computer with data or instruction. 1. Keyboard- is the most common input device used

in entering data such as typing letters, numbers, or symbols. It is also used to execute instruction or command.

2. Mouse- is the most widely used pointing device because

it takes full advantage of a graphical user interface. Designed to fit comfortably under the palm of your hand, a mouse is an input device used to control the movement of the pointer on the screen and to make selections from the screen. 3. Joystick- It allows users to control the objects on the

screen by moving its stick or by clicking its buttons.

4. Game Pad – It is a controller game device used to

control fast moving pictures on the screen using the programmable buttons.

5. Digitizer or Digitizing Tablet- It is a flat rectangular device

that uses pen or stylus to enter the commands. The pens tip acts like mouse button.

6. Microphone- it is an input modulator device.

7. Web Camera - It is a device that takes shots on the

viewer to be seen in other computer.

8. Scanner- It is used to read or copy image, text or

numbers. It reads the data by scanning it and sending it to the computer.

9. Biometric

authentication device Biometric identification uses features that are unique to an individual user, such as fingerprints, voice recognition, or a retinal scan. When combined with ordinary usernames, biometrics guarantees that the authorized person is accessing the data.

10. Digital Camera- is a device that allows users to take

pictures and store the photographed images digitally, instead of on traditional film.

11. Barcode Reader-is a specialized input device commonly

used in retail and other industrial sector to manage inventory.

12. Touchpad is a small, flat, rectangular pointing

device that is sensitive to pressure and motion. Most touchpad’s have one or more buttons near the pad that work like mouse buttons. Touchpad’s often are found on notebook computers.

13. Trackball- Some users opt for pointing devices other

than a mouse, such as a trackball. Whereas a mouse has a ball mechanism on the bottom, a trackball is a stationary pointing device with a ball mechanism on its top.

14. Touch Screen- A monitor that has a touch-

sensitive panel on the screen is called a touch screen, which is a touch-sensitive display device. You interact with the computer by touching areas of the screen with your finger. In this case, the screen is the input device. To enter data, instructions, and information, you touch words, pictures, numbers, or locations identified on the screen.

15. Pen Input - With pen input, you touch a

stylus or digital pen on a flat surface to write, draw, or make selections.

16. Scanners and Reading Devices Magnetic stripe card readers read the magnetic stripe on the back of cards such as: Credit cards,

Processing Device  It is responsible for the execution of the programs and control of its overall operation. 1. CPU - It is considered as the “brain” of the computer because all the instructions it performs are mathematical calculations and logical comparisons.

Storage Device  is the mechanism used to record and retrieve these items to and from a storage medium. Capacity is the number of bytes a storage medium can hold

1. Hard disk drive - a secondary storage device that holds

the operating system, programs, and data using magnetic disks.

2. CD/DVD are one type of optical storage media that consists

of a flat, round, portable, plastic disc with a protective metal coating. CDs and DVDs primarily store music, movies, digital photographs, and software programs. 3. Solid-State Drive. A storage device that uses memory chips and no moving parts to store data instead of spinning disks (such as those used by hard drives and CD drives) is called a solid-state device (SSD), also called a solid-state drive. a. A flash memory card is a removable flash memory device that you insert and remove from a slot in a computer or mobile device. Many consumer devices, such as Smartphone, PDAs, and digital cameras use these memory cards. Some printers and computers have built-in slots that read flash memory cards. Storage capacities of flash memory cards range from 256 MB to more than 100 GB.

b. A USB flash drive is a flash memory storage device that plugs in to a USB port on a computer or portable device. USB flash drives are available in a variety of shapes and sizes with storage capacities ranging from 2 GB to more than 64 GB. c. A PC Card is a thin, credit card-sized removable flash memory device that is used primarily to enable notebook computers to access the Internet wirelessly. An ExpressCard module, which can be used as a removable flash memory device, adds memory, communications, multimedia, and security capabilities to computers.

d. A solid state drive (SSD) is a storage device that typically uses flash memory to store data, instructions, and information and contains no moving parts. Solid state drives range in size from 16 GB to 512 GB and more.

4. Floppy disk- A storage device that stores files using removable magnetic disks.

5. Tape drive - reads and writes data and information on a tape (sequential access). Tape is a magnetically coated ribbon of plastic capable of storing large amounts of data and information.

6. A magnetic stripe card contains a magnetic stripe that stores information. A smart card stores data on a thin microprocessor embedded in the card

Output Device  is any computer component capable of conveying information to a user.

1. Monitor - is the primary output devices for a computer.

2. Printer - is an output device that creates hard copies of computer files. A device that prints text or illustrations on paper. What is the resolution of a printer?  Sharpness and clarity  Measured by number of dots per inch (dpi)

There are many different types of printers. In terms of the technology utilized, printers fall into the following categories: a. Dot-Matrix Printer: Creates characters by striking pins against an ink ribbon. Each pin makes a dot, and combinations of dots form characters and illustrations.

b. Ink-Jet Printer: Sprays ink at a sheet of paper. Ink-jet printers produce high-quality text and graphics.

c. Laser Printer: Uses the same technology as copy machines. Laser printers produce very high quality text and graphics.

d. Line Printer: Contains a chain of characters or pins that print an entire line at one time. Line printers are very fast, but produce low-quality print.

e. Thermal Printer: An inexpensive printer that works by pushing heated pins against heat-sensitive paper. Thermal printers are widely used in calculators and fax machines.

f. Plotter- Sophisticated printer used to produce high-quality drawings. Large-format printer creates photo-realistic-quality color prints.

g. Label printers and Postage printers  Small printer that prints on adhesive-type material  Most also print bar codes  Postage printer has built-in digital scale and prints postage stamps

3. Speaker and headphones are output devices for audio signals.

4. Data Projector projects the image that displays on a computer screen onto a large screen, so that an audience, such as a classroom or school assembly, can see the image clearly. Data projectors range in size from large devices attached to a ceiling or wall in an auditorium to smaller portable devices. Two types of smaller lower cost units are a. LCD projectors b. DLP (digital light processing) projector

5. Facsimile (fax) machine is a device that transmits and receives documents over telephone lines. The documents (called faxes) can contain text, graphics, or photos, or can be handwritten. A fax machine scans the original document, converts the image into digitized data, and transmits the digitized image (Figure 4-45). A fax machine at the receiving end reads the incoming data, converts the digitized data into an image, and prints or stores a copy of the original image.

Communication Device - allow the user to communicate with others and access remote information. Examples: modem, network card etc. a. Network Interface Adapters - a network card, sometimes called a network interface card (NIC pronounced nick), is a communications device that enables a computer or device that does not have built-in networking capability to access a network.

b. Modem (modulator/demodulator)- a hardware device that converts the digital signals generated by computers into analog signals suitable for transmission over a telephone line, and back again. .

c. Hub is a small, simple, inexpensive device that joins multiple computers together.

d. Ethernet switch is a device that gathers the signals from devices that are connected to it, and then regenerates a new copy of each signal.

e. Wireless Access Points is a central communications device that allows computers and devices to transfer data wirelessly among themselves or to transfer data wirelessly to a wired network using wireless technologies such as WiFi. d. Router is a communications device that

connects multiple computers or other routers together and transmits data to its correct destination on a network.

SELF CHECK 1.1-2 I. Identification Directions: Identify the following computer components Use a separate sheet of paper in answering.











ANSWER KEY 1.1-2 I. Identification 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Monitor Speaker Keyboard Scanner Ethernet Switch Printer CPU ( Central Processing Unit) Mouse LCD Projector USB Flash Drive

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