Evidence For The Reliability Fo The Old Testament Bible Insert

  • June 2020
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The Case for the Reliability of the Old Testament (1) The Old Testament Has Been Faithfully Transmitted (a) Careful Masoretes Subscribed to an Incredibly High Standard (b) The Dead Sea Scrolls Confirm the Transmission Process (c) Ancient Sources Confirm the Early Canon of the Old Testament i. Prologue to Ecclesiasticus ii. Philo iii. Jamnia iv. The Early Church Fathers v. Josephus

(2) The Old Testament Has Been Verified with Archeology (a) Findings from Neighboring Cultures i. The Ebla Tablet ii. Archaeological digs in the city of Bogazkoy, Turkey iii. Archeological Digs in Sargon's Palace in Khorsabad, iv. The Belshazar Tablet v. The Nebo-Sarsekim Tablet (b) Extra-Biblical confirmation of Biblical events i. The campaign into Israel by Pharaoh Shishak ii. The revolt of Moab against Israel iii. The fall of Samaria iv. The defeat of Ashdod by Sargon II v. The campaign of Sennacherib against Judah vi. The siege of Lachish by Sennacherib vii. The assassination of Sennacherib by his own sons viii. The fall of Nineveh as predicted by the prophets ix. The fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar x. The captivity of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, in Babylon

(3) The Old Testament Has Been Confirmed by Prophecy (a) Accurate Predictions of Ancient Historical Events i. Babylon Will Rule Over Judah for 70 Years ii. Babylon's Gates Will Open for Cyrus iii. Babylon's Kingdom Will Be Permanently Overthrown iv. Babylon Will Be Reduced to Swampland v. The Jews Will Survive Babylonian Rule and Return vi. The Ninevites Will Be Drunk in Their Final Hours vii. Nineveh Will Be Destroyed By Fire viii. Tyre Will Be Attacked By Many Nations ix. Tyre's Stones, Timber and Soil Will Be Cast Into Sea x. The Jews Will Avenge the Edomites (b) The Old Testament Accurately Predicts The Coming Messiah i. Daniel 9:25 ii. Nehemiah 2:5,6

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The Case for the Reliability of the Old Testament (1) The Old Testament Has Been Faithfully Transmitted (a) Careful Masoretes Subscribed to an Incredibly High Standard (b) The Dead Sea Scrolls Confirm the Transmission Process (c) Ancient Sources Confirm the Early Canon of the Old Testament i. Prologue to Ecclesiasticus ii. Philo iii. Jamnia iv. The Early Church Fathers v. Josephus

(2) The Old Testament Has Been Verified with Archeology (a) Findings from Neighboring Cultures i. The Ebla Tablet ii. Archaeological digs in the city of Bogazkoy, Turkey iii. Archeological Digs in Sargon's Palace in Khorsabad, iv. The Belshazar Tablet v. The Nebo-Sarsekim Tablet (b) Extra-Biblical confirmation of Biblical events i. The campaign into Israel by Pharaoh Shishak ii. The revolt of Moab against Israel iii. The fall of Samaria iv. The defeat of Ashdod by Sargon II v. The campaign of Sennacherib against Judah vi. The siege of Lachish by Sennacherib vii. The assassination of Sennacherib by his own sons viii. The fall of Nineveh as predicted by the prophets ix. The fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar x. The captivity of Jehoiachin, king of Judah, in Babylon

(3) The Old Testament Has Been Confirmed by Prophecy (a) Accurate Predictions of Ancient Historical Events i. Babylon Will Rule Over Judah for 70 Years ii. Babylon's Gates Will Open for Cyrus iii. Babylon's Kingdom Will Be Permanently Overthrown iv. Babylon Will Be Reduced to Swampland v. The Jews Will Survive Babylonian Rule and Return vi. The Ninevites Will Be Drunk in Their Final Hours vii. Nineveh Will Be Destroyed By Fire viii. Tyre Will Be Attacked By Many Nations ix. Tyre's Stones, Timber and Soil Will Be Cast Into Sea x. The Jews Will Avenge the Edomites (b) The Old Testament Accurately Predicts The Coming Messiah i. Daniel 9:25 ii. Nehemiah 2:5,6

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