Event Planning

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 538
  • Pages: 1
The Institution of Engineering and Technology Event Process 1


Event Topic agreed by committee


Contact Speaker and arrange Date and Time


Do you have a speaker?




Send speaker expense claim form



Confirm Date, Time and Venue with Speaker, Committee Members

Contact RC. RC to forward CM recommended speakers



Organise & confirm Venue booking & Refreashments 5 3

Confirm Budget 6


Advertise Event on Programme Card, Events Calendar, Network News, & Network Website

Send RC synopsis and event details – RC will book mailshot to all memebers

How are you going to notify members?



Ask RC to send Event Poster to supplied poster list and all members who do not have access to emails OPTIONAL

Contact local RDM with the event details




Make sure the venue can manage a large number of delegates




Have you asked members to register?

CM to make sure Introduction prepared, Vote of thanks arranged, First question arranged before the event.


CM to maintain registration, send delegates confirmation of registration





CM to order Metric Feedback forms from RC. Delegates to complete feedback forms - CM to send completed forms back to HQ

Committee Member to contact speaker and arrange a convenient date and time. Speakers are requested to provide their time free of charge as IET is a charitable organisation. Contact the recommended speaker and arrange a time & date & confirm the venue making sure that all travel arrangement are organised. Send speaker expense claim form to complete, which the Chairman must approve & send into HQ for reimbursement. If you have not managed to find a speaker but you have an idea as to the topic for the event, contact your Regional Co-ordinator (RC). The RC will contact the relative TPN or search the database for recommended Speakers & forward you a speakers name & contact details. Confirm date, time, venue & refreshments with committee members. Establish who is responsible for what action i.e. publicity , refreshments etc. Confirm all bookings for venue, refreshments so that these details will not change once you have started to advertise the event to members. Make sure that the cost of the event is within budget. Advertise the event details on the Programme Card, The IET Events Calendar, in Network News, Network Website & in the Engineering & Technology Diary. Book mailshot with RC. Note: two weeks notice is required. Send RC event details and synopsis text for pre-booked mailshot. Send poster list and poster to RC to dispatch to all members. Request RC to send local Regional Development Manager details of event to circulate to all Business Partners within the area. Make sure that the venue can accommodate the expected number of attending delegates. If the venue can only accommodate a restricted number of delegate then make sure this is advertised so members are aware of the possibility of being turned away.


CM to maintain registration of attending delegates & send confirmation of their registration.


CM to order Metrics Feedback forms from RC. CM to ask delegates to complete the feedback forms and return to HQ in the envelope provided.

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