EVENING PRAYER at St. John Cantius Catholic Church, Chicago
Chanted in Latin
HYMN Chanted in Latin
PSALMS Antiphonal (side to side, divided by center aisle). Begun by Epistle-side cantor. As appointed in Liturgy of the Hours. English, Grail 1963 psalter. All chanted in Gregorian psalm tone II. Antiphons chanted like a psalm verse. Short antiphons chanted to second half of tone. Flex used when needed in either half of a verse.
READING Said in English. Introduced and concluded like a Mass reading: “A reading from…”; “The Word of the Lord – Thanks be to God.”
RESPONSORY Chanted in Latin
MAGNIFICAT Antiphon as appointed in English, and English canticle chanted to Saint Meinrad psalm tone 5, keeping a four-line strophe pattern throughout.
INTERCESSIONS Said in English. Responsively between reader and all. All say the common response only once, then the second half of each intercession.
O UR F ATHER Sung in English to familiar Snow chant.
COLLECT Chanted by cantor in English, on one note, dropping a minor third at last syllable before Amen is sung by all on reciting tone.
BLESSING Chanted by priest.