Evaluation Of My Trailer

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 880
  • Pages: 2
Millie Rigby

Evaluation of my trailer To complete my trailer on time I set myself deadlines to keep me on track so I could finish in time. I had help with filming and editing my film which I am now comfortably finished with. I used a set of logistics and creative processes to support myself and the voice cast. Logistics- To create my trailer for playhouse I needed a dollhouse in order to film each scene. I started off by asking permission to use my teacher’s dollhouse which was granted and I needed it by 6th November because that’s when I wanted to start filming. I had permission for this dollhouse but when my teacher got it out at her house she realised it was broken so I couldn’t use it to film. This resulted in me needing to find someone with a dollhouse I could use by that specific date. My teacher sent out an email to all other teachers in the school to see if anyone had one I could use, another teacher replied saying she had one I could use along with a variety of dolls and dollhouse props that she didn’t need back so we could do whatever we wanted to the dollhouse and things that came with it in order to film. In order to complete my film, after the trailer is filmed I needed to put in the voice overs for the dolls/people. This meant I needed to pick all my actors I wanted and needed in my film and get them in a set location and the set time for the voice recording process. This involved me contacting each actor with a location, date and time. I filmed the voice recordings on the 7th November after had finished filming but when we also were re-filming some scenes. I created a casting call sheet to let people know when, where and what for so they could turn up to auditions if they were interested and I could then recruit my cast. Finance- To make my trailer, I didn’t need any money before or during filming as someone gave me a dollhouse and all the equipment I needed was borrowed so I didn’t need to buy anything or hire anything out. Creative processes- In order to know what order the scenes in my film come in I needed a storyboard to plan what would happen in each part as well as dialogue and camera angles. I followed the storyboard I completed and my trailer looked the same as it followed each direction and scene. This helped filming as we knew what we were filming next and how we were filming it. Before recruiting my cast I prepared a script. The script needed to be finished before I started filming as it has directions for the actors as to how to present themselves when being recorded as some actors need to be firm and angry when speaking. It also includes when the recording needs to be played during the trailer as it has the directions of the scenes and how the trailer will play. Due to having these directions it prevents wasting time so we can stick to the schedule and complete it by the deadline. Project management - I feel I managed my production very well as I completed each stage by each deadline I set myself on my schedule. This is because I knew if I didn’t get these finished by the deadline it would waste more time. I had to re-shoot some scenes but I allowed myself

Millie Rigby

time on my schedule for re-shoots in case I needed them which worked in my favour and I needed the extras time to make sure each scene was how I wanted it, this meant I didn’t need to add more time and miss the deadlines I set myself. Due to having a production schedule, it made it easier to know what to do next and how much time I had left to get the part I was on complete. It made it more organised so we didn’t waste any time and got it completed as fast as we could to the best it could be. Effectiveness –Overall I’m happy with the effectiveness of how I created my production. I allowed it to be completed around my life so I could have enough time to get each part filmed and finished in good time and to the best quality it could be. If my production wasn’t managed effectively it would not have ran as smoothly as it did due to the schedule and timings. It would have properly taken longer and wasted time. Also it would have impacted the people involved as it could have wasted their time or been clashing with their daily lives. I was able to communicate with my team about what needed re-filming after we had finished and also any other issues involved. This helped with the film being finished within the time limit as we found and fixed the problems. In order to improve my production I could have planned my script better by including more directions for what we were doing with the props so it didn’t take up as much time moving things around for the next scenes.

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