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  • Pages: 4
Student Performance Evaluation University of Waterloo Co-operative Education & Career Services 200 University Avenue West Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 Telephone: 519-888-4026 Fax: 519-746-4103 www.cecs.uwaterloo.ca

Student Student ID Number Company


h Jan.-April

h May-Aug.

h Sept.-Dec.


The evaluation process is instrumental to a student’s personal and career development. Students appreciate an assessment of job performance and welcome constructive feedback. Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation and discussing it with your student.


• Overall expectations and goals

END OF TERM EVALUATION The end-of-term performance evaluation allows the supervisor and student to fulfill the evaluation process. The return of this completed evaluation form is required for the student to receive credit for the work term. Please fill out this form near the end of the student’s work term, and:

• Student’s work performance

• Discuss the evaluation process with your student.

• Training or mentoring

• Review: – Strengths/areas for development – Subsequent employment

MID-TERM REVIEW (Informal) Please conduct a mid-term review with your student to assist in their progress during the work term. Using this form as a guideline, the mid-point discussion is an opportunity for the supervisor and student to discuss topics such as:

• Provide the student with an opportunity to complete the “Student’s Comments” section. • Make one copy of the completed evaluation for the student, one copy for your records and return the original to the University.

Thank you for your interest in our students and for participating in preparing them to meet the challenges of the world outside the classroom.

Student’s Job Title:

Briefly describe the student’s activities and responsibilities below:

Interest in Work h High interest. Very enthusiastic. Takes pride in doing work well.

h More than average amount of interest and enthusiasm.

h Satisfactory amount of interest and enthusiasm.

h Little interest or enthusiasm shown.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Displays initiative consistently.

h Acts voluntarily in routine situations.

h Lacks initiative. Must be told frequently what to do.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Plans and organizes work and time effectively.

h Does average amount of planning and organizing.

h Fails to plan and organize work and time effectively.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h No evidence that the student set goals for the term.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

Initiative h Self-starter. Asks for additional work.

Planning and Organizing h Does an outstanding job of planning and organizing work and time.

Setting Goals h Developed goals for the work h term early and made excellent progress in working towards them; referred back to goals and evaluated progress at various points during the term.

Developed goals for the h Showed minimal effort early work term early and in the term to set goals; showed some effort in demonstrated no follow-up working towards them; did activity. not often revisit goals or evaluate progress during the term.

Ability to Learn h Excellent.

h Above average.

h Average.

h Below average.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Good: few errors.

h Satisfactory: has normal number of errors.

h Unsatisfactory: frequent errors.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Good productivity.

h Satisfactory productivity.

h Unsatisfactory productivity.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Frequently offers new ideas; imaginative.

h Has average imagination and a reasonable number of new ideas.

h Rarely offers new ideas; limited imagination.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Rarely shows evidence of thinking deeply or reflecting in order to link previous experiences (from school or work) with current workplace activity.

h Shows no evidence of thinking deeply or reflecting in order to link previous learning experiences (from school or work) with current workplace activity.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

Quality of Work h Excellent: very few errors.

Quantity of Work h Excellent productivity.

Creativity h Continually offers new ideas; extremely imaginative.

Reflection and Integration from Prior Learning h Frequently shows evidence h Sometimes shows of thinking deeply or evidence of thinking reflecting in order to link deeply or reflecting previous learning experiences in order to link previous (from school or work) with learning experiences current workplace activity. (from school or work) with current workplace activity.

Judgment h Decisions always based on thorough analysis of the situation.

h Usually makes good decisions.

h Decisions are satisfactory in routine situations.

h Decisions often based on inadequate analysis of the situation.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Adept at solving problems.

h Satisfactory problem solving abilities.

h Exhibits inadequate problem solving abilities.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Reliable in most situations.

h Reliable in routine situations.

h Unreliable; requires close supervision.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

Problem Solving Skills h Highly adept and innovative.

Dependability h Reliable in any situation.

Interpersonal Behaviour (underline appropriate phrase(s)) h Always works in harmony with others. An excellent team worker. Contributes to group relationships and effectiveness.

h Congenial and helpful. h Relations with others are Works well with associates. harmonious under normal Seen as an asset in circumstances. furthering co-operation and group harmony.

h Frequently quarrelsome, h Not applicable/ causes friction. not evaluated. Uncommunicative and withdrawn to the point of having an adverse effect on group.

h Handles interpersonal conflict adequately when absolutely necessary.

h Rarely handles interpersonal conflict appropriately.

h Shows no evidence of ability to handle interpersonal conflict.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Willingly accepts suggestions and feedback from supervisor.

h Accepts suggestions and feedback from supervisor in a satisfactory manner.

h Often responds negatively to suggestions and feedback from supervisor.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

Handling Conflict h Effectively and consistently handles interpersonal conflict in most situations.

Response to Supervision h Responds maturely, positively and promptly to suggestions and feedback from supervisor. Very open minded.

Communication – Written (including work reports, if applicable) h Exceptionally clear, well organized and concise.

h Clear, organized and concise.

h Satisfactory writing skills.

h Inadequate writing skills.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Clear and understandable.

h Satisfactory oral communication.

h Inadequate oral communication.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Very good.

h Exhibits average leadership skills.

h Presently lacks ability to motivate and direct others.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

h Adapts poorly to recognized organizational structures, rules and policies.

h Not applicable/ not evaluated.

Communication – Oral h Exceptional oral communication; clear, well organized and easily understood.

Leadership Qualities h Excellent ability to motivate and direct others.

Adaptation to Formal Organizations, Rules and Policies h Fully adaptable to h Adapts well to recognized recognized organizational organizational structures, structures, rules and policies. rules and policies.

h Satisfactory adaptation to recognized organizational structures, rules and policies.

Areas of Strength

Areas for Development







Supervisor’s Comments Comment on the student’s overall job performance including, if possible, suggestions for additional academic or work exposure.

Overall Performance Evaluation h Excellent (exceeded job requirements in all areas)

h Very Good (exceeded job requirements in one or more key areas)

h Outstanding (exceptional performance or unique contribution) (This rating is reserved for only those few students who have distinguished themselves by their unique contribution or exceptional performance. Your written comments are required below in order to register the rating of Outstanding.)

h Good (met all job requirements)

h Satisfactory (need for improvement identified in one or more key areas)

h Marginal (needs improvement in many key areas)

h Unsatisfactory (did not meet job requirements)

Did you review the completed evaluation form with the student? (Please ensure the student has a copy.) h Yes h No

Next Work Term Do you wish to have the student return for the next work term? h Yes h No h Not applicable If yes, have you offered to re-employ the student for the next work term? h Yes h No h To be determined If yes, was your offer

h Accepted

h Declined?

Student’s Comments Comment on your overall performance including your ability to achieve learning objectives and your future employment expectations.

Supervisor’s Name (Please print)



Student’s Signature

Management/Human Resources Signature (Optional)




Date CO-OP ED.

FEB. 2008
