Euro 2008 Afvp Context Preventative Practices

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 785
  • Pages: 9
Workshop 2: Children and vulnerable adults protection

The experience of AFVP: Context and preventive practices.

Workshop 2 : Children and vulnerable adults protection


The experience of AFVP: Context and preventive practices.

1. A specific national legislative frame 2. Adapted Modalities 3. A functional organization 4. A ratio to be respected: number of volunteers / number of employees 5. An asserted and exposed Ethics Workshop 2 : Children and vulnerable adults protection


The experience of AFVP: Context and preventive practices. z

1. A specific national legislative frame :


1.1.- A recent law on the VIS ( 2005 ): an updated and adapted law


1.2.- Sending organization, approved by the French government, and thus competent.


1.3.- A status clearly defined


1.4. - Laws and rules which guarantee a good level of security and which prevent the emergence of problematic situations

Workshop 2 : Children and vulnerable adults protection


The experience of AFVP: Context and preventive practices. 1. A specific national legislative frame : 1. 1.4. Laws and rules which guarantee a good level of security and which prevent the emergence of problematic situations 1. Every contract of VIS has to have a minimal duration of one year 2. Lasted total of voluntary contract limited to six years for every person; 3. Payment of an allowance. This one must be enough important so that the mission is made in suitable living conditions; 4. Available housing for the volunteer; 5. Obligation - for the sending organisation - to pay the social welfare (disease, accident, repatriation, etc.) for the volunteer and his legal successors (spouse and children of the volunteer); 6. State pension for the volunteer.

Workshop 2 : Children and vulnerable adults protection


The experience of AFVP: Context and preventive practices. 2. Adapted Modalities : 1.

2.1.- About the volunteers:



Before the departure : Selection (in 2 times); Training ; Information about the mission On the ground : Follow-up and monitoring After the return in Europe : Debriefing


2.2.- About the host organisation (local NGO)


Evaluation and monitoring.


2.3.- About the host country


Evaluation of the interest of each country for volunteers missions. Where a potential risk remains latent (Haiti, Chad, etc.) the affectation of a representative country (a staff member) is systematic before any opening of mission



Workshop 2 : Children and vulnerable adults protection


The experience of AFVP: Context and preventive practices. 3. A functional organization : 1.

2.1.- At the headquarters:



Administrative and financial unit Recruitment and selection of the volunteers Training (training before the departure and debriefing on the way back) Partnership and missions (evaluation, contract with partners, etc.)


2.2.- In the host counties:


Regional manager: Southern Africa and Indian Ocean; Mediterranean Basin; Western Africa ( 2 regions); Central Africa; Asia, Latin America and Caribbean’s countries. For each region : A country managers and a person in charge of the accompaniment / monitoring of the volunteers.

3. 4.


Workshop 2 : Children and vulnerable adults protection


The experience of AFVP: Context and preventive practices. 4. A ratio to be respected: number of volunteers / number of employees : 1. 2. 3. 4.


2.1. At the headquarters: 33 persons to the headquarters in Paris (employees under French law) 2.2. In the host counties: 45 persons on the ground among which 9 employees under French law and 36 employees under foreigner law (20 executives and 16 assistants). 2.3. Ratio: Total number of employees of AFVP : 78 persons Total number of volunteers : 400 in June 2008 Total number of volunteers expected : 500 in 2009 Maximal ratio for AFVP: 500 Volunteers / 80 employees

Workshop 2 : Children and vulnerable adults protection


The experience of AFVP: Context and preventive practices. 5. An asserted and exposed Ethics : AFVP is member of the collective " Ethique sur l’Etiquette” (“Ethics on The label ") which militates for promoting the respect for human rights to the work in the world. The membership of the AFVP in " Ethique sur l’Etiquette " allows : · A participation in the object of the collective : information and sensitization · A clear display of the values carried by AFVP on the subject; · The training of the Volunteers of Progress on the subjects carried by the collective. At present the collective " Ethique sur l’Etiquette ", in link with several other international movements ( " Clean Clothes Campaign " and " International textile garment and leather workers federation “) lead a campaign, in the prospect of the Olympic Games.

Workshop 2 : Children and vulnerable adults protection


Workshop 2 : Children and vulnerable adults protection


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