Eudis Sinaia

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  • Words: 2,581
  • Pages: 25

Integrator: CG&GC Intelligent Technology SA

Solutia Integrata The Integrated Solution

(European District System) … urmareste transformarea infrastructurii administratiei publice actuale, bazata pe tehnologiile clasice (comunicatii analogice, investitii in echipamente disparate, aplicatii software insulare) intr-un sistem informatic si de comunicatii integrat care foloseste tehnologii de comunicatii de tip IP si tehnologii software de tip Web. … urmareste integrarea rezultatelor unui proiect european E-MuniS (IST 2001-33037) care si-a propus identificarea celor mai bune practici si exemple de e-government vest-europene si promovarea acestora catre administratiile publice din Centrul si Estul Europei…

… the solution is meant to turn the current public administration infrastructure based on classical technologies into an information and communication integrated system, using Microsoft and latest IT technologies in a continuously emerging market… … it also integrates the results of an European project, called E-MuniS (IST 2001-33037) that promotes the best West European e-government practices and directs them to the Central and Eastern European public administrations...


Actul de administratie publica prin The development of public administration through In cazul informatizarii “primarie cu primarie” calitatea serviciilor catre cetatean va depinde de bugetul si resursele umane ale primariei respective. Apare discriminarea dintre cetatenii arondati unor primarii diferite ca resurse financiare sau umane. Implicarea constructiva a conceptului E-MuniS in solutia integrata EuDiS: - ofera tuturor cetatenilor unui judet accesul la o interfata comuna, nediscriminatorie; - permite concentrarea componentelor de tip “Back End” la nivelul Consiliului Judetean optimizand folosirea resurselor umane si financiare. BACK OFFICE E-MUNICIPALITATE User



Functionari Publici


User User

User User


During the informatization process of the city halls , the quality of services for the citizens depends on the budget and the human resources involved. Thus, a clear discrimination appears between citizens that belong to different city halls, with different budgets. The constructive involvement of the E- Munis concept in the integrated solution EuDiS: - gives access to all citizens of a county to a mutual interface that allows no discrimination; - allows all the Back-End components to be as much as possible in one place: The District Council.

Cele sase paliere principale ale integrarii The six levels of integration:




Voice & Data


Hardware & Networking

Software application


Electronic tax payment system

Call Center




Human resources

Rezultatul integrarii celor sase paliere ale proiectului Developing all the six levels of integration generates • un sistem informatic si de comunicatii omogen si optimizat • o structura compatibila cu administratia publica europeana • asigurarea accesului facil al cetateanului la servicii si informatii • reducerea costurilor de operare • formarea permanenta a resurselor umane • costuri lunare “flat-rate” pe o durata de minim 15 ani

• an unitary and optimised information system • fast upgrade of the actual archaic public administration architecture through one compatible with the EU standards • easy access to information and services for the citizens • significantly reduced operating costs • permanent training and refresh for human resources • flat rate costs for a 15-years period

Sistemul EuDiS integreaza urmatoarele proiecte: Proiecte tehnice • Arhitectura generala; • Arhitectura Hardware si software; • Arhitectura de Comunicatii; • Arhitectura aplicatii specifice; • Proiect Securitate; • Service.

Proiecte adiacente • Rersurse Umane; • Controlul si managementul Calitatii; • Call Center; • Solutie Print – Copy – Fax; • Cercetare Dezvoltare; • Evaluare si Studiu Impact; • Solutia Legala; • Business Plan; • Managementul Proiectului.

The EuDiS system integrates the following projects: Technical projects • General architecture; • Hardware and software architecture; • Communications architecture; • Specific software applications architecture; • Security architecture; • Service.

Related projects • Human resources; • Quality management; • Call Center; • Print – Copy – Fax Solution; • Research and development; • Impact evaluation; • Legal solution; • Business Plan; • Project management.

Serviciile oferite cetatenilor si functionarilor publici: The services provided for the citizens and for the public employees: Infrastructure

Services for Public Institutions

Services for citizens


Voice & Data


Hardware & Networking

Software application




Electronic tax payment system

Human Resources


NES Integration

Electronic tax payment system

Call Center GIS


Infrastructura Generala General Infrastructure • Structura centralizata • Punct unic de management • Conexiuni functionale multiple • O mai buna optimizare a resurselor

• Centralized structure • Single point of management • Multiple functional connections • Better resources’ optimization

Beneficiile parteneriatului public privat de tip DBO The benefits of the DBO public private partnership • •

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managementul de proiect este asigurat de catre investitorul privat, procesul de implementare si operare beneficiind astfel de expertiza acumulata in domeniul IT&C de catre acesta, cu sustinerea permanenta a partenerilor implicati ; suplinirea pe perioada limitata a lipsei de resurse umane pregatite corespunzator in domeniul IT&C la nivelul administratiei publice locale, in perspectiva instruirii si certificarii personalului pentru a fi capabil sa preia si sa valorifice in momentul finalizarii contractului de ppp investitia realizata the project management is provided by the private investor. In that case, the implementation and the operation process beneficiates of a gathered expertise in the IT&C field, continuously sustained by the partners involved in the project; substitution, on a limited period, of the lack of human resources, fairly prepared in the IT&C sector at the local public administration level, in the perspective of certifying the public employees in order to be able to undertake and atomize the investment at the moment of the contract finalization

Beneficiile parteneriatului public privat The benefits of the public private partnership • •

• •

sustinerea financiara a investitiei in proprtie majoritara de catre partenerul privat din surse de finantare proprii sau atrase; punerea la dispozitia institutiilor administratiei publice locale a unui pachet de servicii electronice complet si performant, sustinut de o platforma hardware si software conceputa conform ultimelor standarde in domeniul IT&C si periodic upgradata in functie de necesitatile tehnologice si tendintele pietei ; conceperea si practicarea unui sistem bazat pe rate lunare fixe « flat rate », usor de anticipat si de previzionat in bugetul local, achitate de catre fiecare institutie in parte reprezentand contravaloarea pachetului de servicii de care beneficiaza

the important financial support of the investment granted by the private partner from private or own financing sources; providing the local public administration institutions with complete and efficient services, sustained by a hardware and software package of solutions, conceived according to the last standards in the IT&C domain and recurrently upgradated in accordance with the technological necessity and the market trend. the conceive of a system based on flat rate, easy to anticipate and to presume in the local budget, representing the equivalent of the services package

Structura functionala a proiectului The functional structure of the project

Am inceput de la….. We have started from….. 12.11.2004 – inregistrarea firmei EuDiS Mehedinti la Oficul Registrului Comertului Mehedinti Inca din prima luna de activitate s-au semnat contracte cu 22 Consilii Locale, Consiliul Judetean si Directia Judeteana pentru Protectia Plantelor, valoarea lunara a serviciilor oferite acestora ajungand la 34.910 EURO (doar clientii unde s-au facut instalarile si beneficiaza de servicii platesc rata lunara ) 12.11.2004 – Registration of EuDiS Mehedinti company at the Mehedinti Register of Commerce Since its first month of activity the company has signed contracts with 22 Local Councils, the County Council and the Plant Protection County Department. The services provided amount to 34,910 Euro monthly (out of that, only the County Council and the Local Councils, where the installation was set up, are paying the monthly installment )

Time line

Situatia actuala ( 9luni) The actual state ( 9 months) 3 ani de munca , conf plan afaceri : implementare , omogenizare si operare-dezvoltare In total pana acum sunt semnate 40 contracte: 37 primarii, Consiliul Judetean, Directia Judeteana pentru Protectia Plantelor si Biblioteca Judeteana ,,I.G.Bibicescu’’ S-au continuat discutiile cu 7 consilii locale pentru stabilirea pachetului optim de servicii necesare activitatii primariilor respective S-a realizat conexiunea securizata-privata prin internet cu NOD-ul SEJMH pentru 27 consilii locale noi. In prezent sunt incluse in grup 162 de SIM-uri

3 years of hard work – according to the business plan: implementation, homogeneity, operation and development 40 contracts have been concluded so far: 37 town councils, the County Council, the Plant Protection County Department and ,,I.G.Bibicescu’’ County Library. Negotiations continued with other 7 local councils in order to determine the optimum pack of services required for the activity of the local councils. A private secure connection through the Internet has been set up with the SEJMH central system for 27 new local councils. 162 SIMs are currently included in the group.

Situatia actuala The actual state In prezent sunt conectate la aplicatia de taxe si impozite 15 primarii S-a continuat implementarea aplicatiei EasyCashFlow ( gestiune-contabilitate, bugete inclusiv ALOP ) S-a dezvoltat pe platforma GoPro aplicatia de salarizare GoSal, s-a instalat pe server si a intrat in teste, urmand sa inceapa implementarea in luna septembrie. S-a efectuat operatiunea de denominare pentru Consiliul Judetean si CL cu care EuDiS are contract ( inclusiv Protectia Plantelor si Biblioteca Judeteana ) S-a facut analiza pentru GIS cu toate departamentule din CJMH. At present 15 local councils are connected to the tax application. The implementation of the EasyCashFlow application (management-accounting,budgets including ALOP) has been carried out as well. The GoSal salary application has been developed on the GoPro platform, has been installed on the server, has been subject to tests and the implementation will start in September. The denomination procedure for the District Council and Local Council with which EuDiS has a contract under way (including the Plant Protection Institution and the County Library) has been implemented. The analysis for GIS has been carried out with all the departments from Mehedinti

Situatia actuala The actual state In total pana acum au fost instruiti pe tematica ECDL 153 functionari publici din Consiliul Judetean si 12 primarii. S-au facut deplasari la toate primariile conectate la NOD si s-a realizat pregatirea personalului din acestea pentru utilizarea calculatorului si a aplicatiilor functionale prin VPN.

153 public servants from the County Council and 12 local councils have been trained until now based on ECDL support. Official visits have been made to all the local councils connected to the system and the personnel has been trained to use the computer and functional applications through VPN.

Situatia actuala The actual state In total s-au instalat : 103 sisteme FSC cu monitor, 97 sisteme operare si 97 aplicatii MS Office, 15 routere VPN, 19 adaptoare GSM pentru voce fixa, 11 modemuri pt VPDN, 10 multifunctionale si 4 copiatoare de volum mare cu retea si imprimanta avansata, 15 notebookuri, 2 statii grafice cu 2 monitoare 19” si o centrala telefonica Panasonic .

103 FSC systems with monitor, 97 operation systems and 97 MS Office applications, 15 VPN routers, 19 GSM fixed voice adaptors, 11 modems for VPDN, 10 multifunctional devices and 4 high volume copiers with network and advanced printers, 15 notebooks, 2 graphic stations with 2 19“monitors and a Panasonic telephone exchange.

Situatia actuala The actual state S-a actualizat portalul S-a facut auditul IT impreuna cu Curtea de Conturi pentru Consiliul Judetean Mehedinti si proiectul Eudis. S-a realizat analiza pentru infiintare CallCenter si integrare portal. Se urmareste ca incepand cu luna octombrie sa inceapa conform planificare actiunea de promovare in media a proiectului pentru cetatean The portal was updated. The IT audit has been carried out together with the Audit Office for the Mehedinti County Council and the EuDIS project. The analysis for Call Center has been made. As from September, the action to promote the project for the citizen in the media is due to start according to plans.

Proiecte initiate inainte de termen Projects initiated before planned Proiectul Priectul Print Copy Fax, executat 100% de care beneficiaza din plin functionarii publici. Instalarea unei centrale Panasonic cu preluarea in EuDiS a abonamentelor de voce din CJMH. Acest proiect necesita interventia Romtelecom pentru rebransarea conexiunilor in noua centrala care este deja instalata, transferul de responsabilitate catre SC EUDIS Mehedinti SRL fiind deja operat. In 2 CL ( Obarsia Closani si Baia de Arama ) desi nu este inca semnat contract de servicii cu Eudis, s-a realizat reteaua interna.

The Print Copy Fax project, which is fully carried out and which is beneficial to public servants. The set up of a Panasonic telephone exchange with a take-over in EuDIS of voice subscriptions from CJMH. This project requires the intervention of Romtelecom to restore connections in the new exchange which is already installed, as the responsibility transfer towards SC EuDiS has already been made. The internal network has been set up in 2 Local Councils (Obarsia Closani and Baia de Arama) although a service contract has not been signed with EuDiS yet.

Proiecte initiate inainte de termen Projects initiated before planned Realizarea unei aplicatii pentru gestiunea cartilor in cadrul Bibliotecii Judeteane Mehedinti (unitate subordonata CJMH), unitate cu care se asteapta semnarea contractului, precum si un eventual ajutor financiar de la CJ pentru a putea sustine platile. Programul de legislatie pt toti utilizatorii (gen Legis). Proiectul GIS, achizitia hartilor format hartie la nivelul intregului judet Mehedinti si procesarea hartilor digitale la nivelul a trei comune din judet. In cadrul acestui proiect sau demarat de asemenea lucrarile de analiza a necesarului de procese in cadrul tuturor directiilor din Consiliul Judetean, realizandu-se interviuri cu reprezentantii acestor servicii /directii, precum si cursuri de training pentru initierea in utilizarea produselor GIS. The implementation of an application for the Management of books at the Mehedinti County Library (which is subordinated to CJMH), a unit with which a contract is expected to be signed, as well as a possible financial support help from the County Council to make the payments. The legislation program for all users is to be carried out (Legis-type). The GIS project, the acquisition of the paper format maps for the entire Mehedinti county and the processing of digital maps in three villages in the county.

Principalele probleme survenite Main problems encountered •

lipsa unor fonduri bugetate in mod direct si pe termen lung cu destinatia proiecte IT&C, in cadrul unor capitole si linii bugetare distincte, din care sa reiasa clar dorinta de intampinare a necesitatii de informatizare la nivel local; lipsa specialistilor in IT&C din cadrul institutiilor publice si gradul scazut de motivare a acestora comparativ cu statutul lor in domeniul companiilor private; reticenta la schimbare si informatizare manifestata de catre personalul care opereaza sistemul si noile aplicatii oferite, datorata in mare masura lipsei de informatii si pregatire in domeniul IT&C; legislatia achizitiilor publice care permite si chiar incurajeaza demararea unor proiecte disparate, neintegrate, in detrimemntul dinamicii pietei de IT&C, fapt ce conduce la uzura morala rapida a solutiilor achizitionate si implicit la lipsa de optimizare a resurselor si procesului investitional.

• • •

• • • •

the lack of directly budgeted founds designated to IT&C projects, included in special chapters and budget lines; the lack of IT&C specialists working in the public institutions and their low degree of motivation in comparison with the same status in the business field; the reluctance to change manifested by the future operators of the system and of the new software applications, mostly due to the lack of information and training the public acquisitions legislation that allows and even encourages separate purchases, notintegrated ones, despite the IT&C market dynamic, not justifying the investment process.

Thank you ! For more information please contact: ROXANA COMAN - Product Manager EuDiS Tel.: 0723.706.447 e-mail: [email protected] CORNEL GIURGEA - Presedinte C.A CG&GC S.A. E-mail: [email protected]

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