Euclidean Project

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 639
  • Pages: 5

Assignment: Explore Euclidean and suggest activities that students can do to explore and learn a geometry topic.


Euclidean Reality is a software used to design geometric figures.

With this

software the children can create figures and investigate their mathematical properties such as angles and lengths through freely manipulating the figures and export them in several formats, vectorial or bitmap. In simple terms, children can perform any kind of configuration using Euclidean geometry.

Report on the activity:

For this activity, I selected a primary 6 pupil. Before starting the activity, I gave him some explanation about Euclidean software, what’s the use of the software and what he is going to do with the software. I explained to him the uses of the tools, and showed him some examples how to create a figure and investigate some of its properties.

Below (figure 1) are the shapes that I created with the child before he actually do it himself. I showed him some examples how to find the properties of the shape, e.g. the length and the angle.

Figure 1

Profile of the child:

Name : Mohammad Khairul Ashraf bin Sahari Age

: 10 years old

Class : Year 6A School : Sekolah Rendah Jerudong

First Activity:

Create any figure that you like by using the Euclidean software. To give you some idea, you can create a house, or a figure of a man or woman. Basically you can create something creative using the software.

His work:

Figure 2

Comment: I was sitting next to the child while he was creating the drawing. I asked him some questions while he was doing it. I asked him to explain to me what he was doing and he answered he was creating a train and a sun. He used some squares and rectangles for the body of the train and some circles as the wheel. For the sun he used a circle and some rectangles.

Then I asked him to find the length of the first square (AC), the length of one side of the rectangle (DC and CB) and the last one is to find the radius of the last wheel. He was able to find the length because before he started the activity I had given him some explanation (refer to fig.1)

I was quite impressed with what he did even though he used a lot of ‘undo’s’ to create them.

That’s the way of learning; through trial and error and learning from the


Second Activity:

Create any three geometrical shapes and find its properties: •

Find the length

Find the angles

Find how many right angles it has

Find how many sides it has

The objectives: The child will be able to: 1.

create three geometrical shapes and state its name


find the lengths of the shapes


find the angles of the shapes

4. find how many right angles it has (if any) 5. find how many sides it has

His work:


The child found it very interesting making different shapes using the software. He also asked many questions whether he would be able to do this and that with the software. It was good to find out that the child enjoyed the activity.

This activity basically creates an active learning environment where children can explore and manipulate the figures creatively. This activity using the Euclidean software can be used as an enrichment activity for the pupils.

The children not only learn to create figures using the Euclidean reality software but they also be able to discover and investigate the properties of the figures such as the lengths and the angles.

This software is potentially has its own importance to

facilitate learning of mathematics particularly in developing the children’s thinking skills and creative mind.

Done by: Haslinda Binti Haji Mentarais 08M0553

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