Etmba Church Worship Without Loudspeakers

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 497
  • Pages: 2
Rays of Development Organization Sargodha, Pakistan. 43-Rehmat Park, University Road, Sargodha, Pakistan. Cell # 0092-321-6032504 Cell # 0092-321-6012462 [email protected]

ETMBA Church worship without loudspeakers Report written by: Jawad Mazhar (ROD)

On July 8th, 2007 New Satellite Town Police Sargodha warned ‘End Time Messages Believers Assembly’ (ETMBA) Pastor Rev Irshad Masih to switch off loudspeakers. Therefore worship had to go without speakers for 5 days. This was the consequence of a report registered in New Satellite Town Police Station by three Muslim residents of Gunianwala (Chak # 43 NB) Sargodha, Pakistan. According to Pastor Rev Irshad Masih, three (03) Muslim men had filed a report against the usage of loudspeakers during the praise and worship at the Church. Pastor Irshad Said “This place was granted for the construction of church by then Assistant Commissioner of Sargodha Mr Ghazanfar Zia Chaudhary in 1986” This place was used to keep animals by Muhammad Fayyaz, before the construction of church. Construction of the church was the actual reason behind the genesis of face-off between Rev Irshad and the Muslims. Since then the irritation had been simmering within the hearts of muslim residents of Gunianwala especially Muhammad Fayyaz. Loudspeakers of the ETMBA church

Religious Muslim fanatics of Gunianwala dismantled the loudspeakers twice in past four (4) years. Once a charged Muslim youth Muhammad Adil mounted on the roof of Church and hurled down the loudspeakers, causing them severe damage. So the poor church members had to repair the speakers. In an other unpleasant incident Muhammad Fayyaz deracinated the water filter of church’s hand pump and put away secretly in his house. When asked, Muhammad Fayyaz took false oath on the Holy Quran saying that he does not know anything about the water filter. The water filter was afterwards recovered from his house. Visit from a guest Evangelist Rev John Masih actually triggered the Muslim residents namely Ghulam Abbas, Mubarak Ali, Pervaiz Cheema and Muhammad Fayyaz to file a report against the usage of loudspeakers by Rev Irshad. After registration of complaint against Rev Irshad police visited him and directed Rev Irshad to switch off the loudspeaker. Moreover police warned Rev Irshad to avoid using loudspeakers in the future Rev Irshad Masih Talking to Zimran (ROD)

Rays of Development Organization Sargodha, Pakistan. 43-Rehmat Park, University Road, Sargodha, Pakistan. Cell # 0092-321-6032504 Cell # 0092-321-6012462 [email protected]

Pastor Rev Irshad Masih told ROD that it is totally unimaginable to turnoff the loudspeakers of a mosque (Muslims’ prayer place). He said that we are equally loyal citizens of Pakistan therefore the loudspeakers should go on during the praise and prayer in the Churches as well, without any discrimination.

Foundation stone of Church

Kids learning Bible at Church

Children praising the Lord

This report is prepared by ROD Fact Finding team including: Jawad Mazhar, Nadeem Samuel, Imran Mazher, Zimran Elias Special thanks to Mr Sheraz Khurram Khan (Assist News Service USA)

Report recommended by: Mr Ferhan Mazher Chairman Rays of development Organization Sargodha, Pakistan.

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