Ethical Issue

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 471
  • Pages: 13
Malpractice Ch. 2: Professional Identity(reading 2 & P.2250)

Professional Identity - Is a process, rather than an outcome must constantly reexamine to meet new challenge - Able to answer what we do

4 areas in professional identity

   

Philosophy Preparation programs Credentialing (ethical standards) Professional Association

Philosophy underlying the counseling profession 

Wellness model rather than illness model Developmental perspective that most of issue and problem are nature and normal Prevention and early intervention rather than remedial Empowerment

Preparation programs Counselors are considered professionals at the master’s degree level and all of the training are emphasizing competency in counseling USA HONG KONG 1,510 master’s and doctoral degree programs(2001) AND 315 are CACREP accredited

CACREP ‘s standards : Master degree ( 2 years or 48-60 semester hours)

Diploma Programmed in General Counseling (HKBUSEC) B.Soc.Sc. (Hons) in Counseling and Psychology (HKSYC) Master of Social Sciences in Counseling (CITY U,HKU,HKBU) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Work with Minor in Counseling (CITY)

Credentialing (ethical standards) Possess some type of indicator that theory are legitimate professionals USA


Degree/ state license / state agency certification, national voluntary certification/ Program accreditation


Professional Associations of Counselors USA


American Counseling Association (1952) And 18 ACA divisionspracticing in various setting or having special interests with counseling) / Branches

The Hong Kong Professional Counseling Association(1995)

Other associations e.g. American Association of State Counseling Boards

Asian Professional counseling Association (Hong Kong) 2004

Current Issue in USA  

Specialties VS Unity Unified organization VS federation/divisional Varying state licensure and certification required Legal & political issue(challenges to scope of practice/job title/thirdparty reimbursement)

Situation in Hong Kong  

Discussion The Following are two employment advertising, discussing counselors as an professional in HK.


資深輔導員: 十年以上經驗 危機處理專業訓練 (Certified by International Critical Incident Stress Foundation) 認可賭博輔導訓練 (Certified by Iona College Gambling Institute, recognized by Canadian Council of Professional Certification, Addiction Intervention Association and ICRC/AODA in USA) 婚前 / 婚姻輔導訓練

Residential and Overnight Camp Counselor Counselors work in pairs with a CIT (volunteer) and are responsible for the care of individuals and planning and delivery of all programmers games, tent camping, songs and child appropriate activities, 18 years of age, previous experience working with children, references required. Good command of English. Standard First Aid, CPR-C, Swimming/ Life guarding Certification

  

就業輔導幹事 社會工作文憑或以上 個性獨立、有良好人際溝通 技巧 執行就業計劃,跟進學員就 業、處理個案及小組工作 籌辦技能訓練及活動

   

Job title 註冊制度 要求 Job content

Paradoxes in Therapy •Equal & Democratic VS Unequal & Authoritarian •Intimate & Personal VS Professional & Distant •Real & Genuine VS Manipulative & Projective •Independent VS Dependent •Spontaneous VS Prescribed •Natural VS Required Professional Training •Open to Technology VS Responsive to human contact •Safe & Predictable VS Dangerous &

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