Eternally Vigilant Issue2

  • June 2020
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The Eternally "[It is] the people, to Vigilant whom all authority

Next RetakeCleveland Meeting Scheduled

After many requests from citizens of the Town of Cleveland, we have scheduled the second RetakeCleveland meeting for Monday, November 2, 2009 at 6:00 P.M. This meeting will be held at the Cleveland Fire Hall.

belongs." --Thomas RetakeCleveland Meeting a Complete Success

Due to other scheduled meetings at the Fire Hall, we will only be able to meet from 6:00 - 7:15 this week. This meeting must be productive and quick, used mostly to get I just wanted to write to thank everyone that everyone prepared for the Town Hall meeting scheduled attended the RetakeCleveland Citizens meeting that was held in response to the cancellation of for the next night. the Town Hall Meeting. Our meeting proved to be much more "rights" oriented and the people FINALLY had the chance to practice their First Amendment right to free speech and assembly. The outlet that was opened up last night for Cleveland Town Council Meeting everyone to express their thoughts and ideas was truly inspiring to me, as I'm sure it was to all Tuesday, November 3, 2009 of you. The Cleveland Town Council will convene their scheduled meeting on Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 7:00 We covered many of the grievances that the P.M. This meeting will take place at the Cleveland Town citizens of Cleveland have with the sitting council, and I also feel that we are truly united Hall. Every citizen of Cleveland is urged to attend this now. Being on the same page is truly refreshing meeting. for me, because before last night I felt like As many of you already know, the public has become very everyone was in a state of chaos and confusion. Now that we are all on the same page, it is aware of the inner workings of the Town Hall meetings, and they have begun to show their disgust. It is urgent that imperative that we remain networked and we have a huge turn-out at this meeting to ensure that we educated about our local government and the issues that have arisen from it. We must all let our elected officials know that we mean business. remember to be vigilant in our fight against our Everyone is encouraged to show up and practice their representatives. Constitutional Rights. Bring signs that express your voice in the event that you are not able to speak.

Continued on Page 2

RetakeCleveland will, once again, attempt to present the Petition for Redress of Grievances that many of you have personally signed. If you wish to attend this meeting and do not have transportation to make it, send an email to ([email protected]) and arrangements will be made for you to be there.

"Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Page Two


RetakeCleveland Meeting a Complete Success Continued from Page 1 Some of the conclusions that we came to last night are as follows: 1. Josh Byrd will become the photographer for RetakeCleveland, and will begin work on taking video and audio of all of the public meetings that are held (both by the Council and RetakeCleveland). An idea was brought up by a townsperson that we should record these meetings. We also decided that we will be creating these videos in a digital format to allow them to be sent to everyone via email and social networking sites. It is very important that everyone be able to see the meetings on Continue video, especially if they Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here. newsletter text were here.not able to attend the meetings. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here. 2. We also discussed the problems that we have with the 60 second speaking rule. We all came to the conclusion that we could create a Inalienable (Adj) speech and break it down into 60 second intervals for several people i-ˈnāl-yə-nə-bəl to address with their allotted time. I think this is a great idea if everyone agrees to make time to request their 60 seconds 7days in advance. I think that this is the only way that we will ever be able to : incapable of being alienated, discuss our grievances fully with the council.


Word of the Week

surrendered, or transferred

3. One of the most important conclusions that came out of the meeting last night was the idea that we need to hold more of this Take a moment to review the word of the week type of meeting to discuss the town's problems. Many of you came to me after the meeting to express your approval of the meeting format, and try to remember it in your daily routine. and I also feel that the meeting was MUCH more productive than the Town Hall meetings that have been being held lately.

Quote of the Week “We hold these truths to be selfevident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” -Preamble to the U.S. Declaration of Independence, 1776 555.555.5555 555.555.5555 555.555.5555 [email protected]

“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.” --Thomas Paine, 1777


Page Three “The Weekly Rebuttal” Our Side: A Non-Family Matter After reading Mr. Wayne Owens” letter in the October 28 issue of The Blount Countian, I wonder if Mr. Owens might suffer from illusions of grandeur or a persecution complex. Can he possibly believe that the “powers that be” were elected just to employ him? Or can he believe that past administrations were “out to get him”? The citizens of Cleveland have mobilized to fight for their inalienable rights as defined in the Bill of rights. They have united to prove that the mayor and council cannot do anything they desire, but must represent the will of the people of the town. The beauty of our national, state, and local government is that we are allowed to protest and disagree with our leaders. There is no ruling elite. No group of rulers can do anything they want just because they were elected. This has recently been proven by the Jefferson County Commission. RetakeCleveland is not and will never be a political organization. It is simply an organization made up of people with many different political beliefs. It is an organization that advocates truth and transparency in our local government and works to defend our civil rights. Donna Gillespie Cleveland, AL


Page Four The Voice of the Public

The voice of the people has a power that many people do not understand. Many movements throughout history were successful only because of the support and lack of fear on behalf of the people. It is truly time to speak. We should first take a moment out of our busy schedules to thank the people that deserve it. Make a few phone calls; send an email, or even a handwritten letter. Showing gratitude and appreciation will get us a long way, especially with the press. On the other hand, we should put more and more pressure on the public officials that have put us in this situation in the first place. Do whatever is possible to contact these people, even if you have to call them at home. They are OUR representatives and should have absolutely no problem taking a moment to talk to you, the voter. Below is a list of contact information to send your appreciation as well as your disgust. Without people taking part, this movement will stall.

Press The Blount Countian P.O. Box 310 Oneonta, AL 35121 205-625-3231 [email protected] Alabama's ABC 33/40 P.O. Box 360039 Birmingham, AL 35236 205-403-3340 205-203-6397- (ask for Ana)

Elected Officials Cleveland Town Hall 62732 U.S. Hwy 231 Cleveland, AL 35049 (205) 274-9640 Tommy Roundtree- District Attorney 220 2nd Ave E, Oneonta, AL 35121 (205) 625-4171

“All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree.” --James Madison, 1787

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