Eternal Bharat

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 380
  • Pages: 2
Many Apples had fallen before Newton’s Gravity Laws? Yes, many apples, especially many Indian apples had fallen down before Newton had discovered Laws of Gravitation. Ancient Indian Astronomical texts are replete with Gravitational laws. Let us get into the facts…. 1) “madhye samantandasya bhugolo vyomni tisthati bibhranah paramam saktim brahmano dharanatmikam” (Surya Sidhantha 12th chapter 32 sloka) This means: (first line)”In the midst of universe (Brahmanda), the spherical earth stands firm in the space.” (second line)”because of the dharanatmika sakti, Earth is standing firm in the space without falling away.” 2) “akrsta saktisca mahi taya yat svastham guru svabhimukham svasaktya akrsyate tatpatativa bhati same samantat kva patatviyam khe” (Sidhanta Shiromani, Bhuvanakosa, 6th sloka) In above Bhaskaracharya (11th Century AD) reveals that: “Earth naturally attracts every object in the space towards itself .because of this attracting force, all objects fall on the earth .When there is balance in attraction among planets where would they fall?” 3) “cakranasah parinaham prithivya” (Rig Veda 1.33.8) It says: “People who reside on the surface of the Earth’s circumference.” 4) “trinabhicakramajaranarvam yenema visva bhuvanani tasthuh” (Rig Veda 1.164.1) It says: “All the celestial bodies (planets) are moving in elliptical orbits”

5) “sapta tva haritho rathe vahanti deva surya sociksesam vicaksana” (Rig Veda 1.50.9) “ava divastarayanti sapta suryasya rasmyah ” (Atharva Veda It says: “Sun’s seven colored rays are making a day” Does that mean sun has only seven rays? No, sun emits millions of rays. But each ray of light has seven colors embedded in it. The Vedic terminology often refers to word “saptha asva ruda”.It actually means seven colored white sunrays .The Vedic meaning of word “asva” also means “light rays”. (Source:”Eternally Talented India 108 Facts”) These are very few facts from the ocean of the Knowledge i.e. “Indian Ancient Texts”. Please go to our coulter and follow it because our ancestors followed it and they became immortal. Please understand the Vedic thoughts and let us practice it. For many more facts and information read the book “Eternally Talented India 108 Facts” by Vivekananda Life Skills Academy, Hyderabad, (, [email protected], non-profit enterprise). So be proud of our ancestors and let us make India (Now) Glorious again.

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