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Essay Competition – Trafficking In Humans Human Trafficking means smuggling in humans which is illegal according to law and it is therefore an evil for our society. It is done for bodily exploitation, prostitution, and also for bonded labour turning into slavery. It is world’s 3rd most Transitional Organized Crime after Drugs and Arms Trafficking and 80% of the Trafficking is done for the purpose of Prostitution only. If we refer to the continent of Asia, India is referred to as centre for Human Trafficking for the whole continent of Asia.1 Now the time has come when we have to think that how to overcome this problem by bringing a solution to this problem. Human Trafficking is mainly done in children and women, of which children’s belong to poor parts of the country. Extreme Poverty, Poor Education, Poor Governmental Policies, etc. at last become the reasons for people to enter the same in these poor parts of country. And in this whole process the local agents of that place plays a very crucial role by taking these people and their family members in confidence by promising them of providing them a better lifestyle, employment, etc. These agents further sell these children, inclusive of females to household servants providing agencies which further sell them to households for a good price and also these people are forced to work in homes for a period of 16-18 hours per day and they are also ill-treated by the their owners, as they are beaten by them and many a times they are harassed mentally and bodily. They are not only made Household Servants but in many cases they are also introduced to the work of sex worker or prostitution (in cases of females) where these people are exploited at each and every step and this process goes on. Now moving to some databases as given, like by NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau) Human Trafficking is 2nd biggest offence which in last 10 years increased by 14% and in year 2014 it rose by 65%. Females and ladies are on the spot of Human Trafficking and in last 10 years they become the 76% of all the total cases reported. According to one of the report, Human


Trafficking Cell, Ministry of Human Affairs, Available at


Essay Competition – Trafficking In Humans Trafficking mainly consists of cases related to sell and purchase of females nationally and sometimes internationally for different types of purposes. 2 If India is taken into consideration, almost every state is in under the impact of evil named Human Trafficking of which Tamil Nadu ranks 1st then followed by Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, West Bengal, Maharashtra, and the list goes on. And these 5 states are the points mainly where females are sold and purchased for Red Light Area purposes and almost 70% cases in India comes from these states only.3 Main reason why people do this business is because it is a very profit making business, and greed to earn more and more money gives fire to grow the business of Human Trafficking and at last leading to an offence. Human Trafficking is an offence. According to Immoral Trafficking Prevention Act (ITPA) if trafficking is done for the motive of business then there is a provision in this act for punishment in which there can be person is put in prison for a period of 7 years to Lifetime Imprisonment. Like this there are many other provisions related to Bonded Labour, Child Labour, etc. which are prescribed in this act. If we take into consideration the facts in last 5 years, in about 23% cases the punishments was given to offenders in case of Human Trafficking. For bringing a stay to this Trafficking in Humans, central as well as state governments are doing their honest attempts by sanction various funds so as to control it and also by launching various Web Portals with the aim to inform people about this cause and prevent them from being a part of this evil. Child and Women Welfare Departments are also doing every possible attempt so as to save these victims of trafficking and helping them in their successful rehabilitation. According to a report Human Trafficking is not only a problem in developing countries but it is also a serious issue in developed countries like U.S.A., etc. Question arises when we think about how to come out of this and how many policies are there to come out of it or are in support of it, as we may take these victims (comprising of females and children) out of the trafficking but till the time we would not have proper policies for rehabilitation of these victims, they will again go back in the same situation so as complete their needs. So as to became these victims independent, 2 3

Anti Trafficking Units in all districts; Crime Branch, 2017, The Hindu. “India”. Trafficking in Persons Report 2016-17, by U.S. Department of State.


Essay Competition – Trafficking In Humans there are various NGO’s who work with the aim to make these type of people independent and in cases of females and children various counseling’s are done with the motive to erase the bad memories from the minds of these people and this became successful in many cases too. These NGO’s also work for females who were made sex worker by helping and assisting them and also helps to create place for them and thus leading them a respectable life. People many times refer Human Trafficking as Sex Trafficking but Human Trafficking in itself a very vast field and it only consists of Sex Trafficking. With the motive of cheap labour mainly Human Trafficking is done in which labour is exported and imported from countries to countries. And Children mainly become the part of this labour because their exploitation can be easily done but in Sex Trafficking females are mainly targeted so as to execute the idea or purpose. Now there is a Case Study as to analyse the Human Trafficking which is as follows, Born in a poor family of small village in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, Bhavani used to work as a labourer with his parents. Bhavani had a total of 11 members, including 6 girls and 3 boys. On the request of a relative of Bhavani's mother, 12-year-old Bhavani was married to a person named Amar in Delhi. According to Bhavani, "Though I was too young, but still I was very happy about this”, because the expenses of her marriage were raised by those people and her parents were also given enough money . After marriage, Bhavani, his relative and Amarjeet went to Delhi, where Amar left Bhavani for some time with his relative, so that he could arrange for his stay. Bhavani's relative's house was actually a brothel located on Delhi's Red Light Area- GB Road and Bhavani's examination began the next day, where she was asked to take care of the customer. From that on, she realized that she was actually sold for Rs.45,000. Talking to other girls present there, she came to know that her husband Amar did 12 marriages that year. Bhavani opposed to the present situation after she came to know about the facts.The result of initial opposition was that Bhavani was beaten and was not given food. After 7 days of struggle, Bhavani put her weapons and accepted the reality around her. Thereafter, one day Bhavani was rescued by a social activist at the age of 17,when she had undergone 5 abortions and a lot of


Essay Competition – Trafficking In Humans sexually transmitted infections and then she was also found HIV-positive in the various medical tests done by the rescue team.4 These Types of Females And Children Are Rescued from the Sex Trafficking and Child Labour by these NGO’s and the State. The Laws identified with Human Trafficking resemble Trafficking in Human Beings or Persons is prohibited under the Constitution of India under Article 23 (1), Protection of Children from Sexual offenses (POCSO) Act, 2012, an extraordinary law to protect children from sexual mishandle and abuse, The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 (ITPA) is the chief enactment for aversion of trafficking for business sexual misuse, Criminal Law (amendment) Act 2013 has come into drive wherein Section 370 of the Indian Penal Code has been substituted with Section 370 and 370A IPC which accommodate far reaching measures to counter the threat of human and there are other particular enactments ordered identifying with trafficking in females and children which are Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, Bonded Labor System (Abolition) Act, 1976, Child Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994, and so on. Thought process behind the establishment of these laws is to protect casualties and average folks from being misused and furthermore to secure and keep up their individual dignity. Government, worldwide affiliations, and non-administrative associations have all attempted to end human trafficking with different degrees of accomplishment. Moves made to battle human trafficking vary from government to government. Some have presented enactment particularly went for making human trafficking unlawful. Governments can likewise create frameworks of participation between various country's law requirement offices and with Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). Different moves governments could make is to build mindfulness level. This can go up against three structures (I) bringing issues to light among potential casualties, specifically individuals in nations where human traffickers are dynamic, (ii) bringing issues to light among police, social welfare laborers and movement officers, and (iii) in nations where prostitution is legal or semi4

Times of, year 2016.


Essay Competition – Trafficking In Humans legal, bringing issues to light among the customers of prostitution, to pay special mind to indications of a human trafficking casualty.5


Human Trafficking the Fact, Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking, 2015-16.


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