Esoteric Agenda

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 591
  • Pages: 2
Esoteric Agenda We’re now experiencing a major shift It’s difficult to understand what’ll scriptures, pagan and monotheistical orders have all given indications of

in both physical and spiritual vibration. happen to our physical bodies, but ancient legends, mystery schools and secret fraternal what this experience will be like.

King James Bible: Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall all not sleep but we shall all be changed in the moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump, for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed. 1 Cor. 15:51-52 Emeral Tablets of Thoth. Man is in the process of changing to forms of light that are not of this world. Book of Mormons: Ye shall never endure pains of death, when I come in my Glory. Ye shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality. In our bodies, we will see our Creators. The Tibetan Book of the Dead explains that different vibrational codes make up the experiences necessary to enter a Buddhist state. Egyptian Nuith or Nuit speaks of very similar matters. This will be the Shift of the Ages, the Transcendental of monumental changes to humanity. Those unprepared for this transition will likely not be able to cope with the rapid changes in the psyche. The only way to prepare for what is to come is what we have sought after our entire lives. Truth. Not the truth about Governments, commerce, religions or anything external, but the truth within ourselves, within our psyche and our shadow selves. When you fear loss, fear death, fear war, fear terrorism or fear change, you’re giving others the ability to control you based on those fears. When you fight against poverty or against racism, when you fight for relationships or for freedom, you are outwardly attempting to repress that which has been placed before you to conquer inwardly. These situations are mirrors of our fears. This is why it’s important to love and only love. Love those who stand with you but especially those who stand against you. Don’t look at your fears as a threat. Rather, understand that this material world is only a physical manifestation of either the love or fear in your consciousness. All you need to conquer in life is in your face. If you want to understand what your true inner fears are, analyze your ambitions and your inhibitions Healing Codes: The Secret Solfeggio Frequencies Sound Vibration Rates for Creation, Destruction and Miracles 1. UT = 396 = 9 2. Re = 417 = 3 3. Mi = 528 = 6 4. Fa = 639 = 9 5. Sol = 741 = 3 6. La = 852 = 6 This is the difference of the power of our Creator and anything else, particularly evil. You can go into a pitch black room full of evil, full of darkness and light a little candle and instantly that darkness flees but you can’t do the opposite. You can’t go into a well lit room full of truth, wisdom, righteousness, joy, health and harmony with the universal power. You can’t take any amount of

darkness and go into that well lit room and have any affect whatsoever. The greatest lesson to know is we’re on the winning side and that we’ll win in the end. Your reality affects you and only you. When you see your fears for what they are and master your emotions, then and only then will you truly be free.

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