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Wednesday, January 2rd, 2019 Present Simple Negative Specific Accommodations for ESOL students are highlighted in yellow OBJECTIVE(S)/STANDARD(S) What will your students be able to do? Reference Common Core or your state’s standards, as applicable. Objective: I can (Choose one of the three objectives and complete the sentence/Elige uno de lost tres opciones para completa el phrase) Objective: I can (Choose one of the three objectives and complete the sentence/Elige uno de lost tres opciones para completa el phrase) 1. Use the verb tense “Negative Present Simple” 2. Change verbs from present simple to negative present simple 3. Create agent nouns

CONNECTION TO ACHIEVEMENT GOAL(S) How does the objective connect to the goal(s) you have for your students this year?

This lesson is directly correlated to the objective of the year of learning the foundations of the English language. The present simple verb tense, and subsequently the negative present simple, are important building blocks of the language, which coupled with vocabulary provide stepping stones for learning English.

The Objective is framed with intentional words such as “use, change and create” which are action verbs that have been practiced and reinforced in class. T1.3.A (Teacher clearly communicates lesson objective to students using developmentally appropriate language.) The teacher will explain that each of the three tasks that students will be able to do (I can statements) are the criteria for success for the day. The teacher will use the term “criteria for success” in English to reinforce developmentally appropriate language and to clearly state the points students will have to do in order to complete the objective. (T1.3.C). Teacher shares clear criteria for meeting lesson objective.

Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018


The format of the classwork note sheet has become routine to students at this point of the year.

Standards Maryland English Language Arts: -CCSS RL 1 CCR Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. -CCSS RL 4 CCR Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determining technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone. -CCSS RI 10 CCR Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. Maryland English Language Art

PREREQUISITE SKILLS What will your students need to know to master the grade-level objective? Students are already familiar with classroom routines and procedures, such as entrance procedure, Do Now procedures, Objective procedures, and expectations for guided and independent practice.

Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018

DIAGNOSTIC How will you assess students’ mastery of these foundational skills?

Consistent reviewing of exit tickets and student assessments give the teacher a consistent view of student understanding of course content. WIDA, the standardized test used for ESOL education, is also a valuable indicator of student levels in various areas of English proficiency such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing.


ASSESSMENT How will you know whether your students have made progress toward the objective? How and when will you assess mastery? The assessment in the lesson will be the independent practice, where students will complete four tasks independently and with a partner.

KEY POINTS Key points are student-facing statements that include important content students needs to know to be successful in the lesson. What three to five key points will you emphasize?

1. Vocabulary: Students will be able to learn key vocabulary words in English. The instruction is intentional in forcing to do more than just translate the vocabulary word into students’ first language, students need to write definitions in English. Students will have two methods for learning vocabulary, one will be through visual and audio through BrainPop ELL, the other through translating words from English to Spanish (T2.3.D Teacher present content in various ways to make content clear.) 2. Guided notes in English: Exposing students to grade level notetaking in English a priority in an ESOL classroom, however students need scaffolds to be able to do this. Having students take notes in a guided notesheet allows them to take notes in English while having them focus specifically on key words and phrases. (T2.3.A: Teacher present accurate grade-level content).

3. Changing verbs for present simple affirmative to present simple negative. In the independent practice students will use the notes from the grammar summary to change verbs into the present simple negative.

(T2.3.B Teacher emphasizes important points to focus learning of content)

Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018


OPENING/HOOK (10 min.) How will you communicate what is about to happen? How will you communicate how it will happen? How will you communicate its importance? How will you communicate connections to previous lessons? How will you engage students and capture their interest?


Each day the class begins with the teacher saying out-loud, and the students repeating, “Good morning my ESOL family. How are you today? I am fine. Today is Wednesday. Yesterday was Tuesday. Tomorrow will be Thursday.” (T6.3.E Students use academic talk, and when necessary, teacher consistently and appropriately supports students in speaking academically).

Student work packets

At this point students who are not prepared with a writing utensil, their Do Now Sheet, or are out of their seat are redirected to begin the class.

Projector Powerpoint presentation Writing utensil

(T9.3.D When needed, teacher appropriately addresses, redirects or deescalates student misbehavior or disruption in a manner that solves the issue.) 3 Students that are on-task and ready will be positively narrated. (T9.3.B Teacher promotes and/ or reinforces positive behavior.)

Do Now: 1. What was your rose from vacation (vacaciones)? A. My rose from vacation was …….

Word Wall: Rose: Rosa Christmas: Navidad Thorn: Espina No school: No hay escuela Spending time with my family: Pasando tiempo con mi familia Sleeping: Dormiendo Eating: Comiendo playing videogames: Jugando videojuegos

2. What was your thorn from vacation? A. My thorn from vacation was ………

Students are familiar with the Do Now procedure of entering the room, collecting their folder, and answering the Do Now. Everyday students have 4 minutes to complete the task (shown by the timer in the bottom right hand corner of the Powerpoint), and the format is the same every day. The questions are numbered, while students use the sentence frames that begin with the letter “A.” Students are provided a word wall that gives key vocabulary that students need to complete the activity. T7.3.B (Routines and procedures run smoothly with some prompting from the teacher.) During this initial four minutes, the teacher will be at the door greeting students, and then transition into completing administrative tasks such as attendance. Students Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018


need no prompting from the teacher to complete this task, and a pre-selected student in each class takes on a leadership position of marking each students Do Now sheet upon completing (T7.4.A Students are never idle, even while teacher does administrative tasks such as taking attendance or preparing materials.) (T7.3.A Students are only idle for very brief periods of time while waiting for the teacher) (T8.4.B Students take on academic leadership roles that promote learning.) (T7.4.C Students direct many of the transitions and routines). Once students have completed the work on their notesheet the teacher will lead a discussion regarding the Objective and its significance. The discussion will begin by the teacher asking the students why this lesson objective is significant. Students will be prompted to respond given the sentence frame “This lesson is significant because…” (T1.4.A Teacher facilitates a discussion of the lesson objective, its significance and/or how it applies to students’ long-term academic and/or other goals.)

After completing the Do Now, students receive the prompt from the teacher in English to “transition to class work.” One student, pre-determined in each class, passes out the class-work while students are putting their Do Now sheet into their folders. (T7.4.B Routines and procedures run smoothly with minimal or no prompting from the teacher.) (T7.3.C Students demonstrate they generally know their responsibilities.) (T7.3.D Transitions are smooth with some teacher direction.)

Students will be told that this packet is worth 5 points and will be entered as a classwork grade. This will create student ownership of their grade and the work completed in class. (T8.3.D Students take ownership of work and are active participants in classwork and discussions.) INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIAL (20 min.) What key points will you emphasize and reiterate? How will you ensure that students actively take in information? Which potential misunderstandings will you anticipate? Why will students be engaged/interested?

Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018



The introduction of new material begins with vocabulary practice. Using a BrainPop ELL video, students will be introduced to new vocabulary words. Students will watch the video and write down the word as it comes onto the screen. Students have the option to say the word aloud in accordance with the video, or simply write it on their note-sheet. During the time students are seated, not using phones, translators, or dictionaries, and are allowed to collaborate with other students when necessary. During the time many students feel comfortable enough to repeat the word out-loud. This shows that all students have opportunities to contribute, and there is a positive rapport in the classroom.

Student work packets Projector Powerpoint presentation Writing utensil

Presenting vocabulary in a form where students are practicing reading, writing, listening, and speaking is a specific ESOL support that is aligned with the WIDA rubric and WIDA high-stakes assessment. (T8.3.C Teacher values input from all students and ensures that students have opportunities to contribute equitably.) (T8.3.B Interactions among teacher and students demonstrate a positive rapport and mutual respect.) There is no need for redirections as students are bought in to the importance of vocabulary acquisition. ( T9.4.A) Students exhibit rare or no off-task behavior in the classroom, and there is rarely, if any, need to refer to behavioral expectations.) (T8.4.A Positive classroom culture is so well established that there is minimal need for teacher direction.)

Once the vocabulary section is completed, the class will begin the guided notes section. Students will copy down the notes from the board, or have the option to copy notes down from a printout version of the notes. Before beginning, it will be explained to students that these notes are important because they will give students the information necessary to complete the independent practice at the end of class (T3.3.A All tasks have a clear and intentional purpose). Students notes will be in English and coincide with grade-level ELA standards, however a scaffold will be provided in that students need to only fill in the blank with the most important words. (T3.3.B Teacher provides access to grade-level material for all students by scaffolding and/or differentiating tasks). (T2.3.A Teacher presents accurate grade-level content) Students are given two minutes to complete the notes for a given section, at which point the class reads the notes aloud. This wait time gives students the chance to grapple with the content before the teacher will read it out in English, and then translate into Spanish to ensure student understanding. (T3.3.C Students have opportunity and time to grapple with complex texts and/or rigorous tasks). (T3.3.D Teacher consistently models academic vocabulary and standard grammatical structures).

GUIDED PRACTICE (15 min.) How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to practice? How will you scaffold practice exercises from easy to hard? Why will students be engaged/interested? How will you monitor and correct student performance? How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations? Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018



The Guided Practice portion of the lesson provides students with the opportunity to apply the information learned through guided practice. The purpose of this section is for the students to learn the verbs that will be used in the negative present simple. (T2.3.E Techer explicitly and thoroughly models how to engage with texts and/or tasks to prepare students to do so independently) The teacher will begin by translating the first verb for the class. The class will then repeat the word out loud.

Student work packets Projector Powerpoint presentation Writing utensil

“To carry: Llevar” Then the teacher will get the directions for #1 in English and in Spanish:

#1. Vocabulary: Translate the verbs from English to Spanish. You may work with a partner. (Tranduce los verbos a Ingles de Espanol. Puedes trabajar con un companero). Students will be allowed to work with a partner during the time. The teacher will model different ways that partner collaboration can take place. One is that students can selfselect which words they want to translate, and then each take ownership of a certain amount of words, then collaborate at the end of the time. This method ensures that both partners are accountable for parts of their work. Students will have five minutes to complete this task. Students will be allows to use phones to translate, will be seated, and groups can be no larger than 4. (T9.3.A Teacher’s high behavioral expectations are clear to students, and teacher consistently holds students accountable for meeting those expectations.)

(T6.3.B Teacher sets up structures for student collaboration and they are effective at keeping students focused and productive with minimal teacher support.) (T6.4.B Students monitor their progress in group work and hold one another accountable for staying productive and on task)

After the five minutes, a student volunteer will lead the academic discussion reviewing the words. This will mean a student will say the English word out-loud, with the class repeating it one time, then the Spanish word will be read out-loud. (T6.4.A Students lead academic discussions with minimal teacher support). The class will then move to the second task. In this task students will be strategically placed in groups based on their English proficiency levels. Students at lower levels will work together, while higher level students will also work together. This will make sure higher level students don’t simply complete all the work, and the lower level students copy. (T6.3.C Teacher ensures all student groups and/or pairings are strategic, purposeful, and flexible based on student characteristics). (T6.3.D In most student-to-student interactions, students engage in discussions with their peers to make meaning of content or deepen their understanding).

Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018


(T9.3.A Teacher’s high behavioral expectations are clear to students, and teacher consistently holds students accountable for meeting those expectations.) If students are off-task during this time they will be redirected individually as to not disrupt other students’ learning time. (T9.3.E When needed, teacher addresses behavioral issues with minimal interruption to instructional time).

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (__ min.) In what ways will students attempt to demonstrate independent mastery of the objective? Why will students be engaged/interested? How will you provide opportunities for extension? How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations? Students will then move forward to the independent practice portion, which will consist of #3 and #4 in their note-sheet.


Student work packets Projector

The teacher will read aloud the directions of both #3 and #4 in English and Spanish to ensure that all students are aware of how to complete the task. Students will also be directed to use the symbols if necessary to find where in their notes the specific task was discussed. Students can then self-select how much they want to rely on their notes versus completing the tasks independently. (T2.3.F Teacher’s instructions are clear to all students) (T3.4.A Teacher provides students with choices and students are able to self-select strategies and tasks that best fit their learning needs and learning levels).

Powerpoint presentation Writing utensil

Students will have 20 minutes to complete this portion of the lesson. They will be working independently, raising silent hands when they have questions. Students will be responsible for holding their classmates accountable in order to gain class-wide PBIS incentives. (T9.4.B Students self-manage behavior and monitor their peers, when needed.) Gifted and talented students will act as teacher helpers when they are done to help students who are at lower levels. (T8.4.C Teacher has strong individual relationships with Students) Using the peer-assistance models helps students have the ability to persevere through complex tasks. (T3.3.E Almost all students persevere through complex texts and/or rigorous tasks)

Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018


CLOSING (__ min.) How will students summarize what they learned? How will students be asked to state the significance of what they learned? How will you provide all students with opportunities to demonstrate mastery of (or progress toward) the objective? Why will students be engaged/interested?


Student work packets For closing, the teacher will use the attention getter to get students attention. Then, the class will complete the daily review together. It will begin with students having the opportunity to explain the objective in their own words for the class. T1.3.D When prompted, students can explain the objective in their own words and the criteria for meeting it.) (T1.4.B) When prompted, students can explain the objective, its significance and/or how it applies to their long-term academic and/or other goals.) (T1.3.B) Teacher clearly explains the significance of the lesson objective.

Projector Powerpoint presentation Writing utensil

Then the teacher will give students the opportunity to explain how this objective is important in other classes. (T2.4.A Teacher makes connections across disciplines in presentation of content). Students feel comfortable taking on the risk of speaking aloud in class because of the strong culture built. (T8.3.E The classroom is a safe community for all students to take on academic challenges and risk possible failure.)

Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018


Handouts & Resources

Name: _________________________

What is the date today? __________________


Objective: I can… 1. Use the verb tense “Negative Present Simple” 2. Change verbs from present simple to negative present simple 3. Create agent nouns Choose one of the three objectives to complete the sentence (Elige uno de lost res objectivos para completar la phrase)

What am I going to do today? Today I am going to.. _______________________________________________ Vocabulary: 1. Our

2. New

6. drummer

3. Band

4. ____________________________________

7. _______________

8. ______________

9. _______

11. ________________

12. _______________

13. Singer


17. _______________

18. Nobody plays the rock

20. _____________________________________

5. _______________ 10. Bass player

14. _____________

15. _________

19. _______________

21. ________________

22. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Grammar Summary Present Simple (Negative) The Present Simple in the ________________ describes things that _____

___________ or _____________

happen. We use ________________ or _________________ with the base form of the ____________. El Presente Simple en el negativo describe cosas que no suelen suceder o nunca. Usamos no hacer o no con la forma base del verbo. do not = _____________ // does not = ______________

(do not: haga doesn’t= no hace)

For example: ____________________________

(yo no toco la guitarra)

We use ______________ with _____, ______ or ___________ only. The ________ stays the ___________. (Usamos “doesn’t” con él, ella o solo. El verbo se mantiene igual) For example: ________________________________________________. Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018

(ella no toca el piano)


Present Simple ______________

Present Simple ____________________

You play the bass.

You don't play the guitar.

He _________ the drums.

He _____________ sing.

She ___________. It __________________.

She ___________ ______ the piano. It ________________ milk.

We _________ the _______.

We ________ like ____________.

You ________ letters ________


They ______________________.

You ______ ___ homework on ________________. They _______________________________________

Remember! 1. In the affirmative, we add s or es to the verb in he,she and it form. En lo afirmativo, agregamos s o es al verbo en él, ella y él. I Swim > he swims

I Play > he plays

You jump> she ____________

I write > he _____________

2. In the negative, the s moves to doesn't. En el negative la s se mueve a “doesn’t” 3. The verb itself stays in the base form. El vebro si mismo permanence el la forma base For example: Moby speaks Beepish. He doesn't speak Spanish. Agent Nouns (-er Endings) When we add er to the verb, it becomes the person or thing that does the action of the verb. The Verb

Person / Thing


______________________ (someone who ______________)


______________________ (someone who ______________)


+ er

Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018

______________________ (someone who ______________)



______________________ (someone who ______________)


______________________ (something that _____ _______)


_______________________ (someone ______


_______________________ (someone who ___________)


Guided/Independent Practice: #1. Vocabulary: Translate the verbs from English to Spanish. You may work with a partner. (Tranduce los verbos a Ingles de Espanol. Puedes trabajar con un companero). To carry: llevar

To wait:

To call:

To look for:

To answer:

To open:

To close:

To break:

To learn:

To sell:

To clean:

To win:

To cook:

To leave:

To arrive:

To take:

#2: Rewrite the sentence in the Present Simple Negative. (Reescribe la phrase en “Present Simple Negative”. Present Simple Affirmative

Present Simple Negative

I play the bass

I don’t play the bass

He calls his mother

He doesn’t call his mother

Cuando usamos “don’t or doesn’t?” I don’t We don’t You don’t He/She/It doesn’t They don’t

You read the book She arrives on time to class They sell fruit We answer the question I open the door We call our family I take out the trash Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018


They play soccer We play in a band I break the computer

#3: Write 6 sentences using the verbs in the word bank in the Present Simple Negative. (escribe 6 phrases usando los verbos en las cajas en “Present Simple Negative). Write Clean

Read Listen

Wait Cook

Example: I don’t listen during class. 1. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.________________________________________________________________________________________ #4. Agent Nouns. Complete the sentence using an “agent noun” (Completa la phrase usando un “agent noun”) Example: Someone who wins is a winner. Someone who helps is a …… ____________

Someone who teaches is a… ___________________________

Someone who plays is a….


Someone who sings is a … ___________________________

Someone who works is a… ______________

Someone who opens is an… ___________________________

Someone who writes is a… ______________

Someone who reads is a… ____________________________

Someone who helps is a… ______________

Someone who cleans is a… ___________________________

Someone who learns is a… _____________

Someone who bikes is a… ____________________________

Daily Review Go back to the objective and rewrite the three things we did today. Regresa a el objective y reescribe las tres cosas que hicimos hoy). Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018


Today I….. 1.________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________________________________________________________

Johns Hopkins University School of Education Lesson Plan Template Revised July 2018


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