Eskwela - Philippines

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eSkwela an eLearning variant of the Community eCenter Pilot ICT Project to Bridge the Digital Divide for Disadvantaged Youth in Urban Areas

Maria Melizza D. Tan - Philippines International Conference on AEF Activities 2006 08 December 2006, Cancun, Mexico Commission on Information and Communications Technology

Project Overview

Commission on Information and Communications Technology

Status of Philippine Education “The poor performance of students across the country in national and international achievement tests, and the consistently high dropout rates at both elementary and secondary school levels, underscore the deterioration of the quality of the Philippine schools system.” -

National Framework Plan for ICTs in Basic Education, 2005

• ICTs as a powerful enabler of capacity development towards ensuring basic education for all and lifelong learning

DepEd’s ICT for Education Master Plan Secretary Jesli Lapus (ICT Congress) • Improvement of quality and access • Empowerment of teachers and learners towards lifelong learning • Efficient and effective educational planning and governance • Coordination and collaboration with stakeholders

CICT Human Capital Development Group

A nation competent in the use of ICT as a tool for sustainable human development An Educational System that Maximizes the Use of ICT in Learning

World Class Knowledge Worker

A Culture of Creative ICT Use

CICT's ICT4E: Table of Activities Educators Training

Applications Dev

Content Dev

Infrastructure Deployment





















An Educational Crisis


source: Department of Education 100

80 60

66 58





0 Grade 1

Grade 6 Graduate


HS IV Graduate

College I

14 College Graduate

• dropout rate for HS: 9% in SY 1998-1999 to 13.10% in SY 2002-2003.

2003 Functional Literacy, Education and Mass Media Survey Percentage Distribution: Reasons for not attending school employment / looking for w ork


lack of personal interest


high cost of education




illness/ disability


cannot cope w ith school w ork

2.2 1.5

school is very far no school w ithin the area


no regular transportation


Source: 2003 FLEMMS Results











Philippine OSY • 5.18 million out-of-school youth (2005) – 1.84 M aged 6 to 11 + 3.94 M aged 12 to 15 – 42% considered “idle”

• the Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS) – “The Other Side of Education” – provides non-formal and informal education – receives less than 1% (0.068% in 2005) of the total education budget

Alternative Learning System Programs 2. Basic Literacy 3. Accreditation & Equivalency a. Elementary b. Secondary

4. Advanced Level – Bridge Program

• use print modules • small number of mobile teachers – Service Providers (LGUs, NGOs, etc.) finance additional Instructional Managers

• simply not enough!!

eSkwela • Commissioner Emmanuel C. Lallana, Ph.D. – Idea similar to NotSchool Schools of UK broadening access to basic education + using ICTs effectively in enhancing teaching & learning + 21st Century Skills

eSkwela • to establish/re-orient Community eLearning Centers in major centers in the country that will broaden access to ICT-enabled learning opportunities through a non-formal, community-based e-learning program for out-of-school youth (OSY) and adults – eLearning experience + blended and collaborative modes of instruction + performance-based assessment – pioneering effort with DepEd-BALS

eSkwela • CICT-HCDG project through the AEF Grant • Project Team: – Commissioner Emmanuel C. Lallana, Ph.D. – Maria Melizza D. Tan – Nelvin T. Olalia – Avelino Mejia – Kathryn Pauso (Jan. – Sept. 2006)

eSkwela – AEF Grant • 4 pilot sites:

Quezon City San Jose del Monte

Cebu City Cagayan de Oro City

eSkwela – AEF Grant • Project Cost – $200,000 (P10,246,000) CAPITAL OUTLAY • Provision for procurement of Hardware



● ●

Professional Services (eLearning Modules) Recipient preparation (inclusive of Seminars & Trainings) Connectivity Project Mgt. and Stakeholders’ Coordination

48.08% 10.29% 4.35% 8.12%

Three Tracks Accreditation and Equivalency

Catch-up with Formal Education

ICT-based Livelihood Program

Projected Results • at least 600 out-of-school individuals serviced (1st 4 sites) • pilot the integration of ICTs in education towards the development of specific curricular standards and guidelines for national adoption – more flexible than formal education setting • assess the effectiveness of the elearning modules for probable wide-scale deployment and use around the country (even in formal educ settings) – received numerous inquiries already! • assess the pilot run for duplication and rollout of more eSkwela elearning centers around the country – LGUs and NGOs are interested!; will receive national gov’t funding for 14 additional pilot sites!

Project Components Materials Development


eSkwela Community Support for Program Sustainability

Stakeholders’ Training Monitoring & Evaluation

Project Components Infrastructure Deployment •21 units + peripherals + broadband connectivity •4 pilot urban sites


Infrastructure Deployment • 21 Computers – Laboratory: • 20 PCs loaded with open source productivity tools, learning modules, etc • server • LCD projector • 3-in-1 printer (print, scan, copy) • 2 A/C units • Digital camera • Computer Tables + Monoblocs

• Free Internet connection for 1 year; wireless • bidding: finished • deployment: Dec/Jan

Project Components Curriculum Review & Materials Development

Infrastructure Deployment

•conversion of 86 BALS print modules + livelihood courses into elearning modules

•21 units + peripherals + broadband connectivity •4 pilot urban sites


BALS Core Curriculum •

enhancement of life skills and lifelong learning skills among its learners (21st Century Skills) ALS’ A&E Program - five learning strands:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. – –

Communication Skills Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Sustainable Use of Resources/ Productivity Development of Self and a Sense of Community / Value of Collaboration Expanding One’s World Vision eSkwela to focus on the A&E Secondary Level Program: 50 of 86 core modules based on Curriculum Review by BALS (2005)

Sample Modules Communication Skills Are You Listening? A Language of Our Own Effective Communication Effective Writing The Interview Are you a Critical Reader? How to Become an Intelligent Listener

Problem Solving & Analytical Thinking

Dev’t of Self and a Sense of Community

Reproductive Health

Building Relationships with Others

Skeletal System

Dealing with Fear, Anger, and

Addictive and Dangerous Drugs


The Cost of Environmental

Ironing It Out

Degradation Composting

Changing Roles

Buying Wisely

Civil and Political Rights

Business Math

The Beautiful World of Our Native

Basic Accounting


Expanding One’s World Vision

Searching for Patterns

The Major Religions of the World

Water and its Costs

Sustainable Use of Resources/ Productivity

Panitikang Filipino Filling-up Forms Accurately

Think Globally, Act Locally

Marks of a Successful Entrepreneur

How to Resolve Conflicts

Water Pollution Wanted: Clean and Fresh Air Workers’ Rights Ideas for Income-Generating Projects

eSkwela Instructional Design (pilot) eSkwela elearning modules (A&E) (ver 1) eSkwela Learning Management System (alpha) BALS Session Guides & other materials

Learner outputs/ portfolios + Teacher-learner interactions + Teacher-teacher & learner-learner interactions

Involvement of Learning Community + Livelihood Programs (

Blended Learner-centered Instruction

one hour : computer-aided learning via interactive elearning modules

one hour of collaborative group activities and projects (practical application)

one hour: teacherfacilitated instruction/discussion (based on the current needs of the learners)

eLearning Modules • software developer: Sandiwaan Center for Learning – module review by BALS-TWG based on the eLearning Courseware Rubric

• Clear standards/ expectations for the developer in enhancing the modules vs. verbal agreements (problematic) • Module Review Form + Digital Courseware Evaluation Rubric •

• (sample to be shown later – separate file)

● ●

Sample Rubric Sheet: to be given out Score for each item: must be at least a 3

Learning Management System • • • • •

For progress monitoring For center utilization For tracking of learner’s progress For module utilization and evaluation For enhancing learning + online collaborations + learner portfolios – Blogs, discussion forum, albums, portfolio folders, webpage links, collaborative projects, etc.

Project Components Infrastructure Deployment

Materials Development •conversion of 86 BALS print modules into elearning modules

•21 units + peripherals + broadband connectivity •4 pilot urban sites

eSkwela Stakeholders’ Training •Teachers’ Training •Lab Management Training •Sustainability Trng

Project Components • Educators’ Training – Prof. Tim Unwin’s Seminar Workshops (Intelsponsored): • ICTs and the Design of Teacher Training Programs • Monitoring & Evaluation in ICT4E Activities

– Teacher Training Workshop on ICT4E for BALSTWG (7 members, 24-hour training + 56-hour workshop; • output:

Project Components • Educators’ Training – Teacher Training on the customized eSkwela Instructional Design • ICT Literacy + ICT-enabled learning + use of the eSkwela LMS • 8 mobile teachers/instructional managers per community, 40 hrs •

– Onsite Laboratory Management (2 participants, 40hrs) – Sustainability Planning Workshop (3 participants/school, 24hrs) • DepEd rep (pref. ALS Head) • School Board rep • Local partner rep (from LGU or NGO or barangay)

Project Components Infrastructure Deployment

Materials Development •conversion of 86 BALS print modules into elearning modules

•21 units + peripherals + broadband connectivity •4 pilot urban sites

eSkwela Community Support for Program Sustainability •Local Community / GU Involvement

Stakeholders’ Training •Teachers’ Training •Lab Management Training •Sustainability Trng

Project Components • Community Involvement – for Community Mobilization, Sustainability, and Project Customization – feeder center for Livelihood Training Programs (e.g. PESO, CITE) – site renovations – ongoing – Local eSkwela Steering Committee – being finalized – assignment of Center Manager + Lab Manager assigned – teacher- & learner- selection – ongoing

• successful Stakeholders’ Mobilization meetings! - draft MOAs and Deeds of Donation being reviewed

Local eSkwela Steering Committee • to oversee, monitor, and sustain all aspects of the Center’s operations – both as an eLearning Center and as a Community eCenter • composed of representatives from the eSkwela Project Management Office of CICT, the local government unit, the local DepEd-ALS Division/Unit, the local partners, the local community, and other stakeholders

Local eSkwela Steering Committee • Responsibilites: 1.Supervise the preparations for the Center’s operations; 2.Formulate an acceptable use policy for the Center; 3.Assign a Center Manager, Lab Manager, and other support staff to operate the Center; 4.Allow the personnel stated in #3 to undergo training as deemed appropriate by CICT and/or DepEd; 5.Meet regularly to discuss and decide on concerns and issues pertinent to the Center’s operations and management;

Local eSkwela Steering Committee •

Responsibilites: 1. Formulate, develop, and review policies and procedures relating to Center utilization, data collection, financial management, and other aspects of center operations (including but not limited to setting up a logging system, scheduling, inventory, maintenance, security, replenishment and use of supplies, staff deployment and supervision, monitoring and evaluation, etc.) 2. Monitor the Center’s schedule to maximize the use of the Center, with priority given to non-formal educational purposes; 3. Monitor the Center’s operations and ensure its sustainability; 4. Review and sign-off the reports prepared by the Center Manager and the Lab Manager with regards to the operations of the Center; and 5. Undertake additional tasks to benefit the Center as directed by the eSkwela PMO.

Project Components Infrastructure Deployment

Materials Development •conversion of 86 BALS print modules into elearning modules

•21 units + peripherals + broadband connectivity •4 pilot urban sites

eSkwela Community Support for Program Sustainability

Stakeholders’ Training

•Local Community / GU Involvement

Monitoring & Evaluation

•Teachers’ Training •Lab Management Training •Sustainability Trng

Monitoring and Evaluation • in close coordination with BALS, the SCL-EDO, and the recipient communities • pre-implementation: focus group discussions + interviews - done • regular site visits and program assessment sessions • automated monitoring system via LMS • class checklists, student portfolios, lab logbook • pre-test, post-test, feedback, year-end interviews, written surveys, observations, self-assessment, and focus group discussions • Impact study together with BALS and UPOU (discussions ongoing)

Schedule Updates

Commission on Information and Communications Technology

TIMELINE for eSkwela: GRANT Sept. 30, 2005 Nov. 17, 2005

Feb. 1, 2006 April 4, 2006 May 11, 2006 June 1, 2006

CICT submitted Grant Proposal to AEF AEF announced the approval of the grant: only one of 6 chosen from 89 submitted proposals AEF advised CICT of change in leadership AEF Grant Contract v. 1 for review (30-3040 allocation schedule) AEF sent Grant Contract v. 2 for review (65-25-10 allocation schedule) AEF sent Grant Contract v. 3 based on revised project timeline

TIMELINE for eSkwela: GRANT June 13, 2006

CICT signed Grant Contract, awaiting bank details

June 20, 2006

July 20, 2006

CICT reported progress to APEC Secretariat Philippines (DFA-OUIER) CICT sent eSkwela Progress Report JanJune 2006 CICT sent soft copy of completed Contract

1st week of August

CICT received 65% of AEF Grant ($1: P51.23)

June 27, 2006

TIMELINE for eSkwela: GRANT August 4, 2006 August 22, 2006 August 28, 2006 Dec. 7-8, 2006 Dec. 2006/Jan. 2007 Late Feb. 2007 Sept/Oct 2007

eSkwela POW submitted to OSEC for consideration and approval AEF visited CICT RPS approved eSkwela POW AEF Conference AEF to be invited for Center inaugurations Submission of Interim Progress Report as basis for next tranch of grant (25%) Final Report Due for last tranch (10%)

TIMELINE for eSkwela: INFRA Last week of August Sept. 18, 2006 Nov. 30, 2006

Submitted draft Agency Procurement Request to DBM Procurement Service for review Submitted all bid documents to DBM-PS for their evaluation Bid Opening & Awarding: Nov. 30, 2006 • Deployment begins mid-December

TIMELINE for eSkwela: MATERIALS DEVT Feb. 2006

• Discussed possible tie-up with Don Bosco for ICT-based livelihood modules (

April – May 2006 • Coordination Work with DepEd-BALS – official formation of BALS-TWG • MOU signed between CICT & DepEd June 26, 2006 June 29 – July 7, • BALS-TWG Workshop recommended 2006 module enhancements (balsontheweb) • Prioritized list of 50 core modules • eLearning Courseware Rubrics

TIMELINE for eSkwela: MATERIALS DEVT August 2006

Sept. 13, 2006

Oct. 16-18, 2006 Oct. 18-20, 2006

• Began work on eSkwela LMS • HCDG-BALS-SCL meeting on module review process • MOA signed between CICT and SCL; submitted first 20 modules for review (alpha version) • Session Guides uploaded to balsontheweb • Module review for 1st 20 mdoules: by BALS-TWG based on courseware evaluation rubric by CICT-HCDG

TIMELINE for eSkwela: MATERIALS DEVT Oct. 19, 2006

Oct. 18-Dec. 2006

Dec. 2006 - Mar. 2007 Dec. 2006 – April 2007

• Proposal for APC-NSTP to work on modules for Out of School adults: submitted and approved • SCL enhancements on 1st 20 modules • Acceptance by CICT: version 1 • upload APC-NSTP enhanced modules for out-of-school adults • SCL’s work on the balance of 30 modules (TWG to review)

TIMELINE for eSkwela: TRAINING January 2006

Seminar Workshops by Prof. Tim Unwin (Intel as sponsor): • ICTs and the Design of Teacher Training Programs • Monitoring & Evaluation in ICT4E Activities June 26-28, 2006 Teacher Training Workshop for BALSTWG Oct. 4-6, 2006 Sustainability Training Workshop

TIMELINE for eSkwela: TRAINING Nov. 2-3, 2006

Test-run of ATutor Training with BALSTWG Nov. 13-17, 2006 Teacher Training on the eSkwela Instructional Design: QC & SJDM Nov. 20-25, 2006 Teacher Training on the eSkwela Instructional Design: Cebu & CDO December/ Onsite Lab Mgt. Training January March 2007 Interim Progress Meeting: eSkwela implementers (teachers + center mgr + community reps + eSkwela PMO)

TIMELINE for eSkwela: COMMUNITY Jan. 2006

Site Visits, Interviews, & Focus Group Discussions with OSYs: Smokey Mountain, SJDM, CDO Feb. – Apr 2006 • Draft FGD paper for international publication • Research on ICT4E M&E performance indicators May – June 2006 Initial meetings with potential QC & Cebu partners Sept. 2006 Community Mobilization: Cebu, SJDM, CDO, QC (partial)

TIMELINE for eSkwela: COMMUNITY Oct 2006

• Sent out draft MOAs with local partners (popular model: LGU-supported centers) • Formation of local Steering Committees

Sept – Nov 2006

Submission of POW for site renovations

Nov 2006

2nd round: CDO & QC community mobilization March/April 2007 Begin work on eSkwela Operations Manual

STATUS (as of Dec. 8, 2006) Activities




Community Mobilization

4 sites

3 complete, 1 needs 2nd round


Educators’ Training – BALS-TWG Trng –Teacher Trng –Lab Mgt Trng – Sustainability Trng

7 trainees

7 trainees


32 trainees 8 trainees 12 participants

38 trainees

Completed Onsite – Dec/Jan Completed; included BALS-TWG reps

15 participants

Remarks To finish by midDec.

STATUS (as of Dec. 8, 2006) Activities


Actual 2 ongoing


Site Renovations

4 sites


Deployment of PCs

4 sites



4 sites


Materials Devt


Remarks 2 POWs still to be submitted Bidding process completed + awarded Deployment: Dec/Jan ISPs identified

Version 1 for Module acceptance: enhancements being 20 done APC work


Thank you. Maria Melizza D. Tan

Head Executive Assistant, CICT-HCDG eSkwela Project Coordinator [email protected] +63- 2 - 9207412

Commission on Information and Communications Technology

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