Escape From Atlantis

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,768
  • Pages: 4
ESCAPE FROM ATLANTIS Object Lead your tribe of Atlanteans in their courageous escape from the doomed Island of Atlantis to the safety of the nearby Coral Islands. The winner is the tribe with the highest points total gathered from escaped Atlanteans at the end of the game. Tribes It is believed that several indian tribes have been living on Atlantis: for instance the Cherokee, the Sioux, the Iroquois, … But in this game we’ll play with these “tribes”: - the Solutrean - the Yucatan - the Clovis - (the Paria) The game can be played with 18 to 36 people. If even more would join, we’ll have 4 tribes. Roles Each member of a tribe has a particular role. Depending on the number of players, some roles may be left out (for instance c and d merge into one person). a) 1 Big Chief - worth 4 points - he knows all of his tribe members ; but being selfish, he doesn’t care about their roles - each day he gets to choose 3 movements from all requests, which he sends me in PM b) 2 Elders - both worth 2 points - having lived isolated for years, they only know each other and their adopted son, the Priest - each day they get to agree on 1 extra movement, which they send me in PM - if the Big Chief would die, one of the Elders will become Clan Chief : he’ll take over his abilities, and will be worth one extra point from then (so 3 instead of 2) - as soon as the Big Chief dies, the extra movement expires c) 1 Medicine Man - worth 2 points - he knows all of his own tribe ; but obsessed by his job, he doesn’t care about their roles - using wizardry, each day he gets to choose a piece of land to vanish - even when dead, his spirit continues to choose which land parts to disappear d) 1 Sea Expert - worth 2 points - he knows all of his tribe members ; but often at sea, he’s not up-to-date on their roles - with all his knowledge, each day he gets to control an animal of the sea (dice roll) - if he dies, one of the blood brothers (being a sea-apprentice) will control the animals

e) 1 Priest - worth 1 point - at the start of the game he only knows his adoptive parents, the Elders - as a special power he can try to convert every opponent worth 1 point : if by moving to a square he joins other people, he can PM me one of their names and if that one is from another tribe and worth 1 point, he’s converted into a normal blood brother of its own tribe f) 1 Infiltrant (Spy) - worth 1 point - he has no knowledge about most members of his own tribe, as he’s been living inside another tribe for years, so he only pledges loyalty to his own Big Chief - the Big Chief, Medicine Man and Sea Expert all think the other Infiltrants belong to their tribe as well, but actually they belong to other ones: this means that if he gets a PM from them asking about his role in the tribe, he can report this to his Big Chief (or newest Clan Chief) g) Blood Brothers - minimum two of them, all worth 1 point - normally they know about all roles in their tribe, but as they’re too busy fleeing the island, paralyzed by fear, they forgot about most of it and only thing left is that they know each other :!: Note that if no more Big Chief nor Elders are alive, the next living one in line (role c, then d, …) is to take over the abilities of the Big Chief and will be worth one extra point. :!: Setting Up 1. First, declare you want to enter the game by typing join in the topic itself. 2. Second thing to do is view the game board at:;jsessionid=A687BE113928D6502C9141969 C6F7016 3. Then, decide which island square (yellow, green or grey – but not G7) you want to start on. You send me this in PM. Beware that each square can only hold one person in the beginning of the game. At some point we’ll take off. First things that the GM needs to do then, are: - if more than one person claimed a certain spot, fate will decide and the other one(s) will move up to the centre of the island : if that spot is already taken as well, you keep on moving more to the centre (I’ll start with column E, from 5 to 8 and then move on to F, …) - dividing all players randomly over the different tribes - randomly giving each player a certain role in its tribe - sending a PM to all players with their roles and things they know from the start Game Play Possible Movements Each day (= each turn) a tribe can use up to 4 movements (3 from Big Chief + 1 extra): - In a boat you can move up to 3 spaces, but not through other boats, octopus nor seasnake. - On the land you can move 2 spaces, but not through spaces containing 3 men. - As a swimmer you can move only 1 space (jumping into the sea counts as swimming).

Movement Requests As all of you represent one person, you all need to request a certain (legal) movement. At the end of the day, it’s up to the Chief to decide which ones he’ll allow to move. legal requests could be: - from H6 to G5 (staying on the island) - from J5 to J4, enter lifeboat and sail to J3 - from in the boat on L6 to O5 - from E5 to D4 (jumping into the water) some illegal requests: - from H7 to F6 (as you can’t cross G7, the volcano square) - from H7 to H9 if at H8 there would already be 3 people - from H10 to K8 on land (as you moved too far) - from M1 to O1 as a swimmer (too far again) - sailing through a space containing another boat, an octopus, a seasnake Turn Sequence As I don’t have regular working hours, deadlines will change from time to time. Good thing is, that there are just two: - by deadline 1 all players (Chiefs as well) have to post their movement requests, Medicine Men PM me which piece of land to disappear AND the Sea Experts PM me which sea animal to move from where to where (according to the dice roll I’ll be sending to them) - shortly after deadline 1 I’ll post which sea animals moved to where - by deadline 2 the Chiefs and Elders PM me their chosen movements - shortly after deadline 2 has been reached I’ll perform all movements, work out which land tiles disappear and what beasts/objects they uncovered AND post a link to the new game map - each day, one tribe will start the movements, another one starts removing land tiles and yet another one starts moving the animals ; this sequence circulates day after day Sinking Land First all beach parts will be flooded, then the woods, then the rocks and finally the volcano. As soon as that one sinks below the waterline, its eruption begins, immediately spreading fire over a distance of 1 square. Each day from then this eruption will spread to 2 squares further, burning everything that’s within this range. As long as there are beach parts remaining, the Medicine Men need to PM me such pieces of land. If more of them choose the same piece, fate will decide which other one(s) to disappear as well. Also, if there are people standing on a sinking piece, they get transferred randomly to an adjacent land tile. If there aren’t free spots available anymore, they’ll dive into the water. Each part of land holds a certain animal/object that will surface as soon as the piece is removed. This is already randomly appointed at this moment. They can uncover: - a lifeboat - a dolphin - a shark - an octopus/squid - a seasnake/monster - a vortex/whirlpool : all pieces on adjacent sea spaces are sucked in and taken out of play

Animal Turn For each tribe I’ll have a dice roll (2d6) each day, resulting in a possible animal move. Die 1 1 = dolphin 2 = dolphin 3 = shark 4 = shark 5 = octopus 6 = seasnake Die 2 1 = move 1 space 2 = move 2 spaces 3 = move 2 spaces 4 = move 3 spaces 5 = move 3 spaces 6 = dive and surface on an empty space I’ll send the result of the dice toll in PM to the ones controlling the sea animals. If more than one tribe gets control over a same animal type and they both would choose the same animal, only the first one in the animal turn sequence his move will apply. Animal Abilities * seasnakes eat everything: from manned boats over empty boats to swimmers (unprotected) * an octopus only attacks manned boats and devours the boats, but doesn’t eat the crew * a shark only eats unprotected swimmers * a dolphin protects boats and swimmers if in the same square as the dolphin -> when a swimmer is protected by a dolphin, he can move one space alongside the dolphin in his movement turn (so the dolphin will stay with him) -> when more than one swimmer and a dolphin are on the same space and several would move, only the first one in the movement turn sequence will swim alongside the dolphin Other Rules - All squares can contain up to 3 people, this also applies to boats. - Boat Control: only the tribe with the most members on board can control a boat. As some of you can’t know if they’re sharing a boat with tribe members or non-tribe members, I’ll let you and your Chief know when you are a minority on a boat crew. If you and an Infiltrator of another tribe board the same boat, you and your Chief won’t be told so. - You can jump from boat to boat, if they are adjacent to each other and provided there is a free spot on the boat you jump onto. - More rules might pop up during the game.

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