Es Field Work

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Environmental studies Field Work By Farid khan CVSR College of Engg Venkatapur(V),Ghatkesar(M)

study of Environmental Asset: Forest Ecosystem

Performa:to study environmental asset •

1.Aim & objective a)ecosystem goods & services b)who uses them & how c)sustainable or unsustainable utilization d)how to use sustainably 2.Methodology a)obseving an ecosystem b)questioning local people c)discussion d)findings 3. results & conclusion.

Documentation: study of Environmental Asset: Forest Ecosystem •

1. Aim & Objective:to identify and document forest ecosystem.

2.Methodology: we visited a forest a venkatapur village and prepared a document based on our observations. it is a semi-evergreen, partially disturbed ,natural forest with mild degradation. we happen to meet a inhabitant of nearby venkatapur village and the information obtained by interviewing are as follows. forest goods: fruits like guava,mango,gooseberry,pomogranate,jackfruit,papaya and coconut were obtained from forest. fuelwood,fodder,honey,gums,nuts,fibre and medicinal plants were also obtained. forest services are as follows: 1. watershed management. 2. maintains carbondioxide levels for plant growth. 3. plants take up carbondioxide and release oxygen. 4. prevents soil erosion. 5. maintains nutrients in soil.

3. Findings: we found human foot prints and hoof marks of animals in forest as well as on hills. this proves that humans depend on forest for grazing their cattle. scanty vegetation was found on hill slopes which could be due to overgrazing by sheep and cattle. due to agriculture forest was left in patches. branches of trees and shrubs were used as fuelwood which has resulted in degradation of forest. 4. Result and conclusion: we use certain materials in our daily life which actually comes from forest. example :paper,wood for furniture,honey,gums. deforestration leads to degradation of forest and formation of wasteland. increasing population,urbanization,industries and developments like townships has lead to the shrinking of forest. exapansion of agriculture has decreased the forest cover. due to degradation of forest their is a decline in number of insests,butterflies,bees and moths which brings about in pollination.Due to this reason the is adecline in agricultural yield. conservation measures: using alternative source of energy instead of fuelwood. people should be involved in Afforestration programes. forest must be conserved under protected areas like national parks and wildlife sanctuaries.

study of simple ecosystem: Pond / Lake

Performa: for simple ecosystem: • 1.type of ecosystem 2.abiotic or biotic 3.species & habitat chain,food web,pyramid 5.biogeochemical cycles 6.habitat characteristics 7.conservation potential

Documentation:study of simple ecosystem:Pond / Lake •

1. Aim and objective: To study a simple ecosysytem Pond / Lake. 2. Methodology: we visited a lake pond at Ghatkesar and prepared a document as per over observations. Abiotic components: Temperature,light,inorganic components like caebon,hydrogen,nitrogen,phosphorus,sulpher and calcium. biotic components: 1. phytoplanktons 2. macrophytes

1. phytoplanktons: algae spirogyra, oedogonium, volvox, chlamydomonas, anabaena and ulothrix. 2. Macrophytes: plants floating plants: pistia, lemma, azolla and Eicchornia. submerged plants: hydrilla, uticularia, ceratophyllum and vallisnaria. floating leaves: Lotus and water lilly. consumers: Primary consumers:Zooplanktons Daphnia, cyclops secondary consumers: insects, fish teritary consumers: large fish, ducks, herons, cranes, kingfisher Decomposers: Fungi like Aspergillus and pythium. bacteria.

3. Result and conclusion: pond is rich in aquatic flora and fauna. presently we did not found any pollution caused to the pond.

Visit to a Local polluted site Lake/industry

Performa:for local polluted site •

1.Aim & objective:to study cause & effects of local polluted site 2. Methodology a)what is the site Rural-agicultural/polluted water body/industrail area urban- solid waste management site b)what do u observe at site solid waste-garbage,polluted water at lake,gaseous effluents fron industies c) reasons for pollution observe for wastes 1.degradeble-food wastes,plant material,animal wastes 2.nondegradable-plastics,glass 3.toxic wastes-chemical,paints,sprays 3.findings effects of pollutants control of pollution

Documentation:for local polluted site •

1.Aim & objective: To study the effects of pollutants on Lake ecosystem. 2.Methodology: We visited a Lake in Uppal called Nalla Cheruvvu to prepare a document based on our observations which are as follows. 1. Residential sewage is being released in lake waters which are resulting in increased organic matter in lake. 2. Industries which were operating near to the lake are releasing their chemical effluents into lake water because of which a chemical froth is formed in lake. 3. Industries are also releasing harmful gases into atmosphere thus creating air pollution too. 4. Agricultural run-off containing fertilizers and pesticide were found to enter lake. 5. Excessive growth of aquatic plants and algae was observed due to fertilizers which have entered lake thus resulting in Eutrophication of lake. 6. Pesticides along with agricultural run-off must have entered the lake waters and got incorporated in bodies of aquatic animals like fishes resulting in Bioaccumulation and bio-magnification. 7. Bathing of cattle in lake waters was observed. 8. cleaning of vehicles like cars which have resulted in presence of oil in lake. 9. Traditions like immersion of Idols have resulted in increase in turbidity of water. 10. Cremation was also performed near lake which has caused pollution of air, water and soil. 11. Solid wastes like paper and plastics were also found. 12. Solid wastes like paper and plastics were also found.

Findings: 1. Overgrazing by sheep was observed which causes soil erosion & hence the lake is shrinking every year. 2. Dead fishes were observed which could be due to over fishing as well as presence of oil, detergents, and pesticides in lake water. 3. Upon interaction with nearby people we learnt that drinking water is giving foul taste and odour. 4. Ground water pollution has occurred due to chemical effluents which have seeped into ground. 5. People were contracting Gastro-intestinal diseases and stomach related problems. Result & conclusion: Authority must take up clean up operations by establishing sewage and water treatment plant.HUDA must take an initiative to add recreational value to lake. If proper care of lake is not taken then it may dry up.

study of common birds,insects and plants.

Performa:to study common plants,birds and insects

• 1.Aim & objective:to study common plants,birds and insects 2.Methodology: 1.identify 10 trees,5 herbs,5 shrubs 2.identify rare species 3.identify birds and animals 4.find out food chain. 3.Findings.

Documentation:to •

study common plants,birds and insects

1.Aim & objective: To study the common birds,plants and insects found in our area. 2. Methodology: The common birds that are found in my locality are cukooo,common house sparrow,parrot,eagle,tufted duck,owl ,strom petrals,Indian robin,great egret,common kingfisher,blue rock pigeon. The common plants that are found in our area are tamarind,gulmohar,papaya,coconut,babul,banyan,banana. Plants loke hibiscus & datura are also found. The common insects that are found are earthworms,catterpillers,butterflies,dragon flies,grasshopper,beetles,aphids and worms. Food chain: Grass is eaten by insects which are inturn eaten by birds. This represents a food chain. 3. Conclusion: Thus our ecosystem shows interaction between different organisms. Every living organism has a vital role in functioning of ecosystem.

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