
  • June 2020
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  • Words: 472
  • Pages: 8
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Term-End Examination December, 2OO7 ES-332 : PSYCHOLOGYOF LEARNING A N D D E V E L OP ME N T Time : 3 hours

Maximum Weightage: 70o/o





All the four


All the questions carry equal weightage.

questions ore compulsory.

Answer the following questionin about 600 words. Explain the characteristicsof socio-emotionaldevelopment of secondaryand senior secondaryschool students.Discuss teacher's role in facilitatingtheir development. OR Explain the concept of personality. Dscuss the main hereditary and environmentalfactors which influence the personalitydevelopment.



2 . Answer the following questionin about 600 words. . Explain the concept of learning. Discuss main characteristicsof Piaget's cognitive approach to learning.

Explain the concept ol adjustment.Discusschamcteristics of a well-adjustedand a maladjustedperson giving suitable examples. 3-

Attempt any tour of the following questions. Answer each questionin about 150 words : (i)

" a period of stress and strain." Erplain.

OU Explain the characteristicsoI languagedevelopmentin children. (iii)

Explain the nafure and types of motivation.


Briefly discussthe misconceptsregardingheredity and environment.


Explain .the main factors that influence classroom learning.


Explain the characteristicsof the gifted and talented students.

(vii) Differentiate between guidance and counselling with




Answer the following questionin about 600 words. Explain the concept of group dynamics. Describp five aciivitieswhich you would like to undertakein the classfor improving the group relationshipamong your students.


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