Eric J. Marinoff Memorial Tennis Tournament

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 149
  • Pages: 1

Eri cJ .M ari nof f M em ori al Tenni sTournam ent August14t h16t h Boys12s,14s,16s, Gi rl s12s,14s,16s, 18s,M ensOpen 18s, Wom ensOpen

Trophi est odi vi si on wi nners and runnerups Food,Raf f l es,and m ore! $30Tournam entEnt ryFee;Al lproceeds goi ng t owardst heEri cJ .M ari nof f M em ori alTenni sSchol arshi p Fund Regi st rat i on Form scan bef ound on t he Sout ham pt onTenni sCl ub’ sWebsi t e! ! ht t p: / / www. sout ham pt ont enni sacadem y. com /

Tobehel d att he: Sout ham pt onTenni sCl ub 1305I ndust ri alHi ghway Sout ham pt on,PA18966 Anyquest i ons,cont actJ oseph Gal l agheratj gal l agher431@g. rwu. edu orFred Darl i ng atFrdarl i n@m arauder. mi l l ersvi l l e. edu

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