Ergo March 30

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Vol. 3

No. 59

HUGS FOR FREE A.R. Rahman’s free hugs video inspired a group of students to initiate the Free Hugs Campaign in Chennai. Vipasha Sinha reports » PAGE 03



Ayan releases on April 3



Taking inspiration from books


ERGO Monday, March 30, 2009

‘Aavi’ Amudha is back Shirt fad A leading cinema public relations executive seems to have developed an obsession for shirts. At a recent film launch event, the lead actor came in a white-and-blue shirt, while the PR man changed three different shirts in a matter of 60 minutes.

No comments Khakis, both senior and junior, are quick to shy away when the words ‘High Court’ are pronounced. Recently, a top cop was heard saying “I don’t want to say anything positive or negative” when asked about the court issue.

Cold war turns heated There has always been an ego issue between the Railway employees and state police posted in Chennai Central station. Recently, the cold war turned to verbal abuse heaped on each other following the discovery of an unidentified dead body on a platform. The fight sparked after there was a delay by a senior railway official in issuing a certificate for the state police to clear the body.

Not as a ‘medium’ but as Kriya practitioner and with a new name – ‘Sangamithra’ Amudha V. HARIPRIYA [email protected]


here were days when people queued up in front of her house to catch a glimpse of her. The vernacular press hailed her. But she decided to call its quits. Amudha, or ‘Aavi’ Amudha as she is popularly known, is no more a ‘medium’ now. For those of you who don’t know, a ‘medium’ is a person through whom the spirits of the dead are supposed to contact the living. And Amudha was one such medium, which she says was a God-given gift. “In 1993, during my high school, I be-


came a medium and with that power I have communicated with more than 500 spirits. My Guru (in a metaphysical state) helped me talk to spirits.”

Issues with the dead Most of the people who came to Amudha wanted to settle property issues with their dead relatives, she says. “They wanted to know whether the dead souls are happy and if they needed anything for ‘athma shanti’. There were also cases where they asked about money or property matters. So far, the spirits have not harmed me and I think it’s because of my Guru, who is my guiding soul.” But certain problems could not be solved, says Amudha, and that’s when she stopped being a medium.

Kriya calling “I changed my journey and developed a passion for understanding my own self – me, the mind and the truth beyond the mind. These things made people call me a spiritualist,” says Amudha, who recently released a book called Ennai Naan Theadugiraen (In Search of Myself). Then she chose the path of ‘Kriya’ and changed her prefix to Sangamithra from Aavi. “‘Aavi’, meaning ‘spirit’, had negativity connected to it, so I changed it to ‘Sangamithra’, meaning friend.” Amudha now runs Sanmarga Foundation, where she teaches Kriya techniques to students and professionals. “Kriya means activation of mind. The technique involves activating the mind to introspect and identify one’s goodness while simultaneously removing negative thoughts.” The practitioner provides students a diary to note down everything that happens in his or her life. She also teaches some code words, so that others will not decipher what one has written. “When you start writing and introspecting, you can experience a sea change. I am doing this in some schools and a few IT companies. On March 30, I am also starting this mind exercise for the inmates of Puzhal Prison,” says Amudha, adding that it was former President of India A.P.J. Abdul Kalam who asked her to teach Kriya to children. ■


Monday, March 30, 2009

Children’s camp Super Skills invites children to join in for their summer camp. Kids could explore their skills through photography, puzzles, games and other hobby classes. The camp is on from April 15 to 30 at Sishlok. For details call 9381202785/ 9444200463.

Jaadu ki jhappi Despite curious onlookers and angry security personnel, the Free Hugs Campaign succeeded in distributing hugs to anyone who needed one or could be persuaded to receive one VIPASHA SINHA

What on earth am I standing here for? What if the cops catch me? Before I could answer with my ifs and buts, I felt a kid hugging me tight. It was then that I knew that our Free Hugs Campaign had begun,” recalls 20-year-old Rohith Nathan, one of the initiators of the Free Hugs Campaign in Chennai. Rohith Nathan, an Engineering student, and his IIT buddies Puneeth Raj, Chethan Bikkina and Amit Saxena, were seen anywhere between Citi Centre and Lighthouse station on Valentine’s Day, inviting (and sometimes even persuading) strangers around to receive free hugs. “We met during the Youth Empowerment and Skill (YES) course in Chennai. Wavelengths matched and we decided to do something different – spread happiness and have fun at the same time. Then one day Rohith comes shouting ‘Machaan, let’s hug people!’” says Puneeth. “I thought it was yet another attention-seeking idea of Rohith and discarded it at once but when he explained the concept we all just loved it,” continues Amit “It was A.R. Rahman’s free hugs video that inspired me. I always loved to make people smile and what better way than jaadu ki jhappi!,” smiles Rohith “When I shared my thoughts, my YES course buddies loved it. Only now I knew that they thought I was joking,” he pats Amit

V-Day With zero planning they decided to start it on a Saturday, which coincidentally happened to be Valentine’s Day. The Free Hugs campaigners did invite people, but a majority were sceptical

It was A.R. Rahman’s free hugs video that inspired me. I always loved to make people smile and what better way than jaadu ki jhappi!

about the whole thing. They also had people backing out the last minute. “I was videotaping the other three holding the placards calling for free hugs in Citi Centre. The first to hug were children. Later, a few others followed. Most of them found what we did amusing, but nothing stopped us,” explains Chetan. Then came the show-stoppers and Punith was the first one to

face the security. “It looked like a Tom-and-Jerry chase when the security personnel were chasing us. After warning us thrice, they forced us out. We knew that our charts would be torn, so we had carried three extra ones. Like we anticipated, we were left with only one chart.” he says

Hug hops After being thrown out of Citi Centre, the EMU local trains were

their next destination. They hugged people on the platform as well as in the trains all throughout the journey. They intentionally avoided hugging women to avoid trouble on Valentine’s Day. It went on for just two hours, but they did end up making a lot of people smile. “Though not on a large scale as in Mumbai, in our little ways we did what we aimed to – go mad, make a difference,” the team echoes. ■


Ask your query During the FY 2007-08 I was deducted extra tax amount from my employer. I then provided the investment proof and received Form-16 with tax refund mentioned. My SARAL with the tax refund Rs. 5876 is filled, but I am yet to receive my tax returns. How long does it take to get this amount? In last few years, I used to get the refund within six months. Hemalatha Jayakumar, CTC

There is a lot of delay in the reimbursement. But the government does pay an interest for the period. Things can be expedited if the value of reimbursement is very high, by paying something extra. Your auditor/ tax filing assistant may help you with this. For amounts lesser than 10,000, the best thing to do is wait. So have patience. (For queries related to personal finance, mail your queries to [email protected], with ‘doctor’ as the subject line)

ERGO Monday, March 30, 2009

The house at 20% discount goes to... Now, get your dream home at a rate lower than the market price PRADEEP YUVARAJ [email protected]

Quiz 1: Annuity is paid to the customer in what intervals Daily Monthly Quarterly Yearly 2: AUM stands for Average Unit Margin Annual Utilization of Money Assistant Unit Manager Asset Under Management (Send your answers to [email protected] or SMS to 92813 98889. For example, if you choose A as the answer to question 1 and B as the answer to question 2 type it as 1A2B and send it. Winner will be chosen by lucky draw from all correct answers and get a free book on mutual funds)

Answers for last week’s quiz ADR – American Depository Receipt ATM – Automated teller machine

Word in Word HDFC is Most Valued Bank Private Sector lender HDFC recently overtook ICICI Bank as the country’s most valued private sector bank, this was after its shares surged over six per cent on the Bombay Stock Exchange. The market capitalisation of ICICI Bank, the top private sector lender in terms of asset size, fell to Rs. 39,516.58 crore against Rs. 40,001 crore of rival HDFC Bank. Comparing the share price of ICICI with that of HDFC, the shares of HDFC settled up by 6.31 per cent at Rs. 940.50 on BSE. Whereas ICICI bank gained 2.44 per cent at Rs. 355.10 and ICICI Bank moved down to 18th position in terms of market cap, against a place among the top 10 companies till last year.


he above reference is the sale (by means of auction) of a seized property. By seized we mean real estate property which has been taken over by the bank or a financial institution from the owner for defaulting on the loan repayment. Till 2002, when the SARFAESI Act (Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act) was enacted, banks had no ways to recover value out of NPAs (Non Performing Assets) or those who take loans but do not repay. With SARFAESI banks can recover these assets without the intervention of the court. If a person does not pay back his loan on a housing property, vehicle or any other mortgaged asset, the bank can seize the same and recover its dues by three means: Take possession of the security; sale or lease or assign the right over the security or manage the same or appoint an individual to manage the same. More recently many banks have started seizing houses/commercial properties and selling them to buyers by means of auction. If you could get into one of these auctions and bid successfully then you could be the owner of a house at a price considerably lower than the market value.

Why this cheap? This kind of auctions are usually priced at the distress sale value, which is 20-30 per cent lesser than the current market value. During the auction if the bids are not too aggressive you could get a saving of 1520 per cent depending on the bidders and the property.

How do I get involved? The concept is in a very budding

Auctions for home should pick up in these current times. stage in India, but with the turmoil seen in the economy there will be more and more defaulters and lucrative property could come up for sale. Keep your eyes open for bank no-


tices in the newspapers/bank websites for such auctions. You should attend a few to get a feel and then if you real find a property, go ahead and bid for it. ■


Monday, March 30, 2009

Booked! Book lovers and bibliophiles rejoice. – an online bookstore – was launched recently by N.R. Narayana Murthy, an avid book lover himself. The Bangalore-based ecommerce site has a catalogue of 12 million titles and 25 million books. To excite customers, the company is offering ‘free international shipping’.

The road to inspiration Who doesn’t like to get hold of a good book? Especially when it talks of an individual’s success story, the highs and lows he/she went through in building an empire. These three entrepreneurs, whose companies have a global presence today, don’t necessarily say books have inspired them to take the entrepreneurial path but they have gained inspiration at some point or the other. Read on for some inspiration:

K. Pandia Rajan, Ma Foi Management Consultants My grandfather has been my role model. He himself became an entrepreneur in life late, but I was greatly inspired by his principles – work with dignity and be on your own. Later in life Every Street is Paved with Gold, written by a Japanese author, was a great read. It taught me that opportunities knock at everyone and it is you who has to make use of them. The whole question about vision had a very different meaning in this book. It also motivated me to look at the world market, where it told me that one doesn’t necessarily need to have 100 per cent equities to grow as an entrepreneur. Another inspiring book was Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid. This is a monograph about the 61-year-old entrepreneur who started Aravind Eye Hospital, Dr. G. Venkataswamy. The book spoke about creating an institution and about believing in the ‘bottom of pyramid’ idea. (KPR is son of a worker in the match industry in Sivakasi. Ma Foi is one of the largest HR Service providers in India and it recently become a part of Randstad, the second largest HR Services Company in the world)

M. Mahadevan, Oriental Cuisines No book as such has inspired my entrepreneurial journey, but I taught management and marketing for three years in two institutes and Principles of Management has motivated me immensely. The book is a Bible for every Management student and I do swear with the author’s notes on co-ordination, co-operation, responsibility and dedication as the ingredients required in running a business. Life has been a teacher for me. At 24, I was serving coffee in a restaurant and I used to interact with people and take lessons observing others at work. I sincerely follow what I preach and that’s why I believe that ‘Managers are not born, they are made’. I currently have operations in 16 countries with 162 partners, so it is very important to understand and appreciate each partner’s thinking process in his/her country. Give them a sense of belonging. Whenever I get time I read Business Week, Financial Express and Financial Times. In fact, a recent article in Financial Times read ‘Measure Twice and Cut Once’ and that’s what we follow. (Mahadevan has over 20 years experience in the food business and runs restaurants like Hot Breads, Benjarong, Wang’s Kitchen, Noodle House, Zara, French Loaf and Ente Keralam)

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ERGO Monday, March 30, 2009

Deathbed confession A US man who thought he was dying and confessed to killing a man in 1977 has been charged with murder after he unexpectedly recovered.

Madonna urged to leave Malawi orphan alone Madonna is facing growing opposition to her plan to adopt another child from Malawi. Children’s charity Save the Children has urged the singer to rethink adoption, media reports said on Sunday. The 50-year-old star has filed papers in Malawi setting out her intention to adopt an orphan called Mercy James, the Sky News reported. She hopes to take her back to the US if a Malawi court approves the plan. However, there were reports the family of the toddler is fighting the adoption. IANS

Slim gets the wax treatment He owns a diner chain, has Auguste Rodin sculptures lining his museum, runs one of the world’s biggest cell phone companies and is rumoured to be courting a queen. So what’s left on Carlos Slim’s to-do list? Carlos , this week unveiled his own figure at Mexico City’s wax museum, joining an eclectic collection of icons ranging from Mahatma Gandhi to Hogwarts alum Harry Potter. Slim, 69, is the first Mexican businessman to get the wax treatment at the museum, located in a 19th century mansion near the capital’s downtown. Director Maria Emma Pernas said the museum polls visitors to find out which personalities they would like to join the collection. Slim’s figure, which took four months to be sculpted and has natural hair implants, dons a dark suit donated by the businessman himself.

Rare champagne sets world record at auction A bottle of rare champagne fetched $21,097 at a wine auction here in Hong Kong, setting a new world record for the price of any bottle of champagne sold at an auction. The auction collected an impressive $4.5 million, with 96 per cent of the stocks sold to buyers from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Indonesia, among others. More than 1,000 bottles of rare champagnes from the collection of Robert Rosania also attracted enormous interests, with a bottle of 1928 Krug collection vintage fetching 164,560 Honk Kong dollars after several rounds of fierce bidding. Xinhua

Dog attacks couple to stop their fight


fight. But in the process, the dog bloodied the husband and his wife so badly that they had to be rushed to hospital for multiple stitches. The incident happened in Calgary city when a pit bull cross got angry as it saw his masters fight-

ing. According to Calgary Herald, the pit bull cross attacked its owners when the couple began shouting at each other loudly. A police spokesman said the attack began just before 9 p.m. when the argument between the man and woman became nasty. The dog first attacked the man and then the woman. “The man managed to get the dog off, but the woman could not,” said the police spokesman.

Fish pedicures are becoming hot in Taiwan, but authorities are pouring cold water on the practice by questioning the effect of the treatment, a newspaper said on Sunday. Some spa operators in Taiwan have imported a special kind of toothless fish to nibble the feet of bathers in their pools, claiming the fish remove dead skin, give a pedicure and treat psoriasis and other ailments. In Ilan County, which is home to many hot springs including some pools used by spas for fish pedicure, a health official is openly questioning fish pedicure, which originated from Turkey and became popular in Asia a few years ago, the Taipei Times reported. Liu Yi-lien, director of the county’s health bureau, was quoted as saying “there is no scientific data to substantiate the claims of its medical benefits, and in fact there could be a hygiene problem.” DPA


fight between a Canadian couple upset their faithful dog so much that he attacked them to end the

Taiwan officials find fish pedicure fishy

“They were both bitten very seriously, all over their bodies, head, face, neck, arms, everywhere,” he added. The bleeding couple were immediately rushed to hospital where they received multiple stitches for bite injuries. The dog was captured and handed over to veterinary authorities, police said. ■ IANS


Monday, March 30, 2009

Ready for the slugfest Azhar’s campaign will be bolstered by the presence of seasoned politicians and even star power


aving weathered the storm on charges of matchfixing all these years and practically shutting himself from public eye, former Indian cricket captain Mohammad Azharuddin is excited over his new innings as the Congress candidate from ‘Brass City’ Moradabad for the Lok Sabha elections. “This is a different wicket where one cannot predict the bounce or turn. Let’s see how it plays out,” Azhar said. To that end, before he plunges headlong into his election campaign in this industrial township of western Uttar Pradesh, famous for its brassware, Azharuddin is keen to



take a couple of days off to study the demography of this constituency and the extent of its youth population. “It is very important to know the aspirations of the youth. They are a siz-

able population and I need to understand their pulse,” said an elated Azharuddin after the Congress party announced his candidature from Moradabad. “For me, it does not

matter where I stand from. I was on cloud 7 when I joined the Congress, now I am on cloud 9,” Azharuddin said as he prepares himself for a gruelling campaign over the next month.

Azharuddin, 46, who joined the party last month amid much fanfare, was initially being considered from Secunderabad, then Tonk in Rajasthan and even adjoining Meerut in Uttar Pradesh before the party leadership finally settled on Moradabad. “To tell you the truth, I am confident yet a little nervous about the election. But I have set out to do something for the people and I am honest about that unlike other politicians,” he maintained. The former stylish batsmanfelt that education and health were two areas where India would have to improve considerably to bring the facilities on par with developed countries. “These youngsters need a good education. Moradabad needs more doctors and engineers and I promise to work for that when I am elected. Health and basic facilities have to be improved,” exuded Azharuddin, who hinted at several surprises during the campaign. “National Conference patron Farooq Abdullah will campaign and even Kapil Dev, who stood by me through my bad patch when I was banned from cricket, will canvass,” Azharuddin said. ■ IANS

VOX POP Last week’s question

Total Lok Sabah seats: 552

The maximum money that a candidate can spend while canvassing for Lok sabha polls, as laid down by the Election Commission, is Rs. 25 lakh. Do you think the winning candidates spend only that much?

Expected expense/candidate: Rs. 10 lakh Expense by One party: Rs. 55.2 million Total Expense [if only3 parties]: Rs. 1.66 billion The population of India: 1.14 billion Is that money useful for people? Still, we fools vote and make them win. There should be a provision to “Vote for none”

Cap of Rs.25 Lakh is a rule, which is meant to be broken by candidates across parties. It would be ideal for EC to exercise its powers strictly. But that never happens. Winners spend heavily without any accounting being publicly shared. Proper and honest audit is required. Election is another excuse to make our cities untidy, noise pollution, traffic creation. Imposing enormous fine along with recall power by public would help in creating a better society. Manikandan Kannappan Email: [email protected]

Krishna , HCL Tech

Today’s question: Do Indian voters tend to side with celebrity candidates? Send us your views to [email protected]. Please limit your remarks to around 50 words, to enable us to carry as many views as possible.


ERGO Monday, March 30, 2009

Bhupathi-Knowles crash out Mahesh Bhupathi and his Bahamian partner Mark Knowles made a shocking first round exit from the ATP/WTA Miami Masters after losing to the un-seeded French combine of Julien Benneteau and Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. Third seeded Bhupathi and Knowles squandered a one-set lead to go down 6-3, 5-7, 6-10 in the US$ 4.5 million hardcourt event. However, the Indian challenge in the event remains alive with Leander Paes and Sania Mirza still in fray in men’s and women’s doubles respectively. Sania, teaming up with Taipei partner Chia-Jung Chuang and Paes, with Czech Lukas Dlouhy, are through to the pre-quarters of their respective events.

Disabled player finds hope in badminton Eight summers ago, on a fateful day in May, Satyam Janapareddy lost his left hand but instead of getting bogged down by the tragedy, he found hope in badminton and currently stands fourth in the world rankings for disabled. Currently working as a coach in the Pullela Gopichand Academy, Satyam has been selected for the German Open starting May 20 and the World Championship in South Africa in September. “Just two days ago I was selected for the German Open in a training camp in Bangalore. I am very happy. I want to win the tournament,” Satyam said. Born in Kovvur, a West Godavari district in Andhra Pradesh, Satyam was always interested in the sport but the fateful accident in 2001 was when he actually took to the court. In May 2001, Satyam lost his left hand while on work and was bed-ridden for six months. By the time he recovered, he had put on a lot of weight and started playing badminton only to regain fitness.

Dream debut for


Button leads Brawn one-two in Australia


Maradona’s Argentina crush Venezuela Diego Maradona could not have asked for a better result in his first official match as Argentina coach, with his team crushing Venezuela 4-0 in Buenos Aires on Saturday. Barcelona playmaker Lionel Messi set Argentina on their way to victory with the first goal in the 26th minute after a onetwo with Carlos Tevez. He then provided the cross that led to Manchester United striker Tevez doubling the advantage two minutes after the break. Maximiliano Rodriguez and Sergio Aguero, father of Maradona’s grandson, completed the rout with goals in the 51st and 73rd minutes. This was Argentina’s 16th win over Venezuela in as many meetings, and Maradona described the outcome as “better than expected”. “Reality has overcome fiction,” added the Argentine football legend who was adding this to friendly wins away to France and Scotland. It pushed Argentina up to second in the South America section of qualifying for South Africa next year, four points behind Paraguay. AFP

Brawn GP driver Jenson Button of Great Britain (left) celebrates with teammate Rubens Barrichello of Brazil after winning Formula One’s Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne on Sunday. PHOTO: AFP


ritain’s Jenson Button led an astonishing one-two on his Brawn GP team’s racing debut in the season-opening Australian Grand Prix on Sunday. No Formula One team had won on their debut since Wolf in 1977 while the last to secure the top two places first time out was Mercedes in 1954. McLaren’s world champion Lewis Hamilton, who started 18th after a catastrophic gearbox failure in qualifying, showed all of his fighting spirit by clawing his way back to fourth place. The 29year-old Button led from pole to chequered flag at Albert Park, taking his first victory since Hungary in 2006 and scoring more points in a single afternoon than he had in the previous two seasons with Honda.

Fairytale opening Brazilian team mate Rubens Barrichello started and finished second but only after Red Bull’s Sebastian Vettel and BMW-Saub-

er’s Robert Kubica collided three laps from the end while second and third respectively. That brought out the safety car for the closing laps before it came in at the final corner. Italian Jarno Trulli, who had started 19th and in the pit lane for Toyota, took third place. Germany’s Timo Glock was fifth for Toyota ahead of Renault’s Fernando Alonso and Williams’ Nico Rosberg. Toro Rosso’s Swiss rookie Sebastien Buemi became the 58th driver to score on his debut with eighth place.

Legends Button, written off as an overpaid has-been when Honda decided in December to pull out, completed an astonishing comeback that ensured he will never again be regarded as a one-hit wonder. “Sensational job. Fantastic. Well done, you deserve it,” team principal Ross Brawn told Button over the team radio after

he crossed the line. “Thank you, you are all legends. It’s going to be a great year,” replied Button. The first race of a new-look Formula One, with radically-revised aerodynamic regulations, slick tyres and the new KERS energy recovery systems, turned the starting grid upside down and shook up the pecking order as many had predicted. Neither of the Ferraris finished, with Felipe Massa retiring on the 46th lap and 2007 world champion Kimi Raikkonen following him out. Hamilton’s Finnish team mate Heikki Kovalainen retired after being caught in a first lap coming together.

Force India dissapoint Adrian Sutil of force India finished tenth 6.3 seconds behind the winner. Starting at the 16th slot in the grid, he climbed up the ladder due to some brilliant driving. The other driver Giancarlo Fisichella finished 12. ■ Reuters


Monday, March 30, 2009

Coloured clothing for Test In a move that has infuriated the purists; the Cricket Board in England is planning to introduce coloured clothing for the first day-night Test that pits England against Bangladesh next year. According to reports the match, to be played at Lord’s in May, may have cricketers sporting coloured kits as the administrators have so far failed to find a suitable replacement for the red ball, which is not visible under floodlights.


autam Gambhir ground his way to his fifth Test century as India edged closer to saving the second Test against New Zealand by the close of play on the fourth day on Sunday. The tourists, who won the first match of the three-Test series in Hamilton by 10 wickets, reached 252 for two at stumps, 62 runs behind New Zealand’s 619 for nine declared after being dismissed for 305 in their first innings and forced to follow on. Gambhir was on 102, while Sachin Tendulkar was on 58 – his 52nd Test half century – and with a day still to play he is well placed to convert that into his 43rd Test century on the benign McLean Park wicket on Monday.

(the pitch),” New Zealand coach Andy Moles told reporters. “You’re looking for mistakes from the batters rather than the ball misbehaving ... and as we’ve seen in the first innings there’s a bit of tail in this Indian team. They’ve got a magnificent front five or six but as we’ve seen if we bowl well and things go our way we can get quick wickets.” Gambhir, who was on 14 when play began on Sunday, was watchful all day with few false strokes and only one nervous moment when a James Franklin out-swinger squared him up while he was on 84. Initial reactions from the New Zealand fielders were that wicketkeeper Brendon McCullum had dropped a sharp chance, though televi-

sion replays showed Gambhir had been comprehensively beaten and the ball had brushed his back leg. The 27year-old, who had spent almost an hour stuck on 83 after tea finally, brought up his milestone with an aggressive lofted shot over wide mid-on for his 14th boundary. He had taken 265 balls to achieve the mark.

Controversial dismissal Rahul Dravid (62) was the only wicket to fall on Sunday after he had shared in a four-hour, 133-run partnership with Gambhir, though his dismissal was controversial. Dravid was given out caught in close by Jamie How off Daniel Vettori by um-

Holding on well “It’s hard to see any wear or tear on it

Gautam Gambhir receives a rousing reception from teammates as he walks into the dressing room after taking India to relative safety at the end of the fourth day of the second Test match against New Zealand at the McLean Park in Napier on Sunday. PHOTO: AFP

pire Ian Orchard, but the batsman was visibly upset with the decision and television replays showed the ball had ballooned off his front pad without touching his bat or gloves. “It was a tough grinding day for us,” said Dravid. “We’ve not been put in this position a lot over the last year. We found ourselves with our backs to the wall yesterday and we needed some character, we needed some fight and we showed that. We could have rolled over but we’ve fought back hard.”

Brief scores New Zealand 619 for nine (J. Ryder 201) lead by 62 runs against India 305 and 252 for two (G. Gambhir 102 not out, R. Dravid 62, S. Tendulkar 58 not out). ■ Reuters

Gambhir, Tendulkar grind their way


ERGO Monday, March 30, 2009

Scarlett’s plea Scarlett Johansson is urging husband Ryan Reynolds to give up his motorcycle hobby, after the actor almost crashed his bike recently. Reynolds recently dodged injury when a car performed an illegal turn and ended up in his path.

y l e t i n fi e d e v a h ’ r e a e ‘W y s i h t r o f e t a d a t e s her knee to fie n o n wn o ave de ’t go do hat. But we h Kundra n id d e I th et so r,” to tie ge hing lik his yea all set oon Raj or anyt t a date for t ’s first marria d is y t t c e y a t e h ie s p S r r y il r a ly a h e e p S 3 m ell nit hil be ly e 3 ith jew er. evious would ar. Th said. It ndra was pr ughter with h 7. knot w later this ye ning a trau n 0 a K a 0 d r la 2 e d p a il n a s is t h ly u n w K ha ss ear set a te ita and Kundra in ld actre ns a w o to Kav year-o ing and has , the Daily e t me nair r to Shetty ar-old millio trading pre l wedd his yea e ditiona in October t uple are yet ir y ls a s 4 e 3 is in o e te bus The ndra tive da orted. The c ent about th nd based tals. Ku ep Dubai- nes and me pa’s career a o em c n u Mail r o t il o n t h n s n S a s f io e u an s o cio nag ecis make ing ma ehind her d ue team al view ainlp n e . io h e it g o d g b s sm marria ve very tra ier Lea to be inparent is said Indian Prem year’s IPL w “I ha I’ve seen my nd I really be t in s t ves n,” ls, la ge. ge a marria -year marria ade in heave e in jasthan Roya sevenh 5 a t 3 m R t a e a r h a in ught a se in t o s ta b id e a g ly s t ia to arr ou ays cen ers. lieve m aid. “I’ve alw not it is going d n he couple re on-pound h “I be. T li e k s r n il e e o a h m d d p t n il n 5 o ie h o S e to t en w oom, , in L arriage, I’m r ft id e y d o c e ’v r e e I r e b d u d v I fm day I ha e ge, S be an ’m ution o you se good. eybrid would I be for right person me it is Raj. ,” W e in the instit s, and when . It’s a r e ev te kid uge who th realise that fo my soul a - li to , it’s h o have is re o dying t bridge home I can’t wait d come t ely sure he wo-year-old a y o e s h , W a e t t the hom Shilp comple pa about her a. family ren there,” ■ t a n e r il r d h io g said S ip with Kun p child r interview. a tradit to PTI h ring u e nning lations uple are pla have spoken it b n earli a in said The co in India. “I doing we are on’t get ing d d d n e a w s d al parent g, dia you Shilpa’s n way. In In re the weddin ia fo d e n b I t e s h t ju d until engage




Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Cindy Supermodel Cindy Crawford has revealed the secret behind her stunning body – happiness. The 43-year-old, who has graced the cover of more than 600 magazines, said, “The secret is: There’s no secret. You have to exercise, eat right. I don’t smoke. Get enough sleep. I’m not a party girl. And truly the one secret is: be happy. Smile more,” the Daily Express quoted her as saying.

Royapettah to Zanzibar

Cine City

Actor Suriya gives a peek into Ayan ERGO CORRESPONDENT [email protected]


yan, AVM’s 93rd Tamil film, is all set to hit cinemas here on April 3. With Suriya and Tamannah in lead roles, the movie is about the dramatic change of events in the life of a city boy. At a press meet organised at Green Park, Vadapalani, on Saturday, Ayan’s leading man Suriya and director K.V. Anand spoke about their upcoming flick. Clad in casuals, Suriya, the man in his 12th year in Tamil cinema with 23 movies to his credit, said Ayan was a memorable experience for him as it was shot in exotic locations in Malaysia and Zanzibar in Tanzania, Africa. “It is an intelligent entertainer,” said the

Tamil movie heartthrob talking about Ayan’s storyline. “Every part of the movie is framed well and connected appropriately to enthral the audience,” he added. RJ Jagan, who was the compere for the evening, mentioned that the title ‘Ayan’ meant ‘outstanding’ in Tamil. Jagan is also said to be playing a notable role in the movie. Speaking on the film, cinematographerturned-director K.V. Anand said that the life of a boy-next-door has been dealt with through comedy, emotion and action in the movie. Ayan, which started filming on April 5 last year from Lloyds Colony in Royapettah, has gone through Africa, Malaysia, Puducherry and Chennai. Brought to screens by Sun Pictures, Ayan could be a fun flick not to be missed. ■

Actor Suriya addresses the press on Saturday. Looking on is director K.V. Anand. PHOTO: K. PICHUMANI

Kavya’s treat for Vishu Kani Actress Kavya Madhavan will be celebrating her first Vishu Kani after her wedding with her new release Benaras. The movie, a musical directed by Nemom Pushparaj, will hit theatres on April 14. Benaras is an offbeat love story, taken against the backdrop of Varanasi. The movie has Kavya playing the role of a classical dancer and actor Vineeth as a research student of folk arts. The movie is expected to have some brilliant dance sequences.

Selva’s sentiment If Internet buzz is to be believed, actress Reema Sen’s name in Selvaraghavan’s upcoming flick, Aayirathil Ooruvan, is Anitha. It may be recalled that in 7G Rainbow Colony, the character which Sonia Agarwal played was also called Anitha. Hope Selva has some sentiment for the name. Aayirathil Oruvan has Karthi, Reema Sen and Andrea playing the lead roles.


ERGO Monday, March 30, 2009

Thanks for the response. These are the captions that we received for the ice skating photo. Hereafter, watch out for the Caption Me! column every Friday in Ergo. ■ Skate or fall for a date? What are you doing my boy? Nisha G, TCS

■ Life is like ice. Use confidence as skating to balance your body which is nothing but balancing the life. Jagadeesh, CSS

■ Learn to fly on your own, so no waste of money on flight tickets during business trips, cost cutting measure. Prasad N, HCL

■ Learn to analyse life from angles, it will reveal its realism, otherwise it becomes mere fantasy.

nalla irukkumanu teriyalaye pppa. Arun Kumar, Allsec

■ I’m the world. If you change your vision I will stand. Nanthakumar, Wipro

■ Cool me down! I’ve come burnt from my office. Padma Gopal, Cognizant

■ Ena matiri yaravathu pannunga pakkalam. Karthikeyan, Perumal Infoview Technology

Mohankumar, TCS, Raj Kabila, CTS

■ It’s a bird, it’s a man it’s Superman. Vaishnavi Narayan, TCS, Pandiyan, CSS

■ I’m flying like an eagle touching the heights and gonna land as fast as an jet crashes.

Ambika, CTS

■ Airbus in skates. With wings wide open. But where is the tail. Raj, CSS

■ Reminds of ad, a skater trying to signal flight which is on runway. Great job opportunity for skaters at airports in Greenland. Soumya, HCL

Ranjith, HCL

■ I think he fell in love and dancing for the song ’kathal sonna ganamea katrai parakuthu manamea’. Prakash, Wipro

■ Opening ellam nalla daan irukku aana finishing

Nikhil Baheti from Infosys has nominated his friends as Partners in Crime. The pic was clicked in Kodaikanal.

■ This is how we feel in this recession environment. Have the courage but take proper care in balancing our career.

Maheshwaran A, TCS

■ Keezha viluthalum meesaile mannu ottale.

Funkey Team from MphasiS has nominated their friends as Partners in Crime. This pic was clicked at Parambikulam Forest Top Slip.

Today’s Query: What will you do if the Internet stops working for a day?

Thyagarajan from IBM has nominated his friends as Partners in Crime.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Binod Bisoyi from HCL has been nominated as Office Angel by his friend Mrs.Manonmani. A friendly, easy-going person. And a perfectionist when it comes to work.

■ Dear Prabu (Mindtree) You have crossed one more year. Another year added to your history, which had given you more experience, lovely moments and cherishable memories. We all wish that the coming days and years also impart you with more lovely and beautiful events in your life. Belated B’day wishes to you Prabu. Regards, VVS Team Ramco Systems

■ Baby happy birthday to hope u will always have a good health, more career in life..and hope that more birthdays to come..always take care and i love u so much. Best Wishes for Kolantha(thala), Ippadiku ungal nalam verumbe,

■ Dear Vivek On this special day V wanted to send A most special greeting To a most special friend Under d sky so blue, V met sum1 so true. Now d world seems sumthing new, Sum1 vry spcl among a few. V r really glad dat god gifted us, A swt frnd like u V wish you A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

■ Hi Navanee, Wishing you a very Happy and Joyful birthday!!! Will have a very big treat from Suresh to celebrate your birthday joyfully. Best wishes from, Ramah, Ravi, Suresh, Madhi

■ Dear Vyshu Kutti, Wishing you Millions of greetings! Thousands of colors! Hundreds of wishes, Kg’s of sweets! Lots of Smiles! That is what we ask God 2 give you throughout ur Life! Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Vyshu. Let this Birthday bring all sorts of joy & Happiness in your life... Enjoy…

2. Lady: I called you last week for repair work. Man: I’ve been coming daily since the past four days. I ring the bell but no one answers. Lady: I called you to repair the door bell. Man: ??????? Saravanan V, HCL

■ My Friend Met you as a stranger, Took you as a friend, Hope we meet in Heaven where friendship never ends.

Belated Wishes

Regards, Ponniah

1.Man’s Wife: Yethuku adikadi kitchen poitu varinga Man: Doctor thaan adikadi sugar irukaa nu check panna sonnar Man’s Wife:???

Your’s loving, Anline, CTS

Regards, Mukul, Sify Technologies limted

■ Dear Chennai team, I’m shouting I’m singing I’m swinging through trees I’m winging sky-high With the buzzing black bees. I’m the sun I’m the moon I’m the dew on the rose. I’m a rabbit Whose habit Is twitching his nose. I’m lively I’m lovely I’m kicking my heels. I’m crying "Come dance" To the freshwater eels. I’m racing through meadows Without any coat I’m a gamboling lamb I’m a light leaping goat I’m a bud I’m a bloom I’m a dove on the wing. I’m running on rooftops And welcoming spring!

Sivaranjini R of Birlasoft (India) has doodled this.

■ Dear Sherline, You are the one close to my heart I thank God for giving you to me Wishing you many more happy returns of the day! God bless you..

With Luv, Ramah, Uma, Mani, Lotus, RR, Amit, Manili, Subhatra, Supraja, Karthik, Raghu

■ Dear Vijay, Congratulations on winning the Mr. Fit title!! Looking forward to see you winning many more!! Cheers! ASD-TYCO Team, Infosys Shollingnallur.

Your true friends, Wipro Technologies

■ My Dear Sumi (Kuttima) Many More Happy Returns Of the day. Have great and Lovable years ahead… Always I will be with you Regards Vignesh.V HCL Technologies

■ Dear Sang. MAY U B WOT U HOPE TO B, C ALL U WANT TO C… DO ALL WOT U WANT TO MAY YR EVERY WISH COMES TRUE… “A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO U” Best wishes from ur lovable Friends, Wipro Technologies

■ Dear Head, Wish you a fantastic fun filled Birthday... Have a blast and enjoy the life at most...Its too short to worry and waste...Wishing you loads and loads of happiness in your life.. Friends Forever, Monk Fami ly, HCL


ERGO Monday, March 30, 2009

Twin trainspotters German twin brothers have spent the last nine years painstakingly putting together the world’s biggest train set.


They make us laugh! Suresh R. of Sify Technologies sent us this picture. Hobbies: Singing, photography and cooking

Preference this month is being given to photographs that talk about ‘happiness’, which you need to tell us in a line or two. Please do not repeat any of your previous pictures and also make sure that the photograph is people-oriented. Happiness is not always a smile, so put on your thinking caps and keep clicking! Winners can collect their gift vouchers on Sundays, between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. at Ergo office

So you think you would make a terrific photographer but never really had the platform? Mail us your best work and we’ll publish it in this space, with credit. E-mail: [email protected]

TEAM Editor: Karthik Subramanian [email protected]

Sr Dy Chief Designer: J.A. Prem Kumar Dy Chief Designer: R. Ravi Kannan Illustrator: R. Venugopal Technical Support: V.R. Vasudevan, K.G. Gurumurthy N. Ravichandran, E. Baskar

ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: Contact: 2857 5757 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Head of Circulation: M.G.M. Sharief [email protected]

SNAIL MAIL 859/860, Anna Salai, Chennai - 600 002 mail your feedback to [email protected]

FAX 2857 6691

Printed and Published by S. Karthik on behalf of KASTURI & SONS LTD., at Plot B-6 & B-7, CMDA Industrial Complex, Maraimalai Nagar, Chengleput Taluk, Kancheepuram Dist., Pin: 603209 & at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860, Anna Salai, Chennai-600002. Editor: S. Karthik (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act). RNI No. TNENG/2007/24553



Monday, March 30, 2009


Word’s worth

A Lincoln couple who went to see a play billed as capable of making you "laugh until they throw you out" were thrown out - for laughing

“Leguleian” (leg-yoo-lee-an) an adjective meaning ‘pertaining petty or unimportant questions of law.’ As a noun it means ‘a pettifogging lawyer.’

B.C ARIES MARCH 21 - APRIL 20 The day today will make happy additions to your bank account. However, the ‘additions’ might not be monetary for the moment, but will be useful references during your appraisal. On the love front, you are likely share sweet words with your honey.

TAURUS APRIL 21 - MAY 20 Ganesha likes to call this as a ‘power day’ for you as your basic qualities will be highlighted today. Your work will be systematic and will meet deadlines. On the relationship front, Ganesha advises you to be extremely careful.

GEMINI MAY 21 - JUNE 20 On the relationship front, physical charm will be seen working with full zest. You might try to impress a member of opposite sex, in case you are single. Beware of colleagues who might try to tarnish your image today.


CANCER JUNE 21 - JULY 20 If you want to improve the team work in your organization, today is the perfect day to organize meetings or small lectures. Your enthusiasm and devotion towards work will prove beneficial in the longer run.

LEO JULY 21 - AUG 20 Keeping your shoulder to the wheel might not work today. Ganesha feels since you are good on the creative side today; you should try to explore your imagination today. Relationship with your bosses may need special care.




Being in a practical mood at work, you will be able to wrap up your work on time today. Ganesha feels this is a good time to plan a small trip with family or beloved one. You might not travel very soon, but planning in advance is always helpful.

LIBRA SEPT 21 - OCT 20 Ganesha finds you trying to solve complex work issues. After experience, it is advisable to learn from people who are experienced enough. Hence, your superiors will be very useful today. You will be able to enjoy high quality private time with your beloved.

SCORPIO OCT 21 - NOV 20 Your mood will be little dull today. Even if you push yourself, you might not be able to work for long hours at office today. Ganesha feels that you need to pay more attention to your health. Your partner will provide ample amount of moral support.

SAGITTARIUS NOV 21 - DEC 20 Ganesha predicts that the coming day will be a complimentary day for you. At office you might be very active and energetic. However it is advisable that you take proper rest to remain healthy. Love life may be smooth.

CAPRICORN DEC 21 - JAN 20 Your professional life may be flooded with opportunities today, foresees Ganesha. You will get good incentives and perks provided you work hard. Love life too will be on the peak. You are likely to be creative in impressing your beloved.


AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 20 Ganesha finds you pondering over some work related matters today. Anyway it is high time that you speculate your shortcomings in office work. On the personal front, you might reach home early to spend more time with your family.

PISCES FEB 21 - MARCH 20 Change in working style will prove to be very useful for you and you might also find a considerable boost in your creative talents. On the love front, your actions and behaviour might leave your partner dazed. Predictions by Bhavesh N. Pattni

16 !

ERGO Monday, March 30, 2009

Actor-singer Jennifer Lopez poses for photographers as she appears at an event by Japanese fashion company Samantha Thavasa in the young fashion district of Shibuya in Tokyo on Sunday. AFP PHOTO/TORU YAMANAKA

Ground crew members approach the nose of US space shuttle Discovery after it landed on Saturday at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, completing its 13-day flight to the International Space Station. AFP PHOTO/POOL/TERRY RENNA

Hotel room lights and reflected lighting from the ground are seen on the side of the darkened Mirage Hotel & Casino on the Las Vegas Strip as seen from the Voodoo Lounge at the Rio Hotel & Casino on Saturday in Las Vegas, Nevada. Hotel-casinos in Las Vegas turned off marquees and non-essential exterior lighting to participate in Earth Hour, a global initiative by the World Wildlife Fund to focus attention on the threat of climate change. ETHAN MILLER/GETTY IMAGES/AFP

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