Equivical Concepts In Scripture

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Equivical Concepts in Scripture: Part I Hell

K. Michael Errington August 11, 2009

While I would consider myself very new to the circuit of truth seeking inside the covers of the Scripture, the search and discovery of It is much more rewarding than former topics; topics penned by authors who rarely ever have served an omniscient God. There is quite an array of concepts in the Scripture to be sought after. Many days have been spent studying the meaning of just one word. It seems

as though the weight of one word hangs, if you will, off the weight of another. Upon further consideration I am beginning to see how dependent we are upon proper definition of terms. Without this authenticity, one will be left with a sufficient amount of imagination, or fiction, to paint an improper truth. These derivations from the truth, when left not only to grow but to be cultivated in the mind, lend itself to an erroneous system of belief that cannot be shaken by reason, logic or even citations from its original source: Scripture. Much mention could be made to the validity of the Scriptures. 1 Kings 17:24 and John 17:17 collectively state, ‘thy Word is truth.’ This Scriptural concept, though it is often regarded with great esteem by many, can become diluted, misused or even abused. At times, it seems more credence is given to traditions of men rather than to the written Word of God. It is this desire to seek for truth in the Scriptures which initiated this letter. Passages like 2 Timothy 3:16 offer plenty of sustenance for the task which is about to be taken. In order to support truth, I shall yield to it, hopefully more often than not. After all, we are to prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21. If I may begin this section by asking a series of, what might be considered, redundant questions, I am sure we can get a better feel for how elemental this approach is to mainstay Theology. Since these Christian doctrinal theories have been supplanted long ago is enough to justify a somewhat thorough re-examination of the concepts that have taken shape. So, without further ado let me ask, could Jehovah be considered a righteous God? Could He also be referred to as a God of perfect justice? Is man a soul or does he have a soul? What happens to man when he dies? Does that soul live on, and in what state? Does Jehovah execute perfect judgment before or after the Great Day of Judgment? These questions lend themselves to a fairly anticipated response. Certainly we have formulated, in our minds, an answer to each question, maybe even an answer that is precluded by a couple of your very own questions, for the sake of clarity. What if one or more of these keywords happen to be misunderstood or even defined improperly, would the formulation of your answer change in any way? Would your perspective, or your general outlook on life, also find a similar shift? Here we have capsulized the nature of this article. It would be prudent to suggest that concepts like hell, when given further research, often connote other terminologies that require similar measure. Terminologies like soul, death and fire are but a few relational words that aid in a greater understanding of the common conception of hell. We cannot fully interpret what this hell is without simultaneously realizing the true meaning of soul. If soul is an immortal aspect of human beings, then when man’s soul is given over to hell we should realize that this soul will live on in there (hell) immortally. This ‘giving over’ to hell implies a process of death. Of course, this death should also be considered definable within the contents of Scripture. Conversely, one should expect to find in Scripture the attributes of death, like continuance of life, mental cognizance of

former earthly life and possibly some sort of emotion or feeling. The reasons for this simple lesson are of two kinds. The greater being a concise and comprehensive description of said terms by the Creator Himself written in the Scriptures. The latter reason hinges on an accurate knowledge of the truth, which I believe requires wisdom and discernment. If our definitions of words are askew, how much more so will our current insight be into the past or future? The Scripture is not silent regarding the acquisition of accurate knowledge. Deut. 4:6, Psalms 19:7, Psalms 111:10, 2 Timothy 3:15, 1 Timothy 3:4. I have found it beneficial to find proper order when identifying these terms. By categorizing them, and subsequently defining them Scripturally, we will again be able to see perhaps a form take new shape. I am confident that you will find these forms unequivocally founded on Scriptural citation without the aid of personal interpretation, provided you have enough patience. My objective is to allow the Scripture to plainly speak for Itself. Given the amount of information, I have decided to divide the essay into several subjects. Citations will be numerous and will receive its boundaries within the cover of the Scripture; Old and New Testament are found to be invariably congruent. Within each subject, I will proffer candid comments to set the mind on edge, coupled with a concise summarization. Once all the subjects have been exhausted, my intent is to provide a relevant conclusion based upon the Scriptural evidence which has been exhumed. When studying the Scripture, the focus upon one particular concept is almost impossible, due to the interconnectedness of the whole. So I shall try to remain committed to the supportive concepts that could be deemed more pertinent to the essays main topic: Hell May all the praise, honor and glory be given to the One who spoke our existence into being: Our Creator and our King, Jesus Christ

Conclusion It has been suggested that the conclusion be given at the middle of the paper with the intent meaning to secure the reader’s attention. A sound suggestion indeed, for the bulk of the matter lie waist deep in, what would seem like, dry endless citations. Whatever sort of merit this conclusion may have to offer has been substantiated by these citations. So if the claims below might seem troublesome, nefarious or simply down-right heretical which would move the reader to criticize the work herein, then he (the reader) is greatly encouraged to consider the remainder of the work, for it is this dry endless citations of the Scripture that is the essential core of this conclusion. However it may go, much effort has been made to produce a consistent and congruent paper. To note strictly, the subjects surrounding the paper’s main topic of hell has covered only a limited aspect of its full meaning. Although the words soul and death have been examined here, it should at least be noticed that this project requires a tremendous amount of additional effort and study which the author could not afford at this time. He would have liked to offer more words like salvation and reward of the saved, but found that a smaller, more manageable product would be served better. It should also be said that this conclusion will be aided with, what would appear to be, logical reasoning. There is hope that this practical ingredient proves not to be over-whelming. Recapping the intent of this paper one will find Scriptural proofs coupled with accuracy and authenticity; which is to say that the author has avoided disproving major theological doctrines and their forms of origin. (which will be welcomed with open arms at a later date) It is in this light that the conclusion is drawn. An accurate Scriptural definition of the word soul has been characterized as being mortal at the very beginning. No hint of immortality was given to man at his inception. The tree of life eternal may have been an option that was simply over-looked by Adam in the garden; adding to this the guarded tone of Jehovah not wanting man to remain in a sinful state forever thereby protecting him from it. This is figured to be the essential reason why man was expelled from paradise. Furthermore, a general plan of redemption becomes a primary necessity. By identifying the mortality of the soul, with its eventual tendency towards corruption we find substantial meaning in the word gift. Of course this is a package that cannot be earned, expected or used at this time, for it lies at the very center of our hope. Life eternal is not something that we are born with, and as we shall see, it does not follow us to the grave. Therefore,

this incredible gift of God is truly something that we do not have right now, but hope to acquire. Death is a gloomy process, yet it is something we are guaranteed at least once. Sleep is continuously associated with death and rightfully so because the dead are characterized as having no memory or thoughts. One could argue that the dead return to dust where they came from and consequently lose their brain function. The presupposition here would be that the nerve-endings and basic capacity to feel anything would be lost. Furthermore, the Scripture also states that the dead cannot praise Jehovah. Conversely, if a mortal soul returns to dust and simply lacks the ability to think or give God glory, would that soul also be incapable of crying? Continuing, we see that Sheol and Hades are synonymous terms meaning grave, or the place for departed souls. Lots of people have visited this place; as a matter of fact everyone who has drawn breath and died has been there and will remain until resurrection. The only soul whose flesh has not seen corruption is the Messiah’s, but even He required a resurrection. Scripturally, the Messiah’s personal ministry was on hold for three days and three nights ending in our hope: victory over death. Intending only to bolster this concept, not aiding in its dilution, we must take a step back. There are numerous accounts in both the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures of literal human resurrection. Other souls have been resurrected from Sheol or Hades by the Messiah, prophets and apostles. They were souls who died; they tasted death and fell asleep. Presumptuously their individual resurrection was a positive occurrence: glory to God! One cannot help but wonder if the performers actually paid the recipients a favor. Some of them could have actually already received their new glorified body in heaven after they died. Already tasting glory and perfection they had to be yanked back down to this sinful corrupt state. Or maybe it was better than that. What if they had spent two or three days being tormented down in hell only to be tossed back into their dusty smelly shell. Those ones are probably the most fortunate because there are no second chances. Substantial value has been placed on resurrection, but a greater need to distinguish the difference between grave and fiery lake becomes more evident. The word hell in the Scriptures has been used to describe Sheol and Hades, but has not been found to be used exclusively. The valley of Hinnom and Gehenna are not only used synonymously in the Scripture, but Gehenna means ‘valley of Hinnom,’ for it is the Greek form of the Hebrew geh hin˙nom’. The valley of Hinnom is a physical location that has been given specific mention in the Hebrew Scriptures. This valley was used for the idolatrous worship of the pagan god Molech, to which god human sacrifices were offered by fire. To prevent it being used for such religious purposes, King Josiah had the valley polluted. The valley of Hinnom became the dumping place and incinerator for the filth of Jerusalem. Bodies of dead animals were thrown in to be consumed in the fires to which sulphur, or brimstone, was added to assist the burning. Also bodies of executed criminals, who were considered undeserving of a descent burial in memorial tombs, were thrown in. If such bodies landed in the fire they were consumed, but if their carcasses landed upon a ledge of

the deep ravine their putrefying flesh became infested with worms, or maggots, which did not die until they had consumed the fleshy parts, leaving only the skeleton.1 It thus in process of time became the image of the place of everlasting destruction. In this sense it is used by the Messiah. Tartaros, yet another variant of the word hell, is mentioned expressly in 2Peter 2:4. Tartaros was used to signify the lowest place for the consignment of spirit creatures. All references to Tartaros in the Scriptures exclude mention of human souls. Tartaros denotes the lowest abasement for the rebellious angels, a place of restraint, to be reserved for judgment. It would be a rather large assumption to consider Tartaros equivalent to Sheol and Hades or Hinnom and Gehenna. Finally we come to ‘the lake of fire.’ Considered the second death, the lake of fire has been typified by Gehenna with all of its incredible and terrifying accounts. Every soul coming up in the first resurrection shall not be overcome by the power of the second death; they are called blessed and holy. The fiery lake is a destination for the beast, the devil, the false prophet and those whose name is not written in the book of life. The last enemy defeated by the Messiah is death. (1Corinthians 15:26) Death and Hades are thrown into the lake of fire, (Revelation 20:14) which makes complete sense. Hopefully the last three paragraphs provided at least a basic format for the ambiguous term hell. Used as a primary word for indentifying three distinct and contrasting places only produces an environment of wonder. Wonder in my own mind asks simply, ‘why not use the original meaning and unmask this equivocal word?’ Or wonder, as in, ‘ever wonder why good people go to hell?’ Well, after having come this far in the presentation of hell, there are some parting thoughts which the author would like to impart. An attempt shall be made to help balance the focus on hell. It could be assumed that a place like heaven should suffer its fair scrutiny from the Scriptures, adding to it an eventual outcome that would resemble a work of divinely inspired fiction. If John 1:18, John 6:46, John 3:13 and 1John 4:12 have any merit whatsoever, then no man has seen God and no man has ascended into heaven except for the Son. Even the man after God’s own heart has not ascended into heaven and is still in his grave awaiting the first resurrection. (Acts 2:34) Many more people are awaiting a better resurrection. (Hebrews 11:34)

‘For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is life everlasting through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ Romans 6:26.

All3956 Scripture1124 is given by inspiration of God,2315 and2532 is profitable5624 for4314 doctrine,1319 for4314 reproof,1650 for4314 correction,1882 for4314 instruction3809 in1722 righteousness:134 2Ti 3:16

The subjects discussed are as follows: 1) Soul 2) Death 3) Hell A) Sheol and Hades 1.) A Rich Man in Hades B) Tartaros C) Gehenna 1) Valley of Hinnom 2) Lake of Fire 3) Second Death Author’s note Each of the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance definitions has been numbered individually. This is a technical formality which I hope the reader vies critically. Although the King James Version uses a word like hell in a general sense to explain its meaning in an appropriate context, the reader will find that its application is used in a substantially more concise and specific manner. It should be deemed relevant to consider that other translations, like the ‘New World Translation’ goes to great lengths to provide a more accurate and precise definition of the original texts, adding to it a more fluent translation.

The Soul Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance definition of soul H5314 ‫נפש‬ nâphash naw-fash' A primitive root; to breathe; passively, to be breathed upon, that is, (figuratively) refreshed (as if by a current of air): (be) refresh selves (-ed). H5315 ‫נפש‬ nephesh neh'-fesh From H5314; properly a breathing creature, that is, animal or (abstractly) vitality; used very widely in a literal, accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental): - any, appetite, beast, body, breath, creature, X dead (-ly), desire, X [dis-] contented, X fish, ghost, + greedy, he, heart (-y), (hath, X jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy), lust, man, me, mind, mortality, one, own, person, pleasure, (her-, him-, my-, thy-) self, them (your) -selves, + slay, soul, + tablet, they, thing, (X she) will, X would have it.ψυχή G5590 ψυχή psuchē psoo-khay' From G5594; breath, that is, (by implication) spirit, abstractly or concretely (the animal sentient principle only; thus distinguished on the one hand from G4151, which is the rational and immortal soul; and on the

other from G2222, which is mere vitality, even of plants: these terms thus exactly correspond respectively to the Hebrew [H5315], [H7307] and [H2416]: - heart (+ -ily), life, mind, soul, + us, + you.

King James Version KJV and thusly a Scriptural Definition of soul Man is a soul… Gen 2:7 And the LORD3068 God430 formed3335 (853) man120 of the dust6083 of4480 the ground,127 and breathed5301 into his nostrils639 the breath5397 of life;2416 and man120 became1961 a living2416 soul.5315 Jos 11:11 And they smote5221 (853) all3605 the souls5315 that834 were therein with the edge6310 of the sword,2719 utterly destroying2763 them: there was not3808 any3605 left3498 to breathe:5397 and he burnt8313 Hazor2674 with fire.784 Act 27:37 And1161 we were2258 in all3956 in1722 the3588 ship4143 two hundred threescore and sixteen1250, 1440, 1803 souls.5590

Animal is a soul… Num 31:28 And levy7311 a tribute4371 unto the LORD3068 of4480, 854 the men376 of war4421 which went out3318 to battle:6635 one259 soul5315 of five4480, 2568 hundred,3967 both of4480 the persons,120 and of4480 the beefs,1241 and of4480 the asses,2543 and of4480 the sheep:6629 Lev 24:18 And he that killeth5221 a beast5315, 929 shall make it good;7999 beast5315 for8478 beast.5315 Rev 16:3 And2532 the3588 second1208 angel32 poured out1632 his848 vial5357 upon1519 the3588 sea;2281 and2532 it became1096 as5613 the blood129 of a dead3498 man: and2532 every3956 living2198 soul5590 died599 in1722 the3588 sea.2281

Soul has blood, eats and can die… Jer 2:34 Also1571 in thy skirts3671 is found4672 the blood1818 of the souls5315 of the poor34 innocents:5355 I have not3808 found4672 it by secret search,4290 but3588 upon5921 all3605 these.428 Lev 7:18 And if518 any of the flesh4480, 1320 of the sacrifice2077 of his peace offerings8002 be eaten at all398, 398 on the third7992 day,3117 it shall not3808 be accepted,7521 neither3808 shall it be imputed2803 unto him that offereth7126 it: it shall be1961 an abomination,6292 and the soul5315 that eateth398 of4480 it shall bear5375 his iniquity.5771 Eze 18:4 Behold,2005 all3605 souls5315 are mine; as the soul5315 of the father,1 so also the soul5315 of the son1121 is mine: the soul5315 that sinneth,2398 it1931 shall die.4191 Jas 5:20 Let him know,1097 that3754 he which converteth1994 the sinner268 from1537 the error4106 of his846 way3598 shall save4982 a soul5590 from1537 death,2288 and2532 shall hide2572 a multitude4128 of sins.266

Man has life and is said to be a soul… Mar 8:36 For1063 what5101 shall it profit5623 a man,444 if1437 he shall gain2770 the3588 whole3650 world,2889 and2532 lose2210 his own848 soul?5590 Joh 10:15 As2531 the3588 Father3962 knoweth1097 me,3165 even so know I2504, 1097 the3588 Father:3962 and2532 I lay down5087 my3450 life5590 for5228 the3588 sheep.4263 1Jn 3:16 Hereby1722, 5129 perceive1097 we the3588 love26 of God,(2316) because3754 he1565 laid down5087 his848 life5590 for5228 us:2257 and2532 we2249 ought3784 to lay down5087 our lives5590 for5228 the3588 brethren.80

Summary Although the citations here are but a few, and given the chance to proliferate more claims through sheer volume of evidence, one could argue, rather plainly, that man does not have a soul, but is a soul. Adding to this the condition or definition of the animal, we see that it too has acquired similar repute. Souls have been referred to as having the ability to eat, bleed and die; functions, I think most people would agree generally qualify any being as alive, and not only alive, but very physical in description. No longer assuming that soul is anything but physical, one is compelled

to wonder of its process of death. Presumptions surround this function, whether they are steeped in Christianity or Paganism. However, we are exclusively concerned with a Scriptural analysis, and nothing more. So, I hope this summary may heighten the explicatory value of the common physical process we call death.

Death Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance definition of death: ‫מות‬ mâveth maw'-veth From H4191; death (natural or violent); concretely the dead, their place or state (hades); figuratively pestilence, ruin: - (be) dead ([-ly]), death, die (-d). θανατος thanatos than'-at-os From G2348; (properly an adjective used as a noun) death (literally or figuratively): - X deadly, (be . . .) death.

Scriptural Definition of death: The living creature soul is mortal, destructible… Jdg 16:16 And it came to pass,1961 when3588 she pressed6693 him daily3605, 3117 with her words,1697 and urged509 him, so that his soul5315 was vexed7114 unto death;4191 Psa 22:29 All3605 they that be fat1879 upon earth776 shall eat398 and worship:7812 all3605 they that go down3381 to the dust6083 shall bow3766 before6440 him: and none3808 can keep alive2421 his own soul.5315 Jer 4:10 Then said559 I, Ah,162 Lord136 GOD!3069 surely403 thou hast greatly deceived5377, 5377 this2088 people5971 and Jerusalem,3389 saying,559 Ye shall have1961 peace;7965 whereas the sword2719 reacheth5060 unto5704 the soul.5315

Condition of the dead… Isa 53:12 Therefore3651 will I divide2505 him a portion with the great,7227 and he shall divide2505 the spoil7998 with854 the strong;6099 because8478, 834 he hath poured out6168 his soul5315 unto death:4194 and he1931 was numbered4487 with854

the transgressors;6586 and he bore5375 the sin2399 of many,7227 and made intercession6293 for the transgressors.6586 Act 7:60 And1161 he kneeled down,5087, 1119 and cried2896 with a loud3173 voice,5456 Lord,2962 lay2476 not3361 this5026 sin266 to their charge.846 And2532 when he had said2036 this,5124 he fell asleep.2837 Joh 11:24 Martha3136 saith3004 unto him,846 I know1492 that3754 he shall rise again450 in1722 the3588 resurrection386 at1722 the3588 last2078 day.2250

Fall asleep in death… Psa 13:3 Consider5027 and hear6030 me, O LORD3068 my God:430 lighten215 mine eyes,5869 lest6435 I sleep3462 the sleep of death;4194 Mat 27:52 And2532 the3588 graves3419 were opened;455 and2532 many4183 bodies4983 of the3588 saints40 which slept2837 arose,1453 Mat 27:53 And2532 came1831 out of1537 the3588 graves3419 after3326 his846 resurrection,1454 and went1525 into1519 the3588 holy40 city,4172 and2532 appeared1718 unto many.4183 2Pe 3:4 And2532 saying,3004 Where4226 is2076 the3588 promise1860 of his846 coming?3952 for1063 since575, 3739 the3588 fathers3962 fell asleep,2837 all things3956 continue1265 as3779 they were from575 the beginning746 of the creation.2937 Act 2:29 Men435 and brethren,80 let1832 me freely3326, 3954 speak2036 unto4314 you5209 of4012 the3588 patriarch3966 David,1138 that3754 he is both dead5053, 2532 and2532 buried,2290 and2532 his846 sepulcher3418 is2076 with1722 us2254 unto891 this5026 day.2250

Talking with the dead impossible… Psa 115:17 The dead4191 praise1984 not3808 the LORD,3050 neither3808 any3605 that go down3381 into silence.1745 Isa 38:18 For3588 the grave7585 cannot3808 praise3034 thee, death4194 can not celebrate1984 thee: they that go down3381 into the pit953 cannot3808 hope7663 for413 thy truth.571 Isa 8:19 And when3588 they shall say559 unto413 you, Seek1875 unto413 them that have familiar spirits,178 and unto413 wizards3049 that peep,6850 and that mutter:1897 should not3808 a people5971 seek1875 unto413 their God?430 for1157 the living2416 to413 the dead?4191

Thoughts do perish… Psa 146:4 His breath7307 goeth forth,3318 he returneth7725 to his earth;127 in that very1931 day3117 his thoughts6250 perish.6 Ecc 9:5 For3588 the living2416 know3045 that they shall die:7945, 4191 but the dead4191 know3045 not369 any thing,3972 neither369 have they any more5750 a reward;7939 for3588 the memory2143 of them is forgotten.7911

Death itself cannot praise you… Isa 38:18 For3588 the grave7585 cannot3808 praise3034 thee, death4194 can not celebrate1984 thee: they that go down3381 into the pit953 cannot3808 hope7663 for413 thy truth.571 Psa 6:5 For3588 in death4194 there is no369 remembrance2143 of thee: in the grave7585 who4310 shall give thee thanks?3034 Psa 88:10 Wilt thou show6213 wonders6382 to the dead?4191 shall the dead7496 arise6965 and praise3034 thee? Selah.5542 Psa 30:9 What4100 profit1215 is there in my blood,1818 when I go down3381 to413 the pit?7845 Shall the dust6083 praise3034 thee? shall it declare5046 thy truth?571

Dust: the inevitable form of… Gen 3:19 In the sweat2188 of thy face639 shalt thou eat398 bread,3899 till5704 thou return7725 unto413 the ground;127 for3588 out of4480 it wast thou taken:3947 for3588 dust6083 thou859 art, and unto413 dust6083 shalt thou return.7725 Job 10:9 Remember,2142 I beseech thee,4994 that3588 thou hast made6213 me as the clay;2563 and wilt thou bring me into dust again?7725, 413, 6083 Job 34:15 All3605 flesh1320 shall perish1478 together,3162 and man120 shall turn again7725 unto5921 dust.6083 Dan 12:2 And many7227 of them that sleep4480, 3463 in the dust6083 of the earth127 shall awake,6974 some428 to everlasting5769 life,2416 and some428 to shame2781 and everlasting5769 contempt.1860 Psa 103:14 For3588 he1931 knoweth3045 our frame;3336 he remembereth2142 that3588 we587 are dust.6083

The wages of sin…

Deu 24:16 The fathers1 shall not3808 be put to death4191 for5921 the children,1121 neither3808 shall the children1121 be put to death4191 for5921 the fathers:1 every man376 shall be put to death4191 for his own sin.2399 Rom 5:12 Wherefore,1223, 5124 as5618 by1223 one1520 man444 sin266 entered1525 into1519 the3588 world,2889 and2532 death2288 by1223 sin;266 and2532 so3779 death2288 passed1330 upon1519 all3956 men,444 for1909 that3739 all3956 have sinned:264 Jas 1:15 Then1534 when lust1939 hath conceived,4815 it bringeth forth5088 sin:266 and1161 sin,266 when it is finished,658 bringeth forth616 death.2288 1Jn 5:16 If1437 any man5100 see1492 his848 brother80 sin264 a sin266 which is not3361 unto4314 death,2288 he shall ask,154 and2532 he shall give1325 him846 life2222 for them that sin264 not3361 unto4314 death.2288 There is2076 a sin266 unto4314 death:2288 I do not3756 say3004 that2443 he shall pray2065 for4012 it.1565

Summary There is a fair amount of description applied to this function called death. The soul, qualified earlier in this essay, no matter how sparingly, appears not to have developed immunity to this function. The soul has, however, aligned itself to a mortal and destructible end. Quite visible are the signs or characteristics of the dead. Communication is virtually nonexistent with the dead, in most every form. Whether it is praise and adulation of the Creator or any simple transference of messages, the ideal that correspondence with the dead is volatile has been completely substantiated. To help solidify the concept that the dead are noncommunicative, the Scripture also states rather plainly that the dead simply lack any thought process, they do not think; the souls’ thoughts perish upon death. With this in mind, I am led to assume that Genesis 3:19 clearly defines the shape of man before and after life: incoherent dust. The Scriptures goes on to formulate an increase for the souls commitment of sin, for whatever this sin might be. That increase, or wage of sin, is incoherent dust.

Hell Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance definition of hell: H7585 ‫שאול‬



sh 'ôl she'ôl sheh-ole', sheh-ole' From H7592; hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranian retreat), including its accessories and inmates: grave, hell, pit.

G86 ἅδης hadēs hah'-dace From G1 (as a negative particle) and G1492; properly unseen, that is, “Hades” or the place (state) of departed souls: grave, hell.

G5020 ταρταροω tartaroō tar-tar-o'-o From Ταρταρος Tartaros̄ (the deepest abyss of Hades); to incarcerate in eternal torment: - cast down to hell. G1067 γεεννα geenna gheh'-en-nah

Of Hebrew origin ([H1516] and [H2011]); valley of (the son of) Hinnom; gehenna (or Ge-Hinnom), a valley of Jerusalem, used (figuratively) as a name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment: - hell.

Foreword The King James Version of the Scripture uses the word hell to explain the meaning of one Hebrew and three Greek words. The word Sheol, cited sixty-six times in the Hebrew Scriptures, is defined as a place where souls go into death. The word Hades, occurring ten times in the Greek Scriptures, is used synonymously, citing also the where, or the place a soul resides post mortem. The remaining two Greek definitions of the word hell, Tartaros and Gehenna, have been used in very specific manners. Tartaros, only being rendered once in the Greek Scriptures, has been used in a very limited and exclusive way. The definition for it being the ‘deepest abyss’ and having only been referenced with a form of, or place of, angelic restraints offers itself in an isolated sense. Whereas, Gehenna, cited twelve times in the Greek Scriptures, has been used not only to formally indicate a physical location on earth, ‘ Valley of Hinnom,’ which lay to the west and south of ancient Jerusalem, but also symbolically, adding to it a severe sense of this earthly spot. Gehenna has been referenced as the ‘lake of fire.’ Scriptural Definition of Sheol: A land of darkness, a land of silence… Job 10:21 Before2962 I go1980 whence I shall not3808 return,7725 even to413 the land776 of darkness2822 and the shadow of death;6757 Psa 115:17 The dead4191 praise1984 not3808 the LORD,3050 neither3808 any3605 that go down3381 into silence.1745 Ecc 9:10 Whatsoever3605, 834 thy hand3027 findeth4672 to do,6213 do6213 it with thy might;3581 for3588 there is no369 work,4639 nor device,2808 nor knowledge,1847 nor wisdom,2451 in the grave,7585 whither834, 8033 thou859 goest.1980 Job 17:16 They shall go down3381 to the bars905 of the pit,7585 when518 our rest5183 together3162 is in5921 the dust.6083

Wicked go to Sheol… Psa 9:17 The wicked7563 shall be turned7725 into hell,7585 and all3605 the nations1471 that forget7913 God.430

Upright people go to Sheol… Job 1:8 And the LORD3068 said559 unto413 Satan,7854 Hast thou considered7760, 3820, 5921 my servant5650 Job,347 that3588 there is none369 like him3644 in the earth,776 a perfect8535 and an upright3477 man,376 one that feareth3373 God,430 and escheweth5493 evil?4480, 7451 Job 14:13 O that4310 thou wouldest5414 hide6845 me in the grave,7585 that thou wouldest keep me secret,5641 until5704 thy wrath639 be past,7725 that thou wouldest appoint7896 me a set time,2706 and remember2142 me! Psa 16:10 For3588 thou wilt not3808 leave5800 my soul5315 in hell;7585 neither3808 wilt thou suffer5414 thine Holy One2623 to see7200 corruption.7845 Jon 2:2 And said,559 I cried7121 by reason of mine affliction4480, 6869 unto413 the LORD,3068 and he heard6030 me; out of the belly4480, 990 of hell7585 cried7768 I, and thou heardest8085 my voice.6963

Sheol and the pit… Psa 30:3 O LORD,3068 thou hast brought up5927 my soul5315 from4480 the grave:7585 thou hast kept me alive,2421 that I should not go down4480, 3381 to the pit.953 Pro 1:12 Let us swallow them up1104 alive2416 as the grave;7585 and whole,8549 as those that go down3381 into the pit:953

Isa 14:15 Yet389 thou shalt be brought down3381 to413 hell,7585 to413 the sides3411 of the pit.953 Eze 31:16 I made the nations1471 to shake7493 at the sound4480, 6963 of his fall,4658 when I cast him down3381, (853) to hell7585 with854 them that descend3381 into the pit:953 and all3605 the trees6086 of Eden,5731 the choice4005 and best2896 of Lebanon,3844 all3605 that drink8354 water,4325 shall be comforted5162 in the nether parts8482 of the earth.776

They took weapons to Sheol… Eze 32:27 And they shall not3808 lie7901 with854 the mighty1368 that are fallen5307 of the uncircumcised,4480, 6189 which834 are gone down3381 to hell7585 with their weapons3627 of war:4421 and they have laid5414 (853) their swords2719 under8478 their heads,7218 but their iniquities5771 shall be1961 upon5921 their bones,6106 though3588 they were the terror2851 of the mighty1368 in the land776 of the living.2416 Eze 32:28 Yea, thou859 shalt be broken7665 in the midst8432 of the uncircumcised,6189 and shalt lie7901 with854 them that are slain2491 with the sword.2719 Eze 32:29 There8033 is Edom,123 her kings,4428 and all3605 her princes,5387 which834 with their might1369 are laid5414 by854 them that were slain2491 by the sword:2719 they1992 shall lie7901 with854 the uncircumcised,6189 and with854 them that go down3381 to the pit.953

Summary Congruent with the Scriptural definition of soul and death is the subsequent meaning of Sheol (hell.) It is described as a land of silence and rest, in the absence of light whatsoever. Surprisingly enough this calls to mind a tomb to bury a dead soul. Job sought refuge there; Jonah and the author of Psalms sixteen sought deliverance from Sheol, literally and in prophetic vision. So, there are these prominent characters in the Hebrew Scriptures who, at the very least felt, and to some degree, experienced protection, deliverance and a hope for a resurrection from Sheol. Adding to this a physical description and allusion to the pit; it is in the earth and is always associated with the dead. There are those who have gone down to Sheol with their weapons of war. In all likelihood, these warriors died in battle fighting or where simply buried with their weapons in hand.

Scriptural Definition of Hades: Direct citation of Hebrew and Greek Scripture… Psa 16:10 For3588 thou wilt not3808 leave5800 my soul5315 in hell;7585 neither3808 wilt thou suffer5414 thine Holy One2623 to see7200 corruption.7845 Act 2:27 Because3754 thou wilt not3756 leave1459 my3450 soul5590 in1519 hell,86 neither3761 wilt thou suffer1325 thine4675 Holy One3741 to see1492 corruption.1312

Hades shall not reign victorious… 1Co 15:55 O death,2288 where4226 is thy4675 sting?2759 O grave,86 where4226 is thy4675 victory?3534 Mat 16:18 And1161 I say also2504, 3004 unto thee,4671 That3754 thou4771 art1488 Peter,4074 and2532 upon1909 this5026 rock4073 I will build3618 my3450 church;1577 and2532 the gates4439 of hell86 shall not3756 prevail against2729 it.846 Rev 1:18 (2532) I am he that liveth,2198 and2532 was1096 dead;3498 and,2532 behold,2400 I am1510 alive2198 forevermore,1519, 165, 165 Amen;281 and2532 have2192 the3588 keys2807 of hell86 and2532 of death.2288

Man is susceptible to the corruption of Hades, not Christ… Act 2:31 He seeing this before4275 spake2980 of4012 the3588 resurrection386 of Christ,5547 that3754 his846 soul5590 was not3756 left2641 in1519 hell,86 neither3761 his846 flesh4561 did see1492 corruption.1312 Act 13:36 KJV+) For1063 David,1138 after he(3303) had served5256 his own2398 generation1074 by the3588 will1012 of God,2316 fell on sleep,2837 and2532 was laid4369 unto4314 his848 fathers,3962 and2532 saw1492 corruption:1312 1Co 15:42 KJV+) So3779 also2532 is the3588 resurrection386 of the3588 dead.3498 It is sown4687 in1722 corruption;5356 it is raised1453 in1722 incorruption:861

A rich man in Hades… *An Aside The passage in Luke 16:19-31 offers mention of Hades. This account has been argued as to whether or not it should be interpreted in a literal sense. I have been inclined to believe, through the rhetoric of the Scripture, that its author used the illustration as a parable. In the interest of truth, I have decided to include an article from an outside source to maintain Scriptural accuracy. Though this argument could be handled as a disproof of the literal interpretation, I have thought it more prudent

to allow the argument to hinge on proof of the parabolic nature of the story for which it was intended. Much more time and attention could be paid to the story of Lazarus with personal study and research; but as is the case, the story does need addressed and I would not be able to justify the appropriate research at this time. Jesus spoke using illustrations… Psa 78:2 I will open6605 my mouth6310 in a parable:4912 I will utter5042 dark sayings2420 of4480 old:6924 Mat 13:34 All3956 these things5023 spake2980 Jesus2424 unto the3588 multitude3793 in1722 parables;3850 and2532 without5565 a parable3850 spake2980 he not3756 unto them:846 Mat 13:35 That3704 it might be fulfilled4137 which was spoken4483 by1223 the3588 prophet,4396 saying,3004 I will open455 my3450 mouth4750 in1722 parables;3850 I will utter2044 things which have been kept secret2928 from575 the foundation2602 of the world.2889

Summary The Hebrew Sheol is directly cited in the Greek Scriptures Hades, hence unifying the terminology. With this adoption made, we are very close to realizing the true definition of Hades. Greek Scriptural citations go on to say that power and authority is given to the Messiah. Hades shall not reign victorious; quite possibly this is alluding to a resurrection. The church shall not be overcome by Hades. So there is triumph over Hades mentioned in the Scriptures. Hades corrupts man, it defiles him. Hades never corrupted the Messiah.

Scriptural Definition of Tartaros: The lowest condition of abasement for rebellious angels… 2Pe 2:4 For1063 if1487 God2316 spared5339 not3756 the angels32 that sinned,264 but235 cast them down to hell,5020 and delivered3860 them into chains4577 of darkness,2217 to be reserved5083 unto1519 judgment;2920

References… Luk 8:31 And2532 they besought3870 him846 that2443 he would not3361 command2004 them846 to go out565 into1519 the3588 deep.12 1Pe 3:19 By1722 which3739 also2532 he went4198 and preached2784 unto the3588 spirits4151 in1722 prison;5438 1Pe 3:20 Which sometime4218 were disobedient,544 when3753 once530 the3588 longsuffering3115 of God2316 waited1551 in1722 the days2250 of Noah,3575 while the ark2787 was a preparing,2680 wherein1519, 3739 few,3641 that is,5123 eight3638 souls5590 were saved1295 by1223 water.5204 Jud 1:6 And5037 the angels32 which kept5083 not3361 their1438 first estate,746 but235 left620 their own2398 habitation,3613 he hath reserved5083 in everlasting126 chains1199 under5259 darkness2217 unto1519 the judgment2920 of the great3173 day.2250

Summary Above, we see very little mentioned about this place apparently reserved for angelic beings. In the Inspired Scriptures, Tartaros bears no relationship to Hades which is the common grave of the human dead. These angels are restrained by the’ chains of darkness,’ unto judgment. There is no Scriptural evidence of seraphic torture, there is, however, a fearful expectation of judgment at a later date. Jesus displays terrific command over these disobedient creatures by casting them down into Tartaros.

Scriptural Definition of Valley of Hinnom: Physical location… Jos 15:8 KJV+) And the border1366 went up5927 by the valley1516 of the son1121 of Hinnom2011 unto413 the south4480, 5045 side3802 of the Jebusite;2983 the same1931 is Jerusalem:3389 and the border1366 went up5927 to413 the top7218 of the mountain2022 that834 lieth before5921 the valley1516 of Hinnom2011 westward,3220 which834 is at the end7097 of the valley6010 of the giants7497 northward:6828 Jos 18:16 KJV+) And the border1366 came down3381 to413 the end7097 of the mountain2022 that834 lieth before5921, 6440 the valley1516 of the son1121 of Hinnom,2011 and which834 is in the valley6010 of the giants7497 on the north,6828 and descended3381 to the valley1516 of Hinnom,2011 to413 the side3802 of Jebusi2983 on the south,5045 and descended3381 to En-rogel,5883

Valley of destruction, valley of slaughter… 2Ki 23:10 KJV+) And he defiled2930 (853) Topheth,8612 which834 is in the valley1516 of the children1121 of Hinnom,2011 that no1115 man376 might make (853) his son1121 or his daughter1323 to pass through5674 the fire784 to Molech.4432 2Ch 28:3 KJV+) Moreover he1931 burnt incense6999 in the valley1516 of the son1121 of Hinnom,2011 and burnt1197 (853) his children1121 in the fire,784 after the abominations8441 of the heathen1471 whom834 the LORD3068 had cast out3423 before4480, 6440 the children1121 of Israel.3478 2Ch 33:6 KJV+) And he1931 caused (853) his children1121 to pass5674 through the fire784 in the valley1516 of the son1121 of Hinnom:2011 also he observed times,6049 and used enchantments,5172 and used witchcraft,3784 and dealt with6213 a familiar spirit,178 and with wizards:3049 he wrought6213 much7235 evil7451 in the sight5869 of the LORD,3068 to provoke him to anger.3707 Jer 19:6 KJV+) Therefore,3651 behold,2009 the days3117 come,935 saith5002 the LORD,3068 that this2088 place4725 shall no3808 more5750 be called7121 Tophet,8612 nor The valley1516 of the son1121 of Hinnom,2011 but3588, 518 The valley1516 of slaughter.2028

Summary The location of the ‘Valley of Hinnom’ is described with historical accuracy by the Hebrew Scriptures; a little south and west of Jerusalem. The apparent shape is a valley, with mountains becoming on both sides. There is notorious Scriptural insight that Hinnom has become a valley of abomination. We read that burnt offerings were given to Molech in the form of the Israelites very own offspring in this valley. There also was fantastic use of the black arts used there in the valley described in 2 Chronicles 33:6: witchcraft, familiar spirits and wizards. The valley of Hinnom became so polluted that it became known as the valley of slaughter; the beginnings

of a fair and accurate portrayal and subsequent foundation of the Greek Scriptures Gehenna.

Scriptural Definition of Gehenna: Mat 5:22 But1161 I1473 say3004 unto you,5213 That3754 whosoever3956 is angry3710 with his848 brother80 without a cause1500 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the3588 judgment:2920 and1161 whosoever3739, 302 shall say2036 to his848 brother,80 Raca,4469 shall be2071 in danger1777 of the3588 council:4892 but1161 whosoever3739, 302 shall say,2036 Thou fool,3474 shall be2071 in danger1777 of1519 hell1067 fire.4442 Mat 10:28 And2532 fear5399 not3361, (575) them which kill615 the3588 body,4983 but1161 are not3361 able1410 to kill615 the3588 soul:5590 but1161 rather3123 fear5399 him which is able1410 to destroy622 both2532 soul5590 and2532 body4983 in1722 hell.1067 Mat 18:9 And2532 if1487 thine4675 eye3788 offend4624 thee,4571 pluck it out,1807, 846 and2532 cast906 it from575 thee:4675 it is2076 better2570 for thee4671 to enter1525 into1519 life2222 with one eye,3442 rather2228 than having2192 two1417 eyes3788 to be cast906 into1519 hell1067 fire.4442 Mat 23:15 Woe3759 unto you,5213 scribes1122 and2532 Pharisees,5330 hypocrites!5273 for3754 ye compass4013 sea2281 and2532 land3584 to make4160 one1520 proselyte,4339 and2532 when3752 he is made,1096 ye make4160 him846 twofold more1362 the child5207 of hell1067 than yourselves.5216 Jas 3:6 And2532 the3588 tongue1100 is a fire,4442 a world2889 of iniquity;93 so3779 is2525 the3588 tongue1100 among1722 our2257 members,3196 that it defileth4695 the3588 whole3650 body,4983 and2532 setteth on fire5394 the3588 course5164 of nature;1078 and2532 it is set on fire5394 of5259 hell.1067

Summary Gehenna actually appears twelve times in the Greek Scriptures, of which five are directly associated with fire. This is not surprising given the amount of damning rhetoric used to describe this incredible place. Embodied in the Greek definition of Gehenna we find specific mention to the ‘Valley of Hinnom;’ both of which find their origin in Hebrew text. So, there is this weighted definition of Gehenna that is supported entirely by the historical context of the Hebrew ‘Valley of Hinnom.’ The Greek Scriptures expounds upon the characteristics of Hinnom in the form of warnings. It says that the proud and arrogant are in danger of hell fire. There is also caution being lent to fear the one who has the power to destroy both body and soul. Therefore, it would be better to pluck out one member of the body than suffer the whole thing. Of course we come across random verses like Mt. 23:33 where it

almost states rhetorically, how can you escape the damnation of hell, referencing specifically the Pharisees.

Scriptural Definition of Lake of Fire:

Rev 19:20 KJV+) And2532 the3588 beast2342 was taken,4084 and2532 with3326 him5127 the3588 false prophet5578 that wrought4160 miracles4592 before1799 him,846 with1722 which3739 he deceived4105 them that had received2983 the3588 mark5480 of the3588 beast,2342 and2532 them that worshiped4352 his848 image.1504 These both1417 were cast906 alive2198 into1519 a lake3041 of fire4442 burning2545 with1722 brimstone.2303 Rev 20:10 KJV+) And2532 the3588 devil1228 that deceived4105 them846 was cast906 into1519 the3588 lake3041 of fire4442 and2532 brimstone,2303 where3699 the3588 beast2342 and2532 the3588 false prophet5578 are, and2532 shall be tormented928 day2250 and2532 night3571 forever and ever1519, 165, 165 Rev 20:14 KJV+) And2532 death2288 and2532 hell86 were cast906 into1519 the3588 lake3041 of fire.4442 This3778 is2076 the3588 second1208 death.2288 Rev 20:15 KJV+) And2532 whosoever1536 was not3756 found2147 written1125 in1722 the3588 book976 of life2222 was cast906 into1519 the3588 lake3041 of fire.4442 Rev 21:8 KJV+) But1161 the fearful,1169 and2532 unbelieving,571 and2532 abominable,948 and2532 murderers,5406 and2532 whoremongers,4205 and2532 sorcerers,5332 and2532 idolaters,1496 and2532 all3956 liars,5571 shall have their848 part3313 in1722 the3588 lake3041 which burneth2545 with fire4442 and2532 brimstone:2303 which is3603 the second1208 death.2288

Summary The ‘lake of fire’ is mentioned specifically in five verses of the Greek Scriptures. The lake of fire is typified as a place which burns with fire and brimstone. The fiery lake is a destination for the beast, the devil, the false prophet, those whose name is not written in the book of life and death and hell.

Scriptural Definition of Second Death: Rev 2:11 KJV+) He that hath2192 an ear,3775 let him hear191 what5101 the3588 Spirit4151 saith3004 unto the3588 churches;1577 He that overcometh3528 shall not3364 be hurt91 of1537 the3588 second1208 death.2288 Rev 20:6 KJV+) Blessed3107 and2532 holy40 is he that hath2192 part3313 in1722 the3588 first4413 resurrection:386 on1909 such5130 the3588 second1208 death2288 hath2192 no3756 power,1849 but235 they shall be2071 priests2409 of God2316 and2532 of Christ,5547 and2532 shall reign936 with3326 him846 a thousand5507 years.2094 Rev 20:14 KJV+) And2532 death2288 and2532 hell86 were cast906 into1519 the3588 lake3041 of fire.4442 This3778 is2076 the3588 second1208 death.2288 Rev 21:8 KJV+) But1161 the fearful,1169 and2532 unbelieving,571 and2532 abominable,948 and2532 murderers,5406 and2532 whoremongers,4205 and2532 sorcerers,5332 and2532 idolaters,1496 and2532 all3956 liars,5571 shall have their848 part3313 in1722 the3588 lake3041 which burneth2545 with fire4442 and2532 brimstone:2303 which is3603 the second1208 death.2288

Summary The Scripture plainly states that the lake of fire is the second death. One way to avoid the second death involves coming up in the first resurrection. Death and Hades are inevitably cast into the lake of fire along with those who are declared unrighteous.

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