Epistle 2008-09

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THE EPISTLE Volume 13 Issue 8

CONFESSING CHRIST Confessing Christ is an invitation to joyous theological conversation. Over the past decade this loosely organized movement in the United Church of Christ has sponsored numerous gatherings around the country to deal with issues of theological importance in the United Church of Christ and beyond. It sponsors an on going on line conversation about current topics in the life of the church. It publishes various papers and a list of Scripture readings and resources for daily prayer. I have been a member of this organization for a number of years and have just been honored by being asked to serve on the national steering committee. The convener of the Confessing Christ is Prof. Lee Barrett of Lancaster Theological Seminary. If you are interested in finding out more check out the Confessing Christ website at confessingchrist.org Thanks, John

Inside Highlights….. P.2-3 P.4 P. 8 P. 9 P. 10 P. 11-12 P. 13 P. 14

Pastoral Perspective Worship Schedule CCJR Adult Education Rummage Sale JYF/SYF Family News Calendar

SEPTEMBER 25, 2008

“Undie Sunday” Collection -October 19 The congregation is invited to participate in a collection of needed items for the children attending Rochester City School 33. Requested items include: new underwear in children’s sizes 4 – 14 and new or gently used hats, mittens, gloves and coats. We’ll be collecting these items in Fellowship Hall October 5 – 19 (“Undie Sunday”). Thank you for your participation!

SEAN MAY Our Christian sympathy is extended to Pat and Bill May and their family, on the death of their son, Sean May in Denver, CO on August 27, 2008. He is also survived by his wife, Corin, and his brother, Matthew. A service for Sean was in Denver on September 4, 2008. A memorial service was also held for him at our church on September 21, 2008

Pastoral Perspective Well here we are in the midst of the campaign season. In a little while we will go to the polls and elect the next President of the United States. All the pundits have said that this is an historical election no matter who the eventual winner is. We will have either the first African American President of the United States or the first woman Vice President of the United States. We will also have one of the younger Presidents or the oldest person ever to take the oath of office. These are difficult times. Our economy is not in good shape. There are foreign policy decisions to be made that may move us toward war or away from war. The crisis of health care continues to loom over the nation. At such a time, it seems to me, foolish, to waste valuable air time on campaign ads which add nothing to the discussion of the real issues. We are all caught up in pit bulls, pigs and lipstick. There is enough self-righteous rhetoric to go around for more than one cycle of elections. One of the concerns I continue to have is the role of faith in the election process. As many of you already know we are talking about this in our Sunday adult church school class, which we have entitled “Jesus for President”. This tongue in cheek title masks a serious conversation about faith and the political process. For a number of years if you said the word Christian and politics, what would come to mind would the “Religious Right” as represented at one time or another by such folks as James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell.Most of us know, though, that Christian faith is not limited to members of one or another political party and that both Republicans and Democrats share Christian faith and religious values. When people take on the role of “spokesman for the faith” and then make foolish statements it does no good for the reputation of the faith. One of the main issues in the discussion of faith and politics seems to be the issue of abortion. You are either for it or against it. The religious right makes it a litmus test topic. If you support “a woman’s right to choose” you must be defeated. On the other side, if you are “pro life” you must be defeated. This issue like so many others like it is much more complex. Gabe Fackre in commenting on the conversation at Saddleback Church hosted by Rick Warren in which Senators Obama and McCain participated had this to say: When discussing the issue of abortion, Roman Catholics should examine their own teaching tradition and acknowledge “the principal of double effect” which states that a fetus (continued on next page) 2

Pastoral Perspective (cont.) can be destroyed if a diseased organ that threatens the life of the mother can be reached only by such an action. Further, evangelicals who believe in Scripture’s inerrancy, or even its primacy, should acknowledge that there are only two specific references to abortion in the Bible, Exodus 21:22-23 and Hosea 9:14, neither of which support their position. On the other hand, how can those who believe in the Incarnation from conception forward not believe fetal life is signified accordingly? Hence the complexity of the issue that the polarized camps never admit, and why we need the wisdom of a Reinhold Niebuhr on the issue who could teach us of the need regularly to choose the lesser of two evils and therefore a concept of just abortion with the conditions stipulated as in the just war doctrine. My disappointment with the Saddleback occasion was the failure of all three in the conversation to deal with this question in this purported Christian forum at this level of theological seriousness. Is it too much to ask for a serious discussion of important issues and not waste our time with pit bulls, pigs and lipstick? I certainly hope so. Your Pastor,

John TAIZE SERVICES RESUME ON OCTOBER 12 A number of folks have found spiritual refreshment in the service of Taize. This opportunity for prayer, meditation and chant like music helps us to center our lives spiritually and open our souls to God’s presence and power. Once more we will seek to offer this service once a month. Sometimes we will gather in the sanctuary and sometimes in the Snow Room. A musician sets the tone and the rest is up to us and the Spirit. We trust that this time of prayer will be an opportunity for you to “come home”. The Taize services will be held on the following Sundays at 5:00 PM. October 12 in the Snow Room November 9 in the Snow Room December 17 January 11 February 8 March 8 May 8 3

Worship Schedule OCTOBER 5:

World Communion Sunday, The Eucharist New Member Sunday

Today’s Theme: The one table of Christ Isaiah 49:18-23 Revelation 3:17-22 John 10:11-18

OCTOBER 12: Today’s Theme: Banquets of one kind or another Isaiah 25:1-9 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14


“Undie Sunday” mission project

Today’s Theme: Jesus, Caesar, McCain and Obama Isaiah 45:1-7 I Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22


Reformation Sunday

Today’s Theme: The heart of our faith Jeremiah 31:31-34 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36



NEW MEMBERS RECEIVED OCTOBER 5 On October 5, World Communion Sunday, new members will be received during the worship service. If you are interested in joining in the blessings of church membership and would like to make it “official” please speak to Pastor Cedarleaf as soon as possible, so that you can be part of that incoming class.

In the exhortation in the service for Holy Communion in the Book of Worship of the Evangelical and Reformed Church it says: “The celebration of the Lord’s Supper has ever been regarded by the church as the innermost sanctuary of the whole Christian worship. We have to do here not with signs merely, but with the realities that these signs represent.”

REQUEST FROM DEACONS The Board of Deacons wants to obtain addresses for college students from our church. We would like to send cards to them on their birthdays and other special occasions. Please give addresses to Cathy Kinton in the church office.

Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper of the Eucharist is one of two Sacraments of the Christian Church. We celebrate it once a month, normally on the first Sunday of the month and at other times such as Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday etc. There is now, among many mainline churches, a movement toward more frequent celebration of Holy Communion. The Board of Elders is looking into the possibility of increasing our frequency, perhaps even to a once weekly celebration. This is now merely in the discussion stage. Any implementation is a ways down the road and certainly would not take place before a discussion involving the congregation. This is to let you know what is happening and a request for your well thought out input to the Board of Elders.


REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Martha Bowman, St. John’s Home Barbara Cobb, Fairport Baptist Home Geraldine Stearns, Perinton Manor 5

First Church is sponsoring a winery tour and tasting fundraiser/silent auction at Casa Larga Vineyards on Sunday, September 28 from 2:30pm to 4:30pm. Join us for a great afternoon where we'll see the winery "in action" during the grape harvest and sample some of the Finger Lakes finest wines. Silent auction items include music/entertainment devices and vacation get-aways. Casa Larga is located at 2287 Turk Hill Road in Fairport. Tickets are $25/person or $45/couple. Tickets will be available for purchase in Fellowship Hall following the church service for the next four weeks. For any questions please see Tim Tindall, Dave Jones or Roger James.

NEIGHBORS IN NEED OFFERING Each fall the “Neighbors in Need” all church is offering is received. This United Church of Christ offering funds various advocacy projects which apply for grants. Over the years, any numbers of organizations have received funds through the Neighbors in Need offering. This past year one of our members wrote a letter calling into question some of the projects that have been funded in the past and suggested that there might be better uses for this offering. A discussion was held at the September meeting of the Board of Missions and Outreach and the decision was made not to receive this offering in October. This decision does not mean that we will never again take the NIN offering, but only that we will not this year. During the next year the Board of Missions and hopefully other church members will have an opportunity to further study this offering, particularly the difference between “charity” and “advocacy” and the roles of each in the life of the church. There are many members who will still want to donate to Neighbors in Need and this can be done by simply making out a check to First Congregational United Church of Christ and mark “NIN” in the memo portion.

Celebrating the Rummage Sale with a Pot Luck A pot luck supper is set for Sunday, October 26, 2008 at 6:00 PM. Signup sheets are on the rolling bulletin board in Fellowship Hall . Plan to bring a dish to pass and your own place settings. Beverages will be provided. The purpose of the dinner will be to celebrate the conclusion of the Rummage and Better Sale as a fund-raiser for the church. You don't have to work on the Rummage Sale to be invited to the pot luck, but we surely do hope that you will find some time in your busy schedule the week of October 19th to fill one of the many time slots needed to make the sale a success!

EVENING CIRCLE The Evening Circle will meet on Monday October 13th at 7:00PM in the Snow Room. Jennifer Turner from Preferred Care will present a program "Life is a Ball --- Humor and Health" We invite all to join us. If you have any questions, call Judy Baxter or Beverly Gray

ATTENTION!! Monica Viljoen and Deirdre Eaton graciously presented materials and a lecture to the Women’s Circles of our church. They were kind enough to loan out their books and magazines to some of the attendees. Unfortunately these materials have not been returned to them. If you have one of thir books or magazines about South Africa, please return it to them or Muriel Gabbey as soon as possible. Thank you! 6

THANK YOU!! I want to thank the Hoovers, and everyone in our congregation for the many school supplies, backpacks and your ongoing support on behalf of the children at School 33. I gave one of the donated backpacks today to a student in our health center who had been seriously burned at age 5. As we return to school, we have all been re-connecting with students. When I called his teacher to tell her I was sending a note home about the visit, she found out that he didn't have a backpack to put the note in. Fortunately I had one of the backpacks that was given to me this past Sunday at our church picnic. People do make a difference. Thanks to all of you. Rebecca Ledwin

Fairport Community Vacation Bible School is proud to announce the end of a highly successful week! We were pleased to work with children from all across Fairport and from the Community Lutheran Ministries Program. The week of fun was wrapped up with a wonderful concert Friday evening, put on by all of the children, and well attended by all, including our friends from the city! A special thank you to all of the FCVBS volunteers who made this week possible: Eileen Adams, Janie Agar, Carolyn Arbuckle, Amy Baumbach, Emily Baumbach, Cathy Becker, Daniel Becker, Sue Bersani, Cyndi Besig, Ed Bonner, MaryAnn Bonner, Robert Bonner, Alec Dulan, Dave Dunn, Mary Evans, Jessica Gerber, Chris Grimm, Mindy Farina, Amy Hamill, Adam, Helak, Dana Hogg, Chris Kathan, Melissa Kathan, Aynsley Kendall, Maggie Kody, Katie Lowry, Nick Lowry, Cecelia Marini, Janie Marini, Nick Marini, Chris Marini, Greg Moore, Heather Moore, Michelle Moore, Eric Phillips, Susan Porteous, Amanda Rzadca, Erica Schmitz, Alexandra Sherry, Vicki Sherry, Brianna Sherry, Mike Storonsky, Linda St. Phillips, Kate Thon, Dawson Toth, Kelly Weidman, Seth Weidman, Barb Young, Colleen Young If you would be interested in working with the FCVBS leadership team by publicizing FCVBS at your church next spring, please email Heather Moore at [email protected]!


Commission on Christian Jewish Relations (CCJR) The Commission on Christian Jewish Relations (CCJR), a project of the Jewish Community Federation and the Greater Rochester Community of Churches, is pleased to invite you to share in this, our thirteenth year, of interfaith bible study and community conversation. All programs take place at the Jewish Community Federation 441 East Avenue. 12 noon-1 PM From Expulsion and Sacrifice to Fidelity and Wisdom . Women Comment on Women of the Bible Community voices speak to these stories with new vision and insight Wednesday September 10 “Eve: Expulsion from Eden“ Rebecca Gutterman Rabbi, Temple B'rith Kodesh Patricia Schoelles President, St. Bernard's School of Theology Introduced by, Fr. Joe Brennan Wednesday November 12 “Sarah: Missing at the Binding of her son”

Wednesday December 10 “Rebecca : A Model for Betrothal, Birth, and Blessing?” Jan Katz Director, Jewish Education Services, Jewish Community Federation Susan Nowak Chair, Religious Studies Department Nazareth College Introduced by, Rev. John Cedarleaf Wednesday January 14 “Ruth and Naomi: Women at t he Crossroads” Eleanor Lewin Jewish Educator Gloria Ultarino Preacher, Storyteller, Workshop leader. Author of 2 books on Women in Scripture Introduced by, Joe Kelly Wednesday March 11* “Esther: A Jew in the Persian court“ Nora Rubel ,Professor of Religious Studies University of Rochester Anne Merideth Professor of Religious Studies University of Rochester, Nazareth College Introduced by, Rabbi Matt Field

Debbi Till Rabbi. Director Florence Melton Adult Mini-School

Wednesday May 13 “Sophia: Woman Wisdom“

Deborah Grohman Chair, CCJR / 2008-09 Interim Pastor, St John's Lutheran Church

Amy Sapowith, Rabbi Temple B'rith Kodesh

Introduced by, Rabbi Alan Katz

Denise Yarborough Interreligious Ecumenical Officer Episcopal Diocese of Rochester

*Hammentaschen and coffee will be served 8 For More information call: Isobel Goldman, Director, Rochester Jewish Coalition for Literacy Jewish Community Federation of Greater Rochester 441 East Avenue Rochester, New York 14607 585 461 0490 fax 585 461 0912

Sun., Sept. 28, Oct. 5, & 12 –

JESUS FOR PRESIDENT Is the UCC another political entity committed to a left wing social agenda?

What does Jesus have to say about some of the “hot button” issues which confront Christians today – particularly as we move toward an important Presidential election? Do religion and politics mix? Let’s discuss what might be the rightful role of faith in politics during adult education classes on Sunday morning. Join us!

Is it true that you can believe anything and still be a member of the UCC?

Come Learn the Truth About the UCC!!!

Sun., Oct. 19 – All About School 33

WHEN: Wednesdays, Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 8 and 15 TIME: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

For a number of years, our congregation has been collecting needed items and sending in volunteers to support Rochester City School 33. Come learn about this school, the demographics of the students who attend, and the challenges they face.

WHERE: Snow Room SIGN UP FOR THIS CLASS IN FELLOWSHIP HALL OR BY CALLING THE CHURCH OFFICE (223-0224). (For more information on this class, see related article in this newsletter.)

Sun., Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 9, & 16 Worshiping God With Music: Church Music Through the Ages

Mid-Week Daytime Class!

For centuries, Christians have used music to worship our Almighty God. Learn how this tradition evolved in this 4-week class. On Oct. 26, we’ll explore “The Classical World: Lifting Our Spirits to the Heavens.” On Nov. 2, the focus will be on “ The Hymn: The People Participate.” “The Folk Tradition: Music of the Heart “ will be studied on Nov. 9. We’ll conclude with a look at “Modern Church Music: Entertainment or Worship?”

Higher Ground – Steps Toward Christian Maturity Come join our study and discussion group as we explore ways to reach new heights of spiritual growth. We’ll discover what the Bible says as we ask questions and search for answers using an easy-to-read study guide. Classes are held Wednesdays from 11 a.m. – noon in the Snow Room. Join us. Dropins welcome!

These classes will be held during Christian Education time following the worship service. Classes take place in the Snow Room.



RUMMAGE SALE SCHEDULE Sunday, October 19th - set-up for sale. Lots of help needed. Snacks provided.

10. You get a chance to clean out unused stuff from your attic, basement and closets

Monday, October 20th - unpacking and

9. You can continue a 50+ year tradition at First Congregational

sorting of items - 9AM to 2PM and 6PM to 8PM - no experience necessary - no age requirement.

Tuesday, October 21st - more sorting, marking, pricing - 9AM to 2PM and 6PM to 8PM Pay for "reserved items"

8. You can contribute to the greater good of our church. 7. Your donations are tax deductible. 6. You can get a real bargain. 5. Your neighbors can get a good deal. 4. Less advantaged folks can get items and clothing they need at a low cost.

Wednesday, October 22nd - finish pricing 9AM to 2PM. Final payment for "reserved items"

3. While working on the Rummage Sale you share fellowship with other members of the church.

Thursday, October 23rd - 1st day of the sale! Noon to 7PM. Need cashiers and floaters especially in the first two hours

2. You can contribute to the greater good of our community 1. By fully participating you get to feel good about yourself and the works you do for the church.

Friday, October 24th - 2nd day of the sale 10AM to 7PM

Donations are piling up and the sign-up sheets are filling up. So check your closets and your calendars and see how you can contribute your time and treasure to the hugely successful fundraising event. Questions? Call Muriel Gabbey or Toni Thompson.

Saturday, October 25th - last day of sale 9AM to Noon - Major clean-up afterwards!

COLLECTION OF EMAIL ADDRESSES We have many people’s email addresses, but many we don’t. Since we are starting the monthly email system to notify members that the Epistle is now on-line, we would appreciate it if all members who have email submit their addresses. We will not sell or give away email addresses to any other organizations. Furthermore, we have excellent security software system, so the addresses are secure. When you do submit an email address, please advise us if you want it included in the directory. The directory is published and available for pick up in Fellowship Hall by other church members. For submission of email addresses, [email protected] , or to Cathy Kinton in the church office. For questions on the security system, contact Jim Franzen, [email protected] 10


“Surviving Adolescence” Class Offered For Parents Strategies for parenting your teen, and understanding the special challenges and issues of adolescents will be offered in a 4-part class held at Minerva Deland School in Fairport. The class will meet in the school library on Oct. 2, 9, 16 & 23 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. It is taught by Minerva Deland Principal Patrick Moriarty and Fairport Asset Coordinator Debra Tandoi. To register, call the Staff Development Office at 421-2052.

JYF Halloween Party Set For Friday, October 24 Calling all 6th – 8th graders! Ready for some ghoulish fun??? Come to our annual Halloween party in Upper Fellowship Hall from 7 – 9:30 p.m. on October 24. Be sure to wear your Halloween costume! Friends are welcome. Sign up on the JYF bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.

“Romance Without Regret” Teen Speaker Scheduled for Sept. 28 Junior High, Senior High students and/or parents are invited to attend this seminar at St. John of Rochester Catholic Church on Sunday, Sept. 28. We’ll meet at St. John of Rochester at 7:30 (so we can sit together!) and the seminar begins at 7:45 p.m. The seminar features national speaker and author, Jason Evert. Evert is a staff apologist with the non-profit organization Catholic Answers. This 31-year old is the author of many books, including Pure Love, which challenges young people to embrace the virtue of chastity. Jason and his wife, Crystalina, are on the Board of Advisors for the National Abstinence Clearinghouse, and are frequent guests on radio programs throughout the country. Their television appearances include Donahue, Fox News, BBC, WGN, and EWTN.

Mission Trip ’09: Hurricane, West Virginia On July 19 – 25, our youth will be heading to Hurricane, West Virginia for their annual mission trip – a time to join with hundreds of other youth to refurbish homes for the less fortunate. All youth who will be entering 7th – 12th grade next fall are eligible to attend. To secure your spot, send a $50 deposit to the church. (Make check payable to: First Congregational UCC. Write “mission trip deposit” in memo area.) Watch the youth group bulletin board for more information. 11

(JYF/SYF continued on next page)

Girls & Moms! Annual Girls Retreat Will Be Oct. 3-4 Ready to recharge? Come to our annual Girls Retreat is scheduled for Oct. 3 – 4 at Watson Homestead in Painted Post, New York. This awesome event is for all girls in 6th – 12th grades and their moms, stepmoms, grandmas… (Please note that if moms/stepmoms/grandmas…can’t attend, SEND YOUR GIRLS! It won’t be the same without them!) We will leave from the church at 5 p.m. on Friday and return at approximately 9 p.m. on Saturday. There will also be a late car going down on Friday to bring any girls who have sports and other Friday afternoon commitments. The cost is $60 per person, which includes snacks and all Saturday meals. We’ll explore the topic of “friendship” and learn what the Bible has to say about it, all while enjoying nearly 600 unspoiled acres of God’s beautiful creation. Think campfires and hayrides, nature walks and roasting marshmallows. We’ll also have the opportunity to have fun in Watson Homestead’s Olympic-size, heated, indoor swimming pool. To register, contact Karen Hamill or Kelly Weidman at 223-0224.

Lost Boys of Sudan Speaker – October 29 “They say I am a Lost Boy, but God has found me.” Join us on October 29 as we listen to John Dau tell of his survival of a 14-year journey from his home village in Duk County, Sudan in 1987 to his arrival in Syracuse, New York in 2001.

SYF to Tackle the Amazing Maize Maze” on October 24 Our senior high students will be heading to Long Acre Farm on Oct. 24 to try their luck in the maize maze. We’ll meet at the church at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $10. Sign up in Fellowship Hall!

Junior High Class Continues Study of the Ten Commandments During October, our Junior High class will continue their 10 week study on the ten commandments too. Through catchy “rap” music, powerful Power Point presentations, prayer and discussion, our students will begin to see how timeless and relevant these commandments really are. 12

When John was 13, the northern troops attacked his village. He fled into the night, without food or clothes. He and thousands of other boys began their 1,000 mile walk across Sudan. These boys became known as the Lost Boys. John has used the unimaginable suffering as an inspiration to help his people. Today, he is the founder and president of the John Dau Sudan Foundation, which aims to transform healthcare in Southern Sudan. We will meet at the church at 6:15 p.m. and car pool to the Irondequoit United Church of Christ, 644 Titus Ave., Rochester, NY, 14617. Sign up in Fellowship Hall.

Children’s Chapel Students To Join Congregation On World Communion Sunday – October 5 Every Sunday during September, our students in Children’s Chapel have been learning about the sacrament of Holy Communion. On October 5, Kelly Weidman will bring the Children’s Chapel students back into the sanctuary to join the rest of the congregation in celebrating World Communion Sunday. The children are also making a special tablecloth to put on the communion table on this special day.

Family Movie Night – Rescheduled For November 7

“Undie Sunday” – October 19

Attention families of preschoolers and elementary school children! Our first Family Movie Night has been rescheduled from Oct. 10 to Friday, November 7 from 7 – 9 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. We’ll be showing a recently released Grated movie on the “big screen!” This is a great way to get acquainted with other families, while enjoying a good show and yummy treats. Watch for the sign up sheet on the “Elementary Kid News” bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.

Preschoolers & Elementary Students Will Focus on Loving & Helping Our Neighbors On Sunday, October 19, our children are encouraged to bring in underwear & outerwear in sizes appropriate for elementary school children, as part of our Undie Sunday mission project. These items will be donated to the elementary school children at Rochester City School 33. During Christian education classes on October 19, we’ll talk about the needs of our brothers and sisters who live in the city, and we’ll discuss that while helping others may not be the easiest thing to do, it’s always the right thing to do! Please send in new underwear in children’s sizes 4 – 14 and/or new or gently used hats, mittens, gloves and coats. Thanks for your support.

Senior High Learn Through Music in Unique Bible Study The Senior High class is studying the Bible with insights from popular musical artists such as Stellar Kart and Barlow Girl, who address relevant issues through their music. The songs provide the framework for discussions on such topics as self esteem, peer pressure, friends and family dynamics. 13

The Epistle is printed once a month By the First Congregational United Church of Christ, 26 East Church St., Fairport, New York 14450 Office Phone: 585-223-0224 Fax: 585- 223-4264 Pastor’s Phone 585-223-8172 E-mail: [email protected] Webpage: fairportucc.org Office Hours: M-F 9:00-3:30 Church Service 9:30AM Sunday School: 10:50AM Pastor: Rev. Dr. John Cedarleaf Christian Ed. & Family Ministries: Kelly Weidman & Karen Hamill Admin. Asst: Cathy Kinton Church Moderator: Hank Ralston Organist: Beatrice Benedict Choir Director: James C. Jefferis Business Administrator: Sue Brooks Epistle Editor: Bill Lindsay Wedding Coordinator: Sue Bickel


First Congregational United Church of Christ 26 East Church Street Fairport NY 14450



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