Epidemiology Of Drug Allergy

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Epidemiology of Drug Allergy REBECCA SAFF, MD, PHD


• Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) represent an important health concern, particularly with unpredictable hypersensitivity reactions, but accurate data on the prevalence of DHRs have been difficult to obtain, because of the difficulty in classifying the type of reaction and the underlying mechanism. • Cutaneous reactions are common, occurring in 2–10 per 1000 patients, and are frequently caused by antibiotics. • Severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs) are uncommon but can result in significant morbidity and mortality. Anaphylaxis due to medications, particularly antibiotics, is more common in adults than in children and is associated with more severe reactions, including fatal anaphylaxis.

Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are defined by the World Health Organization as any noxious, unintended, and undesired effect of a drug that occurs at doses used for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.1 These are estimated to account for 3%–6% of all hospital admissions and to occur in 10%–15% of hospitalized patients.2 In a national ambulatory care survey, 0.31% of visits were because of adverse effects of medications, representing an estimated 2.73 million visits annually.3 Cutaneous reactions to drugs are among the most common clinical manifestations of adverse drug events and had an annual incidence of 2.26 per 1000 persons, with increasing incidence in older adults.4 The actual incidence is likely even greater, as physicians often either do not recognize ADRs or attribute the symptoms to an underlying disease state. Although some ADRs present as minor symptoms, many are serious and can lead to death in about 0.2%–0.4% of hospitalized patients.5 In addition, the cost of managing ADRs can be high, whether they occur in the inpatient or outpatient setting. ADRs were originally classified into two types. Type A ADRs are predictable and dose dependent, and they comprise approximately 80% of reactions. Type A ADRs include drug-induced toxicity, pharmacologic side effects, and drug interactions, such as orthostatic hypotension with antihypertensive medications or bleeding with warfarin. Type B ADRs are unpredictable, dose independent, and unrelated to the drug’s known pharmacology. Type B ADRs make up 10%–15% of reactions and include drug intolerance (an undesired drug effect produced by the drug at therapeutic or subtherapeutic doses), idiosyncratic reactions (uncharacteristic reactions that are not explainable in terms of the known pharmacologic effects of the

drug), and hypersensitivity reactions, which include both immunologically and nonimmunologically mediated events.6,7 Other types have now been added, including chronic reactions related to both dose and time (Type C), delayed reactions (Type D), effects due to withdrawal of medication (Type E), and, most recently, the unexpected failure of therapy (Type F). The World Allergy Organization defines the term hypersensitivity as objectively reproducible signs or symptoms initiated by exposure to a defined stimulus at a dose tolerated by normal persons and drug allergy as a drug hypersensitivity reaction (DHR) with a demonstrated immunologic mechanism.8 Therefore, DHRs would include immune-mediated or allergic reactions as well as nonimmune-mediated reactions, although these terms are often used interchangeably in the literature (Table 1.1). The 2010 Drug Allergy Practice Parameters defines drug allergy as “an immunologically mediated response to a pharmaceutical and/or formulation (excipient) agent in a sensitized person.” Drug allergy may be further classified by the Gell-Coombs classification as follows: IgE mediated (type I), cytotoxic (type II), immune complex (type III), and cellular mediated (type IV).9 Although Gell-Coombs classification is helpful, it does not account for many common clinical manifestations. The classification of drug allergies is limited by our understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Immune-mediated reactions include IgE-mediated events, such as anaphylaxis, and T cell–mediated events, including severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs). DHRs can also include reactions that have an immunologic basis but do not require sensitization, such as direct mast cell activation by 1


Drug Allergy Testing TABLE 1.1

Classification of Adverse Drug Reactions Adverse drug reactions

Type A (predictable)

Drug-induced toxicity Pharmacologic side effects Secondary side effects Drug interactions

Type B (unpredictable)

Drug intolerance Idiosyncratic Drug hypersensitivity reactions

Immunologic • IgE mediated • T cell mediated Non-immunologic • Direct mast cell activation

intravenous contrast or vancomycin. Distinguishing immune-mediated from nonimmune-mediated reactions can be difficult, as the clinical findings (such as urticaria from a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug [NSAID]) can be similar and have multiple possible underlying mechanisms. Given the difficulty of defining the type of reaction and the underlying mechanism, it has been hard to determine the prevalence of DHR. Most studies are performed retrospectively, and the reactions are based primarily on clinical characteristics such as the symptoms and temporal relationship between drug use and disease onset. There are very few studies that confirm diagnosis of DHRs with in vivo or in vitro tests, and these are often done in small referral populations.

DRUG HYPERSENSITIVITY REACTIONS There are a number of studies that have attempted to determine the rate of overall drug hypersensitivity events in specific clinical settings using skin manifestations as a marker of reaction. One of the first major studies that attempted to evaluate the prevalence of drug allergy in a prospective population was the Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program. This was a prospective inpatient study initially reported in JAMA in 1976 which included 565 drug-attributed skin reactions that occurred among 22,227 monitored patients.10 Allergic skin reactions occurred in slightly over 2% of hospitalized medical patients, and the primary cause was β-lactam antibiotics (52 of 1000 patients receiving ampicillin and 16 of 1000 patients receiving penicillin G). Because the average patient received about eight drugs, the rate of reactions per course of drug therapy was approximately 3 in 1000 courses. A follow-up study of the same population reported in 1986 confirmed the

reaction rate of 2.2% of patients, with the primary cause being β-lactam antibiotics.11 Other prospective studies found rates of approximately 3 reactions per 1000 hospitalizations in inpatients, although these were limited to cutaneous reactions.12–18 The most common cause of a cutaneous reaction in these studies was antibiotics, particularly β-lactam antibiotics, which were the implicated drug in 20% of reactions. A 2003 study, in France, of patients with cutaneous allergic reactions verified by a dermatologist determined a prevalence of 3.6 per 1000 hospitalized patients.18 Although the reactions were primarily exanthematous, they were responsible for hospitalization in 18% of the reacting patients and increased the duration of hospitalization in 14%. A 2006 prospective study in Mexico showed a prevalence of 7 per 1000 hospitalized patients, most frequently morbilliform rash, although 13% of the patients with reactions were identified as having a severe drug reaction.19 An incidence of 2.2 per 1000 was found in a prospective study of Chinese patients, with morbilliform exanthema seen in 40% of patients.20 In all these studies, antibiotics were the most common cause. Overall, the literature seems to suggest the incidence of cutaneous ADR ranges from 2 to 10 per 1000 patients, although only a small percentage of these are severe. DHRs in the ambulatory setting are not as well studied as reactions that occur in the inpatient setting. In a review of ambulatory-based studies of adverse drug events, the overall rate of ADRs in the ambulatory setting was 15 per 1000 person-months, and skin symptoms, such as rash, itching, or edema, which can be associated with hypersensitivity reactions, were seen in 6.8% of the ADRs.21 Using the National Ambulatory Care Survey (1995–2000) and National Hospital Ambulatory Care Survey (1995–2000), a rate of more than 100,000 outpatient visits annually for severe cutaneous reactions and

CHAPTER 1  Epidemiology of Drug Allergy about 2 million visits for likely drug-related immediate hypersensitivity reactions was found.22 From these data, it was estimated that there are more than 500,000 outpatient visits for drug eruptions and drug allergies annually. Given the difficulty of identifying true cases of DHRs in a population, a number of methods have been used to try to determine the true incidence. An electronic inpatient drug allergy reporting system was used to identify reactions in a general hospital in Singapore, which were then verified by an allergist.17 Using this method, the incidence of drug allergy was 4.2 per 1000 hospitalizations. The rate of new DHRs during the course of inpatient treatment was 2.07 per 1000 hospitalizations with a mortality of 0.09 per 1000. Antimicrobials and antiepileptic drugs comprised 75% of the drug allergies reported. Cutaneous eruptions were the most common clinical presentation (95.7%), with maculopapular rash being the most common, and systemic manifestations occurred in 30%. However, underreporting was a problem and this likely underestimates the true incidence of DHRs. In Korea, a mandatory reporting system was used to identify DHRs, which were verified by allergists.23 The incidence of DHRs was 1.8 per 1000 hospitalizations, with 70% cutaneous symptoms and 30% with systemic symptoms. Billing codes have also been used to try to determine the rate of DHRs in large populations. Billing codes rely on heterogeneous coding of physicians and staff and can therefore miss potential reactions but could provide population data, allowing for a better understanding of the true burden of disease. Using billing codes validated by a chart review to identify allergic drug reactions, the estimated frequency of allergic drug reactions was found to increase from 0.49% of emergency department (ED) visits in 2001 to 0.94% in 2012.24 Most reactions were attributed to antibiotics (42%), intravenous contrast (7%), and NSAIDs (6%). Validated codes could allow for better determination of incidence of DHRs using large datasets. 

SEVERE CUTANEOUS ADVERSE REACTIONS Severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs) are delayed in onset and are mediated by CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes. These include Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome or drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DIHS/DRESS), and acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP). These reactions are rare but have severe morbidity and high mortality rates. The estimated morality rate is 10% for SJS, 30% for SJS/TEN, and almost 50% for TEN, and drugs are known to be the most common


cause of reactions.25,26 As these reactions are primarily diagnosed clinically, true estimates are difficult to obtain. Because of the rarity of these reactions, with an incidence of 1.4–6 per million person-years, most data come from large retrospective studies.2 Both SJS and TEN are characterized by large areas of necrotic epidermal detachment and mucosal erosions and differ only in the amount of body surface areas involved; they are considered a spectrum of the same disorder. Large registries have found that the time to onset is typically within 4 weeks, although this varies depending on the culprit drug.27,28 Antibiotics and antiepileptic medications are the most common culprits. In a large retrospective study of a European registry (EuroSCAR), the use of antibacterial sulfonamides, anticonvulsant agents, oxicam NSAIDs, allopurinol, chlormezanone, and corticosteroids were associated with increased risk of SJS/TEN.29 In 2008, a follow-up study in this cohort not only confirmed increased risk of SJS/TEN with antiinfective sulfonamides, allopurinol, carbamazapine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, and oxicam-NSAIDs but also reported increased risk associated with nevirapine and lamotrigine.28 In Japan, drugs were associated with 69% of cases of SJS and all cases of TEN, and the most common culprits were anticonvulsants, antibiotics, and NSAIDs.30 A recent report of the prevalence of SJS/TEN caused by medications in a large academic medical center in the United States found a rate of 375 patients per million, and antibiotics, particularly penicillins, cephalosporins, and sulfonamides, as well as macrolides and quinolones, were the most common culprits, followed by antiepileptics (particularly lamotrigine, phenytoin, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital) and NSAIDs.31 DIHS/DRESS is a rare, severe, and potentially fatal cutaneous ADR characterized by generalized maculopapular eruptions or erythroderma, high fever, lymphadenopathy, eosinophilia, atypical lymphocytes, and organ involvement. It is reported to occur in 1 in 1000 to 10,000 exposures, and its mortality is approximately 10%.32,33 Aromatic antiepileptic drugs were the first described culprit medications, but many other drugs have been reported to be associated, including allopurinol, sulfonamides, dapsone, and minocycline.34 The estimated risk at first or second prescription of an aromatic antiepileptic drug is 1–4.5 in 10,000.35 In an Indian cohort, the most common culprits were aromatic anticonvulsants, lamotrigine, minocycline, salazopyrine, and dapsone.36 In a large European case series, antiepileptic drugs were involved in 35%, allopurinol in 18%, antimicrobial sulfonamides and dapsone in 12%, and other antibiotics in 11%.37 Glycopeptides have been shown to be a common culprit in some cohorts, particularly vancomycin.38,39


Drug Allergy Testing

AGEP is an acute drug reaction characterized by the development of numerous small, nonfollicular, sterile pustules accompanied by leukocytosis and fever. It has been associated with aminopenicillins, pristinamycin, quinolones, hydroxychloroquine, sulfonamide antibiotics, terbinafine, and diltiazem.40 AGEP is rare, with an incidence of one to five patients per million per year.41 The EuroSCAR study found a mean age of 56 years and a male:female ratio of 0.8:1.40 The predominance in women was also seen in case series from Asia.42 

ANAPHYLAXIS Anaphylaxis is a rapid, life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction, typically representing an IgE-mediated reaction. The incidence of anaphylaxis has been increasing over time, and is estimated to be 50–100 cases per 100,000 person-years.43 Anaphylaxis is most commonly caused by foods in pediatric populations, but drugs are a significant trigger in older populations. In retrospective reviews of patients treated in the emergency room for anaphylaxis, drugs were the cause of anaphylaxis in 36% of cases in Italy, 28% in Australia, and 46% in Belgium.44–46 In contrast, drugs were found as a cause in 5% of pediatric cases of anaphylaxis seen in the emergency room in studies in Australia.47,48 The European Anaphylaxis Registry also found that only 5% of reactions were caused by medications in children, and these were predominantly in adolescents, with antibiotics and analgesics being the most common culprits.49 A study using data from ED visits in Florida used a combination of billing codes to identify patients with drug-related anaphylaxis, finding that adults had twice as much relative risk as children.50 A study in children seen in the ED for drug-related anaphylaxis, using a combination of drug-specific billing codes and billing codes for anaphylaxis, symptoms of anaphylaxis, or shock, found a medication-induced anaphylaxis rate of 1.6 per 100,000 among children.51 In a retrospective review of acute anaphylaxis in adults resulting in admission, drugs, particularly antibiotics and NSAIDs, were the most common cause.52 Patients with drug-induced anaphylaxis were older and more often had cardiovascular symptoms. Drugs were identified as the cause of anaphylaxis in 50% of cases in a retrospective review in Thailand, with 37% of cases occurring during hospitalization.53 In a study of anaphylaxis occurring during admission in China, 89.8% of cases were triggered by medications, specifically antibiotics in 29.6%, radiocontrast media in 16.7%, and chemotherapy in 11.1%.54 Antibiotics are most commonly implicated in anaphylaxis, particularly β-lactam antibiotics. IgE-mediated reactions occur in 0.04%–0.015% of penicillin-treated subjects, and anaphylaxis occurs in approximately

0.001%.55 NSAIDs and radiocontrast media are also important causes of anaphylaxis, although these are predominantly non-IgE mediated. NSAIDs (25.5%) and antibiotics (23.5%) were the most common cause of drug-induced anaphylaxis in a study in an emergency room in Hong Kong.56 Drugs are an important cause of anaphylaxis in the perioperative period, and the incidence of hypersensitivity reactions during anesthesia is approximately 1 in 5000, although this varies by country.2 The most common culprits identified are antibiotics and neuromuscular blocking agents, with striking differences between countries.57–59 In France, the most common causes of anaphylaxis have consistently been neuromuscular blocking agents, latex, and antibiotics.60,61 In the United States, antibiotics are the more common culprit, particularly cefazolin.57,62 Death from anaphylaxis is a rare event and occurs in only 0.12 to 1.06 deaths per million person-years, although medications have been associated with more severe reactions and have been found as one of the most common causes of fatal anaphylaxis.63,64 In a study of anaphylaxis-related deaths in the US National Mortality Database using billing codes to identify patients, 58.8% of the 2458 anaphylaxis-related deaths were due to medications, and there was a significant increase over the 12 year study period, with antibiotics accounting for 40% of the cases in which a drug was specified.65 

PEDIATRIC DRUG ALLERGY Although the reported incidence of ADRs is lower in the pediatric populations as compared with adults, they remain an important consideration. The overall incidence of ADRs was 10.9% in hospitalized children and 1.0% in outpatient children with a rate of hospital admission due to ADRs of 1.8%.66 A review of ADRs in a children’s hospital found that 0.4%–10.3% of all pediatric hospital admissions were ADR-related (2.9% overall incidence) and that 0.6%–16.8% of all children exposed to a drug during hospital stay experienced an ADR.67 Antibiotics and antiepileptics were the most frequently reported therapeutic class associated with ADRs in the inpatient setting, and antibiotics and NSAIDS were frequently reported as associated with ADRs in the outpatient setting.67 These studies did not further characterize ADRs into allergic and nonallergic. A 10-year retrospective review of ADRs at a pediatric hospital categorized ADRs into pharmacologic or allergic/idiosyncratic.68 The overall incidence was 1.6%, and 51% were allergic/idiosyncratic. Similar to adults, antibiotics (33%) were the most common drug class associated with ADRs, followed by narcotic analgesics (12%) and anticonvulsants (11%).

CHAPTER 1  Epidemiology of Drug Allergy Patients who experienced ADRs before hospital admission, or who reacted to medications during surgery, were more likely to experience severe reactions. Of these severe reactions, 40% were from chemotherapeutic agents and 24% were hypersensitivity reactions to anticonvulsants and resulted in serious or fatal ADRs. 

LIMITATIONS IN DIAGNOSIS Reported DHRs are common in the medical record and are often overdiagnosed because of false association of symptoms with medications, improper documentation, and incorrect classification. However, reactions may also be underreported and underdiagnosis can lead to serious adverse consequences. A predictive model for diagnosis of ADRs based on variables in the clinical history estimated true ADRs to occur in 20% of patients with reported allergies and ruled out possible allergic reactions in 52%, although mathematical modeling has limitations.69 A study of over 1300 immediate DHRs in France in which the authors confirmed the reaction with skin testing and drug provocation tests found that only 17.6% of patients were positive for immediate hypersensitivity reactions.70 The drugs responsible were β-lactams (30.3%), aspirin (14.5%), other NSAIDs (11.7%), paracetamol (8.9%), macrolides (7.4%), and quinolones (2.4%). A Spanish study of almost 5000 DHRs, were carefully reviewed and the mechanism determined using in vivo and in vitro testing, confirmed allergic cause in one-third of cases.71 Before evaluation, based on clinical history, 37% of episodes were attributed to NSAIDS, 29.4% to β-lactams, 15% to non-β-lactam antibiotics, and 18.4% to other drugs. Following evaluation, over 37.4% were found to have an allergic cause with hypersensitivity to multiple NSAIDs and β-lactams predominating. Antibiotics represent the most common cause of DHRs, with penicillin as the most common antibiotic causing allergy and reported in about 8% of individuals using healthcare in the United States.72 However, after formal evaluation, greater than 90% of patients can tolerate penicillins.73,74 There are many causes for this discrepancy, including misclassification of the original reaction as well as the known loss of sensitivity over time. Strategies to evaluate reported penicillin allergy are being evaluated, and there is evidence to show that penicillin allergy increases hospital stay, cost of care, and the use of broader-spectrum antibiotics, as well as increased Clostridium difficile, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and vancomycin-resistant enterococci prevalence.75,76 Penicillin skin testing


can decrease the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and may potentially decrease the cost of care.73,74 Guidelines to increase penicillin skin testing and the use of β-lactams in patients with reported allergy have shown that appropriate use is not associated with increased ADRs and correlates with a decrease in alternative antibiotic exposure.73,77 

RISK FACTORS Reactions to drugs are complex responses that are influenced by environmental factors, patient characteristics, and properties of the drug itself. Risk factors for cutaneous ADRs include viral infections, particularly human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), connective tissue disease including systemic lupus erythematosus, viral and autoimmune hepatitis, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.18,19 Certain classes of drugs are associated with a higher frequency of reaction as they can act as haptens or prohaptens or bind covalently to immune receptors, increasing the risk of reaction. Females have been shown to develop DHRs more frequently than males. Overall, females appear to be more affected than males.71,78,79 In a study of allergy consults, there were twice as many female consults for drug allergy as male consults.80 As previously discussed, DHRs are more common in adults than in children. Family history of drug allergy is a risk factor for reactions, and ethnicity and genetics appear to be increasingly important as we gain more insights into the mechanisms of the reactions. 

GENETICS Genetic factors that influence drug allergy are under intense investigation but are still largely unknown. The best understood mechanism is in SCAR, particularly SJS/TEN, as the mechanism is understood to involve the presentation of antigen in HLA to activate T cells. Given that the frequency of HLA types varies in ethnic populations, this has led to a better understanding of increased risk of SJS/TEN in certain populations with certain drugs. In 1982, the HLA-Bw44 antigen was found to be associated with ocular involvement in Stevens-Johnson in a white population.81 Since that time, HLA associations have been described to a number of drugs. HLA-B*5801 has been clearly associated with allopurinol in both SJS/TEN and DIHS in a number of populations, particularly SJS/TEN in Han Chinese from Taiwan.82 This was subsequently seen in multiple populations, including Japanese and Europeans.83,84 A metaanalysis found increased risk of allopurinol-induced


Drug Allergy Testing

SJS/TEN in both Asian and non-Asian populations with HLA-B*5801, although the gene appears to be necessary but not sufficient, and research continues into other genetic factors that might be involved.85 HLA-B*15:02 was strongly associated with carbamazepine-induced SJS/TEN in Han Chinese population.82 The association has been validated in many populations in Southeast Asia, including Thailand, Hong Kong, and India.86–88 Genetic screening of HLAB*1502 before the use of carbamazepine for patients with Asian ancestry is recommended by US Food and Drug Administration. One of the best understood genetic predispositions to drug allergy is seen in abacavir hypersensitivity reactions. Abacavir causes a hypersensitivity reaction that occurs in 5%–8% of patients during the first 6 weeks of treatment resulting in fever, rash, and gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms. Immediate discontinuation is required, and continued exposure or rechallenge can lead to more severe and potentially life-threatening reactions. In 2002, an association with a specific HLA allele was reported.89,90 This was confirmed in multiple subsequent studies. In 2008, the utility of screening for HLA-B*5701 before starting abacavir was clearly demonstrated, and screening is now a standard clinical practice.91,92 In IgE-mediated reactions, studies reported in multiple populations have shown that genes that are involved in IgE production, particularly those of the IL-13 and IL-4 pathways, are important in β-lactam allergy.93,94 Polymorphisms in the IL-4/IL-13 axis and related cytokines were reported to increase the risk of β-lactam-mediated reactions.95 A strong association seen in β-lactam allergy is with a polymorphism in galectin-3, which binds IgE.96 Variants in genomewide association studies in β-lactam allergy have shown the likely importance of HLA-DRA.97 

CONCLUSIONS ADRs represent an important health concern, particularly with unpredictable hypersensitivity reactions, but accurate data on the prevalence of DHRs have been difficult to obtain, because of the difficulty in classifying the type of reaction and the underlying mechanism. Cutaneous reactions are common, occurring in 2–10 per 1000 patients, and are frequently caused by antibiotics. SCARs are uncommon but can result in significant morbidity and mortality. Anaphylaxis due to medications, particularly antibiotics, is more common in adults than in children and is associated with more severe reactions including fatal anaphylaxis.

Risk factors include environmental factors, properties of the drug itself, and patient characteristics with pharmacogenetics increasingly recognized and providing an opportunity for screening. Moving forward, standardizing terminology, improving our understanding of the immune mechanism, and validating diagnosis with in vitro and in vivo testing will allow for a better of understanding of DHRs and their prevention and treatment.

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