Entry Form

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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More details

  • Words: 909
  • Pages: 4

W a l k i n g f o r a caus e


Two spectacular organised walks around one of the finest areas of commonland in England, nestling in the shadow of an historic Civil War garrison town and surrounded by a cluster of ancient settlements in the beautiful Ouse valley. Walk for a cause: It certainly isn't compulsory, but why not take this opportunity of raising much-needed funds for your favourite charity? Get yourself sponsored to , better still, why not get a team together and really make it a day to remember? Not sure who to support? Y Causes and their projects at the Organisers' Website www.newportmuster .org


only operational costs and basic reserves. The Muster is endorsed by Milton Keynes Council (Environment Directorate), Newport Pagnell Town Council, the Newport Pagnell Partnership and the Bury Field Commoners Association

Pr izes include *It’s a mystery* *Y oungest walker* *Largest Team* *Oldest walker* *Best fancy dress* *International Award* Muster HQ on the Day:

URC Hall, of f High Street, Newport Pagnell (opens 9am)


The Newport Muster is a multi-role event s of the historic town of Newport Pagnell. In particular, we want to draw attention to Bury Field, an area of 180 acres of undulating common land at the heart of the town. Established the best part of 1000 years ago, it was originally open cultivation la inhabitants and later to allow free grazing for cattle and the community's general amenity . We also want to highlight the long history and heritage of Newport Pagnell s and then and the town's role as an import for Cromwell's men, during the Civil Wars of the 17th century. But above all we hope the Muster will prove a memorable and enjoyable day for all the walkers who take p art, together with their families and friends.

Key objectives of the event are to: Demonstrate s of Bury Field as a well-loved amenity highlighting, for example, its enduring open-space attraction set against today's rush for development Raise funds for worthy causes, and especially those in the town Provide an opportunity to improve personal health and exercise Attract visitors to the town, enhancing its trade and reputation Broaden general education and knowledge of local history Enrich pride in the community and foster greater involvement Organisers : The Newport Muster is organised by a group of residents and voluntary supporters of the town of Newport Pagnell. Calling themselves 'The Levellers', the group includes Richard Meredith (founder), Kenton White, Steve Tearle (walk marshal), Steve Williams (registrations), and Viv Wilson (admin & charity panel), Jane Williams (treasurer), and Ross Abbs.

Contact information : Write: PO Box 3577, Newport Pagnell, Bucks MK16 9ZS E-mail: [email protected] Web: www .newportmuster.org

ENTRY FORM The Newport Muster is an event suited to people of all ages and walking preferences with a choice of circular route distances of either The Nifty at 5kms (3 miles) or the more demanding 9-er at 15kms (9 miles). Both courses st art in the centre of Newport Pagnell and walkers follow the colour markers: BLUE (Nifty) and RED (9-er) Registration is possible on the day, although to help with administration we do ask walkers to pre-register if at all possible and offer a 10% discount off all entry fees as an incentive. Walkers are reminded to take their Walk Card with them for stamping at the Start and to keep it with them all the way round for recording at the check-points and Finish. WARNING! W alkers without ALL check marks on their Walk Cards will NOT have their completion certificates signed, possibly leading to sponsor-collection difficulties. In all matters of dispute, the Walk Marshal's decision will be final. On receipt of completed entry forms and registration fees an Entry Pack for each team member will be sent c/o the named Team or Family Leader. Packs contain ** Walk Card ** Illustrated walk map and souvenir programme ** ** Participation certificate ** Mystery prize-award potential **


The Nifty

The 9-er

A dul t Juniors (under 14)

£5 free

£6 free



Multiple Entry Deductions

Family: % per member above 5 Team: % per member above 5/10/20



HURRY! For pre-event registrations DEDUCT a further 10% from your TOTAL fees Wear appropriate clothing and carry basic refreshments Dogs are allowed to accompany walkers but must be kept under control Children less than 14 years old must have an adult with them All walkers in the Muster do so entirely at their own risk Follow the Highway and Countryside codes. Do not litter or damage. PLEASE COMPLETE FULL DET AILS OF YOUR ENTRY/ TEAM OVERLEAF

REGISTRATION Team or family leader

Name……………………………………………... Address …………………………………………... ……………………………………………………. Post code ………………T el ……………………. E-mail ……………………………………………..

(Note: E-mails will not be p assed to organisations unconnected with the Newport Muster)

Closing date for pre-event Registrations is August 29 Please list all Team or family members below Name First

(eg The Abel- Smiths or 'ANO Cavaliers')


Photocopies accepted as continuation sheets Fancy Dress is encouraged

Nifty £ 9-er £


Totals Deduct 10 percent (if prior to 29/08/09)

Payment Enclosed

Clip this form, or take a copy , then att ach your p ayment and send to : Muster Entries, PO Box 3577, Newport Pagnell, Bucks, Mk16 9ZS please enclose an A5 st amped addressed envelope. Cheques payable to Newport Muster Organiser's promise: We have a Policy of non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity

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