Enlist Pool

  • November 2019
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Appendix G

LOS ANGELES TIMES POLL STUDY #307--United States Military Survey

Methodology The Times Poll interviewed 2,346 enlisted personnel, on active duty, in the U.S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force outside of 38 military bases in the continental United States and Hawaii, from February 11 through 16.

Respondents were approached by Times

interviewers at off-base commercial sites and residence housing and asked to fill out a written questionnaire confidentially and anonymously.

Each respondent then placed the complete survey in a

sealed envelope for return to The Times.

Quota methods were utilized to

ensure proper representation of service people within service branch by sex, race, and age.

The sample was additionally weighted slightly to

conform with Department of Defense demographic information for enlistee age, education, and marital status.

By branch, the sample includes 728

personnel from the Army, 591 from the Navy, 488 from the Marine Corps and 539 from the Air Force.

Results for the total sample of enlistees

are adjusted so that each branch of service is represented in its proper proportion.

List of Questions 7.

Overall, how would you rate your feelings about life in the military today? Are you:

Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don’t know

Male 24 50 17 7 2

Female 29 49 15 6 1

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What are the top two problems facing the U.S. Military today?

Troop cuts/downsizing Possible lifting of ban on homosexuals Low morale Few opportunities for advancement Race relations Poor civilian leadership/ no policy direction Poor equipment Relations between men and women in service Pay/benefits Poor military leaders Other Don’t know

Male 52

Female 53

50 28 19 9

32 35 26 13

6 6

4 3

4 3 2 2

19 1 -

10. Do you think the Clinton administration proposals for downsizing the U.S. military:

Are necessary given the end of the Cold War Go too far in a still dangerous world Don’t know





66 21

59 23

11. How worried are you personally about the possible effects of the proposed downsizing of the armed forces on you and your career? Are you: Very worried Somewhat worried Not too worried Not worried at all Don’t know

Male 20 40 24 14 3

Female 17 45 24 10 4

12. Has the military generally fulfilled the commitments it made to you when you enlisted or has it disappointed you?

Fulfilled commitment Disappointed me Don’t know

Male 60 29 11

Female 67 23 10

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13. How would you rate the programs and services available to help victims of downsizing get going in civilian life? Would you rate those programs as:

Excellent Adequate Inadequate Very poor Don’t know

Male 7 37 26 11 20

Female 4 36 28 11 21

14. If you had to leave the service in the next few months, how confident are you that you could get a well-paying secure civilian job in a relatively short time?

Very confident Somewhat confident Somewhat doubtful Very doubtful Don’t know

Male 17 29 26 24 4

Female 15 33 26 23 3

15. How do you feel about allowing women to take combat roles in the U.S. armed forces? Do you:

Approve strongly Approve somewhat Disapprove somewhat Disapprove strongly Don’t know

Male 25 30 19 22 4

Female 39 40 7 12 2

16. If current policy and your own plans remain the same, when your term is up will you:

Definitely reenlist Possibly reenlist Not reenlist Don’t know

Male 28 34 28 10

Female 32 34 28 6

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17. How do you feel about lifting the ban on homosexuals in the armed forces of the United States? Do you:

Approve strongly Approve somewhat Disapprove somewhat Disapprove strongly Don’t know

Male 4 12 13 63 8

Female 8 27 27 28 10

(IF APPROVE OF LIFTING THE BAN) 18. What are the two main reasons you approve of lifting the ban on homosexuals? (Check up to two answers, or write in your own answers on the lines below.)

It’s discrimination to ban them It’s not important to me Homosexuals are no different from heterosexuals Homosexuals already in military Other Don’t know

Male 56 24

Female 61 17

19 2 3 4

24 1 1 -


19. What are the two main reasons you disapprove of lifting the ban on homosexuals? (Check up to two answers.)

Oppose sharing facilities/quarters with them It is immoral Contribute to the spread of AIDS It is against my religious views They are not as reliable in a combat situation Morale Cause conflict Threat of violence Cost of facilities Other Don’t know



64 41 26 19

55 29 45 34

16 3 2 1 1 2 1

7 2 1 3 3 1

- 455 -

20. How worried are you personally about the possible impact of permitting homosexuals into the military? Are you:

Very worried Somewhat worried Not too worried Not worried at all Don’t know

Male 38 32 17 9 4

Female 17 35 25 14 9

21. If the ban is lifted on homosexuals in the military, would you definitely not reenlist on account of that issue alone, or would you consider reenlisting anyway?

Not reenlisting under current policy Not reenlisting if gay ban is lifted Will consider reenlisting Don’t know





11 43 18

5 49 18

22. If the ban is lifted on homosexuals in the military, how likely is it that they will be subjected to physical violence from others in the service? Is that:

Very likely Somewhat likely Not too likely Not at all likely Don’t know

Male 57 26 7 2 8

Female 41 29 10 3 17

23. Do you think the issue of permitting homosexuals in the military is:

Getting the attention it deserves Draining attention from other more important issues facing the military Don’t know

Male 23

Female 23

67 10

64 13

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24. Are you currently serving with someone who you believe is homosexual?

Yes No Don’t know

Male 18 55 27

Female 29 45 26

25. How serious a problem is sexual harassment in the armed forces? it:

Very serious Somewhat serious Not too serious Not serious at all Don’t know


Male 16 27 33 16 8

Female 26 29 27 11 7

Would you rate your personal finances as:

Very secure Somewhat secure Somewhat shaky Very shaky Don’t know

Male 14 53 24 7 2

Female 12 59 21 6 2

Male 10 52 25 10 3

Female 21 59 14 4 2

27. Would you describe yourself as:

Very religious Somewhat religious Not too religious Not religious at all Don’t know

29. In most political matters, do you consider yourself:

Liberal Middle-of-the-road Conservative Don’t know

Male 21 53 24 2

Female 24 48 26 2


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