English Statesman 4

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  • Words: 1,873
  • Pages: 3
Issue 5

The English Statesman

May 1979

Labour Lapses, Conservatives Capitalise At the last General Election, the Conservatives accused their Labour counterparts are being home to extremism, which would become apparent if they were given a 99 Seat Majority. When the Polls came out a few days ago it seemed as if Labour had done a good job of proving the Conservatives wrong. However what the public or indeed Labour had banked on was the error of one Cabinet Minister, Comrade Bill Paisley. In what was either an extremely poor joke, or an actual move to try and turn Parliament into some pseudo-socialist council, he introduced a motion to refer to the Speaker as “Comrade Speaker” instead of “Mr.Speaker”. Of course this caused an immediate back lash, as the Opposition Benches rose in anger (at glee) at this appalling move by the Education Minister. Not only to push it forward merely for the sake of blind ideology. Casting aside hundreds of years of history merely to fulfill some hollow desire to get back either at the “effete” Establishment, doesn't seem like the worthy venture that a Government of the day should be

did it beg the question “Doesn't the Minister have better things to do with his time?” it also confirmed that Labour wasn't interested in Socialism for the benefit of the country, but rather Something the matter Comrade Bill?

taking part in. Surely with the economy still in trouble, the troubles in Northern Ireland, and a variety of other issues that have gripped our nation the Government would have better things to do? Seemingly not. Comrade Bill & Co, didn't count however on what was a quick reaction from the Conservative Party over the matter, which took full advantage of what was an grave mistakes from what had been a steady period for the Government. However, perhaps on disaster could have been quietly hushed up as a Conservative Party with nothing better to do but the Christmas came early for the Tories as another Minister, the ever resourceful Home Secretary found another new way to put his foot in it. pretend to be the Foreign Policy experts Perhaps, the Home Secretary of the United Kingdom, however even hadn't taken his pills that we understand that telling both the morning, or maybe he just got United States and the USSR to (for out of the wrong side of the want of a better phrase) “stick it” bed, whatever the case may be doesn't seem like a very good idea. nothing could excuse a Perhaps the Home Secretary should of complete cock up when he not stuck to allowing 14 year olds to hold only insulted the capitalism but air guns that morning. also turned his nose up at The damage it seems has been done. communism, basically attacking The Conservatives and Liberals have the two Superpowers of the “Thank you Mr.Shimon” been able to now show the public globe in one foul swoop. We at exactly what they meant by Labour The English Statesman do not Extremism. People may not think much of these incidents now, and maybe they will die away over the next few weeks, however the Statesman is sure that this shall come to haunt Labour soon enough.

Edwards Switches, Conservatives In Stitches Joseph Edwards had been out of the lime light for some time until a month or so ago. He was an ex-Cabinet Minister, out of favour with his Party, unappreciated by his Leadership he seemed destined to back bench obscurity Until he decided to make a speech about the Party that he currently was a part of, and launched a scathing attack at the extremism of the Labour Government. This was a huge blow to the Party, after a period of good governance in which little had gone wrong, they had hoped that they would show just how stable they could make the country. However that was thrown out of the window as Edwards opened the door for the Conservatives and Liberals to attack the Labour Party on

path he had decided to take, the “moderate” stance would tilt towards them. Therefore it was to the delight of the Conservative benches that Mr. Edwards decided to join the Conservative Party. Coupled with the moves of Comrade Bill and Comrade Isaac, the Conservatives were on Cloud 9 as they could name also claim to be the “moderate” Party of Britain. Mr. Edwards will face a few problems however. He was elected as a Member of Edwards – Conservative Covert the Labour Party and their candidate. The people of Deptford made clear last year their ideological that they wished to have a Labour stance. The battle Government, and now they have a for the “moderate” Conservative Member of Parliament. ground had begun. Therefore is it now fair that he can However a lot represent the Conservative Party when he rested on Edwards, never ran on this ticket? Labour is still as the man who had reportedly polling well in the area, and this started this debate continues to beg the question of fairness his decision on his on his Constituents. own career seems to One thing is clear though, despite Edwards have taken a greater switch the Conservatives have a lot of importance, prove if they are truly to be considered the depending on what “moderate” Party of this country.

Troubles Return to Ulster In its 77 year history, the Royal Ulster Constabulary has had an extremely controversial history. Made up almost exclusively of Protestants, trying to walk the thin line between the Catholics and the Orange men, it has had to deal with flak from both sides. However, in an effort to try and keep the peace two RUC Officers tried to arrest one of the customers of a local pub before they were interrupted by one, Francis McConville. Francis had clearly been drinking, and should known better then to have tried to interrupt the Officers while they tried to keep the peace. It isn't an easy job keeping order

The RUC – Guardians of the Union in a country which has had a deep religious divide since the Battle of the Boyne hundreds of years ago. While the Statesman feels sorry for the family of the victim and the local

community which has been thrust in the limelight. However we continue to support the Royal Ulster Constabulary in its work. People across the United Kingdom, and especially in the higher levels of Government seem to forget on occasions that working the troubled strives of a community deeply divided. The RUC have their problems, and of course they need to be constantly improved upon, however at the moment they continue to try to make the best of what is an extremely difficult job. While excessive force is definitely to be avoided at all costs, without knowing the proper facts it is difficult for anyone to make a clear judgment on the issue. Therefore The Statesman urges all to take a step back before they begin to criticise and look to improve not destroy order there.

“Do you know the Conservative Shuffle?” A look at the Conservative Shadow Cabinet

Its that time of the year again, and members of the Conservative Party were geared up as Robert Noble Gordon announced the new look of the Conservative Party. They were some notable movers in this new Cabinet, as Vincent Brooke emerged as Shadow Environment Minister, Warbutton took over as Shadow Economic Affairs Minister and English took over as Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer. James Christian, the former Shadow for the Home Office and Defence was dropped from Cabinet, as were Sir Tyler King and Owen Salisbury to name but a few. Paul Holmes and Tom Sullivan were moved from their respect posts as Labour Party Members have scoffed at Paul's new title of “Minister for Housing and Inner Cities”. Despite the laughter from the Labour Benches, this actually a smart political move by the Conservative Party trying to reconnect with a lost base in the form of Urban Areas. Though making a Shadow Ministerial position isn't going to overturn the massive Labour advantage their overnight, it is a start, and every vote will count in the next General Election. The Conseratives stil have a the events of the next few months. With mountain to climb in terms the budget set to be back to the fore of polling however. Despite relatively shortly, and more bills surely to the damage that recent proposed it will be up to Labour to make events will bring, we can sure that they maintain their image as the speculate that Labour will People's Party if they wish to be in still be polling near the 40 Government after the next election. Many mark, with the Conservatives would say that the next election is for at 35-36% depending on the Labour to lose rather then the swing that they recieve. Conservatives to the win, but while that Considering that they will may be partly the case, it should be made Holmes – Key to have to achieve a lead of at clear that the Conservatives still do have Victory? least 5-6% to win even by a their fate in their own hands. If they connecting with lost small majority they are continue to keep up the pressure, keep up looking at having to gain 9% voters in Urban Areas coming up with new policies and of the vote over the next few and the aspiring classes, hammering home that they are an they can start to regain years. Yet this Shadow alternative that is acceptable to a majority Cabinet does show a step in their electoral success of the nation, then Labour will have to but a lot will depend on pick up their socks if they are to govern. the right direction, by

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

I applauded when I read the last issue of the Statesman as it brought home, finally, the truth about the Post War Consensus. It is clear that this is nothing more then a way for the fake Socialists that run the supposed “Labour Party” to hide the fact that they aren't doing their job. Why do we still have a Monarchy? What about Lords reform! Death to the Capitalists! Yours warmly,

I was absolutely shocked when the Conservatives were praised for their recent actions in reference to the Post War Consensus, clearly they have done nothing to change this country. We have a bunch of common muck in Government, that wish to attack all that we stand for, that are secretly backed by the weak Conservative Front Benches. If they really wished to save this country, then they would be trying to bring back the Lords veto, not merely protecting it!

Every week I buy the Statesman to read about the news and frankly I am sick and tired of having to read whatever madmen and women have decided to write about that week. I thought that the Statesman was supposed to be about news, not crackpots? Why don't the people that write into this magazine get a life instead of wasting everybody's time.

Comrade Kringle

Yours, Viscount Kingsbury

Yours, Andrew Farnbury

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