English Proverbs

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,290
  • Pages: 8
PROVERBS 1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2. A good dog deserves a good bone. 3. A great talker is a great liar. 4. A hungry man is an angry man. 5. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 6. A short cut is often a wrong cut. 7. A wise man changes his mind sometimes, a fool never. 8. Nine day’s wonder. 9. Action speaks louder than words. 10.All that glitters is not gold 11.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 12. An idle brain is the devil’s workshop. 13.Appetite comes with eating. 14.As you sow, so you shall reap. 15.Barking dog seldom bite. 16.Beggars must not be choosers. 17.Better be alone than in ill company. 18.Birds of same feather flock together. 19.Charity begins at home. 20.Courtesy costs nothing. 21.Cut your coat according to your cloth. 22.Early to bed and early to rise; Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 23.Easier said than done. 24.Eat to live, but do not live to eat. 25.Employment brings enjoyment. 26. Empty vessel sounds much. 27.Every dog has his day. 28.Extremes are dangerous. 29.First come, first served. 30.Fortune favours the brave. 31.God helps those who help themselves. 32.Good beginnings make good endings. 33. He that knows nothing ,doubts nothing. 34.Hope is the last thing that we lose. 35.It is no use crying over spilt milk. 36.Jack of all trades and master of none. 37.Knowledge is power. 38.Live and let live. 39.Man proposes, God disposes.

40. Misfortune never comes alone.

41.Necessity is the mother of invention. 42.Never say die! Up man, and try. 43.Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 44.No gain without pain. 45.Nothing succeeds like success. 46.Practice makes a man perfect. 47.Rome was not build in a day. 48.Seeing is believing. 49.Slow and steady wins the race. 50.Soft words win hard hearts. 51. Speaking without thinking is shooting without aim. 52.Talk of the devil and he’ll appear. 53.The darkest hour is nearest the dawn. 54.The exception proves the rule. 55. There are two sides to every question . 56.There is a ‘But’ in everything. 57. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. 58.Time and tide waits for none. 59.To err is human. 60.When wits meet sparks fly out. 61.When there is smoke there is fire. 62.Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 63.Zeal without knowledge is a runway horse. 64.The end justifies the means. 65.The face is the index of the mind. 66.No rose without a horn. 67. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. 68.Mistakes are to life what shadows are to light. 69.Joys and sorrows come after one another. 70.If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 71.One flower makes no garland. 72. Coming events cast their shadows before. 73. When in Rome do as Romans do.

Abundant Alive Ally

SYNONYMS : ample, copious, plentiful : lively, vivacious : colleague, partner, accomplice

Amend Assent Bad Beg Big Brave Bright Brittle Busy Candid Catch Cause Choose Clothes Confess Dangerous Dear Decrease Difficult Disaster Dishonest Dull Eager Earn Educate Emotion Enough Enquire Entire Esteem Exaggerate Famous Fashion Fatal Fault Fear Fight Fruitful Generous Increase

: improve, ameliorate : consent, acquiesce, agree : evil, wicked, naughty, worthless : implore, solicit, supplicate : enormous, gigantic, immense : courageous, fearless, daring : brilliant, transparent, intelligent : frail, fragile : active, alert, energetic : frank, sincere, straight forward : capture, seize, arrest : reason, purpose, motive : select, discriminate, differentiate : dress, apparel : admit, apologise, acknowledge : risky, hazardous : expensive, costly : curtail, reduce diminish : hard, intricate, unmanageable : misfortune, adversity : unjust, unfair, fraudulent : gloomy, cheerless, backward : keen, enthusiastic : achieve, gain, acquire : train, guide, instruct, teach : feeling, passion : adequate, sufficient : search, explore, inspect : whole, total : love, value, honour, admire : heighten, enlarge : renowned, eminent : custom, style : deadly, mortal : flaw, defect, error : terror, dread : contest, combat, struggle : fertile, productive : liberal, big-hearted : enlarge, amplify, magnify

Invasion Kind Narrate Power Praise Pretty Propagate Rash Ready Real Smell Souvenir Speech Strong Timid Victory

: raid, attack : thoughtful, considerate, good : tell, say, report : ability, capacity, talent : compliment, applaud : beautiful, lovely, attractive : broadcast, advertise : careless, tactless : prompt, alert, agile : authentic, genuine, original : scent, odour, perfume : memento, token : eloquence, oratory, rhetoric : muscular, stalwart : cowardly, fearful, faint-hearted : success, triumph

Joy Begin Find Busy Sweet Win Peace Coarse Rough Proud Easy Cheap Kind Ever Bless Entrance Lend Live Enjoy Rejoice Harmony

ANTONYMS : sorrow, grief : end, cease : lose : idle : sour, acid, bitter : lose : war : fine : smooth : humble : difficult, hard : expensive, dear : cruel : never : curse : exit : borrow : die : dislike : mourn, grieve : discord

Blessing Generous Valour Arrive Attack Appear Collect Former Robust Many Often Fresh Deep Praise Lead Knowledge Prosperity Victory Dynamic Common Barren

: curse : mean, selfish : cowardice : depart : defend : vanish : disperse : latter : feeble, delicate : few : seldom : state : shallow : blame : follow : ignorance : adversity : defeat : static : rare : fruitful : pessimist Guilty : innocent Amateur : professional Orthodox : heterodox Hostile : friendly Order : chaos : flexible : veteran Accelerate : retard Compulsory : optional Analysis : synthesis Excess : shortage Surplus : deficit Prosperous : indigent Include : exclude Indigenous : exotic Apprehend : release

SIMILES As ageless as the sun. As ambitious as Lady Macbeth. As far apart as the poles. As brown as berry. As beautiful as the rainbow. As big as the elephant. As blind as a bat. As blue as the sky. As bold as a Lion. AS boundless as the Ocean. As brainless as a chimpanzee. As brittle as glass. As costly as an election. As cute as a bug. As cruel as winter. As dangerous as machine-guns. As deep as an ocean. As distant as the horizon. As dreadful as the gathering storm. As clear as crystal. As cunning as fox. As easy as ABC. As essential as air. As familiar as a popular song. As fast as light. As firm as faith. As free as breeze. As fresh as a rose. As grey as smoke. As gloomy as night. As grand as a victory. As green as grass. As hairless as an egg. As hard as granite. As high as the stars. As ignorant as a child. As immense as the sea.

As immortal as the stars. As red as a rose. As inevitable as death. As inflexible as granite/rock. As innocent as a lamb. As liberal as the sun. As loud as thunder. As mean as a miser. As mobile as humanity. As monotonous as the sea. As natural as life. As opposite as the poles. As progressive as time. As rare as the blue rose. As rugged as a Rhinoceros. As selfish as a fox. As serious as a Doctor. As sour as lime. As sweet as sugar. As tender as a bud. As troublesome as a Monkey. As uncertain as the weather. As unreal as the dream. As venomous as snake. As vulgar as money. As white as snow. As warm as toast. As zigzag as lightening.

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LANGUAGE INITIATORS It’s wonderful how he has. I am growing tired of. I wonder if it wouldn’t be better. I feel that it’s not right to. It has been a comfort to me to talk. It has been nice of you to. I really don’t know what has happened to.

• You really can’t expect him to.

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