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English Notes : (First Year)


Character of “Mrs. Meldon” Mrs. Meldon is the sister of professor Corrie. She is aged about forty three. She is widow. She is highly sensitive woman. She is dressed in black because of her son Eddie’s death. Her husband had died of that shock. Although she is sad and gloomy ( ) yet she is not fretful ( ). She rather conducts ( ) herself in a balanced and dignified manner throughout the play except in the last scene when she kills her brother. She is kind woman and loving mother. Her son Eddie was killed in a war and her husband had died of that shock but she still remembers the tragedy. She has lost all charm in life after their death. She also talks about there inhuman death of the young men in the battlefield. She rather displays ( ) a great strength of character and coolness which is hardly credible ( ). She is also kind to her brother when professor Corrie did not receive her at railway station, she does not complain and ignores it. She has a human attitude ( ) towards life. She hates wars. Se speaks against wars form her personal experience. She calls these “an organized butchery ( ) of young people”. She loves pace, therefore, she requests her brother to suppress ( ) his invention because it would destroy peace. Her attitude towards war is sharply contrast to Prof. Corrie who thinks that war cannot be finished. Her will power is as strong as her brother and she rejects his statement. ( ) . They have different approach ( ). The attitude of Corrie is purely scientific and materialistic, whereas Mrs. Meldon thinks and feels like a grieved mother. When she learns that the invention has made for the destruction of humanity. She becomes sad and requests him to destroy this terrible invention. When she finds him too adamant, she kills him for the sake ( ) of humanity.

Professor Henry Corrie Professor Corrie is an important character of the play “Progress”. He is an early twentieth century brilliant ( ) scientist. He has spent many years working silently on the invention of a deadly ( ) bomb. He has hoped to become rich and famous. He remains so engrossed ( ) in his work that even food and rest have litle importance for him. Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce & Science

Students Series # 2

English Notes : (First Year)


His preoccupation with his work is clear form the fact that he even does not go to receive his sister at the station. He is proud and discourteous ( ). He tells Hannah that maid servant to her face that she is uneducated and does not have the ability to understand his experiment. His opinion of women is very insulting. He thinks they lack application, ( ) concentration ( ) and devotion ( ). His heartlessness is proved ( ) by the fact that he cannot understand the misery ( ) of his sister who has lost her only son and husband in the war. He has invented a bomb which will destroy a very large area, and release odorless ( ) gas which will poison and killed people over a wider area. His sister request him in the name of humanity to give up the idea of making the bomb but he is adamant ( ). He rather tells her to thing like a politician and not like a mother. In short he was heartless, selfish and criminal minded person.

Questions Why did Mrs. Meldon kill her brother? Was she justified? Mrs. Meldon is the sister of Professor Corrie. She is a sad woman. She is a window. Her son Eddie has been killed in a was. Her husband d has also died of the shock. This has given her a great shock in life. She has lost all interest in life after their death. Corrie is a devoted scientist. His main interest in life is to make scientific research ( ). He is over-joyed when he succeeds in inventing the formula of a dangerous bomb. On the day which is also the death anniversary of her son when his sister meets him he tells her about his invention. She congratulates him on his achievement. When she comes to know that her bother has been successful in inventing the formula of such a dangerous bomb that would destroy a large part of the population in no time. She becomes unhappy. She therefore, appeals her brother to destroy his invention. He laughs at her foolish proposal. He thinks that it is source of income and fame for him, therefore, he would not destroy it when her brother does not listen, and she breaks all his apparatus ( ). Her

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Students Series # 2

English Notes : (First Year)


brother laughs at her by saying that this could not destroy the formula, as it is safe in his mind. At this she kills him. She is quite justified in dong so. We appreciate ( ) her courage. She has no alternative except to kill him to save humanity ( ). Form further destruction. Her act seems to be quite justified.

Write a brief story of the play or Write a summary of the “Progress” The “Progress” is the play of deep meaning. It presents very serious problem before the readers. Professor Corrie was a famous scientist. His age was between fifty and sixty. He was bachelor, because he was busy in his research work all the day long. His sister Mrs. Meldon lived with him. She was a widow. Her son was killed in the war. Her husband also died of that shock. Prof. Corrie had invented a formula for a deadly bomb. He was very happy and proud of his invention. He intended ( ) to sell his invention to a government who would pay him the greatest price. He hoped to become rich and famous by selling his invention. One day Mrs. Meldon was very sad. It was the death anniversary of her son. He informed his sister about his invention. At first, she shared his delight but when. She learnt that her brother had invented the formula of a dangerous bomb which would kill a large number of people, she became unhappy. Therefore, she compelled ( ) her brother to destroy his invention. He did not agree with the view of his sister. Prof. Corrie thought that war is necessary for the nation. He was in favour of weapons. Therefore, there was no possibility of finishing of was. She disagreed with the views of her brother. She advised to give his invention but he did not accept her point of view when she found him rigid ( ). She destroyed all the apparatus which wee set on the table. She thought that she had destroyed the formula of the bomb. Prof. Corrie told her that the formula of the bomb was still in his mind. She again requested her brother to give up the invention but he did not agree. Then she killed her brother.

Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce & Science

Students Series # 2

English Notes : (First Year)



Incident of the French camp. You know --------------------- with its mind. Reference to the context: these lines have been taken from the poem “Incident of the French camp” written by Robert Browning. In this poem, the poet tells about the French attack on the city of Ratisbon. He further describes the heroic action of wounded soldier. Explanation. In these lines the poet tells that the French army attacked the city of Ratisbon. On that day Napoleon was standing on a small hill which was situated at the distance of one mile or so form the battle field. He as waiting anxiously ( ) for the result. He was looking constantly at the ground. His neck bent forward. His legs were wide apart and his hands he was holding tightly behind back. He was trying to balance his mind. He seemed to be in deep worry. Just as perhaps ----------------------- at yonder wall. In these lines the poet tells about the day of attach Napoleon was standing in very sad mood. He was anxious, lest his plans and desires ( ) may prove unrealized. He wanted his army leader Lanes should reach the boundary wall of the enemy and wave ( ) the flag of France. Out twixt ---------------------------reached the mound In these lines the poet says that on the day of attack, just as that moment a rider came out from the smoke of guns. He come at fast speed and checked his horse to the place where Napoleon was standing. Then off ---------------------------- could suspect. In these lines the poet tells that rider come to him and jumped down form this horse near Napoleon. He stood straight in front of him. He was a little size boy and could hardly ( ) reach the mane of the horse. No body could suspect ( ) that he was badly wounded.

Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce & Science

Students Series # 2

English Notes : (First Year)


So tight ---------------------------- shot is tow. In these lines the poet tells that the soldier was too wounded. He was pressing down his lips tightly so that bold could not flow out of his mouth. If you look carefully to his breast was wounded badly. Well, cried ------------------------- be there anon In these lines the poet says that he wounded slides came to Napoleon and told him by the grace of God, they had conquered the city of Ratisbon. The chief of the army was in the market place. You will also be there very soon. To see --------------------------------again like fire. In these lines the poet says that the soldier informed Napoleon about the victory. He said that you will also be there very soon and will see that the French flag was hoisted there. The soldier told that he himself stuck the flag according to his won desire. Napoleon was much pleased to hear the news. The chief’s eye ---------------------- eaglet breathes. In these lines the poet says that Napoleon’s eyes flashed when he heard that news that his army had conquered Ratisbon. The joy was for short time and diminished very soon. As a film covers the eyes of an eagle when she looks at her wounded eaglet, the same case was with Napoleon. Darkness spreaded before his eyes when he saw wounded boy. You are wounded -------------------- boy fell dead. In these lines the poet says that Napoleon became sad when he saw the young soldier was wounded. He asked the soldier if he as wounded. The young soldier proudly told tat he had been killed. Saying this soldier fell down by the side of his chief and died.

Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce & Science

Students Series # 2

English Notes : (First Year)



“AS YOU LICK IT” Under the greenwood ----------------------- but rough weather Reference to the context: These lines have been taken form “A Song” from “As you like it” written by William Shakespeare. Amiens sings this song and invites city people to the forest. He tells us that only one, who loves to live in the open, may enjoy the sweet songs of birds and sing with them. This is a peaceful life and there is no enemy except cold and rough weather. Explanation: In these lines the poet says that Amiens is sitting under the shady tree and invites the people of city to the forest. He says that one can enjoy the sweet song of birds. This place is free form enemies. There are only two problems that are cold and rough weather. If the person can face these difficulties then is most welcome. Who doth --------------------------------- rough weather In these lines Amiens says that only that one can enjoy the forest’s life who has no high hope and worldly desire. He can happily live under the open sky is welcome. He will search out his food himselves. He will be happy over whatever he gets. Ten Amiens again says that come here and there is no enemy except cold and rough weather.

“A Character of A Happy Life” How happy ---------------------------------- and simple truth Reference to the context : These line s have been taken form “The character of a happy life” written by Sir Henry Wotten. In this poem the poet describes ( ) the qualities of a happy man. Who leads a peaceful life. A happy man is free form worries

Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce & Science

Students Series # 2

English Notes : (First Year)


and therefore, is the master of his own will. His soul is pour and fearless. He has complete faith in God and passes his time with a good book or a friend.

Explanation In these lines the poet tells us that one who is not a slave to other people’s wish ( ) is a very happy man. His simple and honest thoughts save him from evil. His wisdom lies in his simple trouth. Whose passions ----------------------------- or private breath In these lines the poet tells us that a happy man’s passions ( ) are full controlled. Such a man is always ready for death. He does not care for worldly fame nor does he care for public opinions. He acts on his own principles ( ) and does not care for public praise ( ) or blame. Who envies non ----------------------------- but rules of good The poet tells us that a happy man is one who does not envy anybody who is raised to a high position by chance or y evil ways nor he if flattered ( ) by praise. Such a man feels hurt when anybody went to flatter him. In his daily dealings too he follows the rules of good rather than the rules of state. Who hath --------------------------------- accuser’s great. The poet tells us that a happy man is one who does not bother ( ) about public opinions. His life is free from public praise or blame. He obeys ( ) the order of his consciences ( ). He acts what he thinks. He is not so rich that flatter ( ) may gather ( ) around him to get money. He is an honest man and his dealings ( ) with other are very fair. Who god ---------------------------------- books or friends In this stanza the poet tells us that a happy man prays to God from early till late at night. He thanks God more for his grace ( ) than for the gifts that he was given him. Such a man passes his days very peaceful and spends his time either in reading a fine book or with well chosen friends. Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce & Science

Students Series # 2

English Notes : (First Year)


This man ------------------------------------ yet hath all In these lines the poet tells us that a happy man is one who is free form the love of material things. Such a man is not afraid of the difficulties. He is as satisfied as a lord, although he has no wealth yet he is happy. His life is full of joy.

“Lines from the deserted village” Sweet Auburn -------------------------------- blooms delayed Reference to the context: These lines have taken form the poem “Lines from the Deserted Village” written by Oliver Goldsmith. In this poem the poet recalls ( ) to his min the charms of his village, were he passed his youth. The poet recalls that there was a time when the village was quite fertile and the common “green” was the center of social gathering. But now this village is deserted. The peasant elass has been destroyed. It is a bad sign for the growth of a nation. Explanation In these lines the poet pays a high tribute to his village where he spent the early years of his life. He says that his village was the most beautiful village of the valley. In this village people were health and there was plenty of everything. The spring season came there early and the flowers remained ( ) till late summer. Dear lovely ----------------------------------- each scene. The poet admires his village and says that there were comfortable shady places under the tree. Innocent ( ) villagers used to sit there. The poet spent much time there in his youth. In those days every sport looked charming he remembers how often he used to wander ( ) the green grounds of his village and how every scene of village was dear ( ) to him in those days.

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English Notes : (First Year) How often made;






In this stanza the poet remembers that how often he stopped to have a look at every attractive scene, the cottage covered with the branches of the trees, the ploughed fields, the ever flowing stream, the mill, the decent church topping the neighbouting hill, the bushes of hawthorn ( ) with seats under their shade where old man talked and young lovers whispered into the ears of each other. How have I blessed ---------------------------------circled in the shade, The poet says that very often he wished that the next day should come soon. He prayed to God for the coming day because on that day every body gave up hard work and came to play under the big shady tree. Many games were played in circle in the shade of the tree. The young inspired




In these lines the poet says that in his village the villagers used to come often under the shady tree for playing their game. The young people competed ( ) in games and the old villagers watched them playing. The young villagers were active and used many tricks to defeat each other. They also showed tricks of their strength and pleased others. The dancing pair ------------------------------------ looks of love. In these lines the poet says that dances were also held there. Some dancing pairs tried to tire one another down simple to win the praise of spectators ( ). Sometimes the face of a villager was painted with mud( ) and the other people laughed at him secretly. The modest ( ) virgins ( ) looked at their lovers with shy looks but her mother disliked these loving looks. The matron’s glance ---------------------------------- charms are fled In these lines the poet says that he still remember the charms of the village. Games were played on after another. The games taught the most hardworking man to live happily. This happiness influenced the whole village and everything Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce & Science

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English Notes : (First Year)


looked charming. The poet is sorrowful tat all these charms have gone and the village lies deserted ( ) Ill fares supplied.






In these lines the poet tells us that a country where people run after wealth and do not care for the welfare of their fellowmen ( ), is sure to face bad luck. It will become a victim ( ) to fast developing evils. In such a country the upper class people count at the peasantry class is ruined. The poet means to say that farmers are the pride of a country and no country can progress if the welfare of peasants is ignored.

“Lucy Gray” Oft I had -------------------------------------- salitary child Reference to the context These lines have been taken form “Luch Gray” written by William wordsworth. In this poem the poet describes the story of a child who was sent by her father to bring back her mother form the town. But she was lost in a snow storm. As the marks of her footsteps showed, she was drowned in a stem and lost her life. All the villagers believe that she is still a living child who sings a sweet song to “4” guide the people in stormy night. Explanation In this stanza the poet says that he had often heard about a little girl named Lucy Gray. He says that when he crossed the wild plain at sunrise time he had a chance to see Lucy who was wilking alone. No meat --------------------------------human daor In this stanza the poet says that Lucy had no friend or companion. She lived with her parents on a wild moor. She was the most beautiful child that was ever born in any human family. You yet may ---------------------------- moke be seen

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Students Series # 2

English Notes : (First Year)


In this stanza the poet says that you may see a young deer playing about or a hare running on green grass. But you can’t see the beautiful face of Lucy because she is now dear. To-night ------------------------------- the snow One day Lucy’s father asked her that a snow storm was expected to come in the night and her mother was in the town, so she should take the lantern to light the way for her mother. That father ---------------------------- is the moon In this stanza the poet says that Lucy replied very obediently that she will take the lantern to the town very gladly because it was still afternoon and the church clock had stuck on two. There was no sign of the moon in the sky. At this the father ---------------------- lantern in her hand In this stanza the poet says that when Lucy’s father heard her reply he became satisfied. He took his hook and started cutting a bundle of sticks. He becomes busy in his work and Lucy took the lantern in her hand and went to the town to bring her mother. No blither ----------------------------- like smoke In this stanza the poet compares the joy of Lucy to there joy of the mountain’s deer when she was walking over the snow with playful steps. She scattered the powdery snow with her feet, which rise up like smoke. The storm came -------------------------- reached the town The storm came earlier than expected time. Lucy lost the way in the storm. She clamed over many ills in order to find the way. But she could not find her way and could not reach the town. The wretched ---------------------------- for a guide In these lines the poet says that Lucy did not return home. The unfortunate parents of Lucy searched for their child and shouted here and there to get a response from her. But there was neither any sound nor any sight of Lucy which could guide them. Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce & Science

Students Series # 2

English Notes : (First Year)


At day break ----------------------------- their door In these lines the poet says that the parents could not get any sign of Lucy in the night. However, early in the morning they went to a hill and from the top of it they looked down at the moor. From there they saw a wooden bridge which was at short distance from their house.

They wept -------------------------------- Lucy’s feet The parents of Lucy failed to find any trace of their daughter. They were sure that she might had fallen down into the storm and had dead. Therefore, they start crying and said that they will meet Lucy in Heaven. Suddenly her mother saw Lucy’s foot marks in the snow.

Then downwards ---------------------------- stone wall The poet tells that after seeing the foot marks of Lucy in the snow, her parents came down form the high slope ( ) of the mountain and followed the same marks. They passed through the broken bushy hedge with the long stone wall. And then ------------------------------------ they came The poet tells us that the parents of Lucy crossed on open field. The foot prints went on and on. They followed the same marks and finally they came to the wooden bridge. They followed -------------------------------- was none The poet tells us that the parents of Lucy followed her foot marks one by one and reached the middle of the wooden bridge. After that there were no foot marks. They thought that Lucy had fallen down the bridge and was drown in the stream. Yet some ----------------------------------- lonesome child

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English Notes : (First Year)


In these lines the poet gives a supernatural touch to the death of Lucy. He says that some people believe that Lucy is still alive. She is not dear. They further say that Lucy can be seen walking on the moor. The fact is that it is not Lucy but it is her soul which is in search of her mother. O’er rough -------------------------------- whistles in the wind In these lines the poet tells that the people say that Lucy is wandering here and there. She walks over the rough and smooth fields. She never looks behind. She sings song all alone. Her song makes a sound of whistle in the wind. Thus she become a part of nature.

“Sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge” Earth has not ---------------------------like a garment wear Reference to the context These lines have been taken form “Sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge” written by William Wordsworth. In this poem Words Worth is standing on Westminster Bridge and is impressed by the beauty of the area around him. Its high buildings and churches look very beautiful in the smokeless air of the morning. While standing on the Westminster Bridge, the poet enjoys the charming Sunrise. Explanation In these lines the poet tells us that there is nothing more beautiful in the world than the sight of London in the early morning. He likes the city in the silence of the morning. If anyone moved without taking notice of this glorious ( ) scene of nature, will be a man of blunt feelings. The earth has a lovely appearance in the morning and one feels as if it is dressed in a dress of beauty. The beauty of the ---------------------------- smokeless air The poet says that there is complete silence every where. Beauty of the morning prevails ( ) everywhere. All the objects ( ) of the city like building, theatres, temples and even the ships near the share are standing silently under the bright sky. Since the factories have not started functioning ( ) as yet the atmosphere of London is free from smoke. Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce & Science

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English Notes : (First Year)


Never did sun ------------------------------ heart is lying still The poet is much impressed by the scene of London. He says that the sun has just risen. Its says are falling on valleys, rocks and hills in a beautiful way. The sun had never shown so beautifully in the past. All the objects seem to be bathed in the bright rays of the sun. The river Thames is following according to its sweet will ( ). The houses are so quite that they seem to be sleeping deeply like the people. Te city of London which is to the country what the heart is to the rest of the body is in deep slumber ( ).

“Lay of the Last Minstrel” breathes strained





Reference to the context These lines have been taken from the poem “Lay of the Last Minstrel” written by Sir Walter Scott. This poem is written in praise of patriotism ( ). It denounces ( ) in strong words those people who do not love their county. Explanation In the given lines the poet asks his readers if they have knowledge of a person who has such a lifeless soul that he never expressed love for his county. His heart does not burn with excitement ( ) when he returns to his motherland ( ) after the foreign tour, is in fact dead. If such there ---------------------------------------------- as wish can claim In these lines the poet tells if such a man lies among us we should watch him closely as he can be dangerous for the interest of the country. He may have a high social status, great pride and unlimited wealth but for such a person no singer will sing songs of praise. He will enjoy little respect among the people. Despite those titles ------------------------------------- un honored and unsung

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English Notes : (First Year)


In these lines the poet says that an unpatriotic man may have high titles, great pride and unlimited wealth but all this can’t save him from disgrace ( ). He is a selfish person and his thoughts are centered on his own personal motives ( ). He will lose his fame, wealth and status during his lifetime. When he dies, he will be buried ( ) in the same mean ( ) dust out of which he was born. None will weep over his death. He will be given no honour and no singer will sing the death song in his praise.


“Abu Ben Adhem and the Angel” Abou Ben Adhem -------------------------------------- in a book of gold Reference to the context These lines have been taken form Abu Ben Adhem And the Angel written by Leigh Hunt. He tried to convey the impression that to love fellow being is an action of high devotion ( ). Those who do so, they become the favorite of God. Explanation In these lines the poet describes the story of Abou Ben Adhem, whose family may be blessed by God. One night he woke up form a sound sleep. He saw his room brightened with moonlight. His room looked as beautiful as a blooming Lilly ( ). In this light he saw an angel writing something in a golden book. Exceeding peace ----------------------------------------------- who love the lord In these lines the poet says that the presence ( ) of the angel did not frighten ( ) him. His peace of mind encouraged him and he asked the angel what he was writing. The angel lifted its head ( ) and answered with a sweet smile that he was writing the names of those who loved God. And is mine fellowmen




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English Notes : (First Year)


In these lines the pet says that Abou asked the angel if his name was included in the list. The angel replied in negative. Abou did not lose his confidence and in a low voice asked to write his name in the list of those who loved their fellowmen. The angel wrote and disappeared The angel wrote --------------------------------------------- let all the rest In these lines the poet says that the angel reappeared the next night with great light. The angel had another list in his hand which is showed to Abou. It contained ( ) the names of those who were the most blessed people of God. Abou was surprised to find that his name was written at the top of the list. .

“The Toys” Reference to the context These lines have been taken from the poem “The Toys” written by Coventry Patmore. In this poem the poet punished his son for his repeated disobedience, but soon felt pity for him and forgave him. In these lines the poet tells us that he have a little son who looked very intelligent through his eyes. He behaved and spoke like grownup people. He disobeyed his father for seventh time. He therefore, punished him and turned him out of his room. He also spoke unkind and harsh words to him and sent him away unkissed. His mother --------------------------------------------- sobbing wet In these lines the poet tells that the mother of the child was dead. The father thought that his punishment might have disturbed the sleep of his son. So he went to his room and found him sleeping deeply. His eyes were swollen ( ) because of excessive ( ) weeping and his eyelashes were still wet ( ) with tears. And I ---------------------------------------------------- his reach In these lines the poet tells that the father wiped his son’s tears by kissing his eyes but his own tears rolled down on the face of the child. He saw a table near the bed of his child. He put it within it reach. Jinnah Islamia College of Commerce & Science

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English Notes : (First Year)


A box of ----------------------------------------------- sad heart The poet tells us that how the child had turned to his toys for consolation after being punished by his father. There was a box of counter, a stone with red lines on it, s shiny piece of glass, six or seven shells a bottle containing bell-shaped flowers and tow French copper.

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Students Series # 2

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