English Idioms

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 850
  • Pages: 4
熱烈掌聲 1. A big hand 完蛋了 2. A dead duck 消息靈通人士告訴我 3. A little bird told me 4. A penny for your thoughts 我知道你在想甚麼 我的煩惱 5. A thorn in my side 唯一的弱點 6. Achille’s heel 儘快完成 7. Against the clock 洗耳恭聽 8. All ears 正在流行 9. All the rage 沾別人的光 10. Along for the ride 全副武裝 11. Armed to the teeth 忙得團團轉 12. As busy as a bee 身體強壯 13. As fit as a fiddle 清白的 14. As innocent as a lamb 非常完美 15. As pretty as a picture 工作時心不在焉 16. Asleep at the wheel 無論如何 17. At any rate 爭吵 18. At each other’s throats 歸咎於我 19. At my doorstep 馬上 20. At the drop of a hat 放聲大喊 21. At the top of your lungs 笨手笨腳 22. All thumbs 23. Back to the drawing-board 從頭做起 支持你 24. Back you up 仇恨 25. Bad blood 依靠我 26. Bank on me 找錯對象 27. Bark up the wrong tree 解散、結束 28. Be curtains 身無分文 29. Be strapped for cash 30. Be tight-lipped        守口如瓶 有成果 31. Bear fruit 容忍我 32. Bear with me 說話拐彎抹角 33. Beat about the bush 問倒我了 34. Beats me 付賬 35. Beef up (1) 增強 36. Beef up (2) 不贊成 37. Beg to differ 開始了解 38. Begin to see the light 背著某人 39. Behind someone’s back 大聲唱 40. Belt out

數落我的不是 41. Bend my ear 努力 42. Bend over backwards 身陷困境 43. Between a rock and a hard place 秘密 44. Between you and me 很多錢 45. Big bucks 人類繁衍後代之事 46. Birds and the bees 嚴厲斥責我 47. bite my head off 忍耐 48. Bite the bullet 倒下 49. Bite the dust 害群之馬 50. Black sheep 令我無法思考 51. Blow my mind (1) 令我震撼 52. Blow my mind (2) 徹底研究 53. Bone up 使氣氛融洽 54. Break the ice 塞得滿滿的 55. Bursting at the seams 結束 56. Call it a day 結束(只用於夜間) 57. Call it a night 58. Call of nature           去洗手間     59. Call the shots           發號施令   60. Can’t make heads or tails of     無法瞭解   無法忍受 61. Can’t stand this place 某人已準備好後路 62. Card up one’s sleeve 63. Carry the weight of the world on one’s shoulders 某人身負重任 承受某人的痛苦 64. Carry one’s cross 某人為甚麼啞口無言 65. Cat got one’s tongue 當場逮捕某人 66. Catch someone red-handed 令某人出醜 67. Caught with one’s pants down 小器 68. Cheap skate 嚴厲責罵 69. Chew out 輕鬆地聊天 70. Chew the fat 簡單 71. Child’s play 易怒的 72. Chip on one’s shoulder 使某人一無所有 73. Clean someone out 不理會 74. Close one’s eyes to 突然完全戒掉 75. Cold turkey 傾盆大雨 76. Come down in buckets 透露秘密 77. Come out of the secret 一團混亂 78. Come to a head 理應如此 79. Come with the territory 非常昂貴 80. Cost an arm and a leg

勉強交出 81. Cough it up 突然笑出來 82. Crack up 限制某人的言行 83. Cramp someone’s style 某人發誓 84. Cross someone’s heart 無可挽回的事 85. Cry over spilled milk 陳腐老套的 86. Cut and dried 挫某人的銳氣 87. Cut someone down to size 適合成為 88. Cut out to be 減少他們的損失 89. Cut their losses 乏味的工作 90. Daily grind 讓某人想起 91. Dawn on someone 可造之材 92. Diamond in the rough 挖我的醜聞 93. Dig some dirt up on me 害到某人自己 94. Dig someone’s own grave 某人慷慨解囊 95. Dip into someone’s pockets 無趣的工作 96. Dirty work 某人一點也不自私 97. Does not have a selfish bone in someone’s body 互相殘殺 98. Dog-eat-dog 某人我行我素 99. Doing someone’s own thing 難過 100. Down in the dumps 毀滅 101. Down the tubes 腳踏實地的 102. Down to earth 保持距離 103. Draw the line 狂飲 104. Drink like a fish 讓某人發瘋 105. Drive someone up the wall 困擾某人 106. Eat away at someone 某人十分悲傷 107. Eat someone’s heart out 吃得很少 108. Eat like a bird 唆使某人 109. Egg someone on 自傲 110. Ego trip 分秒必爭 111. Every minute counts 令人震驚的事 112. Eye opener 自食惡果 113. Face the music 好欺負的對象 114. Fair game 依靠 115. Fall back on 被忽略 116. Fall between the cracks 某人失敗了 117. Fall flat on someone’s face 愛上某人 118. Fall for someone 被某人的謊言所欺騙 119. Fall for someone’s lies 幫倒忙 120. Fall over backwards

無法實現 121. Fall through 不實的事情 122. False alarm 希望渺茫 123. Fat chance 某人的榮耀 124. Feather in someone’s cap 某人有預感 125. Feel it in someone’s bones 取代某人 126. Fill someone’s shoes 有錢人 127. Filthy rich 不可靠的 128. Fly-by-night 非常生氣 129. Foam at the mouth 以某人作榜樣 130. Follow in someone’s footsteps 無趣 131. For the birds 誇大 132. Full of hot air 迷戀某人 133. Get a crash on someone 從這個電視節目獲得樂趣 134. Get a kick out of this TV show 135. Get a load of that girl/other thing 注視那女孩 /其他事物 忘我 136. Get carried away 對異性無禮 137. Get fresh 受到嚴厲質詢 138. Get the third degree 使某人生氣 139. Get under someone’s skin 打電話給某人 140. Give someone a ring 瞪著某人 141. Give someone the evil eye 非常生氣 142. Go ballistic 各付各的 143. Go Dutch 無法理解 144. Go over someone’s head 孤單 145. Go stag 盡一切可能 146. Go to any lengths 完蛋 147. Go to hell in a handbasket 破滅 148. Go up in flames 賄賂某人 149. Grease the waiter’s palm 下定決心 150. Grit someone’s teeth 讓某人習慣 151. Grow on someone 非常積極 152. Gung ho

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