English Exam 10

  • May 2020
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English exam. 6th Primary Education. Unit 10. Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________________ 1. Complete the sentences. Use the suitable preposition.

Where is the cat?

Where is the dog?

____________________________________ _

____________________________________ _

Where is the sofa?

Where is the remote control?

____________________________________ _

____________________________________ _

Where is the painting? ____________________________________

Where is the table? ____________________________________

2. Mark wants to go to the library. Give him the instructions he need to arrive.

3. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

The speaker A gives directions to the ____________________ The speaker B gives directions to the ____________________ The speaker C gives directions to the ____________________ The speaker D gives directions to the ____________________

4. Put the words in the correct order using imperative mood.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g)

salt Pass me please the door please Answer the lunch Don’t your forget English Speak please in Wait please for me nicely sister with Play your your speak Don’t mouth full with

Assessment Criteria and Indicators: A.C. 3-1 – I. 3.1.1. Understanding simple structures and lexis about familiar topics in different contexts. A.C. 3.2. – I. 3.2.1. Using appropriate strategies to understand the general meaning of oral messages. A.C. 3.3. – I. 3.3.1. Understanding sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects as well as social conventions in diverse contexts. A.C. 3.4. – I. 3.4.1. Inferring the meaning of the new lexicon through the context. A.C. 3.5. – I. 3.5.1. Understanding the main idea of oral messages, recognizing sound, stress, rhythmic and intonation. AC. 3.9. – I. 3.9.1. Identifying the general meaning and the main ideas of a short and simple text in any format with the possibility of using a dictionary. AC. 3.10. – I. 3.10.1. Using basic strategies and knowledge about cultural and linguistic aspects for the global understanding of different types of texts, highlighting the essential information and the main points, establishing similarities and differences with respect to the English-speaking countries. AC. 3.11. – I. 3.11.1. Demonstrating general understanding of the fundamental idea communicated in written text. AC. 3.12. – I. 3.12.1. Understanding syntactic structures, related to familiar contexts and situations to ask for information, show interest, or make a suggestion. AC. 3.13. – I. 3.13.1. Recognizing a limited repertoire of written vocabulary relating to everyday situations and habitual topics, differentiating the basic punctuation marks in texts. AC. 3.14. – I. 3.14.1. Writing short and simple texts in a neutral or informal register using with reasonable correction the basic orthographic conventions and the main signs of punctuation. AC. 3.15. – I. 3.15.1. Knowing and applying basic strategies to produce brief and simple written texts copying words and usual phrases. AC. 3.16. – I. 3.16.1. Producing written texts taking into account basic sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects applying the knowledge the vocabulary. AC. 3.17. – I. 3.17.1. Producing written texts with communicative functions and applying the basic discursive patterns.

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