English Baxter Tainted Flu 18 Answers Austrian Parliament

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DIRECT GERMAN TO ENGLISH TRANSLATION (BABEL FISH) OF ANSWERS TO THE 18 QUESTIONS PROVIDED TO PARLIAMENT ABOUT BAXTER INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF AVIAN BIRD FLU TAINTED SEASONAL FLU VACCCINE DISTRIBUTED TO 18 COUNTRIES FOR INJECTION INTO HUMANS!! THE ANSWERS ARE PROVIDED BY ONE OF THE INDIVIDUALS NAMED IN THE CRIMINAL LAWSUIT….ALOIS STOGER! TRANSLATION FOLLOWS: This text was conveyed electronically. Deviations of the original are possible. Barbara Prammer parliaments 1017 Vienna GZ: Dear Ms. president! I answer the written parliamentary inquiry No. 1437/J of the delegates Dr. Belakowitsch addressed to me ‐ to those wine and further delegates after me the available information as follows: In front I hold that for data protection-legal reasons company names are not to be called. Answer 1. The following is comprehensible: With an enterprise with location in Lower Austria exclusively became for research purposes (and not to application at humans!) certain Research material manufactured. Due to of errors with production the research material with bird flu was contaminated ‐ virus (influenza A/H5N1). The research material became in the context of a development project of a new Vaccine won. This material became then in the framework of the Research project to a company in the Czech republic transfers. There due to a result with an animal experiment the contamination of the conveyed research material with bird flu was noticed ‐ virus (influenza A/H5N1). This incident became, from the company active in the Czech republic, communicated and announced in consequence Austrian health authorities. On 9 February 2009, 17,00 o'clock became the Federal Ministry for health (BMG) of a contamination of a material manufactured for research purposes also Bird flu ‐ virus (influenza A/H5N1) informs. On the part of the national in each case responsible health authority those became necessary collections and investigations accomplished and reasons met, in order per-actively to prevent a possible endangerment from humans and animal to. To the per-actively met preventive measures the preventive income of a Neuraminidasehemmers belonged through possibly contaminated Persons, as well as their medical investigation in a Viennese hospital. It could be very rapidly stated that it came to no illness. Answer 2.

--- Of the national medical management Vienna, --- Of that, for data protection-legal reasons not to calling, companies Answer 3. The incident was not discussed in the Council of Ministers, since for the public no endangerment was given. Answer 4. The national medical management/municipal authorities department 15 ‐ health service of the city Vienna (in the following always LSD/MA 15 called) and the Federal Ministry for health (in the following always called with BMG) were informed in each case on 9 February 2009. Answer 5. The LSD/MA 15 was, in accordance with the existing laws, for the support that possibly responsibly and the necessary have contaminated persons Steps arranges. The measures were preventively accomplished. The LSD/MA 15 made an audit at the involved company. The Federal Office for security in the health service, which belongs to the effective range of the BMG, accomplished the inspection of the involved both Austrian companies. Due to the inspection results the necessary measures were set, in order to avoid a recent incident of this kind. After becoming known the incident all became immediate ‐ and export of influenza exciters by instruction to the borders and by information that took part company prevented, since at this time an upright grant for spending within the community of erregerhältigem material (for influenza viruses H5N1) was present. The laboratories of the company were visited by the veterinarian authority. At this inspection also a representative from the human medicine range of mine took Department part. Due to the results of the laboratory inspections the o became. A. Instruction again waived. Answer 6. As in the answer the question 5 already explained ‐ those National medical management/municipal authorities department 15 ‐ health service of the city Vienna and the Federal Ministry for health. Date Table Here…. Answer 7

There was and exists no cause to inform the public over the contamination of a material with bird flu, manufactured for research purposes, ‐ virus (influenza A/H5N1). For the public no endangerment was given. Answer 8. Yes Answer 9. It may be expected to be familiar that personal data in Health range to pass on are not. All 18 persons are coworkers of the involved enterprises. During the handling with the research material usual became Precautionary measures and preventive measures while handling biological Material moved (e.g. work in the closed system or micro-biological safety work bench to enter special areas over air-lock…). Therefore an infection with involved bird flu ‐ the virus (influenza A/H5N1) was not very probable. Answer 10. On the regulations of the data protection one refers. Answer 11. The preventive treatment of the persons concerned by the contamination potentially took place already starting from 7 February 2009. On 9 February 2009 took place medical investigations of, potentially via the contamination concerned, persons in a Viennese hospital. No notes for illnesses with that could be determined bird flu ‐ virus (influenza A/H5N1). Illnesses of that one, of which potential contamination with involved bird flu ‐ virus (influenza A/H5N1) persons concerned know definitely are excluded. Answer 12. There is no competence of the BMG in the Czech republic. After information of the Czech authorities however no illnesses took place via involved bird flu ‐ the virus (influenza A/H5N1). Answer 13. It was not present „vaccine “, but exclusively for research purposes (and not to application at humans!) certain material. The material was controlled destroyed. Answer 14. and 15. That for research purposes determined material ‐ 72 kg were as contaminated to regard ‐ into the company back one got and controlled one destroyed.

Answer 16 . and 17. The company delivered a statement to the incident, from both Error cause and elimination of errors come out. Measures for the avoidance of such incidents were met by the company in arrangement with the responsible health authorities. Answer 18. Arrangement with the responsible authorities of the company involved organizational and technical measures were set. Also by forcing of information and training courses particularly in veterinary range further efforts will take place to minimize such incidents and/or to prevent these as far as possible. § the 12a animal-you-tightness-set contains regulations regarding handling exciters and sees a grant for working with infectious Animal you exciters forwards. Adapted guidelines for the distribution of such veterinarian-official grants for working with exciters of epizootics are to a large extent prepared. These guidelines e.g. contain: • the immediate, also written duty to supply information for the laboratory with incidents; • the obligation to the production of a crisis plan, which is to be attached the Ansuchen on grant; • the obligation to submit to the authority a report annually over placing taken place of exciters; • the obligation that possible placing may take place only under adherence to of the transportation regulations and anyhow only on likewise granted mechanisms; • the general stipulation of a time limit of the grant for working also Animal you exciters; the prohibition that grants will transfer to follow-up companies; • the obligation, the passing on of erregerhältigem material abroad only after being present a written confirmation of the responsible authority of the receipt state that erregerhältiges material may be brought in, to accomplish; Further with the human medicine range one agreed upon to only then give veterinarians grants for work with Zoonoseerregern (exciters, which will transfer between animal and humans can) if the laboratory plants were visited together and security for drive-free working were determined. The common inspections locally took place already in this sense.

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