English 9 Syllabus 2008

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 4
Pre-AP English 9: Hood Block Instructor: Courtney Peterson Voice mail: 503.667.3186 ext. 1031 Email: [email protected] Base Room: W-12 ______________________________________________________________________________ Course Description: English 9 is a year long course in which students focus on improving communication skills with an emphasis on reading comprehension, writing, and effective speaking and listening. The curriculum has been designed to prepare students for advanced courses and AP course offerings that will be available in future years. Because freshman core classes utilize a block structure, English content may be integrated with science and social studies, and during the year there may be projects that span all three disciplines. Outcomes:  Students will read closely, discuss, analyze and interpret a variety of literature including: novels, plays, poetry, short stories and non-fiction.  Students will write often and with a high level of accuracy in a variety of modes, both creative and academic.  Students will study vocabulary with an emphasis on Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes.  Students will continue to develop and improve their reading skills through sustained silent reading (SSR) of independent novels, as well as teacher selected literature. Major Units of Study: Major units to be covered over the course of the year will include: Reading Self and Society, Of Mice and Men, The Odyssey and Greek Mythology, Modern African Literature, Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm and Romeo and Juliet. (Note: This list may be amended or adjusted as needed.) Writing Portfolio: All freshman English classes will teach and utilize a writing process model of instruction. All students will maintain a writing portfolio in their classroom which will include all drafts and finished portfolio pieces. Portfolio writing pieces will include: On-Demand Pre-Assessment, Literary Analysis Essay, Narrative, Persuasive Essay, Expository Compare/Contrast Essay as well as informal journaling, reading responses, free writes, etc. Course Expectations: Successful completion of this class will require students to read, write, think on their own, create projects, speak in front of the class, work in groups, work alone and discuss ideas and issues. Students are expected to participate in all classroom activities and experiences. Many classroom activities cannot be recreated, and students who are absent will miss important experiences which may be built upon throughout the year. As a result, attendance is vital, will be monitored closely and the attendance policy will be enforced. Completion of certain major assignments is required to earn credit. These “must do” assignments will be announced to students when they are assigned. All students are expected to conduct themselves with integrity. Cheating, lying and plagiarism will not be tolerated. These activities not only violate a trust, but they ruin a student’s chance for being truly successful, smart, trustworthy, etc. Not only will cheating and plagiarism result in a lower class grade, it will also be dealt with in accordance with the RHS Code of Conduct. Please make wise decisions.

Helpful Tips: 1. Be punctual: Class will begin immediately. You should be in your seat, copying the day’s agenda into your time-tracker and beginning the assigned task as soon as the bell rings. 2. Be organized: Stay caught up on reading and assignments. Once you fall behind, it’s hard to catch back up. Use your time-tracker. 3. Be prepared: We will write something every day, so you should always have your binder, paper and a pen or pencil. 4. Be meticulous: Spelling, punctuation, neatness and grammar always count and will have an impact on your grade. Produce quality assignments. 5. Be proactive: Communicate with me. If you are confused, ask a question. If you are having a problem, in or out of class, please let me know if I can help you. 6. Be considerate: Be respectful of people, materials and space. This means: listen to others, raise your hand if you’d like to share a comment, say please and thank you, clean up your own messes, care for your books, don’t get up and sharpen your pencil while someone is talking, etc. Contribute positively and be appropriate. 7. Be aware: Anything we work on or talk about in class is fair game for a test or quiz. So, get into the habit of taking notes. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get any missed assignments and/or notes from the teacher or another classmate prior to the next class period. Similarly, you should keep all of your work; it may come in handy at a later time. 8. Be attentive: All technology should be turned off and put away upon entering the classroom, this includes: cell phones, MP3 players, headphones, video games, etc. Visible electronics and media devices being used during class will be confiscated and given to the Assistant Principal. Any items will be returned only after a parent has contacted the Assistant Principal. Grading: Students will have many chances to show that they are learning every day, and growth and progress will be measured in many ways. I will use the following grading scale to determine each student’s letter grade: A=100% - 90%

B=89% - 80%

C=79% - 70%

D=69% - 60%

F= below 60%

It is my expectation that all work will be completed and turned in on the specified due date. If an assignment must be submitted after the due date for any reason, a late coupon must be attached. Each student will receive 4 late coupons per semester to use as needed. With the exception of “must do” assignments, late work will not be accepted without a late coupon. Quizzes and tests that are missed as a result of absences must be made up before or after school by prearrangement. Parent Assist: Parents may check their student’s grade and progress online using the ESIS Parent Assist program. To request a username and password, parents need to send an email request to [email protected] with their student’s name and identification number. Parents who already have a user name and password may log on to Parent Assist at https://esispa2.mesd.k12.or.us:8443/aal_pa/jsp/starter.jsp Teacher Access: Students can usually find me before or after school in room W-12. I may also be reached by parents or students at any time via voice mail or e-mail. Please feel free to contact me for any reason. I

am always willing and available to help in any way that I can to make each student’s freshman year successful. Syllabus Review Homework Assignment #1 After reviewing and discussing your Pre-AP English 9 Syllabus with your parent or guardian, please complete the following information and turn this paper in to Mrs. Peterson by September 9th (A day) or September 10th (B day).

Parent/Guardian: I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the course syllabus and expectations for Hood Block Pre-AP English 9. Parent signature:_________________________________________

Date: _____________

Parent’s printed name: ____________________________________ Student: I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the course syllabus and expectations for Hood Block Pre-AP English 9. In addition, I understand that ultimately I am in charge of my own learning and education, and therefore will put great effort toward being the most responsible and successful student I can be. Student signature: _______________________________________

Date: ______________

Student’s printed name: __________________________________

Syllabus Review Homework Assignment #1 After reviewing and discussing your Pre-AP English 9 Syllabus with your parent or guardian, please complete the following information and turn this paper in to Mrs. Peterson by September 9th (A day) or September 10th (B day).

Parent/Guardian: I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the course syllabus and expectations for Hood Block Pre-AP English 9. Parent signature:_________________________________________

Date: _____________

Parent’s printed name: ____________________________________ Student: I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the course syllabus and expectations for Hood Block Pre-AP English 9. In addition, I understand that ultimately I am in charge of my own learning and education, and therefore will put great effort toward being the most responsible and successful student I can be. Student signature: _______________________________________

Date: ______________

Student’s printed name: __________________________________

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