English 2 - Chapter 2 Word Families Tl.docx

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  • Words: 747
  • Pages: 4
Danang Rizky Mahendra / 1741420102 2A-D4 Teknologi Kimia Industri





Absorb Accelerate Adjust Bend Burn Compress Condense Connect Contract Convert Evaporate Expand Ignite Push Rotate

Absorber Accelerator Adjustment Bend Burn Compressor Condenser Connection Contraction Converter Evaporation Expansion Ignition Push Rotation

Absorbent Accelerated Adjustable Bendable Burn Compressible Condensed Connected Contracted Convertible Evaporated Expandable Ignitable Pushing Rotating

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x

SENTENCES 1. Lightning converts nitrogen into compunds that plants can absorb. 2. Ammonia gas will be made liquid using an absorber. 3. Nylon or synthetic towels are not as absorbent. 4. What does it accelerate? 5. Press on the accelerator and begin backing out. 6. The heat causes the reaction to be accelerated. 7. The control valve can adjust the opening by itself. 8. That attitude adjustment helped start the process. Penyesuaian sikap itu membantu memulai proses. 9. The bags have adjustable shoulder straps. Tas memiliki tali bahu yang bisa disesuaikan. 10. He took the bend at high speed. Dia mengambil tikungan dengan kecepatan tinggi. 11. The racecar reached the final bend. Mobil balap itu mencapai tikungan terakhir. 12. He bend the metal with bending plat. dia menekuk logam dengan plat lentur.

Danang Rizky Mahendra / 1741420102 2A-D4 Teknologi Kimia Industri

13. It hurts but it's only a minor burn. Rasanya sakit tetapi hanya luka bakar ringan. 14. The fire caused this burn on my skin. Api menyebabkan luka bakar ini di kulit saya. 15. Furnace used to burn metal. Furnace digunakan untuk membakar logam. 16. You can compress data in ZIP format. Anda dapat mengompres data dalam format ZIP. 17. They used an air compressor to take in atmospheric air. Mereka menggunakan kompresor udara untuk mengambil udara atmosfer 18. Compressible fluids in system yield to spring effect. Cairan terkompresi dalam hasil sistem terhadap efek pegas. 19. Water vapors can condense to form clouds. Uap air dapat mengembun membentuk awan. 20. Steam is condensed in the condenser. Uap terkondensasi dalam kondensor. 21. Condensed milk is cow's milk from which water has been removed. Susu kental adalah susu sapi yang airnya telah dibuang. 22. Can I connect my printer to your computer? Bisakah saya menghubungkan printer saya ke komputer Anda? 23. There is a connection between pollution and the death of trees. Ada hubungan antara polusi dan kematian pohon. 24. The scientists connected the wires up. Para ilmuwan menghubungkan kabel. 25. Employees can contract into the company pension scheme. Karyawan dapat mengontrak skema pensiun perusahaan. 26. The forces of expansion are balanced by forces of contraction. Kekuatan ekspansi diimbangi oleh kekuatan kontraksi. 27. They have contracted to build a industry. Mereka telah dikontrak untuk membangun industri. 28. The converter is convert SO3 gas into sulfuric acid. Konverter mengubah gas SO3 menjadi asam sulfat.

Danang Rizky Mahendra / 1741420102 2A-D4 Teknologi Kimia Industri

29. Heat is convertible into electricity. Panas dapat dikonversi menjadi listrik. 30. A catalytic converter will cut out 90% of carbon monoxide emissions. Konverter katalitik akan memotong 90% emisi karbon monoksida. 31. When sea water is allowed to evaporate, salt crystals are deposited. Ketika air laut dibiarkan menguap, kristal-kristal garam diendapkan. 32. Evaporation is not usually directly observable. Penguapan biasanya tidak dapat diamati secara langsung. 33. Heat until all the water has evaporated. Panaskan sampai semua air menguap. 34. Metals expand when they are heated. Logam mengembang saat dipanaskan. 35. Heat causes the expansion of gases. Panas menyebabkan ekspansi gas. 36. Bentonite is an expandable three - layer clay mineral. Bentonit adalah mineral lempung tiga lapis yang dapat diperluas. 37. Ignite the magnesium ribbon using a micro burner. Nyalakan pita magnesium menggunakan pembakar mikro. 38. The apparatus automatically disconnects the ignition. Peralatan secara otomatis memutus kunci kontak. 39. Alcohol is one of the ignitable liquids. alkohol adalah salah satu cairan yang mudah terbakar. 40. Push the tiny lever on the lock. Dorong tuas kecil di kunci. 41. Give the door a hard push. Dorong pintu dengan keras. 42. Between the three gases. only one of the most pushing. Di antara ketiga gas itu. hanya satu yang paling mendorong. 43. The blades rotate around a central point. Pisau berputar di sekitar titik pusat. 44. Operation of the machine is not permitted if the rotation speed exceeds the provisions.

Danang Rizky Mahendra / 1741420102 2A-D4 Teknologi Kimia Industri

Pengoperasian mesin tidak diijinkan jika kecepatan rotasi melebihi ketentuan. 45. Rotating blade too fast can make a vortex. pisau berputar terlalu cepat dapat membuat pusaran.

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